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Everything posted by Christopher

  1. I just said so on another thead, but I think the idea behind such limitations is: - You build the characters powers to your satisfaction - you apply the limitation - you use the free points to buy stuff you can use when the limitation is in effect. Personally I never managed to do that and always fell in the trap of trying to cram more powers with the same limitations onto my sheets.
  2. Then why did you not provide the proper context for "Missile"? We are talking about the conversion of a fighting game. Last I looked, no human can shoot fireballs from their hands or do most of the stuff in Samurai Showdown. So realism flew out of the window before this thread even started
  3. I think the intention with Foci or Power loss is to invest the points you get into skills/other powers you can use while the Limitation is in effect. I tend to fall into the trap where I buy more powers with the same limitations. As for breaking Power armor: It is a option to build stuff like Power Armor as "Only in Alternate Identity". Or a indestructible Focus. It was kind of a GM oversight to not do so to begin with. Happens
  4. Being a slave is by definition harm being done to you. Why else would slaves not run away? I could propably find you 3 different human rights slavery violates at least. On top of the one explicitly about "no slavery". "Are they innocents? Are they convicted criminals whose sentence includes enforced servitude?" Then they are not slaves. They are convicted criminals whose stence includes enforced servitude. As long as the justice system itself is not evil/they were wrongfully convicted, they are not normally your concern. And in the later case, you do have the legal options to take. "Are they prisoners of war, with enforced work being the alternative to executing prisoners that the society cannot support?" Then the action of freeing them would bring harm to them. "You must not do harm" actually comes before "you must prevent harm". "Will a Paladin reject a draft in times of war, or does he expect citizens to dutifully discharge their responsibility to their country? " Usually Paladins with actuall magical power derived from a real divine source are excempt for laws like "draft". Their own association with their church and any deals between church and country overrule that. It might even be nessesary to forsake their citizenship to join, wich also negates the applicability of Drafting. Unlike Excommunication, it actually goes both ways. There is always the part of tenet 2, "do not pointlessly rob yourself of the ability to do future good". So you need to give me a ton more information before I know what the answer might be. In the end both accepting the draft and avoiding it and landing in prision would be against that part. In wich capacity you can do more good is what maters. Good still trumps law. In my case, there was not even a reason to compromise law for good. The people had only attempted to steal from the group. No 3rd party was affected. It was entirely within the rights of the party to not press charges. Wich all but the paladin player agreed to do. And if they did not press charges, law was not even involved. The Authorities were not concerned. Tenet 4 would never even be called up to enter the ring.
  5. Fun fact: I ocassionally read questions on programming forums about "why is this networking code not working in scenario X". The thing is, that this is never a programming issue, always a networking one. And just to drive the point home I say: "For the code it does not mater if the other end is on the same computer, the same swtich, or the Voyager 2 probe." Thus far it got everyone to look into the right direction
  6. The source material is a game. The target material is a RPG. And not every mechanic can survive such a genre/medium transition. These rules are there specifically because this is a fighting game. A game of reaction/planning. So the enemy reaction time/damage tradeoff works for the player using the maneuver. It is a meaningfull choice he can make. The only comparable meaningfull choice I can think off is a bonus damage/self damage tradeoff. Like the Velocity based maneuvers have. IIRC, there are actually rules to measure the acceleration over a specific (very short and from a standstill) distance, wich does affect the bonus damage from Velocity based Maneuvers. And the damage you deal relates directly to the damage you take. So that might be the closest match - picking your Speed for a Velocity based maneuver. That is not how it works. Missiles accelerate after leaving hte wing of the aircraft, often to speeds way exceeding that of their carrier. And it becomes more pronounced with Ship based missiles. Or ICBM's. They definitely accelerate a lot from their launch point. We just do not think about it that way, because the kinetic forces of a missile is usually irrelevant for the damage. A warhead does the damage. But in this case, he is going for a kinetic impact.
