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  1. Like
    Jkeown got a reaction from DentArthurDent in A Star Hero NPC Concept   
    If it helps, I got it immediately. 
  2. Like
    Jkeown got a reaction from Scott Ruggels in HERO SYSTEM + ChatGPT   
    Doing a fun thing with ChatGPT and HERO. I'm dropping images into the chat, it gives me the text of a HERO Bestiary write up, and I then create a Fantasy HERO monster from it. 
    For example, this monster (ArtStation - Toxic Spider, Olekzandr Zahorulko) caused ChatGPT to give me this. So now I'll go create a HERO writeup for it. I've licensed 600 pieces of art from Olekzandr and I'll be compiling them into a PDF for everyone's enjoyment. 
    Ecology: Behold the Jadeback Shellspider, an extraordinary amalgamation of mineral and arachnid lifeforms. This creature is typically found in the depths of ancient forests where magic runs as rampant as the foliage. It feeds off the rich mineral deposits in the soil and is known to integrate these elements into its exoskeleton, resulting in its unique and robust armored hide.
    Personality/Motivation: The Jadeback Shellspider is a solitary guardian of the forest's heart, acting as a living bulwark against those who would harm its sacred grounds. It moves with purpose, driven by an intrinsic connection to the life force of the trees and the earth it roams. This creature does not seek out confrontation, but it does not shy away from it when the sanctity of its home is at stake.
    Powers/Tactics: With a carapace as hard as the rocks it emulates, the Jadeback Shellspider can curl into a formidable shield to withstand assaults. In offense, it can hurl shards of its jade-like armor, which regrow over time, or ensnare foes with webs that have the tensile strength of steel. It is a patient hunter, lying in wait, camouflaged until the perfect moment to strike.
    Campaign Use: The Jadeback Shellspider can be a fierce adversary, a steadfast ally, or an environmental hazard in a campaign. It could guard ancient secrets, obstruct a path that adventurers must pass, or be the subject of a quest where its unique mineral-rich carapace is sought after by alchemists or smiths.
    Appearance: This creature's most striking feature is its glowing, jade-green carapace, which appears to be carved from the gemstone itself. Its body structure resembles that of a spider, with long, jointed legs perfect for traversing its wooded home. The translucent green of its shell gives off a faint luminance in the dappled light of the forest, creating an otherworldly aura.
  3. Like
    Jkeown got a reaction from GoldenAge in HERO SYSTEM + ChatGPT   
    Doing a fun thing with ChatGPT and HERO. I'm dropping images into the chat, it gives me the text of a HERO Bestiary write up, and I then create a Fantasy HERO monster from it. 
    For example, this monster (ArtStation - Toxic Spider, Olekzandr Zahorulko) caused ChatGPT to give me this. So now I'll go create a HERO writeup for it. I've licensed 600 pieces of art from Olekzandr and I'll be compiling them into a PDF for everyone's enjoyment. 
    Ecology: Behold the Jadeback Shellspider, an extraordinary amalgamation of mineral and arachnid lifeforms. This creature is typically found in the depths of ancient forests where magic runs as rampant as the foliage. It feeds off the rich mineral deposits in the soil and is known to integrate these elements into its exoskeleton, resulting in its unique and robust armored hide.
    Personality/Motivation: The Jadeback Shellspider is a solitary guardian of the forest's heart, acting as a living bulwark against those who would harm its sacred grounds. It moves with purpose, driven by an intrinsic connection to the life force of the trees and the earth it roams. This creature does not seek out confrontation, but it does not shy away from it when the sanctity of its home is at stake.
    Powers/Tactics: With a carapace as hard as the rocks it emulates, the Jadeback Shellspider can curl into a formidable shield to withstand assaults. In offense, it can hurl shards of its jade-like armor, which regrow over time, or ensnare foes with webs that have the tensile strength of steel. It is a patient hunter, lying in wait, camouflaged until the perfect moment to strike.
    Campaign Use: The Jadeback Shellspider can be a fierce adversary, a steadfast ally, or an environmental hazard in a campaign. It could guard ancient secrets, obstruct a path that adventurers must pass, or be the subject of a quest where its unique mineral-rich carapace is sought after by alchemists or smiths.
    Appearance: This creature's most striking feature is its glowing, jade-green carapace, which appears to be carved from the gemstone itself. Its body structure resembles that of a spider, with long, jointed legs perfect for traversing its wooded home. The translucent green of its shell gives off a faint luminance in the dappled light of the forest, creating an otherworldly aura.
