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Everything posted by Mentor

  1. Re: What do you do onboard a starship? I choose archivist/librarian or administration/management. I have found the most important feature of sci fi colonization in literature to be not knowing what it is they needed but forgot that they might need. The ability to collect, catalogue and most importantly retrieve appropriate necessary data not only on specific request but based on responding to the requirements at hand is critical. Likewise, coordinating the most efficient use of labor, resources and time allocated to a given project or requirement is among the most important talents in real life even if not appreciated as much in adventure fiction. Knowing what to do based on how it was done before, what you need, and how to use it is necessary to the survival of any nacent human society.
  2. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Fair? This is NGD. We don't have to fight fair.
  3. Re: Musings on Random Musings Just remember that they are all better off for the time they spend with you.
  4. Re: "So, Thor hits Superman with Mjolnir..." Agreed. The magic of Mjolner is the ability to do tremendous damage in the hands of a sufficiently powerful wielder, not to manifest some sort of "mystical energy field". Being hit by Thor with an increase in HtoH damage because of the Uru hammer ought to be sufficient for even Superman to notice. Like John Desmarais, I wouldn't object to only the additional damage from the weapon being somehow more effective, but I don't consider it necessary.
  5. Re: Musings on Random Musings Cool. Now Lemming is the star in CSI: NGD.
  6. Re: A Thread for Random Musings My dad had a night job singing R and B in Juarez nightclubs when I was a tyke. His Fats Domino voice is exactly on. Even Fats agreed. "Blueberry Hill" and "Kansas City" were the first songs I learned instead of "Twinkle, Twinkle.." or "Ring Around the Rosey.."
  7. Re: A Thread for Random Musings The moon stood still
  8. Re: The Last Word Repped. That almost cost me my coffee.
  9. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Was that the $579 super deal that Dell had? My oldest son is wanting to work towards a laptop purchase this summer.
  10. Re: Musings on Random Musings Mmmm. Sticky rice.
  11. Re: A Thread for Random Musings He gets that a lot, owl wife.
  12. Re: Musings on Random Musings Quoted by Mightybec, ''I wonder how many people have said Asshole aloud while reading one of my posts." Only in the context of "I'd better keep my asshole against a wall around Mightybec."
  13. Re: [iron] Why do you dislike the Four Color/Silver age (No Flames please) What a great discussion, people. I think RDU Neil and Storn touched on many of the points that I observe, but all of you have made this a tremedous topic. Any way, to sum up, even though I tend to prefer Silver Age, the fact that issues of the appropriateness of killing, questioning authority, dealing with institutionalized injustice and the like don't make change the genre to Iron Age but merely expand the heroes into believable characters, IMHO. Batman and Spiderman dealt with tough issues and broke many molds without losing their iconic status. My only experience with the phenomena of Iron Age was Wolverine, the always angry, angsty, loner who, despite being relatively invulnerable, disemboweled his opposition as a matter of course. Only after the entire universe became a giant anti mutant witch hunt was there anything approaching justification, but then the X Men were all embattled victies of society and lost any semblance of realism when every combat was "High Noon" with our abandoned heroes fighting for their lives and not for society. This went beyond "a more gritty reality" for me.
  14. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "So what would the price be without you getting the maximum commission?"
  15. Re: Hero System women are all insanely attractive You are, however, the High Priestess of the Hero System online, so your opinion will carry some weight. Back in the day, 1996, there I was with my old Power Mac and Theala's was the site for Hero Mac geeks.*flashback sequence ensues* Huh. (shakes self awake) Sorry. Anyway, its fantasy so why wouldn't players want a world where not only were they better than RL but better looking and have better looking people around them?
  16. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Don't you know everone thinks you are the king of the Q & A thread? A: I have always endeavored to persevere.
  17. Re: The cranky thread My oldest son had a painful condition for a couple of years that were never identified. Dallas Children's hospital and Johns Hopkins bot gave us the "I dunno", but we treated the pain until it went away. Are any pain meds helping?
  18. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Dude, admit it. You are like some sort of fame groupie, right? I mean, Jackie?
  19. Re: On balance...when no one else follows it. So elegantly stated, etherio. Rep to you.
  20. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Cousin It doing the happy dance is really believable, somehow.
  21. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER You have to admit, that was really good too.
  22. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER One of your many brilliant ideas, Dr. Anomaly.
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