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Everything posted by Spence

  1. Oh come on. Chartmaster was a hoot. Who doesn't want 57 charts detailing every possibility of every type of critical? I mean I can remember that time we actually completed one full combat in only one session.
  2. Indy523 Here is the link to HD's documentation. https://www.herogames.com/files/file/9-hero-designer-documentation/ While I like to do all of my Hero stuff design the old fashioned way, I still use HD frequently. Especially when I am prepping for a game. It is the best "character builder" of any tabletop RPG I have ever used. And I have used a lot of them. Plus, true to being Hero, you use it to make everything, not just characters. Plus Plus, it has a built in ability to add customized items. Plus Plus Plus, it works for both 6th and 5th editions. Plus Plus Plus Plus, if you are familiar with html and such you can create any kind of export format (character sheet) you want. I'll admit that last item is not in my ball park, but I have seen some great character sheets being built.
  3. I am just a bit north of Everett in the Smokey Point area. I have found that when we get snow and low temps the idiots are out in force. I learned to drive in adverse weather in Maine and have found that the "snowpocalypse" in Washington isn't. A snowpocalypse that is. I just need to arrange to be late. If I leave my house AFTER the standard commute time I am fine, but if I try to drive early or during I can be assured the road will look like car wars as people slip slide and slam into everything as they think that having a 4x4 or snow tires on their sports care means they can drive like it is dry and sunny. Let them all crash early and then calmly putter down the road. Just be sure to avoid running over debris like fenders and bumpers.
  4. Got it. Well for those of you that are fans of the book, I hope the later episodes will smooth out and get better. I'm a bit pessimistic, but I hope it happens
  5. Emphasis mine. Rush? OMG. The episodes I watched were sloooooowwwww borrring slooooogssss. Nothing fast or rushing about them. Just a mind numbing painful slog through each episode. Except for the sparse sprinkle of action scenes the show was so boring that having to restart the the episodes I was watching because I kept being distracted and missed entire chunks. I gave up half way through episode 4 and I actually cannot even remember what was happening in episode 4. I am guessing that the fans of the book are not pleased.
  6. I'm glade it is doing well and as soon as it releases for general viewing I will most likely see it. As for the MCU movies cratering, well they are. Spider-man may now be linked to the MCU, but it is still being made like the old MCU movies. Actual heroes doing heroic things. Don't worry, they will "fix" Spiderman soon. The next movie will still do well because the audience will expect more of the same, but after they get blindsided, they will not go to the next. The MCU movies did not immediately crater because people base their movie decisions on the last of a series that they saw and anyone with a viable brain cell pays no real heed to "critics" or "reviews". And these days "awards" are generally 180 out from the quality of a movie. The more awards the crappier the movie. If you go and see a movie and it is fantastic, when its squeal or follow-on movie releases you will generally go see it as well. But if it sucks hard enough to change the moons orbit, you will not be back for #3. The last several MCU movies (with the exception of the latest Spiderman) have accelerated in a screaming downward spiral. And most people, including me, don't even consider Spiderman movies as part of the same studio output. The last three Spiderman movies have been an anomalous throwbacks to the great writing and storytelling of the MCU phase one type of movie. It is possible that we could still see good MCU movies, but with them doubling down on the rhetoric I doubt it.
  7. Absolutely. And with the virtual disappearance of long rifles in favor of shorter automatic/semi-auto weapons the entire spear thing falls short . A short knife on the end of a short lightweight awkwardly shaped unbalanced stick really doesn't compare to a spear or actual rifle with bayonet. But a solid well weighted longer combat knife in the hands of someone trained will eat them alive.
  8. You'd be surprised. Twit was used to coordinate a lot of riot and destruction usually based on idiotic twit rumors. Some pretty blatant hate driven stuff.
  9. A lot of them have resurrected blade combat without the rifle. Many modern combat rifles have become small and light enough that they are no longer as effective in close quarters as a good old fashioned blade. Those blades are also beginning to get bigger as well. Turns out that if things go south and you are suddenly in close quarters combat a good blade is actually useful. If you are trained with them of course
  10. I'm more afraid of the Cult of Twitter. That is crazy and they will believe literally anything
  11. I really tried to watch Wheel of Time. There is some good in it so far, but O M G for every interesting minute there is BORING AGONY that seems to take HOURS. I just can't take anymore. I hope others have a better experience with it. Almost worse than the later books.
  12. A light saber is not a sword or blade. It is a short lazer.....
  13. I prefer mine as black with green numbers and Hero Logo
  14. This always makes me a little nervous. Are we going to get a series/movie based on Jack Reacher or will we get something else with the name plastered on it? I have read a couple of the Reacher books and enjoyed them, but I've seen the results of too many destroyed books as some hack decides to "improve" them because audiences are too stupid to understand anything.
  15. Cool, I didn't know that from under my rock.
  16. Literally none of the names mean anything to me. I'm guessing none of them play soccer?
  17. Hmmm.... I always thought they should have a special response teams for all sports that that use leather straps to beat the intruder viciously as long as they remain in the boundary of the field. And then charge them $100,000 per minute for lost game time. I guarantee you that the second time it was enforced you would no longer see this garbage any more. The first time to go to court and have the trespasser fined another $100,000 in addition for "wasting the time of the court". Once people know there will be painful repercussions and then also realize that there is no way to avoid the consequences they will stop.
  18. OK, I cracked. It has been so long since I saw a movie worthy of the name that I needed to see one. So I watched the first and only movie adaptation of Frank Herbert's Dune. First they actually read the book and made a good attempt to bring it to the screen. They did change up some events in the timeline, with a few items happening earlier in the movie than they did in the book, at least from what I remember. But nothing really changed the overall story in the end. The movie ends at a point that could be either the midpoint if they go with a two part, or the first of three parts depending on how they pace things. The movie was slower than the current trend in action movies and if you are not familiar with the source material some scenes may not have the same impact. For instance there is a scene with Duncan Idaho (Jason Momoa) fighting Sardaukar. But the movie does not spoon feed you that they are Sardaukar or what Sardaukar are. You are given the information that they are Sardaukar earlier and the movie does not hold your hand later. All in all, the movie was Dune and I really look forward to the next film.
  19. Yep, deep into the "it's dark when I get to work" and "it's dark when I get home" season......
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