  4. Like
    Jkeown got a reaction from GoldenAge in HERO SYSTEM + ChatGPT   
    I wrote an entire campaign setting with ChatGPT. Most of this is the GPT, with some editing on my part. The few Templates, spells and such are all me. Note that I got utterly sick of the thing after about 4 days. Formatting and editing was laborious. The effort cratered my credit score, exploded my car, cost me an eye, and left my cat homeless. I've recovered, but it was a journey. 
    HERO Forum Uploads Look for the EC or Elysium Chronicles material. 
  5. Haha
    Jkeown got a reaction from Steve in Variants on the Alien Cop Trope?   
    It has been compared to less kind things. 
  6. Haha
    Jkeown got a reaction from Duke Bushido in Variants on the Alien Cop Trope?   
    It has been compared to less kind things. 
  7. Like
    Jkeown reacted to Grailknight in Variants on the Alien Cop Trope?   
    So have the two villains come to Earth in a loose alliance and let one of the NPC cops be after both of them. They could normally handle them individually but need help against both. or beef up one of the villains with the adventure's plot hook and have the detective and cyborg/spaceship be partners tracking them down.
  8. Like
    Jkeown got a reaction from Duke Bushido in Creating a Bestiary   
    You are so welcome. Happy to assist. Always glad to help out... [insert other customer service lines here]
    I was able to license his whole collection of monster/character art for about $250. 
  9. Like
    Jkeown got a reaction from Starlord in DESILU   
    You guys rock. Together, we've converted a one-shot pun into a theme! Rep all around!! 
    The DESILU, an acronym for Dimensional Environmental Suit - Integrated Logistics Utility, represents the pinnacle of multidimensional exploration and survival technology. This state-of-the-art suit is designed to ensure the utmost safety and efficiency for its users in a variety of hostile and unpredictable environments.
    COPA: The DESILU is meticulously sealed against a vast array of diseases and poisons, featuring a sophisticated filtration system. This system, the Critical Oxygen Provision and Assimilation system is capable of identifying and neutralizing biological, chemical, and particulate threats, ensuring the wearer's safety in environments rife with airborne or contact hazards. Equipped with a cutting-edge dual-feed oxygen system, the DESILU provides a continuous and reliable air supply. Proton Labs, in cooperation with Burger King, provide pelletized Whoppers™, onion rings, and a variety of fizzy drinks.
    FRED: The suit's exterior boasts a highly durable, yet flexible armored casing, the Fortified Resilient Exoskeletal Defense system. This armor is designed to withstand extreme physical impacts, thermal fluctuations, invective, sarcasm, fashion advice, bad grammar, and corrosive elements, offering unparalleled protection without sacrificing mobility. Comes in a variety of sporty colors and even that hue-shifting paint you’ve heard so much about.
    LUCI: At the heart of the DESILU is the Logical Universal Computing Integration its advanced on-board computer. This system houses an extensive dimensional wiki, encompassing a wealth of information on various dimensions' characteristics, flora, fauna, and physics. It also includes comprehensive biological and physics databases, allowing for on-the-spot analysis and decision-making. The LUCI comes equipped with a high-precision calculator, rangefinder, and substantial data storage capabilities. These tools are essential for navigation, research, and tactical assessments in complex environments. As a precaution, the computer is not an AI. We do learn from our lessons here at Proton Labs.
    MERTZ: A full spectrum sensor suite, the Multimodal Electromagnetic Radiation Transmission and Zone (detection) package integrates an inertial compass for navigation in environments where traditional compasses fail. This device offers accurate directional guidance irrespective of external magnetic fields, gravitational anomalies, or dimensional distortions. Can also be used as an external drink holder.
    RICKY: The suit is integrated with a strength-enhancing feedback system; the Robotic Intensification Compression Kinesthetic Yielder. This feature amplifies the wearer's physical capabilities, allowing for the handling of heavy equipment, the execution of demanding physical tasks, and enhanced endurance. A lot of the suits provide +8 STR and +8 CON, but our example system provides +3 STR and +3 CON, known among Proton Labs personnel as “Little RICKY.”
    ETHEL: Perhaps the most remarkable feature of the DESILU is its full-featured Reality Stabilizer, the Environmental Threat/Hazard Emergency Limiter. This technology maintains a stable environmental bubble around the wearer, counteracting the destabilizing effects of interdimensional travel and exposure to exotic physics. It ensures the wearer's safety amidst the unpredictability of cross-dimensional exploration. The last round of test subjects did not turn into rabbits as was expected.
