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Everything posted by Starlord

  1. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I think if the study was possible, studies would show that normal, happy, and well-adjusted children are produced not specifically by undivorced male and female parents, but rather by parents of any sex or creed who have given the proper amount of love, attention, and discipline.
  2. Re: Justice League Avengers, Assemble! Captain Canary 'Pat' Rogers is a hermaphrodite with an unequaled love of country, a helluva singing voice, and a penchant for fishnet stockings....
  3. Re: West Coast Sourcebook I agree with others in that you should do this. I'm curious if you ever finished updating the Protectors images and giving more background info on them. I believe you got about halfway through and that's the last I saw of them.
  4. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Hi. My name's Starlord. At this very moment, I'm playing Halo 2... ...and all of you aren't. :nya: :nya: :nya: :nya:
  5. Re: Stephen King characters in HERO Cujo would have head armor and the berserk disad.
  6. Starlord

    GM's "rights"

    Re: GM's "rights" Sounds like you have some personal problems with GGU and/or Worldmaker here. The world isn't for you. Let it go. Your overall argument is weakened because of it.
  7. Starlord

    GM's "rights"

    Re: GM's "rights" I like how they explained danger sense in the Spider-Man movie.
  8. Re: Election Day Special - The Best Artist In Comics Best ever - Kirby. This shouldn't even be a debate IMO. Currently - VERY tough call for me. I love Perez and Jim Lee too much to pick. Honorable mention - John Romita, Jr.
  9. Re: Fixing Martial Artists
  10. Re: Can we define the archetypes? The pages in question do a pretty thorough job IMO. Each archetype pretty much gets a whole page to itself, listing main attributes and the typical skills/perks/talents/powers/disadvantages.
  11. Re: Can we define the archetypes? I agree, but its a good starting point when you're trying to come up with a character concept or your GM is asking you "What type of character do you want to play?" Also, when you're a member of a team, most players want to have control of a certain niche all to themselves. Archetypes help with that also.
  12. Re: Fixing Martial Artists Ok, I see. Very good.
  13. Re: Fixing Martial Artists I like this. I don't break it down so much. Do you leave open the possibility that all humans can become meta-human? If I'm reading you right, someone like Nighthawk is born 'meta-human'. Whereas I leave all humans the ability to become meta-human if they drive themselves hard enough (or are driven hard enough by say, a traumatic event ala Batman). At some point in their training they become more than human, but they and everyone around them (including tech devices) still regard them as human.
  14. Re: Fixing Martial Artists
  15. Re: Fixing Martial Artists
  16. Re: Vibora Bay Reviews?
  17. Re: West Coast Sourcebook Probably somewhere down the pike, it'll appear. In the meantime, you could try the old Bay City sourcebook. Found on Ebay and I still see it in the used section of gaming stores. It has the Fuzion stigma attached to it, but I always thought it was very useful.
  18. Re: Fixing Martial Artists One thing I've always found interesting is that if bricks and MAs were played 'realistically', bricks would prolly be much faster than MAs, heck they'd be faster than anyone save the Speedsters.
  19. Re: Musings on Random Musings No man should compliment another man's bulges.
  20. Re: A Thread for Random Musings After exhausting research into the Compliment thread, I've discovered I've given out 12 compliments there so far and my wife gave out one. Simple math allows me to deduce that I should have therefore received 12 compliments and my wife one compliments. HOWEVER, somehow I've only received 7 compliments and my wife has received 6 compliments. :straight: :straight: :straight: :straight:
  21. Re: A Thread for Random Musings The Schmucks thread in the Champions forum has the potential for a Cap/Batman or Dr. D/Takofanes thread. Each side's points are so beaten into the ground they're unrecognizable.
  22. Starlord


    Re: Schmucks? SPD of 10, and Megascale 30dk RKA with the limitation, Only Works Vs. Dr. D and Tak? *Although, I think that violates 4. List is too big.
  23. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Ugh. Instead of candy someone gave my son a religious/Bush flyer. No. I'm not kidding. Ugh.
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