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Everything posted by Spence

  1. Thx, good to hear. The Tom Cruz movies were lacking. Plus Cruz just didn't have the stature to carry the part. Odd, but I have not read them all. The ones I read were all real world.
  2. Also be sure to know which version they are referring to. There really isn't a vast difference between versions. But many people still play 5thR.
  3. I have a recent as '17. Of course I haven't been to many movies in a theater since then either. But I will walk out of cr*p. Cr*p referring to a wide variety, but straight up bait and switch is what I hate most. I would probably have suffered through Eternals all in one go if it was in a theater. It was just badly made and BORING. But not necessarily cr*p.
  4. OK, maybe I'll give it a try. I'll admit I was avoiding it. I have read the books and didn't want them to get a half-a$$ed "in name only" treatment, which is the new norm for series. "Remarkably close to the books" is a plus. I will probably start it tonight. As for Eternals. I finally finished it and I have to say I was underwhelmed. The entire Tiamut sequence just failed. From the looks of how small they made the head and fingers, Tiamut was far smaller (tiny even) than the earlier imagery hinted at. Overall not even "it's a comic book movie" could pull enough suspension of belief for this one. There has been a lot of comments out there about how this would have been better as multiple movies or a TV series and I can't say they are wrong. It definitely failed pretty much across the board as a movie. Especially in the character development part. They had a lot of actors that I have really enjoyed in other shows, but even they couldn't pull this one out. I haven't seen actors talent wasted this much since Lucas turned everyone into cardboard cutouts in the prequel trilogy.
  5. But Daaaaad! Dungeons are fun...... Especially mine.
  6. Yes and yes We had an extensive and detailed base that was the location of MANY super rollicking mega battles! Yes you can look at that as a bad thing. OR....... You can embrace it and do super duper stuff!
  7. True, but it has been decades and I literally have no idea where anyone could be from that time. Early 80's and we were all in the Navy or Marine Corps and ended up in completely different communities. The guy that kept everything, he had a house and lived off base, was Marine helo's and went west coast. I was Navy patrol and went east coast.
  8. When I was a part of a regular Champions game many moons ago, all the PC's were part of a super-team with the completely original name of The Champions Each player had a "stable" of PC's (only able to play one in a session) and we rotated GM's. We had a pretty sweet headquarters with each PC having their own quarters/lab/what have you and the PC's kicking in points. More than one session took place in the base and by the time I left the game the base map had become impressive. Wish it had happened in the personal computer age and it had been possible to get a copy
  9. Great thread. Keep posting please I'm one of those people that loves music but cannot remember the name or group to save my life. So this is a great thread for me to note titles...
  10. I haven't finished the movie yet. It is an slow slog of not interesting, but maybe it picks up later. I really don't see any kind of issue with casting. They were supposedly manufactured so they could interact with the native populations of earth. So far all the scenes are either in modern Britain or what I believe is the Euphrates area, Babylon(?). But the earth is and was more than just that area and I think they covered the bases OK. I question the purposeless injection of "look at how wonderful I am" idiocy of making one manufactured android deaf and one manufactured android in the form of a child. There literally is no reason for it. They could have injection a normal human aid/employee that was deaf or a child. Or any of a laundry list of ways to inject their agenda into it. But the super powered manufactured android who's purpose is to protect the planet until the Celestial hatches is going to be built at less than 100%!!!??? Yes the internet has already spoiled it. Maybe she was damaged? But can't they self repair? Who knows, but the ham handed round peg in square hole was just more meh in the overall meh. I gotten used to the constant pointless and irrelevant insertion of romance/sex of all varieties, so beyond the fact that it served zero purpose beyond the producer/directs aforementioned "look at how wonderful I am" garbage. And before I accused of being an incarnation of evil. I have had the same opinion of irrelevant garbage in action flicks since the 70s. If you want to make a romance movie. Make one. Just label it so I can avoid it just like I avoid musicals. But quit destroying great stories by forcibly inserting irrelevant garbage in non-romantic stories....... Grrrrr.....rant over I guess. But ye gods is the movie BORING.. ..
  11. Oh and for the actual poll. I don't really have an opinion anymore about which is better. I really don't see any point. The current official way is not difficult. At all. The entire question like trying to say which bottle of Crystal water tastes better. 12oz or 1gal. They are both bottled by the same company. Roll low or roll high is beyond basic easy math. If they can't understand either how are they making characters?
  12. It became a trope? The trope existed long before the internet or even computers. Not bard specific, but the horny adventurer escaping out the window has been around for literally hundreds of years. And I actually didn't see the idiocy in Ep as anything but a really poor attempt to ride the coattails of older literature. I guess I should be used to some 20 something claiming that a concept is original and cool when we can literally see several previous versions. Happens all the time in music, not the artist, but their fans. I may try to each ep3 tonight. Maybe. But you are 100% in RPGs being collateral damage from CCGs. But when adventurer league went from free league adventures that were only available to the registered shops to just being the same adventures that anyone could buy, also had a negative effect on the B&M FLGS. I do rememberthat they put out a setting book that someone told me was based on the CR setting. But it was one of the books that sat on the shelf. The Swordcoast book sold far more, at least in my area. The CR book was one of the few I never bought, mostly because no one that played in the shop seemed excited about it. Anyway, I think it is more twit hype than actual $ for product.