    In summary, the DESILU is not just a suit but a portable fortress, a mobile research lab, and a lifeline for those brave enough to venture into the unknown realms of multidimensional space. It stands as a testament to human ingenuity and the relentless pursuit of knowledge and exploration.
  10. Like
    Jkeown got a reaction from Rich McGee in Plucky Female Reporter   
    It's 118 pages of condensed delusion, raw plagiarism, clarified acting out, and distilled emotional trauma dressed up with Badaboom and Comic Sans. Largely a work in progress, it's a decent guide to Meta-Earth, but also of rather suspect quality. It's no Strike Force, I'll tell ya that. I might dress it up and put it in my OneDrive share.
  11. Haha
    Jkeown got a reaction from Rich McGee in Plucky Female Reporter   
    It's actually made from old reels of Death Wish (1974) spun into fibers and cussed at for 10-12 hours a day for the better part of a month. We try for the whole 12 hours, but Dave gets tired and his throat sore.  The resulting fabric is driven around the seedier parts of Indianapolis in the trunk of a bullet-riddled 1974 Fleetwood before being dropped off a cliff. Then, we cut the patterns and fit the stuff to your hero, but always a bit snug so you get that Charles Bronson too-tight-in-the-crotch facial expression.
  12. Thanks
    Jkeown got a reaction from Steve in Plucky Female Reporter   
    It's 118 pages of condensed delusion, raw plagiarism, clarified acting out, and distilled emotional trauma dressed up with Badaboom and Comic Sans. Largely a work in progress, it's a decent guide to Meta-Earth, but also of rather suspect quality. It's no Strike Force, I'll tell ya that. I might dress it up and put it in my OneDrive share.
  13. Thanks
    Jkeown got a reaction from Steve in Plucky Female Reporter   
    Poppy McCauley - Pluckiness Defined
    Background/History: Poppy McCauley emerged as a star journalist at a young age, quickly becoming America's sweetheart with her tenacious reporting and charismatic presence. Despite her seemingly perpetual bad luck in finding herself in the clutches of villains, she has never let it deter her spirit. Instead, these experiences have provided exclusive insights into the workings of Retropolis's dark underbelly, making her an invaluable asset to both the public and the hero community for her ability to expose the truth behind the chaos. She has been kidnapped a statistically unlikely number of times. She's often lovingly referred to as "America's DNPC." 
    Personality/Motivation: Poppy is the epitome of determination and optimism, often seen with a smile that can light up the darkest corners of Container Town, the Port of Retropolis, Prime's Isolation Station, and O'Neil One. Her green eyes shine with an insatiable curiosity, and her investigative nature is driven by a genuine desire to inform and protect the public. She is motivated by a relentless pursuit of truth and a steadfast belief in justice, which often puts her in danger but never sways her commitment.
    Quote: "No villain too devious, no lair too dark. The story will be told, and it will be told right. That's the McCauley promise. Don't touch those."
    Powers/Tactics: While Poppy possesses no superhuman powers, her wit, resourcefulness, and resilience are her greatest strengths. She has an uncanny ability to land exclusive interviews with the most elusive figures in Meta-Earth and often uses her notoriety and charm to disarm those who underestimate her. Poppy's tactics involve a combination of stealth, persuasion, and a knack for being at the right place at the right time, often yielding scoops that no one else can secure. She pays END when her Luck is active. This is so she can Push her Luck. [I'm so funny....]
    Campaign Use: Currently in the clutches of Bishop Bad Ass, Poppy is unaware that her little brother Chet McCauley is an air pirate in the employ of PLUNDER.
    Appearance: Poppy McCauley is known for her classic, all-American looks. She has a bright, approachable smile, fiery red hair that she often wears in a professional style, and piercing green eyes that miss no detail. Her attire is always impeccable, favoring smart suits and skirts that serve both her on-camera role and the need for mobility during unexpected fieldwork. Her signature look is completed with a press badge that she wears like a medal of honor, symbolizing her dedication to her craft. She is also fond of carrying handcuff keys, a small blowtorch, a book of matches from the last bar she visited, a Floating Fixed Teleport Location, four candles, Mental Defense torc, Bronsonite underwear, ETHEL Reality Stabilizer, the keys to a storage shed she bought during a promotion on WFBQ, and the Bottled City of Tragus-Telgar. 
