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World Creation Superdraft 3: July 2019

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Tziruü proclaims a secondary domain: Disease and Plagues


If it lives, that life must eventually end.  It need not end in violence.  It need not end voluntarily.  With the Gifts to civilization We and Our Brethren have bestowed on the world, it is difficult to imagine it ending by starvation.  But it must end, lest the World be overrun by things that others do not want to eat.  (BTW, most other sentients think the Fsh'mrrm taste bad.)  And to that end, there are diseases and plagues.

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On 7/12/2019 at 3:19 AM, Old Man said:


Is the ear better?




We call that, "Foreshadowing".


Tziruü proclaims Our Interference: Telepathy via Earworm.  Within Our Domains, there is a clade of worms who (with acknowledgement of Har'Ak's Secondary Domain) can exist nondestructively within any sophont, though the introduction of such a worm is a little ... traumatic.  Those hosting an Earworm can communicate telepathically with any other sophont also hosting an Earworm.  Perhaps these folk could be called peacemakers.  Perhaps they are merely go-betweens. 


But ... if you want to communicate with anything... you can "Eat the Worm".  Or perhaps, let it eat you.

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Her name was Yohanna.


She was a child of a pragmatic sort of family and had not been raised with the Myths of the Deathless. Nonetheless, she Dreamed.


And she was a quiet girl who watched and listened much. One day as she watched a chrysalis that earlier in the cycle she had watched being woven, and listened to the water and the wind, she heard a Voice.


"I am here."

She shook her head and changed her gaze to look at a great tree, and again the Voice came. "I am here."


A little afraid that it may be some trick, she rose and headed to a small bridge across the stream. And the Voice was in the water. "I am here too. I am with you, My child. I am always with you."


She stopped on the bridge and looked into the water. "How can that be? Are you in the cocoon, in the tree, and in the water as well?"


"I am in all things. It can be so, for all things were made from Me in the Beginning. "


"Who are you?" asked the girl, and the Goddess replied with her Secret Name and bid her keep it a close secret, and taught her much she was free to share, how all things arise and pass away because there was no other way the Enduring World could have been created, that all things of the mortal world are part of one Being, but not of that Being alone, for She was Herself part of the Council of the Deathless Ones.  And she learned how to teach others to listen, to really LISTEN and hear the Voices of the Gods, which are in all things. sometimes fainter and sometimes all but shouting. There was a Voice in the chrysalis singing of death and rebirth, a Voice in the bridge speaking of how the bridge and the path and the Royal Road and all ways trod by mortals were all connected in an infinite pattern of travel over the world. a Voice in the Wormlight, a Voice Divine in even the lowest of worms....and many other Voices we will speak of in time.


And because you are to be Initiated, I may tell you of the Secret Name of She we usually call Arepo. It is ____ - that almost silent intake of air, as of an infant's first breathing in before the birth cry, or a dying person's last breath taken before the death rattle.


Yohanna was perhaps not the first, but is among the first we know of, who are called Mystics. And among other gifts, we thank Arepo for this, the Gift of Mysticism: The ability of mortals to directly apprehend Divine Reality, to sense the Immanent Presence of the Gods in the world.



My Option: Mysticism.


O God! I cried,  no dark disguise

Can e'er hereafter hide from me

Thy radiant Identity.

Thou can'st not move across the grass

But my quick eyes shall see Thee pass

Nor speak, however silently

But my hushed voice will answer Thee.

God, I can push the grass apart

And lay my finger on Thy heart!


Edna St Vincent Millay


Lucius Alexander


Palindromedary Enterprises


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On 7/21/2019 at 6:46 AM, death tribble said:

I am already thinking about next year and one rule that will be implemented is that you cannot use the same primary domain two years in a row.


20 hours ago, Sociotard said:

Ouch. I hope Lucius still plays. He always does death and rebirth 


I might not. I'll have to give it some thought.


Meanwhile, I need a mythical beast. What could be more appropriate than:


The Phoenix!


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary suggests "The Palindromedary" but it's biased

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7 hours ago, Cancer said:

Tziruü proclaims ... Its Gift to all races: the Restful Peace.


Within Our primary Domain of Decay and Unmaking, we offer to all sophonts a painless, certain, and irrevocable end to existence.  The end to suffering, with assurance that one will not become one of the restless undead, or have their shade summoned and forced to serve some master, or will pass onto an afterlife loaded with torment, regret, or remorse.  Yes, one's survivors may revere the memory (or curse it), but if one chooses, by drawing the Sign of the Worm on one's self, one can escape all travail, eternally.


My second interference:


Those who draw the Sign of the Worm with intent to invoke the Restful Peace, must at the same time surrender their Essence to Arepo to be recast as a new soul. Otherwise those choosing this path would carry a fragment of Creation itself with them into oblivion, and the world would be diminished.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary suspects the God of Decay and Unmaking of plotting to slowly unmake the created world.

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For it is I, Arepo, Who became the Goddess of Beginning and Ending.

For the Deathless met in council to consider the making of a world.

For We were agreed that a world should be made, but alas, also agreed that there seemed no way make a world that would long endure.


