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Good start adventure for a new GM


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1st Know what your players want or expect from a Superhero game.

2nd Start with Street Gang scenario.

3rd Organized Crime scenario.

4th Super Agents scenaro.

5th Supervillain scenario.


Remember Comuc-Book conventions and encourage the Players not to kill. Show them Justice works.


Suggested Resources coming soon!




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Essentially, a good adventure starts with a good story. A good story, whether it be a movie, book or superhero RPG comes in three parts. The first act sets the mood, introduces the characters and shows the viewer what the characters can do. You can start with a fairly simple conflict with mooks like VIPER agents. Let the players drive around in their heroes for a bit and end with a big win. The cleanup of the battle can reveal a clue to a bigger plan. Who sent the agents and what were they looking for? The second act will be less combat, more skills and detective work. Make them work for the prize but ultimately they should be able to figure out what they need to do next. The third act is the final confrontation with the big bad villain or villain group. If you intend to use this adventure as the springboard for a campaign make it mean something. How will success or failure affect the players and the greater campaign world? The three acts can take place over many game nights if your players are committed to the game. If not, the first act could stand alone as a fun game night with a reasonable conclusion. Most of all, have fun and let the players be heroes!! Champions Battlegrounds is a great supplement that follows this age-old story structure. It's for 5th ed but can easily be used with Champions Complete. 

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If possible, I encourage you to build your game around enforcing genre and teaching players about what they should and shouldn't do as heroes to start with.  NOt a lecture, but adventures that emphasize heroism, self sacrifice, doing good, protecting people over killing, getting loot, advancing personal goals, and triumphing.  Champions is a very different creature than D&D: its not about gaining power and prestige, its about being a hero.

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The accompanying PDF contains a supervillain group (Corporate Raiders, built on 400-417 points), along with a 4-page adventure (Bank Shot) which I have yet to play-test.  Unfortunately I don't have character art or maps (yet).  You're free to use if you wish.


EDIT:  I modified the first scene and added some fake VIPER agents to allow an intro fight, without directly involving the villain team (yet).

T and S 003a Corporate Raiders.pdf

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I am a new GM, can anyone suggest a good starting adventure I could run? I will be running champions complete 6th ed.

Does Champions complete come with any premade villains and or heroes?


The heroes can always be changed to be villains in a pinch. And how long do you want the adventure to last? A night? Or several?


For a single nighter, the classic bank robbery is always fun. You can have normals (a gang or viper) with maybe a super or two. However to to make it more interesting and if you need it to stretch, have the villains searching for something in the bank like say a special diamond or code in the vaults that can lead to further advetures. Such as the villains next steal from the local museum an artifact. That leads to a missing professor and then the final showdown.

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Does Champions complete come with any premade villains and or heroes?




There are premade heroes - Defender and co.


The villains are a very mixed bunch. There are only five - Arrowhead (an archer), Black Harlequin (bland Joker/Toyman homage), Esper (mentalist - pretty simple except she has Duplication), Green Dragon (martial artist) and Shrinker (with a bunch of "Internal Agony" and "Optic Nerve Trampoline" type powers). Individuals are OK, but I'd never use them as a group.

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I was looking for a good module to start with. a good start story that i dont have to make up to much stuff so i can get a good feel for running it. I am familiar with earlier versions of champions, i just never ran a game. all the players in our group are older and familiar with the older versions of champions as well. 

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I have an inro adventure outline for new players that I call "Quick, to the Hoverjet!"  It's dead simple.


Players pick example characters from the Champions core book.  "You're all lounging around Champions HQ, when you receive a Trouble Alert ™.  There is a Tyrannosaurus Rex rampaging through Liberty Park, smashing cars and leaving giant divots in the public golf course!"


"Quick, to the Hoverjet!"


The PCs jet off to the golf course and fight the T-Rex.  It's a typical "brick" NPC but with x2 Body & x3 Stun and massive Knock Back Resistance.  Even so it shouldn't take long for the PCs to bring it down.  Once the T-Rex is down the PCs get an update from Champions HQ - "The T-Rex was just a distraction.  A team of minions of the Evil Overlord ™ are breaking into the Diamond Exchange on the other side of town"


"Quick, to the Hoverjet!"


There are at least twice as many Agent-level minions as their are PCs.  Their armor, DCV, & DCs are only half what typical PCs have, but they have +4 OCV with their Blasters, and their blasters are Multipowers slotted full of "FYB" powers (Entangle, AOE Flash, NND, etc) and they have the Cooperation skill at 14 or less.  The FYB powers & combined attacks should give the PCs hell, but each minion also takes x2 Knock Back and will fold like a lawn chair from one hit by a PC, so it won't take long for the PCs to mop them up.  


But one minion, the one with the diamonds, WILL get away.  Then the manager of the Diamond Exchange will let the PCs know that he placed a tracking device in the sack with the diamonds.  He will give the PCs a scanner that will let them track the minion back to the Villian's Lair ™.


"Quick, to the Hoverjet!"


The PCs get back to the Lair but it's empty.  Seemingly.  Once they are all inside, out spring The Villians ™.  The Villians are built on the same number of points and to the same standards as the PCs.  There will be a Brick, a Power Projector, a Martial Artist and a Gadgeteer.  If there are less than five PCs then drop the Gadgeteer.  If there are more than six PCs AND if they are all experienced role players then there will also be a Mentalist.  


The last battle will be tough. The PCs might not even win.  But the adventure will be fun, and should give the players a decent understanding of how the system works.

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The accompanying PDF contains a supervillain group (Corporate Raiders, built on 400-417 points), along with a 4-page adventure (Bank Shot) which I have yet to play-test.  Unfortunately I don't have character art or maps (yet).  You're free to use if you wish.


EDIT:  I modified the first scene and added some fake VIPER agents to allow an intro fight, without directly involving the villain team (yet).

This is very well done, thanks 

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If you can run down a copy of Viper's Nest, that's a good starting adventure module. Deathstroke is a great one as well but requires considerable work to bring it up to date.

I too like Vipers Nest though it needs updated and if you could get ahold of Mob Rule in the 4th ed rulebook is a great adventure.


The reason im hesistant to recommend them is a) being old you might want to convert some stuff B) tracking them down might be a big pain. Fyi vipers nest is also found in Champions 3rd edition rulebook.

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If you can run down a copy of Viper's Nest, that's a good starting adventure module.


A little googleing will find you the PDF of this.  



"I am familiar with earlier versions of champions, i just never ran a game. all the players in our group are older and familiar with the older versions of champions as well."


I'd say start with Quick, to the Hoverjet! using the example characters in the book.  That should give everyone a chance to refresh themselves on 6th ed (which really isn't THAT different from 5th, or 4th, or even 3rd).  Then let the players try their hand at making some PCs.  Run those PCs through Viper's Nest.

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