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Everything posted by Starlord

  1. Re: Release Schedule Changes Might fit better (and thus get quicker, official response) in the 'Company Questions forum.Just a suggestion.
  2. Re: DEX: and the Marvel Universe He faced Speed Demon and had a little trouble catching up to him at first, but easily finished him off after that.
  3. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Well done, Storn! Glad to see you're out from under the huge workload.
  4. Re: Spiderman Vs. Firelord See, it seems to me when you look at the scenario closely it becomes more and more plausible. Firelord - 'Supposed' to be a cosmically powerful character, yet has a history of poor performance against tough opponents - Feels area attacks would be dishonorable - Ridiculously overconfident, brags and boasts about his power when he should be attacking, refuses to believe he's starting to lose even as he's beginning to get his butt kicked Spider-Man - Scads more experience - Has Spider-Sense: the limits of which seem to stretch when faced with overwhelming odds making him nigh unhittable - Underconfident character who has a proven history (even moreso than normal superheroes) of becoming extremely dangerous when pushed to the breaking point Closely looking at the factors of the scenario in question, it just doesn't seem implausible to me.
  5. Re: Spiderman Vs. Firelord Firelord's record: 1-0 vs. starships 0-1 vs. Spider-Man Maybe destroying the starships was a fluke....
  6. Re: Spiderman Vs. Firelord I don't think it's a freak occurance when Firelord's player is crappy and Spidey's is experienced. Also, Firelord has Psyche Lims against using his best attacks as well as Overconfidence (Common, Total).
  7. Re: DEX: and the Marvel Universe Yes, that's how it works. In reality, the Thing's super musculature should give him at least a bit of fast reaction time. Technically, he should have some super leaping but it's never been his schtick. I think that 'statwise' some guys here are underestimating the Hulk as well. Many heroes and villains have commented, including Spidey as I seem to recall, that he had scary speed.
  8. Re: DEX: and the Marvel Universe Remember we can't really compare these things to our world. Even the wimpiest superhero or supervillain would be considered superhuman in our world. 'Training' or 'skill' is simply a different type of origin. The greatest athletes that have ever existed in 'our' world would have been killed or crippled long ago if they'd been in some of the fights, or tried some of the maneuvers, that Batman or Captain America has.
  9. Re: Spiderman Vs. Firelord Man, was that a broken system or what?! However, it's childlike simplicity and the fact that it was heavily supported with supplements for a relatively long time (as RPGs go) made it somewhat appealing.
  10. Re: Spiderman Vs. Firelord Good point that there is a precedent for declining power levels. I never assumed he had Silver Surfer's power level, but there is an assumption that Heralds are awesomely powerful. When Terrax fought the Surfer he initially seemed fearful. He blustered and boasted, but that came off as a bad attempt to summon his courage. He knew he was toast. Surfer seems clearly more powerful than the other Heralds. Your initial comments are why I refer to Firelord as a 'second-stringer'.
  11. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. yep
  12. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. I know he's busy, but a quick two second reply shouldn't really be that troubling. His profile shows he's been checking into the boards this week so getting on the internet isn't a problem. He told me to send him an email around the first of the month and it has been almost a week since I sent the first one. It's not that I think I'm being ignored, I'm more wondering if he's not receiving my emails for some reason. Perhaps someone else has been in contact with him through email and can assist?
  13. Re: Beyond Conquerers, Killers, and Crooks: Your favorite villains? Teleios Viperia Ripper Oculon Mechanon 3000 Maraud The Overlords
  14. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Has anyone heard from Storn? I've emailed him a couple times and PM'd him but he's not answering (or receiving) them.
  15. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. He mentioned that he had a bunch of projects to finish by the end of May. I sent him an email a couple days ago but he hasn't responded.
  16. Re: The New Champions (Marvel) Apparently, Mitch likes the ladies.
  17. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I think I'm seeing more and more threads that probably belong in the NGD being started outside the NGD. I also think there are several threads that originally belonged outside the NGD have degenerated into simple chattiness and clearly should have been moved into the NGD.
  18. Re: Lookin' for Darkseid in all the wrong places
  19. Re: Looking to join Genocide The main problem with Genocide is that it was called...Genocide. Sounds cool...but you're going to have a hard time recruiting the mainstream to your side with that one.
  20. Re: Characteristics and Active Points It's as good as any other method I've seen here for conversions. What's important is that it works for you.
  21. Re: DEX: and the Marvel Universe That is pretty close to how I'd portray except we completely disagree on how speedsters are portrayed. I don't believe they necessarily have high DEX scores, just high speed and probably Lightning Reflexes.
  22. Re: Jennifer Lopez, supervillian Why do we need a Jennifer Lopez writeup when we've already got that crappy Sapphire character to work with?
  23. Re: Kurt vs. Peter You can't 'port what you can't grab. Excellent question. It's hard to say who is the quicker of these two. This would be a much closer match.
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