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What would your character do #17


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I thought I would give this a try...


You have just awaken in a hospital bed (or similar setup if you have a base with a medlab) after a terrible battle with a very powerful villian. You are then informed the rest of your team has defected to the villian's side. What do you do?



This actually happened to my character (Quantum) in our game. Needless to say it was a pleasant situation.


Quantum - Used his connections/contact to located a local Viper nest. Raided the base to gather equipment and organized a group of volunteers. He then set up a trap for his ex-teammates.


Specter - Would immediately move to a new hideout. Then would begin trying to locate the villian's hideout. He would then try to find one of his ex-teammates alone and sneak attack him/her and take him/her with him to a different location to try and see if this a mind control issue or what happened.



Stone - Pissed does not begin to describe his mood. Somebody is gonna bleed. He would begin shaking down local villians trying to get info about the powerful villian and his teammates.

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Ballistic would teleport to a safe house and start mystically scanning for his teammates, and trying to figure out either who mind controlled them, or to try and figure out what the tactician on the team had figured this would give them by going undercover as agents of the villian. Then he would follow up depending on the answer to that question.


Blackcat would contact a telepath to get a mind control deactivator and go after he teammates. During her time as a possessed villian she beat them all in a strait up fight, so she could figure she could take them down and fix them, or if it was of free will, send them to jail.

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Troubadour is, first and foremost, highly annoyed that for the first time in his career as an unpowered crimefighter, he's ended up hospitalized.


If he's hurt that badly, help is going to be needed, so he'll contact the Mighty Man-Frog, Black Hercules, Doc Clockwork, and Hourglass, and ask them to look into things.


After that, he sadly reflects that if it's true, then Gorgon is yet another of his loves to turn from the side of the angels and whether this is just another one of Titan's experiments gone awry.


Or perhaps it's the Crime Cobbler again.


Spectrum firsts ask if anyone was hurt by his being wounded (he's highly radioactive; if his suit is breached, he presents a serious threat to life and health). After that, he contacts his FBI supervisor to find out all he can about this apparent change as well as determining the current whereabouts of all known criminal mentalists. After that, he calls in reinforcements similar to Troubadour's list, but with the addition of Vanguard members who just left the group, such as the Angler and High Tide.

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Starguard -- refuse to believe it, because "the rest of of her teammates" include the greatest heroes on Earth, including the nigh-incorruptible immortal avatar of the Turakian/Valdorian sun god, who's been faithfully guarding humanity for almost fifty millenia.


if it turns out that it is true, her next response will be to panic. After that, she'll go to her friend who runs the Magic Lantern bookshop in Millennium City, and ask her if she knows anybody who can find out what's happening and hopefully give her some advice. (Starguard is the team's newbie, and knows about as much about heroing as she does about quantum physics... i.e., nothing.)


Baron von Darien -- as soon as you blink, he's gone, and he's not leaving any forwarding address. He will then set up new digs somewhere else, and secretly lurk around finding out exactly what the hell happened and who needs to have his skull crushed in order to make it stop.



Dr. Pain -- grabs the phone and calls PRIMUS, UNTIL, and the campaign equivalent of the JLA, and yells "HELP!"

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Audra Blue. She would be despondant. "Not again!" She'd grow fearful that now that they are now a major threat to the base she lives in. After they manage to get her home, she would set a trap for them. She has one major defense for this base, and she'd use it against them, though it's unlikely she'd win. But it's her home and she'll be damned if she'll let villains waltz in whenever they like.


Uncle Slam. Not a member of a team. But if he found out the city's team had turned, he'd publicly request a meeting with the team leader to discuss their grievances and why they would turn. He'd call in backup; His friends, mostly retired, are some very high-powered heroes. They'd be outnumbered, but they'd give one hell of a fight.


Anthem. Not officially a team member. But if she was out with the Sentinels and they turned on her, she'd try and isolate them. She'd find times when they were alone, starting with the seemingly easiest, and she'd try and capture them that way. In the end she has no hope against most (being far weaker). But she's obligated to try.

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'Reincarnation Man'... well. He's a reluctant super, and his powerset changes every time he dies... which is frequently.


My first instinct: he'd be happy that the rest of the superheroic idiots he has to deal with on a regular basis are out of his hair, and go back to his regular life. He'd love that, but... if he wakes up with powers, he wouldn't. But he'd sure love it... and it would be highly tempting for a few minutes.


What he'd really do... is use his detective skills to try to piece together what happened, and see about getting other heroes to help out.

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Anthem: this actually happened to him. He assumed (correctly) that they were under some form of coercive influence (turned out to be a mind control device) and proceeded to go solo-commando on them (it was cool because this was after he'd lost his superman power suite). He located the villians lair, infiltrated, and, took down the central hub of the control device.


Midnight: extremely solo, so it wouldn't happen to him.


Pinstripe: homicidally solo, but if he were on a team and they went rogue - he'd ice them.


Doc Micro: the Angel-III Micro-Android had been reprogrammed! He would execute plan get in her pants. Literally. He would reverse the polarity on his shrinking gun, make her normal size, and then open her up and go inside - making his way to the CPU where he would reinitialize her with her most recent memory dump.

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All several dozen of my character's "brothers", reprogrammed out of their appearently unbreakable programming?! That'd be way too much for him to swallow right away. First he'd do what he could to check and make sure he's not the one who's been reprogrammed and his perceptions and memories messed with... and if that were the case, he'd be pissed at the "good guys" who did it and turn on them -- he wants free will, not to be turned against his own family! No matter what those suspicious of him think.


If that checked out to the best of his ability, then just what he'd do would depend on just who captured and reprogrammed them, as well as just what happened to their creator and "father". The options are rather broad here, though, so I'll have to think about this and go through the possibilities one by one. Watch this space... -- Pteryx

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Nothing would wake her up faster. Obviously Psiona and PSI got to her teammates and has mindcontrolled them this time, and again have corrupted our AI, OTIS.


Get up, take out the surveillance system and get out of that room ASAP. If she can disable OTIS and his security array on the move she will but priority is getting out of there. The last time this happened Mayday locked everyone out of OTIS but herself and American Valor, and this was never rescinded. She uses Stealth to get to the top level and out via the hoverdeck into the bayou, taking the jet if she can. Her teammates are extremely powerful as are the members of PSI, so avoiding them is of extreme importance until she can set up a way to tell if they are themselves.


American Valor, Night Warden, Deathwatch and Eclipse are our 4 teamleaders and the least likely to have been captured or controlled. Begin with AV whom she can contact via OTIS, and then Night Warden. If they are controlled drop them and take them with her for deprogramming, then the three of them come up with a plan.


Also, will have to do something for OTIS, and make sure Psiona can't use her new lackeys in her plots until they can be rescued.

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if it was a team composed by one of my current groups he would say "good riddance" and start preparing to take them all on. (SOMETIMES I DISLIKE MY FELLOW PLAYERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!) (sorry caps)



several of my characters have multible shapshifting/disguising opponents so taking out my "buddies" would be not very problematic ethically speaking........

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