    Find Poppy here: HERO Forum Uploads
  14. Like
    Jkeown got a reaction from Cancer in DESILU   
    You guys rock. Together, we've converted a one-shot pun into a theme! Rep all around!! 
    The DESILU, an acronym for Dimensional Environmental Suit - Integrated Logistics Utility, represents the pinnacle of multidimensional exploration and survival technology. This state-of-the-art suit is designed to ensure the utmost safety and efficiency for its users in a variety of hostile and unpredictable environments.
    COPA: The DESILU is meticulously sealed against a vast array of diseases and poisons, featuring a sophisticated filtration system. This system, the Critical Oxygen Provision and Assimilation system is capable of identifying and neutralizing biological, chemical, and particulate threats, ensuring the wearer's safety in environments rife with airborne or contact hazards. Equipped with a cutting-edge dual-feed oxygen system, the DESILU provides a continuous and reliable air supply. Proton Labs, in cooperation with Burger King, provide pelletized Whoppers™, onion rings, and a variety of fizzy drinks.
    FRED: The suit's exterior boasts a highly durable, yet flexible armored casing, the Fortified Resilient Exoskeletal Defense system. This armor is designed to withstand extreme physical impacts, thermal fluctuations, invective, sarcasm, fashion advice, bad grammar, and corrosive elements, offering unparalleled protection without sacrificing mobility. Comes in a variety of sporty colors and even that hue-shifting paint you’ve heard so much about.
    LUCI: At the heart of the DESILU is the Logical Universal Computing Integration its advanced on-board computer. This system houses an extensive dimensional wiki, encompassing a wealth of information on various dimensions' characteristics, flora, fauna, and physics. It also includes comprehensive biological and physics databases, allowing for on-the-spot analysis and decision-making. The LUCI comes equipped with a high-precision calculator, rangefinder, and substantial data storage capabilities. These tools are essential for navigation, research, and tactical assessments in complex environments. As a precaution, the computer is not an AI. We do learn from our lessons here at Proton Labs.
    MERTZ: A full spectrum sensor suite, the Multimodal Electromagnetic Radiation Transmission and Zone (detection) package integrates an inertial compass for navigation in environments where traditional compasses fail. This device offers accurate directional guidance irrespective of external magnetic fields, gravitational anomalies, or dimensional distortions. Can also be used as an external drink holder.
    RICKY: The suit is integrated with a strength-enhancing feedback system; the Robotic Intensification Compression Kinesthetic Yielder. This feature amplifies the wearer's physical capabilities, allowing for the handling of heavy equipment, the execution of demanding physical tasks, and enhanced endurance. A lot of the suits provide +8 STR and +8 CON, but our example system provides +3 STR and +3 CON, known among Proton Labs personnel as “Little RICKY.”
    ETHEL: Perhaps the most remarkable feature of the DESILU is its full-featured Reality Stabilizer, the Environmental Threat/Hazard Emergency Limiter. This technology maintains a stable environmental bubble around the wearer, counteracting the destabilizing effects of interdimensional travel and exposure to exotic physics. It ensures the wearer's safety amidst the unpredictability of cross-dimensional exploration. The last round of test subjects did not turn into rabbits as was expected.
    In summary, the DESILU is not just a suit but a portable fortress, a mobile research lab, and a lifeline for those brave enough to venture into the unknown realms of multidimensional space. It stands as a testament to human ingenuity and the relentless pursuit of knowledge and exploration.
  15. Like
    Jkeown got a reaction from Grailknight in DESILU   
    You guys rock. Together, we've converted a one-shot pun into a theme! Rep all around!! 
    The DESILU, an acronym for Dimensional Environmental Suit - Integrated Logistics Utility, represents the pinnacle of multidimensional exploration and survival technology. This state-of-the-art suit is designed to ensure the utmost safety and efficiency for its users in a variety of hostile and unpredictable environments.
    COPA: The DESILU is meticulously sealed against a vast array of diseases and poisons, featuring a sophisticated filtration system. This system, the Critical Oxygen Provision and Assimilation system is capable of identifying and neutralizing biological, chemical, and particulate threats, ensuring the wearer's safety in environments rife with airborne or contact hazards. Equipped with a cutting-edge dual-feed oxygen system, the DESILU provides a continuous and reliable air supply. Proton Labs, in cooperation with Burger King, provide pelletized Whoppers™, onion rings, and a variety of fizzy drinks.
