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Posts posted by shadowcat1313

  1. Dying during character gen went away after the first revision of 1st edition. You could choose for a character to die, otherwise it was muster out with a crippling wound. As for the rest it sounds like your GM was really being a jerk.


    BTW if you want that feel of rolling the character up, then run the PCs though one of the random career generators in one of the traveller editions. Keep track what happened every term, then use that to create the PC's background and the skills as a guideline for Hero Character gen.

    Tasha hit the point I was going to make exactly

  2. correct.. theres some additional 5E material, but its mostly working notes and draft stuff that never saw publication in any form

    I gave Marc everything we had that I know of, Don Mckinney and Andy Staples also did fixed a bunch of templates and fixed the blank references

    to various packages from the Star Hero books. I wish I could be more specific, but I was left out of the loop on a lot of it. I submitted all the material I had complete or not, I

    made sure Marc had all the Hero Designer files[hdp, hdc, hdt] wrote a new intro and dedication. and that was about it

  3. not sure on a downloadable form... Iet me talk to Marc Miller and get back to everybody, the original plan was to have an announcement about it being available by the end of this month... I will update this as soon as I have something to update if you have seen the table of contents from the back cover art, there is one change.. it doesnt list the Hero Designer files we created

    as being included... but they are definately there. I have the final draft of the CD here, now its a matter of production. I also can give the price... it will be 35.00, which is the same price Marc charges for all his compilation CDs, that being for the physical CD... no idea about downloads

  4. I remember lifting some of the ship stats whole cloth for another game and while combat lengthy, I didn't necessarily see the ships as being too imbalanced. That being said, I had to use a spreadsheet to keep track of how much body got through the shields and all that. Not really looking forward to that sort of thing again. Any suggestions for an alternative ship combat system?


    it depends, do you want simple or crunchy? you might consider adapting a set of minatures rules... Full Thrust or Power Projection, or Starmada or Victory By Any Means... or use Traveller Hero for that matter... although Traveller Hero is currently unavailable... but that should change in a month or so hopefully


    Traveller is always a decent option by itself

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