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Everything posted by Farkling

  1. I have run no-win scenarios... but for throw away campaigns... The first time I GM'd chartmaster (I mean Role Master!, a friend brought over the books and said, "can you run this?"), I manufactured twelve characters at mid level, handed them out to the six players, and told them this was a playtest only, not permanent characters. Only one survived, and that was by leaving in the midst of the confrontation. I also did one of those scenarios as a playtest for Amber, to get the players used to the system before the attribute auction. The players eventually gave up on the scenario and decided to retreat into Corwyn's Pattern...which exited into the Abyss in Corwyn's world. They could not figure out any way to escape, and we called the game then and there. And anyone who has EVER played Paranoia is intimately familiar with the no-win scenario...
  2. For the record, most low fantasy worlds (Conan, Recluce, Lankhmar) do not HAVE combat magic, and them that do are experienced adepts. Personally, I like the fetish idea from the White Wolves...binding a spirit to an item...it performs some task steadily in exchange for travel, senses, experience, offerings. Maiking a neat little house for the spirit to live in so it wants to join and travel with the adept...kind of like a familiar, except a special effect. Experienced negotiaters could even convince these minor spirits "do not confront me on pain of dissolution, destruction of your house or your friend."
  3. I had to look this up... Page 63, "The character can also make his Danger Sense cover a broader area and more people by paying more points::" See text in book It's an interesting way to model StarHawk from the old Guardians of the Galaxy...
  4. It didn't work on Mr. Glass...who definitely had a high EGO...
  5. If I remember correctly the old Mystic Masters included a Desol and a Clairsentience model for Astral Forms...they never considered Multiform or Duplication. JmOz how would you build the Matrix or Shadowrun "Net" effects? Do the Characters buy powers that only work under thoise conditions? Or actual form shifts? Can Neo use his cool martial arts outside of the Matrix? I'm wondering now, as the Multiform / Duplication model seems slick for these ideas also, as the "digital form" is actually another character, and at base, we ARE talking about a form of Astral Projection. I personally am unable to decide between Multiform / Duplication for the Matrix, that whole "drop dead when unplugged" effect could be either... Neo's would be duplication, as he can exist in the matrix while disconnected from it...but the others? I am becoming inclined towards a Multiform effect.
  6. Mechanically speaking you'd need to buy up the range on the Clairsentience...it to only activates within a certain distance of the actual event. I really think it is some sort of wide area Danger Sense.
  7. I love the old "Girl, Gold Watch, and Everything" story by MacDonald. Multipower:: Teleport Usable Against Others, Must Cross Intervening Space (dragging someone from one spot to another in Time Stop) Flight, Usable Against Others, Single Phase Only (shoving something during time stop) Missile Reflection (shoving bullets and thrown objects during time stop, time stop and sidestep) +x DCV, costs END (dodging during time stop, if allowed by GM in Multipower) Teleportation, +mass, Must Cross Intervening Space (moving during timestop) xd6 RKA, OIF - object of circumstance (shoving sharp objects during timestop) xd6 Major Cumulative Transform, Time Stop/Superspeed Effects (large group) (Kind of a catch all for the small effects) that should cover the basics...oh, and include this one also:: 360 Degree Vision, Rapid Sight (x1000), Linked to Multipower slots (looking around during time stop)
  8. Hey JmOz, how is "Multiform, leaves Body behind" more of a nail than "Duplication, original is comatose" ?? The Duplication limit causes you to use only one of the Duplicates. Limited access to your duplicate. The limited Multiform is creating something out of thin air that the power fundamentally does NOT create, i.e. an extra body. Duplication certainly seems closer to me. However! The Multiform could be manufactured with the Physical Limitation "Physical Corpus remains at Multiform location" (along with susceptible to damage to corpus, silver cord links corpus to multiform). The Multiform could even be to an AI or an actual dweller of the Astral Plane, built according to GM designated rules and options. Duplication on the other hand, comes with feedback also, to simulate the damage taken by the immobile, unconscious form. EDM doesn't quite cover it...as there would be no body behind. Of course it could be EDM, affects mind only... hmmm.