    FRED: The suit's exterior boasts a highly durable, yet flexible armored casing, the Fortified Resilient Exoskeletal Defense system. This armor is designed to withstand extreme physical impacts, thermal fluctuations, invective, sarcasm, fashion advice, bad grammar, and corrosive elements, offering unparalleled protection without sacrificing mobility. Comes in a variety of sporty colors and even that hue-shifting paint you’ve heard so much about.
    LUCI: At the heart of the DESILU is the Logical Universal Computing Integration its advanced on-board computer. This system houses an extensive dimensional wiki, encompassing a wealth of information on various dimensions' characteristics, flora, fauna, and physics. It also includes comprehensive biological and physics databases, allowing for on-the-spot analysis and decision-making. The LUCI comes equipped with a high-precision calculator, rangefinder, and substantial data storage capabilities. These tools are essential for navigation, research, and tactical assessments in complex environments. As a precaution, the computer is not an AI. We do learn from our lessons here at Proton Labs.
    MERTZ: A full spectrum sensor suite, the Multimodal Electromagnetic Radiation Transmission and Zone (detection) package integrates an inertial compass for navigation in environments where traditional compasses fail. This device offers accurate directional guidance irrespective of external magnetic fields, gravitational anomalies, or dimensional distortions. Can also be used as an external drink holder.
    RICKY: The suit is integrated with a strength-enhancing feedback system; the Robotic Intensification Compression Kinesthetic Yielder. This feature amplifies the wearer's physical capabilities, allowing for the handling of heavy equipment, the execution of demanding physical tasks, and enhanced endurance. A lot of the suits provide +8 STR and +8 CON, but our example system provides +3 STR and +3 CON, known among Proton Labs personnel as “Little RICKY.”
    ETHEL: Perhaps the most remarkable feature of the DESILU is its full-featured Reality Stabilizer, the Environmental Threat/Hazard Emergency Limiter. This technology maintains a stable environmental bubble around the wearer, counteracting the destabilizing effects of interdimensional travel and exposure to exotic physics. It ensures the wearer's safety amidst the unpredictability of cross-dimensional exploration. The last round of test subjects did not turn into rabbits as was expected.
    In summary, the DESILU is not just a suit but a portable fortress, a mobile research lab, and a lifeline for those brave enough to venture into the unknown realms of multidimensional space. It stands as a testament to human ingenuity and the relentless pursuit of knowledge and exploration.
  16. Haha
    Jkeown got a reaction from Lord Liaden in DESILU   
    You guys rock. Together, we've converted a one-shot pun into a theme! Rep all around!! 
    The DESILU, an acronym for Dimensional Environmental Suit - Integrated Logistics Utility, represents the pinnacle of multidimensional exploration and survival technology. This state-of-the-art suit is designed to ensure the utmost safety and efficiency for its users in a variety of hostile and unpredictable environments.
    COPA: The DESILU is meticulously sealed against a vast array of diseases and poisons, featuring a sophisticated filtration system. This system, the Critical Oxygen Provision and Assimilation system is capable of identifying and neutralizing biological, chemical, and particulate threats, ensuring the wearer's safety in environments rife with airborne or contact hazards. Equipped with a cutting-edge dual-feed oxygen system, the DESILU provides a continuous and reliable air supply. Proton Labs, in cooperation with Burger King, provide pelletized Whoppers™, onion rings, and a variety of fizzy drinks.
    FRED: The suit's exterior boasts a highly durable, yet flexible armored casing, the Fortified Resilient Exoskeletal Defense system. This armor is designed to withstand extreme physical impacts, thermal fluctuations, invective, sarcasm, fashion advice, bad grammar, and corrosive elements, offering unparalleled protection without sacrificing mobility. Comes in a variety of sporty colors and even that hue-shifting paint you’ve heard so much about.
    LUCI: At the heart of the DESILU is the Logical Universal Computing Integration its advanced on-board computer. This system houses an extensive dimensional wiki, encompassing a wealth of information on various dimensions' characteristics, flora, fauna, and physics. It also includes comprehensive biological and physics databases, allowing for on-the-spot analysis and decision-making. The LUCI comes equipped with a high-precision calculator, rangefinder, and substantial data storage capabilities. These tools are essential for navigation, research, and tactical assessments in complex environments. As a precaution, the computer is not an AI. We do learn from our lessons here at Proton Labs.
    MERTZ: A full spectrum sensor suite, the Multimodal Electromagnetic Radiation Transmission and Zone (detection) package integrates an inertial compass for navigation in environments where traditional compasses fail. This device offers accurate directional guidance irrespective of external magnetic fields, gravitational anomalies, or dimensional distortions. Can also be used as an external drink holder.