  13. Hmmm....I started it last week sometime. Still haven't gotten back to it. Not anything I can point to as being "bad" I guess beyond it being less interesting than pretty much anything else. It is based on CR?! Didn't know that, was completely bored and underwhelmed the time I tried to watch CR way back when. I thought Vox Machina was trying to be a another take on South Park and failing. I have made it through 2 episodes. Oh well, recent forum threads had me considering try CR again. But if the a$$hattery that was in VM is an indication of what is considered to be "the ultimate bestest role-playing ever" I think I will pass on CR. It really explains the cratering quality of players that were showing up at my FLGS just before the coof. Several of the shop DMs quit because of the murderhobos destroying game sessions. Suddenly things make sense
  14. I never really played the game past that one time many many years ago. I have watched the various animated shows available. With that in mind it does look decent. I'd give it a try if it wasn't behind a paywall. At the rate all the multiple streamers are hemorrhaging money, maybe they will go back to using a smaller number of platforms for all the shows.
  15. Oh, the game has some neat ideas and cool ways to handle intrigue. Absolutely. But it wasn't billed or advertised as a machiavellian political intrigue game. It was billed as swashbuckling adventurer on the Seven Seas! As in 7th Sea! And it wasn't. It was a bait and switch lie.
  16. They didn't forget. It is just that Follywood can't actually read. They mostly sit in a circle berating everything (except Hollywood of course) as being evil and allow their echo chamber to inform them what the original author was thinking. Then they take the concept and "fix" it. Later sitting in their circle they wonder why it failed. Rinse repeat.
  17. That is a game that was completely false advertising. They claimed it was a sea going adventure, but the sea part and the ship part was ludicrous. Pure false flag. I haven't opened my Kickstarter book since the crushing disappointment of the lie. it may be a fantastic Three Musketeers type political intrigue game, but a half dozen pages graced with a half a$$ed list of ship names is not even close to a seafaring swashbuckling RPG. I hate being scammed.
  18. Huh? What? D&D was a success with various celebrities ( not voice actors) admitting to playing years before that. Regardless of version D&D has been the leading, most popular and wider recognized rpg for decades. It didn't suddenly appear after CR which has only been around as an actual anyone cares for a few years. 2015 sounds about right, maybe, not even a decade. To be honest they really weren't a big enough deal to pop up on the radar of many of the table top gamers I knew at my FLGS till well into 2016. Sure we'd have a console gamers mention it when they saw the D&D books on the shelf, after they realized the store was analog gaming not electronic. But CR really isn't the OMG holy savior of the universe of table top. They have their followers true. And it is a great way to draw in video game types to table top. But they are not the great messiah. I do find it amusing and a little sad how game history and content is being rewritten to suite the current crowd.
  19. I tried M&M too. I tried hard. And a lot of that effort was because it looked like a superhero game. The other was the M&M playable setting. Not just a setting encyclopedia plus villain pre-gens. But a thought out new player entrance to their setting adventure/campaign. Multiple sequential adventures to allow players to be heroes and GMs to get a taste of what a superheroic campaign feels like. My M&M game never got off the ground. I just never connected with that condition system. Super battles were just meh in comparison with a Champions battle. I didn't get anything that resembled the satisfaction you get when a good hit sends someone through the wall. Just one "condition" replacing another. But boy howdy that setting and those book just POP superheroes. While I don't think I have ever made it halfway through one of the CR play throughs, I cannot deny the popularity. But I do think the CR portion is in response to D&Ds popularity, not the driver. We've beaten the idea to death. But Champions needs to take their existing encyclopedia and Bestiary/Villainiary and use them to build a playable setting. Meaning dust off the reference textbooks and write a campaign book. M&M includes a great introduction campaign in the rulebook that serves two purposes. How to play and a method to introduce new PCs into a campaign. My own Fantasy Hero (5thR) project is intended to be a way to introduce players into a small digestible campaign where they can experience the system in play and how things work. Some century I hope to finish it.
  20. For me GUMSHOE Horror and/or Call of Cthulhu fill that slot. I can run those at a drop of the hat. Right now I am working on my 5thR Super Fantasy Hero (think of fantasy sword swinging Anime) game. I am currently organizing the chaos that are my notes before generating characters using my setting guidelines. Hopefully I will actually be able to playtest it soonish.
  21. LOL The gaming world never ceases to amaze me. One persons treasure is anothers garbage. For me 4e D&D was easily the worst experience in TTRPG I was ever exposed to since I played my first game in the late 70s. And yet for some it is their favored game. And the world turns 🤔
  22. My bad, I was being snarky and didn't actually carry it off. I guess it came over as either very stupid or asking a question. I appreciate you giving me the benefit of the doubt and treating it like a question
  23. It's a meh issue for me. Hero is not an RPG. It is a system to build a custom RPG. Every single incarnation from 1st through 6th has had "broken" or "incorrectly costed" something. Even the concept of "balanced" RPG is ludicrous. While some people looks at 6th as having "fixed" issues. Other people think that 6th just "broke" many of the central reasons that made Hero good in the first place. I'm one of the people that saw 6th as a revision that eliminated many of the core reasons that brought me to Champions (Hero) in the first place while hamfistedly "breaking" it. But I am aware that 6th has it's cult following All hail the Great Sixth'thulhu In the end Hero in all it's forms is a game that you do not let anyone "build a PC at home and show up to play". At least if they are not someone that you have been gaming for years and understand intimately the parameters of the campaign. Hero cannot be "fixed" or "balanced" by the rules. That must be done by each GM as they build their world. I am positive that 99% of the posters on this board could build a character that will "break" any campaign if they have free access to the core rulebook and intent. IMO 6th Edition is every bit as "broken" as 5thR was. It is just which flavor of "broken" do you prefer.
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