  9. Or she could be paying END for Armor Piercing on her Desolid to pass through a Hardened Defense... "I have to concentrate harder" - activate the Armor Piercing advantage, bought at x2 END and 1/2 DCV...this limitation is on each of her 2 levels of Armor Piercing... The only times I can recall of "concentrate harder" are from her initial power appearances (still suffering from Lack of Control), and as later prison-escaping plot devices... I think it's a BAD idea to lump the Damage Reduction/Defenses into a package deal the ability to pass through solid objects...from a mechanical standpoint and character design look, it is very Marvel Superheroes. You are making Desolid very attractive for buying "just a couple levels", much the way Density Increase used to be when it granted Armor in addition to STR increases.
  10. Telepathy is for people Retrocognition is for places If you see it through THEIR eyes, it would definitely be Telepathy. Retrocognition is designed to act on a place or location as I read it... I'd probably model it with Telepathy. Always On, Lack of Control come to mind for limitations, as does "only to percieve actions I find morally reprehensible" EGO+20 should give both the past actions and actions being planned. Willis also has a damn good PER roll, or a damn good complimentary Concealment roll for finding weapons...of course, that could be done with a "Detect Concealed Weapons" modelled on the unusual sense group also...giving it a super power edge... apply an "intuitive" limitation to it so he just knows they are "dangerous" ... or even model it as a low level Danger Sense for an area... There's my .02
  11. That's GREAT!!! Bwahahahahhaahahahahaahahhaaha
  12. Maybe in my 500 point no-holds-barred game... The one with the Magician packing the 100pt VPP, the Demon is modern Superman's combat class, the living nanotech colony, a Dragonball Z member (complete with staged Multiform) and a Manga character from X... But in my 350? He wouldn't get in as is. The IAF or the OHID has to go. No focusses with OHID limits...I'm adamant about that, unles it is a WELL DESCRIBED charcter and background (an older version of Marvel's Thor might get it). IF I allowed it, I would snag his foci at first chance, or break them...Drain is a nice tool, and I don't see any Power Defense.... I'd bet real money the player thinks that if he turns BACK to himself, the Foci cease to exist until he transforms agian, and that they'll be in his hands. Woe unto thee oh player, you are wrong. Either the foci stick around, or stick around and temporarily lose power, or the player is STUCK in Hero ID. Heh heh heh. Two EC's and a VPP if I read this right. No way. Maybe an EC and a Multipower for the suite, but it is likely NOT. An EC for "inherent thought directed spells" and a Multipower for learned spells might be acceptable...THREE frameworks? No way. Also...Defenses, DCV, Attacks seem to be pushing a campaign limit. Huh-uh. And that fire and forget magic defense array is NOT superheroic Dr. Strange style magic. Another note, I have had characters want to use Gestures and Incantations in a Superhero game, and then tell me that they COULD execute the spell tied up or immobilized (by saying the words subconsciously or going through nearly the right motions). I have had them buy Extra Time instead to mimic the "universal" gestures and incantations. It looks Munchkin to me. Frameworks for "indestructible brick powers", followed by a VPP for attacks and "the defenses I forgot about." END only to Activate, Focus, OHID, Gestures, Incantations...all point stacking weaknesses of questionable weakness variety. you need a conversation with the PC. Defensive Magics is NOT an EC in my book. Smells like "EC: Defense Powers"...I refuse constructs of that nature on general principle. END only to activate:: Spells tremendously draining to set up that then run forever. Focus:: pants and shirt ... c'mon....where's the Mystic Amulets? Rings of Power? Eldritch Wards? OHID:: I tap my magic stick on the ground and take on the mantle of Dr. Fate. Gestures, Incantations:: two of the most commonly recommended AGAINST limitations for SuperHero games. Tie him, gag him, he's helpless...except for all those "costs END only to activate" spells that he had on... I say thee nay. Explain to the player that limitations of this level will "take you out of the game" at least 75% of the time, reducing him to his poor collection of stats and skills...company translator.