  7. I do drink water from bottles almost exclusively. However I do tend to "refill" them with Tap Water. Of course my tap water is actually graded as drinking water without a extra filter, otherwise I might not do it. " For months, the bill has faced criticism that it is overly broad, vaguely worded, and potentially dangerous. The tech industry, after all, is global; if Australia compels a company to weaken its product security for law enforcement, that backdoor will exist universally, vulnerable to exploitation by criminals and governments far beyond Australia. Additionally, if a company makes an access tool for Australian law enforcement, other countries will inevitably demand the same capability. " Nothing really new. This already happened way before the turn of the century: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Export_of_cryptography_from_the_United_States The US had laws in place that prohibited the export of software beyond certain encryption levels. They just had to declare Encryption to he similar to Ammunition for export. "Accordingly, regulations were introduced as part of munitions controls which required licenses to export cryptographic methods (and even their description); the regulations established that cryptography beyond a certain strength (defined by algorithm and length of key) would not be licensed for export except on a case-by-case basis. This policy was also adopted elsewhere for various reasons."
  8. And of coruse Hot Shots 2, wich was a parody on Rambo 2, Apokalypse now and just about any "Military Action movie set in a jungle".
  9. "Humanity never developed a System we did not manage to break."
  10. All I know that there is some book of Creatures that may have rules to simualte "swarms" as a single sheet. I am less then certain about the books name and even the information that such rules exist in it is only from hearsay.
  11. It is an unpleasant day when... ... the day/week/month is totally uneventfull until now ... at 17:31 your Landlord calls where the rent is, but you can not answer why because it is provided by social security directly. ... it is to late to call the social security office ... you are about to write a Email to ask what went wrong, when you realize: The approval period ran out with November 2018 and this is not November anymore ... you realize that you had the paperwork to renew the approval (4 pages, 15 minutes of work) all this time and just plain forgot it, because it was never an issue all those other years ... you decide to transfer the rent directly to your landlord, but thanks to some quirks of the bank group - and you never setting up online banking - you have to throw in the paperwork in a nearby small town rather then where you live* ... you still need recent Bank statements for the re-approval, but the branch office where you hand in the transfer order either no longer has a bank statement printer or it is locked away in the main room ... you have to drive a detour on the way back jsut to get new bank statements ... you realize that with the lack of social security payment this month and the transfer of the rent, you are suddenly very strapped for cash. Something you have avoided for years. ... it is now 20:14, not even 3 hours later and you are stressed ... you still have to go to the provider to clear this up for the comming year. At 08:00-12:00. When you sleep rythm looks like the printout of a earthquake ... with this stress it is unlikely you get to sleep and wake up in time, so the likely option is to stay awake through the night to be ready tomorrow morning ... you actually were hoping tomorrow would be a nice day of you playing in your "once every 14 day" Warhammer Fanatsay Group And the most unpleasant part of it all: YOU CAN NOT EVEN BLAME ANYBODY BUT YOURSELF! You it was all you, stupid me! *they have this wierd setup where every few villages there is a legally distinct bank. You can totally withdraw money and get bank statements from either branch office at no charge, but transfer orders in writing must be handed to the right branch office. And I literally had this account for decades, when I still lived in another town
  12. I think they jsut do not want to realize it is the healing. Maybe they even felt genuinely betrayed because you did not gave them the option to heal Croc? It does not need to make sense (as you explained, there was no reason for the Aquans to let Croc there with people that tried to kill him). Emotions never do. And this sounds like a prime case Regardless, it all seems to come down to the Healing. Just try taking it away for a moment. You can still allow it for storyline purposes as a "power you do not spend points on". But it is highly detrimental for gameplay, as you have just learned the hard way. As a lesser version, you could try to apply timepressure so they do not have a option to heal after combat. Or maybe apply any of the rules that limit the (re)usabiltiy of healing. But I remain convinced you will not get around taking it away, unfortunately. Sometimes stuff has big picture/longterm effects. In Stellaris singing a migration treaty will annoy the heck out of the Xenophobe Faction. Because a Migration Treaty causes Xenophile attraction (the opposite of Xenophobe one) If your shortterm goal is stability, you would not sign a migration treaty. If your longterm goal is to change your Ethics, you totally would. Even at the cost of short term instability. Healing just had such a effect on your game. It slowly over time moved the allignment from "Afraid of killing" to "The mage can heal it".
