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Citizen Keen

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Everything posted by Citizen Keen

  1. Re: Hand To Hand Attacks 1) You can add your HA to your Strength attack. Treat HA as +Xd6 - it adds to your Strength. 2) You can't add HAs to your Weapon Attacks. And Weapons can only add Strength equal to Weapon Damage. As far as I recall, them's the rules.
  2. Re: Power Construction Question If he wanted to buy off Non-selective, I'd make him buy off "Always On" as well - if he can make it so the Power doesn't effect anyone, it's not really being Limited by being Always On, is it? ;-)
  3. Re: Character Generator? The difference between 5R and FREd is minimal from a rules standpoint. From an ease-of-use standpoint, there's a good difference, because 5R explains some concepts that you might not get with FREd. Basically, 5R saves you a trip to the internet - it's FREd with a bunch of stuff from online. The difference between FREd and 4E is quite big. While you can use 4E books with Fifth Edition, any discussions here on the boards are going to involve really detailed semantics and rules-lawyering, which will make the differences between the two editions quite significant. And you'll have trouble with Hero Designer if you use 4E, because HD is so numbers based (being a rules program). Get yourself HD and FREd.
  4. Re: Power Construction Question I'm not sure how you're using the phrase "deducted", Darkhope. A 50 STR Superhero with Overconfident isn't as powerful as a 50 STR Superhero without it. I've played many characters with no real disadvantages - I had 75 points to spend, and everyone else had 150, but they were being hunted, and were limited in some ways. My character didn't really have any limitations. And it led to a lot of interesting role-playing opportunities. But you're right - to each his own. It's cool you've managed to make the system work without Disadvantage points. Lord Hobie - then make sure the power has AOE (Nonselective) - he can't pick who is affected, and Always On (he can't turn it off). Take the Disadvantage for being completely crippled by this power. Sounds like you've got either a great roleplayer or an extreme masochist in your group! Sounds like a great player! ;-) Good luck!
  5. Re: Character Generator? Haven't bought any - I'm one of those stubborn types who buckles down and translates them myself. Grrr....
  6. Re: Power Construction Question Well, having everybody forget you is a powerful thing - it should cost a lot of points. Making it selective would cost even more. I'd also take a Physical Limitation - Magically Forgotten or whatever, to offset some of the points.
  7. Re: Character Generator? Hero Designer is worth the money. I bought v1 shortly before v2, so I paid $60 and it was worth it. It does "explain" in that, sometimes I forget how much a power costs (say, Transform) per d6, so I can just open HD instead of getting out of my chair and going and getting FREd. But it's not a substitute - to explain a lot of changes, you need FREd. It's really not worth much without the newest rules upon which it is built. It's a great program.
  8. Re: Power Construction Question Yeah, that's not going to work. That just makes people not see the character. The character wants people to forget him. Also, a good EGO (i.e. mentalists) should be able to break out - they're minds are stronger than that. Also, the people forget him, but if he's doing something in front of them, they'll see it and respond ("This guys smashing all my plates, I must stop him!" Hero runs away. "Someone was smashing all my plates, but I don't remember who!") I'd build it as a Mind Control, Single Effect "Forget Everything About Me When I Leave", AOE, 0 END, Persistent, Always On, No Range. Buy it with enough d6 that a normal will almost always fail, but a 20 EGO mentalist will probably remember the character.
  9. Re: Equipment Pools? The ad hominem attacks are a little excessive.
  10. Re: Sunspot clone - OIHID - Instant Change You definitely want a Limitation to reflect the fact that your character won't always have his powers. Having a super with a 3 PD, non resistant, is a liability. Someday, someone is going to shoot him in the head. Whether it be OIHID or something else, you do want a Limitation of some sort.
  11. Re: Hand to Hand Attack Over Priced? And multi-powers with a 1d6 HKA with different advantages are wholly plausible and acceptable in my book, although depending on the number of slots in the MP I might make the character just get a 1d6 HKA with the "Variable Advantages" advantage.
  12. Re: Hand to Hand Attack Over Priced? A) Actually, in 5th, HA is 3 points per d6 - 5 with a mandatory -1/2 limitation. I completely agree. The answer should never be more character points. Never. The game should be just as balanced for a character who has 25 points as it should be with 250 or higher. Especially with Horror HERO on the docket - I think we'll be seeing more "normals" campaigns.
  13. Re: Feedback wanted on this background idea I agree, South America would be a huge powerhouse in the coming of a global meltdown. Highly developed (Buenos Aires is HUGE), plenty of natural resources, and yet a large culture used to living without technology. I think SA would play a huge role in the world, if only as a continent almost unaffected. A bastion of civilization, if you will.
  14. Re: The World of Edean You do jump, and I like it.
  15. Re: Religious Magic Idea: Looking for feedback.... I like the good Doctor's suggestion - go with Reputation. It's kind of a nice activation roll meets VPP. The one problem is that, like any other VPP, you're going to need to be very familiar with the system, because you're going to be casting spells on the fly. If I'm a druid, and I want to make a spell that causes weeds to grab my enemies feet, you need to come up with and Entangle, AOE fast enough that gameplay doesn't slow down. If I want teleport myself from the shade of one tree to the shade of another, you need a TP spell fast. And so on and so on. But otherwise, good. And welcome!
  16. Re: Hand to Hand Attack Over Priced? This has been discussed before, but to a certain extent, I agree. I think I'd allow it in a Superheroic campaign. In a Heroic, with NCM, Strength quickly becomes 10 points per 1d6 of damage. Even with "No Figured Characteristics", that's still 7, which is twice the 3 of 1d6 for HA. And you can buy a LOT of HA in some games. Especially with other lims - a +5d6 HA, Only Against Humanoids (-1/2) only costs 12 points.
  17. Re: Fixed/Flex Multipower This seems entirely plausible, and fair and balanced. It makes sense for a laser gun that has a certain amount of flex, but must be fired at a minimum power level in order to do some damage. I would allow this in a second as a GM. And rep.
  18. Re: Support for Low Level Supers style Dark Champions Nexus - sounds like you got your wish. It's even set in Hudson City, so you can use Hudson City, and when the characters hone their powers to the point where they're real supers, you can take the fight to Millenium City.
  19. Re: Character: The Blue-Eyed Killer I'm curious how a DEX of 24 costs 14 points. Otherwise, nice.
  20. Re: Trying to make an attack that forces dex roll I don't think Change Environment can do -" of Running. I think that would have to be a Drain Running, AOE. FREd has Change Environment examples for a sheet of ice, if I remember correctly. I'd use that as a model and work from there.
  21. Re: Raise Dead, how do you build? In Fifth Edition (and Fifth Edition Revised), Healing and Aid are two completely seperate powers. Just like Energy Blast and HKA, or Mind Control and Telepathy. And in the rules, (and I could be wrong), there are rules for coming back from the dead using Healing. It might just be for the character with the power (like, super Regeneration, which is a special form of Healing just for the character), but I thought htere was a way to build it so it worked for other people. Someone with a copy of FREd will have to help me out.
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