  13. How is this malicious manipulation? The character has taken almost 75% of his Disad points in this category. It should be a major story focus for him, and come up often. Those were ideas...yes, used all in one blast at once it is malicious manipulation onto the GM railroad. A character with his limitations contructed in that manner plans to kill Orcs and Goblins on sight. Can you deny that? If he had added "Casual Killer" to the package he would be a one man scourge upon the orcish race. *hack hack* *chop chop* the villains are dead. I just feel that there should be real world repercussions for such strongly racist actions (unlike the standard DnD formula games). The hatred and constant attack on Orcs and Goblins should not be treated as "acceptable behavior" by the PC's unless the Goblin/Orcs are unmitigated evils of the world. Even the orcs and goblins of Mordor had lives they wanted to peacefully return to. Perhaps I have played one too many games where the heroes actions impact the environment. I also reread "Coming of Age in Mississippi" recently, and find racism on my mind...I don't like racists in my game, and I WILL see them affected by their actions. I don't particularly LIKE DnD, but I do play it on occasion, since I am the only HERO GM. If one of our PC's was THAT monomaniacal, he would have been turned over to the authorities after endangering us. If he endangered us in parley through those actions, at least two of our current PC's would have killed him on the spot and turned him over as a peace offering.
  14. Physical Limitation:: Command Code Vulnerability (Infrequent, Complete) -- cannot be overidden. Ex:: Data cannot kill, he will shut down first with brain burn Psych Limit:: Must follow authorized Command Codes (UnCommon, Irrational) -- can be mitigated with an EGO roll Ex:: T-101 in T3 overrides the T-X orders to contravene his programming Vulnerability (2 x Effect from Command Codes):: Construct the viruses as Mind Controls versus the machine class of minds. Or some variant of all three.
  15. Heh. Now for a few words on letting him dig his own grave. You as GM are under no obligation to keep the character alive. This fellow has set himself up as a racist slime. He hunts Goblins and Orcs for fun. His background history should be most traumatic... if HE THOUGHT IT UP I would say it is acceptable. maybe the Hatred and Enragement is from watching his family slain by Orcs/Goblins before his eyes. Order him to BUY the perk "Reputation:: Orc Slayer" See if he complains. Write a few scenarios around him. Have orcs show up looking for him in force. Elfish/Dwarfish ambassadors demand that the humans restrain his actions because the Orc states are pressuring them. Have the Orcs and Goblins declare he be brought to justice for his brutal treatment of their race. Heh. Hunted on an 8- by more powerful...have an orcish shaman track him and an army show up at the castle/keep/town demanding he be turned over to them. Drive the party batty with his points...perhaps he will show more restraint next time. Run a couple scenarios where the orcs manage to kidnap and haul him away for trial...and see if the party goes after him... He seems to be a one dimensional racist...straight out of DnD dwarf society.
  16. Shipping Magnate Jaspers Kalgore:: The beauty of this is that he sounds like a master villain, but he's just a concened property owner. --a card carrying NRA member. --FlameJet, plasma based millionaire superhero in NYC, owner of Restorations Unlimited Construction.
  17. IMHO, the choice of the skill gives the "type" of knowledge the PC wants for the character. PS is used in my world for the day to day operation and the HOW to perform the tasks. Damned college boy...you need an extension and a glass a' ice, once you get to the control switch, ya gotta lie there and grope under the catwalk for it. By the time ya get the adjustments done, yer gonna be dehydrated. KS is for the practical knowledge of a subject... [i}If we can simply adjust the power flow regulator here, and plug the ducting for the air conditioning here, then the cooling system will completely bypass the computer center and it will overheat and shut down"[/i] Sciences are more for design and analysis...or for creation of new applications, or for understanding strange stuff. PS: how to make it work KS: how it works SC: how to make it work better or make a new one And since we are on the subject:: AK: Los Angeles Take a right on 5th and a left on 7th and I'll meet you at that Chinese restaurant on the corner. It's pretty good. CK: Los Angeles The best places to spot the stars are the restaurants across Beverly Hills, a small section of town away fom Hollywood and Rodeo Drive. I think I missed one....what is it?