    RICKY: The suit is integrated with a strength-enhancing feedback system; the Robotic Intensification Compression Kinesthetic Yielder. This feature amplifies the wearer's physical capabilities, allowing for the handling of heavy equipment, the execution of demanding physical tasks, and enhanced endurance. A lot of the suits provide +8 STR and +8 CON, but our example system provides +3 STR and +3 CON, known among Proton Labs personnel as “Little RICKY.”
    ETHEL: Perhaps the most remarkable feature of the DESILU is its full-featured Reality Stabilizer, the Environmental Threat/Hazard Emergency Limiter. This technology maintains a stable environmental bubble around the wearer, counteracting the destabilizing effects of interdimensional travel and exposure to exotic physics. It ensures the wearer's safety amidst the unpredictability of cross-dimensional exploration. The last round of test subjects did not turn into rabbits as was expected.
    In summary, the DESILU is not just a suit but a portable fortress, a mobile research lab, and a lifeline for those brave enough to venture into the unknown realms of multidimensional space. It stands as a testament to human ingenuity and the relentless pursuit of knowledge and exploration.
  17. Sad
    Jkeown reacted to Rich McGee in DESILU   
    First episode I can recall was Man Trap, but I doubt it was first run.  I'm old enough for it to be possible, but I don't think the parents watched Trek at first and i had no TV control at that point.
    My first clear memory (per-K, probably age 3 or 4) stems from accidentally dropping a toy stegosaur in a snowbank outside the parents' old apartment, and them refusing to believe me and go and grab it.  I found it in the parking lot three months later, much mangled by the snow plows but still in one piece.  I have never let them live that down, and every time they've dared to claim I was lying about something just saying "stegosaur" shut their yaps right quick.  Sadly, the poor thing died in the fire that cost me a big chunk of my game collection many years ago.  Survived the ice but the fire was too much for the poor thing.
  18. Like
    Jkeown got a reaction from Rich McGee in DESILU   
    I do. At 57, my earliest memories are of Lucy and Ricky, Star Trek, Mission Impossible, and Mannix. Especially Star Trek. I actually recall watching Turnabout Intruder the night it was broadcast, but that might be a false memory I created to cope with something. (Oldest verifiable memory is electrocuting myself in June of 1969. Verified it by describing our kitchen and my mom telling me when it was remodeled.)
    That's something you probably didn't need to know. Cool. 
  19. Haha
    Jkeown got a reaction from Rich McGee in DESILU   
    You guys rock. Together, we've converted a one-shot pun into a theme! Rep all around!! 
    The DESILU, an acronym for Dimensional Environmental Suit - Integrated Logistics Utility, represents the pinnacle of multidimensional exploration and survival technology. This state-of-the-art suit is designed to ensure the utmost safety and efficiency for its users in a variety of hostile and unpredictable environments.
    COPA: The DESILU is meticulously sealed against a vast array of diseases and poisons, featuring a sophisticated filtration system. This system, the Critical Oxygen Provision and Assimilation system is capable of identifying and neutralizing biological, chemical, and particulate threats, ensuring the wearer's safety in environments rife with airborne or contact hazards. Equipped with a cutting-edge dual-feed oxygen system, the DESILU provides a continuous and reliable air supply. Proton Labs, in cooperation with Burger King, provide pelletized Whoppers™, onion rings, and a variety of fizzy drinks.
    FRED: The suit's exterior boasts a highly durable, yet flexible armored casing, the Fortified Resilient Exoskeletal Defense system. This armor is designed to withstand extreme physical impacts, thermal fluctuations, invective, sarcasm, fashion advice, bad grammar, and corrosive elements, offering unparalleled protection without sacrificing mobility. Comes in a variety of sporty colors and even that hue-shifting paint you’ve heard so much about.
    LUCI: At the heart of the DESILU is the Logical Universal Computing Integration its advanced on-board computer. This system houses an extensive dimensional wiki, encompassing a wealth of information on various dimensions' characteristics, flora, fauna, and physics. It also includes comprehensive biological and physics databases, allowing for on-the-spot analysis and decision-making. The LUCI comes equipped with a high-precision calculator, rangefinder, and substantial data storage capabilities. These tools are essential for navigation, research, and tactical assessments in complex environments. As a precaution, the computer is not an AI. We do learn from our lessons here at Proton Labs.
