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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Just saw Angel tonight. Fantastic show, doing great.... machoismo and woman power combined... tense moments.... etc.




Then bam, in the last five minutes they *yawn* rehash ye olde typical 'elder evil possesses young woman' stunt, which they did just last #$#$ing year. Oh sure, there's a variation, but still....


Ever have a great show totally ruined for you by the last five minutes of it?

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Originally posted by Hermit

Just saw Angel tonight. Fantastic show, doing great.... machoismo and woman power combined... tense moments.... etc.




Then bam, in the last five minutes they *yawn* rehash ye olde typical 'elder evil possesses young woman' stunt, which they did just last #$#$ing year. Oh sure, there's a variation, but still....


Ever have a great show totally ruined for you by the last five minutes of it?

Yeah, I had a problem with some of the plot details.

Though I liked parts.


"Send me anyone else not working on the Berkle case"

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Traditionalists have said that marriage is an institution specifically designed to be between a man and a woman. I believe similar proponents have also declared that marriage is about much more than a life partnership.




- Throughout my life, in all personal outward discussions of marriage, as well as a great deal of introspection about what it 'means to be married', did I ever, EVEN ONCE, factor in that it 'must be between a man and a woman'. Hey, just bein' honest there.


- I got married because I met someone I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. That's the 'sanctity' of marriage, and if it wasn't the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth considerations for someone when they were contemplating marriage, then they're the ones who don't have a clue about marriage and, frankly, shouldn't be allowed to marry.

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Suffering from Depression sucks. Having a dear and true friend who also suffers from Depression is a blessing, for you each understand each others struggles in ways others cannot.


Dancing near the edge of the Pit and courting oblivion is scary. Watching your friend come within moments of ending their own life is utterly horrifying.


But tonight, I face something that scares me like nothing else has in my life...


Explaining to my friend's 11 year old daughter what it means (and what it feels like) to suffer from Depression, and to not scare her senseless in the process.


Lord have Mercy.

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Guest Worldmaker

I admit it. I tend to despise most rich people because they don't seem to care that their fellow human beings are suffering in their poverty. As long as they have the cash to pay for the five houses and the seven cars and the jet, who gives a damn about the family of four one paycheck away from a homeless shelter with no medical insurance.


Because of that view, I get called a lot of things by the people I go to church with. Things like "communist", and "Anti-American", and "ungodly". How the last one came about is a mystery since the last time I checked it wasn't about making money... His name, after all, is not "Jesus Adam Smith Capitalist Christ".


I'll let you in on a bit of a secret about Christians. Some of us do more with it than others, but we all get a dose of inner peace and love from our faith. Add to that kindness, goodness, and gentleness. What my brother Aaron calls the "wuss traits".


I'm far from being a wuss, but I admit to being a true bleeding heart liberal. I care for people. I care about people. Nobody ever needs to beg to get me to do a favor for them, especially if they're helpless, anyone friend or foe who needs my help can get it.


The truth is, I don't understand why every other self-proclaimed Christian isn't, either. Its in the book, after all. "Do unto others as you'd have them do by you." and "Love they neighbor as yourself."


Instead, a lot of the more public Christians in this land seem to be on a mission to deprive the poor and needy of what little they have left. How many on Conservatives who otherwise call themselves Christians have you heard denounce the very idea that the government, the nation as collective, should support anyone poor, let alone make sure they can afford a doctor when their children are sick?


I know I can't be the only one who gets it.

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Depression 2


Well, the Lord did have mercy, because I managed to reach the girl. I was able to reach her husband, too. They both have a deeper and better understanding of what it feel like to be Depressed. And thanks to White Heat, they have a better idea of what they need to do to live with her.


I was also able to briefly reach and touch my friend. Her progress is measured in baby-steps. I can feel in my soul how cold she is. I am the only one on Earth she can talk too.


This isn't going to be easy.

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Kara's at her parents' house taking care of them and her little brother while they have the flu, so I've been home with the girls most of tonight, and will most likely be alone with them until Sunday, as she won't want to bring the flu home with her.


It's amazing how such a tiny person can leave such a big hole and so much silence when she's gone for just an evening.


I am so not looking forward to trying to sleep without her. I might just go sleep on the couch tonight.

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It's cool when you're up late on the NGD and you see the Aussies and Kiwis and such coming on board! It feels like such a weird remote connectedness, and also just as a greeting of sorts to another part of the world.


"These are the days of miracles and wonders


the way we look to us all


these are the days of miracles and wonders

and don't cry, baby, don't cry"


Paul Simon

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