  18. Well damn. I pressed the wrong key. Either RKA no range or HKA ... I'm not sure if his STR can actually add to the damage. Meybe my little brother will dig out his old avenger comics and check for me?
  19. I would advise AGAINST giving the PC's the typical STUN/BLEED powers from the Automaton suite. IF they are all self aware systems they can just as easily retain the appropriate stats that PC's would be built with. The ability to ignore those kind of injuries would be a customized add on for the PC's IMHO. Defined either as the actual automaton powers or as Armor/PD/ED/Damage Reduction. I would want to reserve those automaton powers for machines that ARE automatons. Like Mutant Alloy Devouring Zombies or the dreaded MechanoLeech which thinks no further than the next available power source to be drained... Instead of Paramedic, I advise a similar skill of Robotrauma or CyberMedic (ParaCyberMedic?)...Bleeding in the case of an andriod/robot would be fluid or POWER loss...short circuits from the damage draining the power source or fusing circuits. STUN loss is confused input/extraneous information/damaged information pathways/invalid input provided to the central processing system. Don't believe me? Sit down and watch the Terminator movies again. Those robots are nearly self-aware evolving systems, and they DO suffer from STUN and unconsciousness (especially in T3).
  20. Reading of the comics also shows this:: Vision turns intangible. Vision places his hand inside someone. Vision solidifies. Target (and sometimes VIsion) take damage. Multipower(60) u Desolidification, 0 END u 2d6 RKA, +2 STUNx, Penetratiing (Side Effect:: If target only takes penetrating damage, Vision does also) u Density Increase, 0 END, Persistent
  21. being a fan of the comics in the 70's-90's, I want to weigh in on the "vibration" aspect, a commonly used Flash/Superman trick in the old comics. Right up there with Thor and his "by whirling my hammer at cyclotronic speeds I can transmute the very elements..." Why are you set on it being desol? Does it affect an area attack? Not in my memory...but even if it does, Damage Reduction fits...after all, they are not completely immune to the damage effects. Is it used as a plot device to pass an obstacle? It could simply be a tunnelling power stunt. It states in FREd or the FAQ that Tunnelling with IPE will completely conceal the tunnel if the "closed behind" adder is used. Does it cause attacks to harmlessly pass through the target? Let's see, that's DCV, Missile Deflection, or simply a huge PD or ED with SFX of "intangible" I don't think Desol should be broken down. I cannot think of a single example of "partially intangible" quoted anywhere. Characters who exhibit a vulnerability while passing through walls and such are typically shape shifters of some kind...and that would be covered by existing powers also. I think Reed Richards is the only character I've seen suffer from a "partial Desol" and that may have been a Shape Shifting power stunt. Invulnerabilty in the comics is typically a "haven't found something that will hurt me yet" Look at Rogue, SuperMan, Colossus, Ultra-Boy, any Daxamite, Mon-El, FireLord, Terrax, Ben Grimm, Hulk, Silver Surfer, Martian Manhunter, and countless other samples...Superman is repeatedly shocked by some things ("that HURT" ?!?) Desolid, on the other hand is typically all or nothing. Characters ARE affected normally, or they are not affected at all. Shadowcat, Red Ghost, the gas woman from the old U-Foes, Vision, Phantom Girl, Deadman...there are feweer examples of intangibles, but they all look like yes/no arrangements. I refuse to include the Martian Manuhunter in the Desol discussion. He used to turn invisible, now he turns invisible and intangible...I think someone made a vocabulary error and was forced to find a reason in comic book land... Besides, MM's intangibility is primarily to dodge damage...passing through walls is a handy power, but I think his PD/ED are still soaking damage.
  22. Dr. D; Do you have ANY steady gaming group? What are their prefered games?
  23. Maybe he's looking for a feel more like the Ultimate Stargate or Stargate Infinity cartoon...whatever it's called.... It was higher powered, but horrid! I'd run SG-1 as a heroic game also...look at all that requisitione equipment...
  24. Manly Wade Wellman doesn't hit my Swords N Sorcery radar. But I do so love those stories about Jon...
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