    MERTZ: A full spectrum sensor suite, the Multimodal Electromagnetic Radiation Transmission and Zone (detection) package integrates an inertial compass for navigation in environments where traditional compasses fail. This device offers accurate directional guidance irrespective of external magnetic fields, gravitational anomalies, or dimensional distortions. Can also be used as an external drink holder.
    RICKY: The suit is integrated with a strength-enhancing feedback system; the Robotic Intensification Compression Kinesthetic Yielder. This feature amplifies the wearer's physical capabilities, allowing for the handling of heavy equipment, the execution of demanding physical tasks, and enhanced endurance. A lot of the suits provide +8 STR and +8 CON, but our example system provides +3 STR and +3 CON, known among Proton Labs personnel as “Little RICKY.”
    ETHEL: Perhaps the most remarkable feature of the DESILU is its full-featured Reality Stabilizer, the Environmental Threat/Hazard Emergency Limiter. This technology maintains a stable environmental bubble around the wearer, counteracting the destabilizing effects of interdimensional travel and exposure to exotic physics. It ensures the wearer's safety amidst the unpredictability of cross-dimensional exploration. The last round of test subjects did not turn into rabbits as was expected.
    In summary, the DESILU is not just a suit but a portable fortress, a mobile research lab, and a lifeline for those brave enough to venture into the unknown realms of multidimensional space. It stands as a testament to human ingenuity and the relentless pursuit of knowledge and exploration.
  20. Haha
    Jkeown got a reaction from Quackhell in DESILU   
    You guys rock. Together, we've converted a one-shot pun into a theme! Rep all around!! 
    The DESILU, an acronym for Dimensional Environmental Suit - Integrated Logistics Utility, represents the pinnacle of multidimensional exploration and survival technology. This state-of-the-art suit is designed to ensure the utmost safety and efficiency for its users in a variety of hostile and unpredictable environments.
    COPA: The DESILU is meticulously sealed against a vast array of diseases and poisons, featuring a sophisticated filtration system. This system, the Critical Oxygen Provision and Assimilation system is capable of identifying and neutralizing biological, chemical, and particulate threats, ensuring the wearer's safety in environments rife with airborne or contact hazards. Equipped with a cutting-edge dual-feed oxygen system, the DESILU provides a continuous and reliable air supply. Proton Labs, in cooperation with Burger King, provide pelletized Whoppers™, onion rings, and a variety of fizzy drinks.
    FRED: The suit's exterior boasts a highly durable, yet flexible armored casing, the Fortified Resilient Exoskeletal Defense system. This armor is designed to withstand extreme physical impacts, thermal fluctuations, invective, sarcasm, fashion advice, bad grammar, and corrosive elements, offering unparalleled protection without sacrificing mobility. Comes in a variety of sporty colors and even that hue-shifting paint you’ve heard so much about.
    LUCI: At the heart of the DESILU is the Logical Universal Computing Integration its advanced on-board computer. This system houses an extensive dimensional wiki, encompassing a wealth of information on various dimensions' characteristics, flora, fauna, and physics. It also includes comprehensive biological and physics databases, allowing for on-the-spot analysis and decision-making. The LUCI comes equipped with a high-precision calculator, rangefinder, and substantial data storage capabilities. These tools are essential for navigation, research, and tactical assessments in complex environments. As a precaution, the computer is not an AI. We do learn from our lessons here at Proton Labs.
    MERTZ: A full spectrum sensor suite, the Multimodal Electromagnetic Radiation Transmission and Zone (detection) package integrates an inertial compass for navigation in environments where traditional compasses fail. This device offers accurate directional guidance irrespective of external magnetic fields, gravitational anomalies, or dimensional distortions. Can also be used as an external drink holder.
    RICKY: The suit is integrated with a strength-enhancing feedback system; the Robotic Intensification Compression Kinesthetic Yielder. This feature amplifies the wearer's physical capabilities, allowing for the handling of heavy equipment, the execution of demanding physical tasks, and enhanced endurance. A lot of the suits provide +8 STR and +8 CON, but our example system provides +3 STR and +3 CON, known among Proton Labs personnel as “Little RICKY.”
    ETHEL: Perhaps the most remarkable feature of the DESILU is its full-featured Reality Stabilizer, the Environmental Threat/Hazard Emergency Limiter. This technology maintains a stable environmental bubble around the wearer, counteracting the destabilizing effects of interdimensional travel and exposure to exotic physics. It ensures the wearer's safety amidst the unpredictability of cross-dimensional exploration. The last round of test subjects did not turn into rabbits as was expected.