"From the Void I can forge the most powerful and intricate of implements" claimed Concinnant of the Forge, "But they do not last."


"All that is made from the Void dissolves like foam" agreed Rebastia of the Sea.


"Things we make seem to be but fleeting illusions" complained Academy the Trickster.


Grorar the Wild revealed "Far have I wandered in the Void, and nowhere in it is anything that endures."


"Such is the way of things, such is the Law" proclaimed Doomsyer the Judge, Who had striven to set the Void itself to Order, "All We form from the Void returns to the Void and passes away; only We Ourselves pass not away."


And the God of Madness told Us what We should do with the "Law" and it was a most uncomfortable and impractical suggestion.


And after council I, Arepo, spoke with Rebastia who was Deity of Time and asked of Her, "Make for Me two moments: A Moment of Becoming, and a Moment of Ceasing to Be." And I went to the Doomsayer and gave over the Moment of Becoming and said "You will know how to use this when the time comes. Trust Me."


And when next the Deathless met in council, I held the Moment of Ceasing to Be in My right hand. And to Tziruu the Unmaker I said "I have a gift for You!"


"Show Me" He said, but I answered "Nay, it is closed up here in My hand: open My hand and You shall have it." And mighty is Tziruu beyond reckoning, but what I hold in My hand is held in the Grip of Death, and He could not force open My hand. "Take Your sword" I urged, "And cut Me in pieces, and My hand will open; You will have a gift, and too, Each of the Deathless will be given a gift." And Tziruu drew and cut, and so it is that Moment of Ceasing to Be rests both in My hand , and on the edge of the Sword of Unmaking. Doomsayer came forward to help divide and share Me out, giving each what was required for the work of Creation:


To Rebastoa My blood, for the seas and all waters of the world.


To Graroo My liver, which causes all wild things to live.


To Har'ak My breasts, flowing with milk.


To Dagna My bones, from which come stones.


To Olos My eyes, which see from one end of Creation to the other, and are thus vast enough to encompass the sky.


To Academy My right hand, which knows not what the left hand does.


To Pandemonium My left hand, which also knows not what the left hand does.


None but I and Dee-Ell know what portion was for Dee-Ell.


And at last Doomsayer pronounced upon Me the Sentence of Life, and used the Moment of Becoming. And I Became again Arepo, and stood among the Deathless as before,  but renewed.


And so it is that the World which was made, is such that all that dies shall be reborn; all that falls shall rise again.


So say I, and I am Arepo, and what I say is said with the certainty of Death.


And this is my gift to the world: Mythology itself, the tradition of preserving Lore in Tales of the Gods.


Lucius Alexander



I am a palindromedary, and what I say is usually said in a tagline.




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6 hours ago, Lucius said:


My second interference:


Those who draw the Sign of the Worm with intent to invoke the Restful Peace, must at the same time surrender their Essence to Arepo to be recast as a new soul. Otherwise those choosing this path would carry a fragment of Creation itself with them into oblivion, and the world would be diminished.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary suspects the God of Decay and Unmaking of plotting to slowly unmake the created world.


No problem with this.  While I thought about taking Entropy as a domain, that's more ... deterministic... in a global sense than I was looking for.  An irrevocable end to personal existence is different from stealing the magic soul cookies and hogging them all in a formless limbo outside of Creation.

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I will try and get a vote set up for tomorrow onwards.


The referee's decision is final.

Having the same person taking the same primary domain year in and out penalises other competitors who might have a different take on the concept. It should not be the case that we all expect one person to do the same thing repeatedly.

I expect people to scramble and redo things because of grenades that others place in our path such as The World being a Torus, no writing and civilisation is a lie.

By insisting that people choose different primary domains we will get different distinct pantheons each year.

If you have a problem with that, do not take part. No one is forcing you to take part

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Here is the final list. Please let me know if there are any errors.

Lucius, I was not sure how to write up the Interference with Restful Peace. If you can think of a more precise shorthand version than the one I have entered please let me know.


Enforcer84 Dagna, Godess of Lands and Stone!

  • Geography. The Floating Islands of the First Walkers

  • Sentient Life. First Walkers

  • Gift to Civilization. Music and the Arts

  • Flora. Eyes of the Earthmother

  • Interference.   

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. Terrash the Behemoth

  • Secondary Domain. Mining

  • Secondary Domain . Rune Magic

  • Secondary Domain: Adventure.

Death Tribble, Olos, Lord of the Heavens! (Sky)

  • Geography. The Sky Prison

  • Sentient Life. Skyborne

  • Gift to Civilization: Navigation

  • Fauna. Birds

  • Interference: The Sea in the Sky

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. The Storm

  • Secondary Domain. Weather

  • Secondary Domain. Knowledge

  • Secondary Domain. 

ScottishFox, Har’Ak God of the Hearth and Hospitality!

  • Geography. Gardens, vineyards and open fields

  • Sentient Life: Cyclops

  • Gift to Civilization. Ripe Meat off the Bone and Strong Drink

  • Fauna: Traveler’s Mercy/Delight/Lament

  • Interference: An opposite exists for any’good

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. The Dour Man

  • Secondary Domain. The Benevolent Flame

  • Secondary Domain. Glimmer of Hope

  • Secondary Domain. Symbiosis

Old Man, Grorarr God of the Wild!

