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Master Orb - A mercenary dressed as a monk and speaks with vague Zen Buddhism and Confucius metaphors. In truth he is Henry Cobb, a former professional roofer turned goon for hire. While he knows the basics in martial arts, his real power comes from his necklace of golden orbs containing such high tech devices such as flash bang grenades, sleeping gas and concussion bombs among other things.

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He is known as The Sad Monk. He is drawn to conflict and stands up against the oppressors. He has seen evil and stands up to it. He has been shot,stabbed and blown up but remarkably he has returned to fight against bullies, tyrants, despots. Whereeever there is evil you may see the Sad Monk coming to put a stop to it.

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Let's see what people do with this one...

A member of the Tiger Squad, his hero name translates loosly as Iron Prayer Bead Monk Which The Buddha Listens To. While he is an decent martial artist (Shalin Kung Fu), and his prayer beads are indestructible iron weapons, his best power is his incredible luck. As long as he faces evil, his vary actions are blessed by the Buddha himself.

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Bryce Bonny was working in his petting zoo, tending to the rabbit pen when a truck transporting toxic waste crashed into a nearby tree and irradiated the pen. The bunnies in their panic bit Bonny infecting him. So whenever he becomes angry or stressed, he transforms into The Incomparable Lepus!



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He is Baron Brainstar, a mad scientist specialising on psyonic research and have no problem expermenting upon himself. He is neither 'good' nor 'evil', perfering to use anyone in his experments.


The staff he carries glows when exposes to psyonic energy.

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Althalicos--No one knows where this being comes from, or whether his power--which is quite considerable--is sorcerous or psionic in nature.  (Most observers tend towards psionic, as everyone who has attacked him to date have ended up writhing on the floor clutching their heads in agony.)  He will suddenly appear from out of nowhere in the most unlikely of places--the ocean floor, the White House situation room, the summit of Mt. Kilamanjaro, the middle of a raging forest fire, outside of the International Space Station, a packed stadium during a major sporting event--and will proceed about his business, seemingly oblivious to whatever is going on around him.  If anyone approaches him he will say (and will be understood no matter what the language of the speaker)--


"I am Althalicos.  Do not interfere."


If anyone does attempt to interfere--as previously stated, they end up writhing on the floor clutching their heads in agony.


While he offers no explanation as to his purpose or origin, and says nothing more beyond his introduction, those who have encountered him conclude he seems to be searching for something--although what he could be searching for is impossible to ascertain.  Those who are concerned about such things keep close track of his sightings, and count the moments until he appears again.

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I got a "magical Braniac" vibe from this. Also reminds me of 2 Babylon 5 Characters: The First One and the Soul Hunters.



The Alrahomi were a highly developed species on the fast track to ascend to energy beings. Unfortunately the impending death of physical bodies atracted a being calling itself "The Preserver". It was dedicated to preserving any species it felt was going to die. And it was not asking for consent before preserving them with thier entire system into a pocketdimenson. The ascension was impossible from such a pocket dimension, leaving them trapped on the precipice of thier next Evolutionary step.


But one of the Alrahomi managed to escape the entrapment, stood against the Preserver, defeated him and took his most important posession:

The Preserver Staff. It is the means to "Preserve" a Starsystem by moving it into it's own pocketverse. It also allows the wielder to watch the Universe and sometimes enter it (presumably to make certain they do not destroy themself from within). All these functions were readily apparent for the last Alrahomi.

But the one most important function eludes him: How to release something from the Staff or rather it's pocket dimension. It might well have never been intended in the design of the staff.


While "The Perserver" was defeated and is no longer avalible for questioning, he did come from a pre-existing Civilisation. A civilsiation that had outposts across the galaxy - many places that are now accessible only through the Preserver Staff itself. But especially they had an outpost on earth. And so the path of the Last Alrahumi was set: Go to earth. And find a way to free his species from thier Imprisionment, by studying the works of the Perserves Civilisation.


He has a number of odd titles given to him over the ages:

Last and First Alrahomi

The Blind Reader

The Eternaly Homsick Wanderer

The unwilling Preserver

Carrier of the fate of a thousand worlds

The Technomage*


Old Dude*


But among earth super he is mostly known as "Big Al" (Al is short for Alrahumi)*.



*Recent titles given to him by some serious and several less serious earth supers.




He could be a questgiver of sorts.

Some of the knowledge he needs might only exist in a pocket dimension but those can be highly dangerous, so he might hire the Heroes to explore one of them.

He could also be a villain, driven near mad by the isolation and the burden of carrying the fate of his whole species. He did firgure out how to release a very recently preserved thing, wich he could use to blackmain the heroes into helping him (thier help for the freedom of a city or important person).


As a hero or covnentional villain he would be dedicated to unlocking the secrets of the staff, wich might give him spartial manipulation powers (Portals, including Portal based Deflection, dimensional barrier shields, attacking with "shards" of pocket universes).

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I got a "magical Braniac" vibe from this. Also reminds me of 2 Babylon 5 Characters: The First One and the Soul Hunters.



The Alrahomi were a highly developed species on the fast track to ascend to energy beings. Unfortunately the impending death of physical bodies atracted a being calling itself "The Preserver". It was dedicated to preserving any species it felt was going to die. And it was not asking for consent before preserving them with thier entire system into a pocketdimenson. The ascension was impossible from such a pocket dimension, leaving them trapped on the precipice of thier next Evolutionary step.


But one of the Alrahomi managed to escape the entrapment, stood against the Preserver, defeated him and took his most important posession:

The Preserver Staff. It is the means to "Preserve" a Starsystem by moving it into it's own pocketverse. It also allows the wielder to watch the Universe and sometimes enter it (presumably to make certain they do not destroy themself from within). All these functions were readily apparent for the last Alrahomi.

But the one most important function eludes him: How to release something from the Staff or rather it's pocket dimension. It might well have never been intended in the design of the staff.


While "The Perserver" was defeated and is no longer avalible for questioning, he did come from a pre-existing Civilisation. A civilsiation that had outposts across the galaxy - many places that are now accessible only through the Preserver Staff itself. But especially they had an outpost on earth. And so the path of the Last Alrahumi was set: Go to earth. And find a way to free his species from thier Imprisionment, by studying the works of the Perserves Civilisation.


He has a number of odd titles given to him over the ages:

Last and First Alrahomi

The Blind Reader

The Eternaly Homsick Wanderer

The unwilling Preserver

Carrier of the fate of a thousand worlds

The Technomage*


Old Dude*


But among earth super he is mostly known as "Big Al" (Al is short for Alrahumi)*.



*Recent titles given to him by some serious and several less serious earth supers.




He could be a questgiver of sorts.

Some of the knowledge he needs might only exist in a pocket dimension but those can be highly dangerous, so he might hire the Heroes to explore one of them.

He could also be a villain, driven near mad by the isolation and the burden of carrying the fate of his whole species. He did firgure out how to release a very recently preserved thing, wich he could use to blackmain the heroes into helping him (thier help for the freedom of a city or important person).


As a hero or covnentional villain he would be dedicated to unlocking the secrets of the staff, wich might give him spartial manipulation powers (Portals, including Portal based Deflection, dimensional barrier shields, attacking with "shards" of pocket universes).

I like this

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'd suggest that, if the original poster of the picture hasn't made a judgement within 2-3 weeks of posting the picture, someone should post in the thread for the OP to make his/her call on who is the winner.  If no response within, say, 3 more days, then the posting with the most "Likes" should be declared the winner.

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