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Everything posted by Spence

  1. I don't think ghosts were really covered that much. Horror Hero however did a lot on spirits/ghosts.
  2. Well great cinema used to be enjoyable, interesting and great to watch. Now you basically two types of movies. 1) Bang whoosh bizzanga like Supers movies or John Wick. 2) Lifeless dull sermons about someone's holy crusade of the minute. The idea of making an engaging movie that can actually be enjoyed by anyone is a dead concept.
  3. And Lord Liaden destroys what little free time I have left....😟
  4. Only if it is actually about FF and X. I know that they can use some of the recent garbage comics to justify just about anything. But Marvel stopped writing about their superheroes 10, 15 years ago when they abandoned comics to be agenda docs.
  5. I always thought the old murder mystery shows were more interesting than the newer ones. They spent more time on plot and deduction than gimic. Now it is all DNA and electronic surveillance.
  6. It was a superhero movie......wasn't it? Shang-Chi..... Hero + Powers. Then from my view point it was mission accomplished.
  7. Nope....... I'm guessing that finding an old project that you completely forget starting is not too rare an occasion as well.....
  8. Bummer, I just saw this thread and was all Woo Hoo! Now I am all bummer. I still have my original little Arduin Grimoire books when they were the little brown books like D&D 1st. I also have a set of the larger books when they went full sized. I never heard what happened to the line.
  9. I just watched it a couple days ago and I think people are reaching to try and find something to be upset about. The movie wasn't the best one, but I thought it was better than the Dark World, Iron Man 3 and Endgame. As far as his comment about the mandarin and the orange. I took it as him being sarcastic and scornful toward the entire idea that someone had even tried to impersonate him. All in all the movie wasn't bad and I enjoyed it. It isn't Captain America 1, but it wasn't IM3 either.
  10. Thanks, And the suggestion about the 4th Ed Fantasy Hero is a great one. The Western Shores sample setting plus the two adventurers are the only full on play out of the box fantasy game I can remember from Hero. It would have been fantastic if it had been further supported with adventures, campaigns and such. They did put out two very good supplements called the Fantasy Hero Companion 1 & 2 which did a great job expanding Magic and adding things like ships and guilds and so on. Lots of great locations and floorplans which I still use today. I just usually don't bring up stuff older than 5th because I am one of those gamers that cannot function without a hard copy in hand and 4th ed books are increasingly hard to come by. But to be truthful if 4th was easy to get, I'd most likely be playing it.
  11. I'd love to see a Hero'ized Orion and Web....
  12. Just watched Shang-Chi. No idea why people are so down on it. It was a fun supers movie and I enjoyed it more that The Dark World, Iron Man 3 and Endgame. I may still think Ironman 1, Captain America 1 and Avengers 1 were better. But that is because they were my favorites out of the movies made. All in all Shang-Chi was a good supers movie.
  13. Just a few points. Not everyone here agrees with my take on things, but some have found it helpful when building a game/campaign using HERO. First my premise. All role playing games share certain common parts that most people will recognize. 1 - Character generation guidelines 2 - Gameplay rules 3 - Threat/Creature/Bestiary collections 4 - Setting Information There is one other part of all role playing games. What I call the Meta-Rules but also referred to as design notes or core documents. These are the “rules” that the creator uses to write the “rules”. The D&D 5th Players Handbook contains the games Character Generation Guidelines and the Gameplay Rules. The PHB contains lists and items, but does not tell you why. You have spell lists but no actual details on why one is 1st or 2nd level. You can select different traits embodied by “race” or “class” but they do not specify why or how each of the encompassed abilities were built or “balanced”. In other words they do not reveal the “Met-Rules” used to build and balance everything else. This brings us to HERO. HERO simply gives you the Meta-Rules and says GO! They also do not give you 1, 2, 3 or 4. But wait you say. They obviously give you character generation guidelines. Nope. They give you the Meta-Rules that allow you to build/design ANYTHING. But not any actual character generation guidelines, gameplay rules, threat/creature/bestiary collections or even real playable settings. They do have many useful books that give you general information and builds such as the Bestiary. The Bestiary give you one take on a Dragon, but is will it fit in your world? The Hero source books give you information nbut nothing “tailored” to a specific “game” such as D&D 5th. Handing the players a copy of the Meta-Rules and then assuming everyone will be on the same page never ends well. The various Fantasy Hero products do NOT contain a “playable” set of fantasy rules for a game. The majority of the Fantasy Hero versions are well written primers/guides on how to design a set of fantasy “rules”. The product Fantasy Hero Complete combines the Meta-Rules and fantasy primer/guide in one book. To run a fantasy game using the Hero System you will have to write the character generation guidelines which includes how magic will work. You will also need to write the game play rules. For example the Hero “rulebook” contains MANY options for combat. Which ones are active and used directly and heavily influences how characters are designed. I would also initially predesign a fixed magic system. And by fixed I mean a few pre-built options that can simply be selected much like spells. With your personally designed “Players Guide” then go and design a few demo pregenerated PC’s for the players to test drive. Then let them make their own PC’s using your Players Guide. Then after they are comfortable with actually playing Hero, introduce them to Hero 5th, or Hero 6th or Fantasy Hero Complete and show them how you did what did. At that point they will have enough information to get creative and build cool stuff within you game world. But most RPG players are used to having setting specific Player Guides for everything and just dumping the Hero Meta-Rules on them will create option overload. And least in my experience it does. But then YMMV as they say.
  14. A few minutes? How about a day.....
  15. Just made me want to see it again. Remember just enough to know I liked it. Now to find it again.
  16. I attended Dragonflight this year and both ran and played in some RPG games. It was fantastic and I hadn't realized how much I missed a good game.
  17. You'll find that not too much has really changed in play. But there have been some changes between versions. I don't know which version you are familiar with but the most significant change was between 5th and 6th. But even that change is actually small when you step back and look at the big picture. Though those of use who are geniuses and paragons of virtue all know that 5th Edition Revised is the pinnacle of development I'd recommend this doc for a quick look at the main changes. One 4 page doc to cover changes from 1981 to present through 6 editions. The change between 5th and 6th is mostly a change of preference and approach than significantly changing play. 5th Edition RULES!!
  18. Well, I'll have to drudge up this part of the thread in a year or so when I get to see it. I just can't bring myself to go through the effort for what have been called movies in the last 10 15 years. I used to get super hyped for movies and even wait in lines to see them. But they are just not what they were. Now they are all glitzy and smooth but hollow. No longer memorable. I will even forget entire scenes unless reminded within a few weeks because they are just meh. I really wonder if there is anyone left in Hollywood that even understands the definition of dialog. I actually watch more K-Drama these days because their subtitles seem to carry more umpf. K-Drams and movies/shows made before 2000 seem to be my go to.
  19. There were three Grenadier Champions mini sets.
  20. But....that doesn't answer the question of whether it actually occurred or is just an accusation. There have been a lot of nasty people finally get their due. But there have also been many who were villified and professionally destroyed that were innocent. Especially in the last few years where suspicion trumps evidence. I believe in severe punishment for the guilty. But I have also lost much of my trust in the media spectacle that passes for news these days. I admit to not spending much time to dig, but I have not found anything discussing the results of a trial or formal investigation. All I've seen is outrage and condemnation.
  21. Noble Knight has a listing and the Super Villain box GDR4002 boxed set includes Lady Blue, Mind Slayer, Utility, Jiant, Wreckage, Lazar, Wyvern, Ray, The Fox, Cobra, Anklyosaur, and Sunburst.
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