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Everything posted by Vanguard00

  1. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Just heard from an old friend: good news and bad news, both, but overall a positive thing. I need to work harder on keeping old friendships. And new ones.
  2. Re: Between Two Cities Well, if you had to pick on the West Coast, it'd almost have to be L.A./San Diego. A couple of big cities there, with plenty of international action. You have military bases of different varieties (Army, Navy, Coast Guard, Air Force); terrain (desert, mountain, ocean, plains, hills); rich history for the two places; international business; Hollywood; close to Mexican border...I'm running out, but you get the idea. I'd also consider Mobile, Alabama & Pensacola, FL for a good Southern-based team. Or, alternately, something between New Orleans, LA and Gulfport (or Biloxi), Mississippi. Good locations for the Southern states, IMO. Midwest...hmm. Kansas City, Kansas, and Kansas City, Missouri. You could go a little farther west and drop something between Cheyenne, Wyoming, and Boulder/Denver, Colorado. In the Northwest I'd pick Vancouver, Washington, and Portland, Oregon, but there ain't much up there. I mean, if'n ya had to, that's probably where I'd put 'em. Minneapolis-St. Paul would be a good location for a Great Lakes regional team. Without looking at a map that's the best I can do. I'm tryin' to do this from memory.
  3. Re: Limitations You Would Like to See More Often I don't understand this one...
  4. Re: what to do with a psychic gorilla You know, if you don't have him already you could make the gorilla into a Dr. Silverback like character. Change his history a bit to fit your story and use what's left to map out his involvement in human affairs.
  5. Re: what to do with a psychic gorilla
  6. Re: Limitations You Would Like to See More Often Limited Power: Only usable by girls in (or who could be in) the "Cat Suit" thread.
  7. Re: what to do with a psychic gorilla An intelligent gorilla no longer fits into the animal kingdom, but isn't recognized as anything more than an anomoly by human society, is likely to get bitter quick. Plans to raise gorillas to sapience, or drive humans back to animal intelligence, isn't too hard to fathom in a comic-book-inspired game. You have all the makings of a Grodd-like character on your hands. He could easily be a tragic villain. Have him start small, trying to raise the intelligence of a single female gorilla. Something goes wrong, he's wracked with guilt and remorse and bitterness, and slowly starts coming unhinged. Yep, lots of possibilities there...
  8. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? "Gone Away", Offspring.
  9. Re: orichalcum I thought the 'w' was kinda cheesy Mel-Brooks-sounding Germanic in sound; 'drow' rhymes with 'drove'.
  10. Re: New Universe Champions Marvel and M&M I thought this was gonna be about DP7, Starbrand, and other such 'New Universe' titles. I'm a tad disappointed, is all.
  11. Re: Superhero Images Um...nice 'sketches'. I wish my 'masterpieces' were half as good...
  12. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? A mix of stuff: the last three songs were "Common People" by William Shatner, "Walking After Midnight" by Kentucky Headhunters, and "Photograph" by Nickelback. Just as I finished the above, "Flames" by Berlin came on. Man, I love Random Playback on my computer.
  13. Re: Comments on sexism and racism at the outset of Pulp Hero Um...so? "Man" is from the Old English word "Mann" which actually was intended to encompass the whole of the human race regardless of gender. So, when saying "the race of Man", for example, one is not being sexist. If the usage of the word is a problem, as opposed to it's use (which are two different things) then I think you have a gripe. Otherwise I believe a bit of etymology would not go amiss in your education. Wow. Blatant stereotyping of gamers yet again. And "just about every other industry" has not evolved it's use of language. You're being selective with that paint brush of yours. Why aren't you *****ing about the muscular men? Or the old wizards? You're not defending men, or the elderly. You're actually showing more sexism in your 'offended' rant than you probably intended to, or to which you will probably admit. Besides, I like big-breasted women, too. The company knows it's demographics. "The Lord of Rings" is the basis for just about every fantasy genre convention we have today, with the possible exception of women in chainmail bikinis. For that we have to give credi--er, blame to Robert Howard for writing Red Sonja, and Frank Frazetta, Boris Vallejo and others for drawin' 'em so darn well. There are plenty of examples of non-scantily clad women in fantasy art, literature and gaming, yet you choose to ignore those for the few that offend your sense of right and wrong in regards to sexism. That's hypocrisy of the highest order, m'friend. Methinks you need to take an objective step back and reevaluate your stance. Dude, fantasy genre or not, women were essentially property in many historical societies, and kinda still are in some societies today. It's a staple of the genre because it's historically accurate, and fantasy is about "what was" mixed with "what could've been". It's interesting that you're upset about women being regarded as property in spite of the many references to general slavery throughout Fantasy Hero and it's various supporting books. One could almost infer that you're okay with male slavery, just not that of females. And no, I'm not being facetious. It does one little good to preach and rant about sexism against women when, by default and by lack of address, you're agreeing with all the stereotypes against men. Well, I can't and won't speak for Steve, but I think you're overreacting. You're actually a good example of political correctness gone too far, in my opinion. The whole point of the fantasy genre is that it's FANTASY! Cripes, did ya miss that part? Fantasy - imagination, dreams, unrestrained fancy. It's a fairy tale for any who are interested. If your fairy tale is against big-breasted women slaves, fine. My fairy tale has big-breasted women slaves, thank you very much. And it has large muscular barbarian warriors, and wizened old wizards, and chainmail bikinis (well, so far just leather ones, but I'm hopeful), and all that other stuff. It's all part of the package, baby. You have a highly skewed view of the way things are, m'friend, and I say that with no animosity whatsoever. Your definition and defense of 'sexism' is way off, and your reaction to what is essentially both a game and an exercise in make-believe is a bit extreme. Yeah, they do. Cool, huh?
