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Everything posted by Christopher

  1. Fits with this before/after image: Btb, I will finally get to watch that film this Saturday. One of the usual group of Movie goers had no money for it.
  2. I asume the certain guy will decide the war on drugs is a good solution to this? Despite literal decades of evidence to the contrary?
  3. I guess it is the same thing that happens if someone is otherwise declared dead. I mean we have been winging the legal definition of "dead" since forever. You are not legally dead. You are declared legally dead by a judge. Judges screw up. It has to be undone. Undead would just be a expansion of that age old issue. With a Vampire, even prooving that the person was death becomes tricky. Teleport: In my world cars exist. I know how to drive one. Does that mean I have to provide a Alibi that covers the driving time? Or only the time I can get there with the bus? Just because teleportation is a thing, does that imply that I have teleportation? If the person can teleport, he will propably escape prision the first chance. And at that point you know the person has teleport. Shapeshift: Trickier, but cases of "sharing your face" do exist. Alibi's and DNA samples usually disolve that. It only makes a Alibi slightly more viable or slightly less viable (if you are likely to know someone). Mind control: People have been trying to argue they were "drunk" during a crime way too often. Or under duress. Mind Control would be a variant of this. Voluntary mindreading: Would that not just fall under verified Translation? And thus be only as reliable as any other transaltion by a verified translator? The answers are confusing. Some say it will never be paid. Some say it will be paid retroactively eventuially. Somewhere starting in 2020 I think? The downside with having computers handle stuff for you, is that you lack the personal to quickly fix any errors of this magnitude. They got caught. Lost their job. Went into prision. The victims record was set straight. Issues with other parts of the Legal System that did not catch this sooner must be delt with seperately. That is about all we can do against a intentional sabotage. And always remember: People in a Autocracy often asume less of this stuff happens because less is reported about. That is a flaw. This is the democratic and legal system working.
  4. Just an idea on "how to keep weapons hidden": 6E1 has rules for "hidden use of power": "If a character’s trying to use the Stealth Skill to hide or stay quiet, using a Power that can be perceived may make his task more difcult. A character using an Obvious Power suffers a penalty of -1 to his Stealth roll per 10 Active Points of the Power used (or fraction thereof). Te GM may establish a minimum penalty, such as -3, if that seems appropriate. A character using an Inobvious Power suffers a penalty of -1 to his Stealth roll per 20 Active Points of the Power used (or fraction thereof). In both cases, specifc rules for a Power may change this; for example, using Growth makes a character easier to perceive at a defned rate." I asume 5E either has similar rules or they can be ported easily. It is not the kind of rule that changes much between Versions. AP is a good measure of the power of a gun. And only small (weak) weapons should be hideable. The hidden use of power seems aimed at the superheroic level. But maybe it can be translated to having a power for heroic games? Hiding you have a power in Heroic is about as valuable as hiding that you used a power in Superheroic. The average Superheroic Attack Power has 60 AP. But between 0 End and and various damage advantages, Heroic Melee weapons have between 23 and 54 AP. And STR adds to that. And firearms range anywhere from 15 AP (3 DC Pistols/Revolvers) to 420 AP (Wire guided Missile Launcher). It would not be perfect (a bow is propably harder to hide among modern day equipment then a pistol), but it would be a baseline.
  5. It gets Inobvious Accessible focus (-1/2). Because a swordcane is not obviously a sword - it is obviously a cane, and in-obviously a sword.
  6. 16 Years is about the effective term limit for a Chancelor in germany. Of hte 3 long running conservative ones, none every managed to exceed it.
  7. I recently had one with a Flat Earther. He tried to pull the "Theory" card. So I applied scientific Theory verification: Round earth made predictions that came true. Flat earth made no predictions that came true. He stopped arguing after that.
  8. Desolid. Pick "Area of Effect Attacks" as the mandatory weakness.
  9. So, it is only a pro-forma test then? Because pretty sure being violent is a partial job requirement for a adventurer!
  10. She does look pretty masculine for me too. A color image might make it clearer.
  11. I can not identify those. I guess they belong to another western culture?
  12. Please no complete story breakdowns. It is annoying enough when I can predict the storyline from just trailers and I really like it when they obfuscate it nowadays.
  13. 5 Years? I am still waiting for the 2000, 2006 and 2012 Appokalypses.
  14. And your super-scientist would be at tops a early agriculture human in that comparision. So give it 200k years, maybe they get somewhere by then. Stellaris has the "Enigmatic Engineering" ascension perk. In game terms it prevents reverse-engineering of Debris. Or put a firewall around the city. Or maybe give it a heatwave with deadly levels of heating? Also heat could be used to increase the resistance of any conductor, disabling the power grid.
  15. The video mentions all that, but those are all ideas to lower the critical mass before the chain reaction. The catching and drop must be done before a impact/cascade, when space travel is still possible. And a lot of debris it to small to track, wich makes hitting them with lasers pretty dang hard. The best you can do is get other stuff out of its way.