    In summary, the DESILU is not just a suit but a portable fortress, a mobile research lab, and a lifeline for those brave enough to venture into the unknown realms of multidimensional space. It stands as a testament to human ingenuity and the relentless pursuit of knowledge and exploration.
  21. Like
    Jkeown got a reaction from Lawnmower Boy in DESILU   
    You guys rock. Together, we've converted a one-shot pun into a theme! Rep all around!! 
    The DESILU, an acronym for Dimensional Environmental Suit - Integrated Logistics Utility, represents the pinnacle of multidimensional exploration and survival technology. This state-of-the-art suit is designed to ensure the utmost safety and efficiency for its users in a variety of hostile and unpredictable environments.
    COPA: The DESILU is meticulously sealed against a vast array of diseases and poisons, featuring a sophisticated filtration system. This system, the Critical Oxygen Provision and Assimilation system is capable of identifying and neutralizing biological, chemical, and particulate threats, ensuring the wearer's safety in environments rife with airborne or contact hazards. Equipped with a cutting-edge dual-feed oxygen system, the DESILU provides a continuous and reliable air supply. Proton Labs, in cooperation with Burger King, provide pelletized Whoppers™, onion rings, and a variety of fizzy drinks.
    FRED: The suit's exterior boasts a highly durable, yet flexible armored casing, the Fortified Resilient Exoskeletal Defense system. This armor is designed to withstand extreme physical impacts, thermal fluctuations, invective, sarcasm, fashion advice, bad grammar, and corrosive elements, offering unparalleled protection without sacrificing mobility. Comes in a variety of sporty colors and even that hue-shifting paint you’ve heard so much about.
    LUCI: At the heart of the DESILU is the Logical Universal Computing Integration its advanced on-board computer. This system houses an extensive dimensional wiki, encompassing a wealth of information on various dimensions' characteristics, flora, fauna, and physics. It also includes comprehensive biological and physics databases, allowing for on-the-spot analysis and decision-making. The LUCI comes equipped with a high-precision calculator, rangefinder, and substantial data storage capabilities. These tools are essential for navigation, research, and tactical assessments in complex environments. As a precaution, the computer is not an AI. We do learn from our lessons here at Proton Labs.
    MERTZ: A full spectrum sensor suite, the Multimodal Electromagnetic Radiation Transmission and Zone (detection) package integrates an inertial compass for navigation in environments where traditional compasses fail. This device offers accurate directional guidance irrespective of external magnetic fields, gravitational anomalies, or dimensional distortions. Can also be used as an external drink holder.
    RICKY: The suit is integrated with a strength-enhancing feedback system; the Robotic Intensification Compression Kinesthetic Yielder. This feature amplifies the wearer's physical capabilities, allowing for the handling of heavy equipment, the execution of demanding physical tasks, and enhanced endurance. A lot of the suits provide +8 STR and +8 CON, but our example system provides +3 STR and +3 CON, known among Proton Labs personnel as “Little RICKY.”
    ETHEL: Perhaps the most remarkable feature of the DESILU is its full-featured Reality Stabilizer, the Environmental Threat/Hazard Emergency Limiter. This technology maintains a stable environmental bubble around the wearer, counteracting the destabilizing effects of interdimensional travel and exposure to exotic physics. It ensures the wearer's safety amidst the unpredictability of cross-dimensional exploration. The last round of test subjects did not turn into rabbits as was expected.
    In summary, the DESILU is not just a suit but a portable fortress, a mobile research lab, and a lifeline for those brave enough to venture into the unknown realms of multidimensional space. It stands as a testament to human ingenuity and the relentless pursuit of knowledge and exploration.
  22. Like
    Jkeown reacted to Cancer in DESILU   
    This may be a generational thing, but to me Desilu is Desilu Productions, Lucille Ball & husband Desi Arnaz's TV production company.  For the sake of us old folks, you might add some bits that come in from that association.
  23. Like
    Jkeown reacted to Lord Liaden in DESILU   
    Another old fogy here, and Ball and Arnaz's company was the first thing I thought of, too.
    In fact, given the median age of this community, I think that will come to mind a lot. 👴👵
  24. Like
    Jkeown reacted to Rich McGee in DESILU   
    Considering that Desilu was responsible for the existence of Star Trek, Mission: Impossible and the Untouchables, I expect there's some young whippersnappers who know the name too. 
  25. Like
    Jkeown reacted to Mark Rand in DESILU   
    At 73, I'm also an old fogy.
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