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Everything posted by Starlord

  1. -Spider-Man -Thor/Hercules -Hulk (Grond is quite clearly portrayed as a villain, I'd like to see homage to a hero with an uncontrolled side) -Suicide Squad -Is there a Mattermorph (that's my own term for an Absorbing Man type)? Finally, I think it's about time that Champions got it's friggin' act together and paid homage to the whole huge-worldwide-criminal-organization-with-snakelike-motif idea. Well?!?! When's that gonna happen, HeroGames?!?!
  2. While I'm at it, how about this fellow? I'm thinking brick with Egyptian motif/power source.
  3. Need an interesting name for this obviously patriotic US hero. I'm thinking magic-shield-force-field-projecting type. PS: Are the stars too corny?
  4. I agree with ChuckG's stats, Agent X's points about OHOTMU, and Monolith's take on superheroes using the NCM advantage. Debate over. Now, if anyone can devise a good writeup for Cap's Shield, then I'll be impressed.
  5. Thanks, but I was just joking. Think I posted him way back on the old boards. Updated him just before 5th. Heck, the Nemesis Beam from his Staff of Celestial Judgement is a 600+ active point attack. Eh, maybe I'll throw him into HD one of these days and stick him in a thread.
  6. I could post Starlord's writeup, but that'd be way over the top.
  7. More pics for PhantomGM Dreamstar
  8. Why Nighthawk? Probably because Nightturkey, Nightostrich, and Nightchicken just don't sound good.
  9. Is it wrong of me to want my own personal 'announcer guy'? Someone with a cool radio DJ voice who will personally announce me wherever I go? Perhaps even adding useful, but brief personal info when meeting people for the first time?
  10. Whenever I watch the movie Real Genius, I truly start wondering if there really is someone in the world who can hammer a six-inch spike through a board with their penis.
  11. If I lived in a Fantasy World I would want my name to either be: Jareth Hawktalon or Morgan the Grim
  12. Were I to rank the colors of the spectrum, I think it would go like this. 1. Blue 2. Indigo 3. Red 4. Violet 5. Yellow 6. Orange 7. Green
  13. Why is mother f***er such a terrible insult? I've had sex with many mothers, and never really felt bad about it.
  14. I think a huge majority of men secretly wish to have sex with 16 year old girls.
  15. Some people seem to have a problem with reality tv, in general. I am finding, however, that it is some of the best programming on nowadays. Putting aside for a moment that, technically, sports is actually reality tv, the nom de plume is a bit vague. Do I dislike the backstabbing and generally cynical so-called gameshows? Sure. However, I found the "Newlyweds" (Jessica Simpson's) show to be consistently funny. Her astounding ignorance of basic human knowledge is hilarious. Ashamedly I must confess, it's also a bit of a guilty pleasure getting visual confirmation that there are people out there that I am so much more intelligent than. Trading Spaces, American Chopper, Monster Garage, Monster House, and Trauma: Life in the ER. I am hooked to these shows (and find it quite annoying that Trauma and Monster House are on at the same time).
  16. I recently read The Lone Drow by RA Salvatore. Standard fare for Salvatore Companions of the Hall books. Enjoyable and fast-paced. The continual maturation of Wulfgar is pleasing. The changed roles between him and Catti-Brie are interesting. There remains though, little left to be explored it in the character of Drizzt. We revisit the 'hunter' persona. Nothing new comes out of it that wasn't seen in the Dark Elf trilogy. Building up Obould as a credible foe was good, although the ending with Bruenor was somewhat hokey. As always, the fight scenes are extremely complex and entertaining. Much of the book is a series of medium-scale battles that are pretty well done. I await the next book.
  17. Is hanging on in quiet desperation REALLY the English way?
  18. Why don't we have eyes like a fly? How's come they get those eyes? Why don't deers or squirrels get those eyes? Don't they need them just as much?
  19. There's nothing quite like a comfortable pair of shoes.
  20. The Catsuit thread takes too long to open anymore. Why is all the good soft porn so difficult to get too? Ya have ta stay up late at night....the threads are too slow...yadda, yadda, yadda...
  21. I watched 'How The Grinch Stole Christmas' for the 93rd time last night. It's still good. Poor Max the dog is still one of the funniest things in the history of funny. However, "You're a MEAN one, Mr. Grinch..." will now be running through my head for the next 4 weeks. ...I wouldn't TOUCH you....with a 39-AND-A-HALF foot pole..."
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