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Citizen Keen

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Everything posted by Citizen Keen

  1. Re: Power Building Challange I'd allow the Flash Defenses, etc., to take Always On because you can't lower your defenses in the event you wanted to let your friends deafen you, or whatever. Maybe.
  2. Re: Willing Targets & DCV If the character wants to drop their DCV so that a friend can hit them, I handle it one of two ways. If they don't care if they're hit by anyone else, I let them drop their total DCV to 3 - the DCV needed to hit a hex. If they do care if they're hit by someone and they want to lower their DCV for a specific attack, then I play it as such. The "attacker" makes an attack roll against their DCV. If he hits, he hits. If he misses, the "defender" gets to roll a Block to purposefully get in the way. -cK
  3. Re: Hero Games Dice We're going to get a coupon for free HERO dice when we buy 6th Edition. ;-)
  4. Re: Duplication Healing These both could work. Thank you for your help.
  5. Re: Little Anthony & The Imperials Yeah, I have a firm idea in my head of how to handle the mechanics. I want to provide a "ready-out-of-the-box" conversion for any and all "friends" who want it.
  6. Re: Little Anthony & The Imperials The no conversions page does more accurately address the issue. I'm curious about the legality of the issue. My impression is that the law is not on Kevin (Siembeda's) side. Posting conversions of RPGs online is a tried and true practice. Home campaigns, etc. As long as I say "RIFTS © 2005 Palladium Games," and I don't repeat any details from the books (I don't describe what a Glitter Boy is, etc., I just provide a statted HERO idea), I think I'm in the clear. I'm going to hit up a lawyer friend or two and see. If we could get some "blue text" - DoJ representative posting - I'd also appreciate it. If it all goes against me, I'll just clearly and regularly advertise (on the boards, and on starherofandom.com if arooo allows) the existence of a "personal" conversion, and send it to any and all "friends" who ask for it, along with updates.
  7. Re: Little Anthony & The Imperials Umm... That policy only bans derivative works made for commerical or financial gain. Anything posted online for "personal use," they are happy to have. Since StarHeroFandom doesn't cost money to use, a HERO/RIFTS conversion would be wholely allowed. You don't see much RIFTS stuff online because it's a horrible system. ;-)
  8. In 5RE, on page 156, under the rules for Duplication, specifically the Feedback limitation, it lists one of the special effects of Feedback as being in more than one place at the same time. However, it doesn't allow Aid/Healing to be fedback either. I understand why - game balance purposes (otherwise abusive players would make a double who hangs bakc at base solely to get healed), but how would you build a character with Duplication that does have positive Feedback? A character who "folds" reality and exists in the same place, or a time-travelling character (which would be a 1-way FeedbacK) - they would have positive feedback. So, if the GM trusts the player to not abuse the power, how would the player build the ability to have his healing apply to the Feedback? I don't want this to be too expensive - I don't view it as a power that will get used much.
  9. Re: "TaleSpin" as a pulp setting Man, I had totally forgotten about the Thembrians! Awesome!
  10. Re: Creating a mafia One of the most famous crimelords of all time, Lex Luthor, gets his hands dirty all the time. Just a thought.
  11. Re: "TaleSpin" as a pulp setting I agree. Why remove the animal aspect? That's one of the things the makes Tale Spin Tale Spin. Keep the animals!
  12. Re: Boiling Water It's also my understanding that if the water is significant (so not just a few drops, but not necessarily full immersion), that the damage will continue even after the water is removed from the body, due to continued damage from the heat. In game terms, perhaps an extra phase or two of extra half-damage.
  13. Re: The Last Word My best word is MOIST. Your best word is WRONG! Hahahahahaha. Oh, I crack myself up.
  14. Set to the tune of "Shimmy Shimmy Ko Ko Bop" *ahem* Gimme Gimme Siembeda Gimme Gimme RIFTS Gimme Gimme Siembeda Gimme Gimme RIFTS I am a po' man, but I have been dying to do a full HERO conversion of RIFTS. I hope to have money in three or four months, and I figure doing the main book will take me that long. So I'ma gonna beg. If anyone has a copy of RIFTS they would be willing to mail to me, I would owe them forever. And then, once I start pounding away, I will threaten arooo with Glitter Boyz until he puts HERO Rifts up on starherofandom.com, for all your viewing pleasure. Yay! Please?
  15. Re: How do you Ignore Armor? Any thought to Penetrating, and Naked Lim on the Penetrating "Only Against Armor-wearing Characters (Focus)"? Then, it bypasses the armor (the Penetrating will ALWAYS do damage), and the Penetrating doesn't work if the character doesn't have an Armor built as a Focus. Or, in keeping with the concept, make the "Only Against Armor-wearing Characters (Focus)" apply to the whole power, meaning if a character isn't wearing independent armor, it doesn't work on them. Just a thought.
  16. Re: Campaign Limits DCV and Armor Just remember - it's only 2 points for a +1 CSL with a single attack. One brick with a +8 to his punches (the attack being defined as a Punch-effect Basic Strike) will lay that 13 DCV character out, and it only costs 16 points.
  17. Re: Good D&D style setting to use to bootstrap? I'll agree - if I ever used preconstructed settings, I'd use Turakian Age in a heart-beat. It's a great world. All your favorite races, organizations and spells, but with enough fresh flavor and crazy religion to keep everyone happy. And the maps are SEX-Y! Also, you've got two Grimoires, and a Villain book. Go for it!
  18. Re: I dreamt of HERO last night. What the hell is Nam-Shub?
  19. Re: HERO System Vehicles Shooting from the hip... I think that the vehicle combat rules work fine, save for the Segment/Phase discrepancy (which I agree is a bit of a problem - especially since character falling and sliding are set up as Segmental). I think the problem is how vehicles are built. I don't see Abram tanks as having that much Body - look at all the delicate machinery inside. They just have a lot of armor. For me, an Abrams is a strong example of a vehicle with a really high def, and only a normal amount of Body. My $.02
  20. Re: The Force--Need Help! I agree with CHC - I'd go down the Elemental Control route. And I might even allow some Special Powers, specifically Luck. It would depend on the characters conception and the specific building of the Force Power. An EC is nice because it allows the characters to get a discount, but still forces them to buy each power on their own, which I feel is something that describes the Force well. Do you intend to have any Game-Mechanic differentiation between the Light Side and Dark Side Force Powers?
  21. Re: How would you do this? How about a Recoverable Charge in which the recovery is being defined as "trying a new task"? And whenever they go home and get a cybercheck-up, wipe the slate clean on what tasks they've done before, just as good role-playing. Works for me. Poison/weapon's easy enough, and already has good explanations.
  22. Steve- If I take a Variable Advantage as a Naked Modifier, and apply Requires a Skill Roll to it, do I need to make a Skill Roll to use the Advantages, or only to change them? Example: Suppose I have a 40 STR with a Naked Modifier Variable Advantage +1 (a +2 Advantage), and the Naked Modifer has RSR. At some point during combat, I've applied the +1 Advantage as Costs 0 END, +1/2 and Armor Piercing, +1/2. At the beginning of my phase, I decide to change my advantages to Armor Piercing x2, +1. I take the roll, and I fail. I decide to punch my foe. Am I punching him with Armor Piercing, 0 END Strength, or am I punching him with Normal Strength? I'm assuming whichever ruling you hand down applies to Activation Roll as well. Finally, while I know this is a "build" question, if RSR on a Naked Variable Advantage means that I have to make my roll to use my Advantages, could you please suggest a way to build it so that I only need to roll to change the Advantages? Easier than starting a new thread if I don't get the answer I like. Thank you very much. -cK
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