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Hi. I've got a player who wants to base his character off of the wrestler Goldust. He will be a specialist in wrestling and some strikes and will have decent strength maybe equal to Beast but he also wants him to have some actual powers that fit in with his persona. I suggested a high Presence and things that are "trippy". Input is requested from the sages of this forum.

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I do not know any Wrestlers, in particular no one called "Goldlust". My brother had a fleeting interest in the Undertaker when he was still a new thing, that is about it.

First: do we talk about WWF/WWE/western Wrestling or Spanish Lunchadores? The thematic is afaik a bit differently between those 2 groups even if they are both kind of Wrestlers.


The logical set of powers that comes to mind for "Wrestler" type superheroes is Brick powers. But on a lower level and instead complemented with Martial Arst based on Wrestling. Especially STR for strikes and the many grabs can be repalced by martial arts easily.

Hero System Martial Arts (HSMA) has a special "Brick tricks" Martial Arts along with "Wrestling" that might work wonders.


Wrestling is pretty much just a modern form of the Theather, so anything that works towards appearances and emotions can work - High Presence, Shape Shift, Images, AoE Mental Powers to "rile up the crowd".

For something a bit more super how about the "Shifting Combat" martial arts developed for Shapeshifters? i.e., turning into a eel is a escape maneuver, turning into a snake a Grab bonus maneuver....

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How many points are you building on?  There's a big difference between a 250 point guy and a 350 point guy.


I was recently thinking about Goldust in the context of superheroes.  His costume is pretty close to what a superhero would wear, and boy, does he look weird in it.  I wonder what superheroes would look like if they followed the comic book convention of modified circus garb?  Probably something like Goldust.

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If you want to stretch the powers of this character, perhaps the Gold Dust amplifies his/her protections, providing Resistant Defences, Damage Reduction, Damage Negation, obscure things like Flash, Power and Mental defence.


To really stretch things more, perhaps the characters "Super Power" only works vs other super powers.  So if joe normal in the wrestling ring does a punch of 3d6 his powers don't kick in at all, but if Grond punches him with 25d6 his full defensive powers come into play.

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Some form of disguise is appropriate as he wore a wig.

Possible an enraged. I am thinking of the feuds with Brian Pillman and with Triple H.

The high Presence bought separately so it shows he can enrapture people into not attacking him as they are stunned by his appearance. If he is engaged in fisticuffs the effect is diminished but an initial appearance could stop people in their tracks.

Possibly stealth, and acting as he is selling to the crowd.

Combat luck to give some protection but also damage resistance.

Damage reduction or negation to say physical hand to hand attacks is also an option.

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things that are "trippy".

Variations on "Throw" maneuvers can be used to trip someone.


Security Systems I believe is for setting traps such as trip wires.


Movement Powers can be used to take a trip. With Megascale for a long trip. FTL travel for a REALLY long trip.


Buying a vehicle or perhaps having a Summon Vehicle could also be useful for a trip, especially if you want to bring other people along on your trip.


Change Environment can also be used to trip people up.


Concealment Skill and/or Enhanced Senses with No Conscious Control can be used to just trip over or stumble upon something you weren't actively looking for. Luck can serve the same function.


Oh wait....


Input is requested from the sages of this forum.

The question wasn't really addressed to me was it? Sorry....


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary says Lucius was just on an ego trip

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Considering the personality of the Goldust persona, one can think up some rather disturbing powers. Especially durring the attitude erra of WWE.


Entangle (vareous leather and plastic straps).

Flash (glitter in the eyes).

Item if opertunity Hand-to-hand attack (+HA on a OIF).

Change Environment (makes everything around him seem to be movie like).

Luck (movie logic).

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