  14. Re: Musings on Random Musings Hey, now. I know how to eat my grits, son. My mom and extended family are Alabama folk from generations way back. My pa is likewise from 'bama, but his kin are mostly Mississippi folk. I've more Southern culture in me than most people south of the Mason-Dixon. Salt, pepper, butter--and they better not be lumpy grits, or even close to hard; creamy is best, but soupy will do--lay two 'over easy' eggs over the top, mulch to taste. Bacon and Jimmy Dean sausage on the side, sop up the whole mess with white toast darn-near soggy with more butter. That's how ya eat grits where my kinfolk come from.
  15. Re: Musings on Random Musings You forgot 'salt to taste'. Heathens.
  16. Re: house rule for c.s.l. I don't know...I kinda like it. It has an "advanced skill is limited by inherent ability" to it. If you are only so dextrous, naturally agile, whatever, you can only go so far in your training. I'll mull it over, but I certainly wouldn't be opposed to it.
  17. From the Library and Archives Canada (LAC), a nice site featuring pulp stories, descriptions and cover galleries. Tales From The Vault
  18. Re: A Thread for Random Musings My horoscope (in one place, at least): Remind yourself of exactly what it was that drew you to your sweet patootie in the first place. It won't be hard to rediscover. In fact, it might actually be right in front of your face. Heh....I wish.
  19. Re: Something I found in a restroom! Ya think that's where they got the idea for the tank thing in "Aliens"?
  20. Re: Suggestions needed: Undead Civil War Have the various factions vie for power, but not always directly against one another. To steal a plot from a recent book, perhaps they're all looking for how to give themselves the 'ultimate power over undead', or call a dark god or something. The PCs have to try and prevent this from happening. Should such an event come to pass and the PCs are unable to stop it, have Takofanes emerge, take control of the council and go on his merry way to consolidate his new power base, leaving the PCs to dread their next confrontation. Just a thought. Subplots, DEMON is looking to harness all this necromantic energy being thrown about for their own ends. The PCs must shut down their operation as well as try and keep the undead apart. Another idea: let the council be broken. Let the Civil War get out of hand once, the PCs playing crowd control and the like, and when the dust settles everyone is in a bad way. THEN have Takofanes step in, call the remaining council to heel, and set up shop. Just some thoughts.
  21. Re: An Intelligence Agency Cat Burglar That's not bad, either. You could even say she'd been caught in a sting operation; the CIA set up her last crime in order to be able to charge her with treason, terrorism, etc. Something 'big', and they have all the proof they need to send her away for a long long time. She works for them, the evidence stays hidden. She chooses to go her own way, the evidence comes to light and she joins the '10 Most Wanted'. Of course, they should sweeten the pot, too, by making her position very appealing. As long as she does nothing incriminating on her own, they'll do everything they can to make her life enjoyable; nice penthouse, generous monthly stipdend, latest in hi-tech equipment, etc. She gets the thrill, they get the benefits. And if she steals $4 million in gold and gems from the head of a South American drug cartel in the fulfillment of her mission, who are they to say boo about it? It's got a lot of potential no matter which way you go.
  22. Re: An Intelligence Agency Cat Burglar I'd use some sort of incentive/leverage to get the agency's point across. "Well, we've got you. We can put you away for a long long time. Or you can come work for us. You'll be monitored day and night, and if you slip up or go freelance in any way the full power of the federal government will be brought to bear to track you down and convict you of every crime we can think of, and probably a few we can't. Until then, though, and assuming you show us that you can work with our organization, you will enjoy a temporary amnesty and be able to live a relatively normal life."
  23. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game Just got my invite for CoV beta last night. Unfortunately it'll be Friday before I can log in to game...
  24. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Tres cool indeed. He reminds me of the Alan Scott Green Lantern (still my favorite).
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