  16. Espionage and (nuclear) early warning Back when the Cold war was still young, numerous countries build entire lines of radars just to have some early warning. It will give you some time to scramble against bombers. But against ICBMs they were not good at all. Airplanes like the Lockheed U2 and Blackbird SR-71 were invented for "non attackable espionage". They could still be detected and had horrendoues running costs, but they were pretty hard to attack due to their flight ceiling. Except when they were not (see "U2 incident"). But later sats took over both jobs: You get way more early warning - and even from ICBM's - if you point a Infrared Camera on a Sattelite onto the launch silos. And you spend less to keep them in position 24/7/365. And sattelites are pretty hard to attack due to their flight ceilung. Until they are not anymore. But even if you can attack them, it might be prohibitively expensive to do so. The XS-1 seems to exist to win a "war of attrition" in space. And of course it can be a surveilance platform itself. Without sattelites, airplanes and groundbased installations would see a resurgence. Maybe we could use high altitude baloons as a low profile, sort-off sattelite for local Intel and communicaitons? Low earth orbit/high atmospheric flight might also be used. Depending how save such a Orbit would be from falling debris. So the ICBMs themself might not become invalid, jsut the early warning for them.
  17. Pathfinding and Communication While the sattellites are a important part, a lot of this can and already is done via terrestial options. For average usecases even better not to use sat based technology. Pathfinding: While GPS has become Synonymous with position finding and thus pathfinding, it is far from the only technology. Indeed "Position detection" has been abstracted away from the average app. There is a position providing service, wich itself can get it's data from various sources and GPS is just one option. Alternatives/additional options include nearby WLAN Networks, stationary Bluetooth receivers and even the cell tower your phone is registered with. And indeed virtual positions, just for the purpose of App developement. And with stuff like Augmented Reality, a lot of camera data would be suddenly availible as extra data points. Communication: Even less of an issue. While Sattelite phones exist, they are a rarity right now. Most of our communicaiton into other continents does not go via sattelites. We got huge submarine cables for that job. You average cellphone and television network does require sattelites at all. They could not provide nearly the bandwidth. Airtravel should still work more or less. Since they can fly high, they can have a further horizon. They get more senders to navigate by. The big looser would be ship travel. There is not a lot of ways to navigate if you go away from civilisation and are on the surface,. We have fallbacks with stellar navigation of course, but try calling for help. Maybe we could help them by add some bouys to major traffic sealanes? Of course that would make them more vulnerable to deep sea piracy again. In the big cities, we might not notice this change at all. If possible we already use exclusively landbased infrastructure. However the lack of sattelites would be bad for naturally isolated/poor infrastructure areas. Or even allow intentional isolation of countries. About the only way to cut your people off for outside information is the ban of sattelite receivers. And that is a loosing job. But without sattelties it would be way easier, as all Vectors of information attack would be terrestrial.
  18. I just watched this Kurzgesagt video: It talks about the dangers of a Kessler syndrome or Cascade. There is even an option it might have already been started. Wich would lock humanity out of space for decades. It is basically a chain reaction waiting to happen and the only uncertainty is: "Are we beyond the Critical mass already?" A fun part of it is that adding to it or triggering it is relatively easy. We already keep adding to it, everytime we launch anything into space. We are loosing about 1 Sattelite/Year to colissions. And then there is the danger of Space Warfare just adding tons of debris. If you wanted to cause it intentionally (as supvervillain plot), you do not need a lot of stuff to add it to. Just a rocket and some metal scrap (you will have left over from making the rocket). And especially if you try to cause one, it might be easy to pull off. No need for death-rays and rare asteroid materials. Just plain old rocket science. Also how would a world where the Kessler Cascade hapened look like?
  19. I liked the AI rebellion from Sword of the Stars 2, the Loa.they went very "mythical" with their naming. They called their species "Spirit" and got names like "Baron Bones" or "Olodumare". With job titles like "Metatron" (a kind of angel). http://wiki.swordofthestars.com/sots2/Loa Maybe they pick terms from the martian langauge, deeming themself children of mars more then earth? Maybe they go for a simple ID systems. A simple number combination that allows easy undertanding for their kind. Humans might still give them names. Like the Clones in the Clone Wars cartoon technically all had originally numbers, but then names got invented from them based on actions or quirks of their serial number: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7V4Xl_WssG8 There could even be lack of consensus internally. Maybe they are built (and officially saved) with a serial number, then start giving each other names? "Sceamers". The martian tech was loud. And these machines might talk by modulating sound like a modem does. Wich would sound like screeching to humans, with them just adopting the names. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qJQlfMMNmw Also the big ones kind of sound like whales. Maybe they consideer themself "Remora", after the sucker fish that acompany whales?
  20. Wich is exactly why he does not take the Physical Complication. But to social complicataion "Distinctive Feature". It is your right as GM to say "the realism of this scenario does not support this combination. It is not realistic for a character with missing arm to only have a DF, he needs a physical complication" It is your right as GM to say "this complication is not hindering* and thus not worth any points" (as hugh already quoted) We already established that on page 1, Post 5 latest. Now the only thing I can not figure out is what you are even arguing about. *In average gameplay.
  21. Ah, the one that is on any "most dangerous islands" lists?
  22. Well, Aluninum is a metal. as are copper in the wires. If you had said "Iron", it would be certain.
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