  • Geography. The Jungle of the World Tree

  • Sentient Life. Deinonychus

  • Gift to Civilization. Civilisation is a lie

  • Flora, Fauna, or Ore. Feather Serpents

  • Interference. All beings can eat meat

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. Chaofeng Keeper of the Inner Fire

  • Secondary Domain. Survival of the Fittest

  • Secondary Domain. Freedom

  • Secondary Domain: Courage

L. Marcus Doomsayer, God of Justice!

  • Geography. Babylon, The World City

  • Sentient Life. The Civil Beasts

  • Gift to Civilization. Grey Outriders

  • Flora, Fauna, or Ore. Horses

  • Interference: The Wilderness Nice and Orderly

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian: The Blind Judge

  • Secondary Domain: Cities

  • Secondary Domain / Option: Trade and Transport

  • Option. Tea

Logan.1179 Rebastia, God of Water!

  • Geography.  Mount Kedge

  • Sentient Life. Amamaun

  • Gift to Civilization. Prophercy

  • Fauna: Tunalok

  • Interference: The Undead move slowly.  

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. The World Serpent

  • Secondary Domain. Time  

  • Secondary Domain: Winter

  • Secondary Domain / Option. Cookery and Culinary Arts


Cancer Tziruu, The God of Decay and Unmaking!

  • Geography. Wormlight

  • Sentient Life. Fsh’mrrm

  • Gift to Civilization. Restful Peace

  • Flora, Fauna, or Ore. Wormroot

  • Interference: Telepathy via Earworm

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. Sandworms

  • Secondary Domain. Worms

  • Secondary Domain. Diseases and Plagues

  • Secondary Domain: Empathy


Lucius Arepo, Goddess of Death and Rebirth!

  • Geography. Jurmunganger, the Long Land, a single continent.

  • Sentient Life: The Undead

  • Gift to Civilization. Priestcraft

  • Flora, Fauna, or Ore. Eaters of the Dead

  • Interference. Food that talks is not food

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. Phoenix

  • Secondary Domain / Option. Mysticism

  • Secondary Domain: Interference: Restful Peace must be linked to Arepo

  • Secondary Domain / Option. Mysticism

Hermit, Concinnant God of crafts and Invention!

  • Geography. The Riddledark

  • Sentient Life. Engdweorg

  • Gift to Civilization. Steampunk Technology

  • Ore: Atherite/Coppersong

  • Interference. Zinnchapeau (tin foil hats protect your brain)

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. The iron Giant

  • Secondary Domain. Metals

  • Secondary Domain. Restoration

  • Secondary Domain/Option. Technology (Interference with Magic)

Sociotard, Pandemonium God of Chaos and Madness!

  • Geography. The World is a Torus

  • Sentient Life. Pictclock Engdweorg

  • Gift to Civilization. Parliamentary republics with Professional Bureaucracies

  • Fauna/Flora. Esuvee

  • Interference. No writing only know worms

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. Trustbreaker

  • Secondary Domain. Drugs and Bacchanalia

  • Secondary Domain. Magic

  • Secondary Domain/Option. Food Production is done with the Ritual of Howlers Plenty

Psybolt, Academy, God of Lies and Trickery!

  • Geography. The Stage

  • Sentient Life. Humans

  • Gift to Civilization. A Common Language

  • Flora. Canabis

  • Interference. Everything that you believe about the gods is a lie

  • Mythic Monster or Guardian. The Sphinx

  • Secondary Domain. Comedy and Humour

  • Secondary Domain: Acting

  • Secondary Domain: Improv


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Just now, death tribble said:

Well as this is your initial time,

First we take you up the steps of the pyramid,

then we take out the sacrificial knives......


Sweet!  I heard the view is really spectacular up there!


~Makes the Ooh and Aah face as the scene changes rapidly:  Sky, steps, sky, steps, sky, steps, people with nets, sky, steps, net, fade to black.~

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The poll is now live.


We now have had two different Gods of the Wild and Water Gods. Next year I am (hopefully) picking a domain which no-one else has in three iterations. The possibilities of this one are such that having it two years in a row will be a no-no. I am therefore making a pre-emptive ruling that repeats two years in a row will not be allowed.

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I had a couple of ideas that I couldn't develop due to complicating domains picked by others.  E.g., "All sentients are communal organisms, carrying some sentient worms as symbiotic 'fellow travelers', at the very least",  "There is no writing but there are 3-dimensional inanimate sculptures that can be formed that carry durable psionic recordings", "Space maggots have eaten all the other inhabitable worlds in the Universe", and so on.

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I wanted to further develop the thought on all good has an evil counterpart.

Flavor-wise I was aiming more for Good causes/invites/makes possible evil.

Prosperity leads to gluttony, sharing leads to sloth/moochers, peaceful society leads to perceived weakness and encourages aggressors, etc.


Some great writing by the group.  Glad I was able to participate.

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