  13. Realisticially it would propably not work. I let Legs from Schlock Mercenary explain why: Of course this is about superheroics, so it could totally work But he learned quickly to apply against a enemy that did not see him as a enemy:
  14. A moment to moment variant is "interfence". For stuff like this. There is even the opposite, powers aiding each other in a combined attack. For stuff like cooperative Jutsu in Naruto. The different ways those spells looked could just be down to special effect in the end. Deathcurse, giant fire snake, throwing glass shards onto the enemy. All just seem variants of RKA, maybe even the same RKA power. Of course in general Hero rules are more geared towards team fights. They are naturally weak at simulating duels.
  15. It is a sport of reaction time and calculation, the two things AI are normally really good at. However the hardware constraints of a drone might be an issue. If you have to put your AI into the drone, that would be a lot of extra weight. Squeezing the nessesary realtime hardware into the weight and size constraints of a drone could be a serious challenge.
  16. And jsut like that, I remembered an answer. APG II 115, "Expanded Focus rules". " Te standard rules for building Foci (6E1 376-80) work well for nearly all campaigns and characters. However, some games use gadgetry so frequently that a more detailed system for defning how Foci function in game terms is desireable. Tis section of APG2 expands the rules for building Foci, making it possible for characters to precisely defne every important aspect of their weapons and devices." Basically you get to build the Focus Limitation like you would Charges or Trigger. And it is pratically designed for Heroic games. The default focus " has a Concealment modifer of +5 (making it roughly equal in size to a rifle or shotgun)" There is a whole size table to replace the Concealment modifier from +11 down to +0 Small pistols are +2 Knives and Grenades +1 Coins and hte like +0
  17. We actually had a discussion about this exact thematic just 1 quartal ago: Unfortuantely we could not come up with a definitive answer, only a ton of options.
  18. APG 2, 154, "Expanded Focus Rules". Basically it allows you to build the Focus Limitation, the same way you can Charges or Trigger. Generally those are designed for Heroic campaigns, not Superheroic ones. Now as anything in the APG it is highly experimental. No guarantees tha there is not huge abuse potential. Desolid on the focus is not mentioned, but you might be able to cobble something together by giving the Focus "Defense except against attacks that can hurt a microbot swarm". Now as a optinal subrule to the Optional Expanded Focus rules, there is the STOP sign "Self Acting Focus". Basically it allows you to make a Focus into a "Automaton Light". The example writeup is for a guided missile, wich have to be one of the most common cases of "Self Acting Focus"/"Automaton".
  19. Generally I agree that the focus rules would be a decent fit. If it was not for the fact that on average, the Focus is de-facto affected by the Swarm variant of Desolidificaiton. Or the special swarm rules (I heard they exist in Ultimate Mosnter or so). But I just got an idea I have to double check.
  20. I know my way around 6E a lot better, but these are the kind of rules that have not generally been affected by the version change. Desolid: I think the general answer was no. Attacking anything from Desolid requires the "Affects Physical World" Advantage, +2. Attacking from Desolid is a very powerfull ability, hence the high price tag. The special effect you are still affected by is a limitation. A mandatory limitation. To make certain the "absolute unaffectable" does not run away. There is a exception that allows you to attack characters with the same special effect for Desolid freely. This can even be seen happening in this clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yrrh6BsVfLE Of coruse the GM is free to expand this onto Magic Foci, Magic Force walls and the like. But doing so can quickly become a balancing nightmare. Density Increase: 6E has the writeups that allow you to disect powers like Density Increase, Growth and Shrinking into their component powers. The heavy mass of density increase is primarily a feature, I think. It is where the knockback resistance comes from. As long as Normal Stats + Density increase do not exceed the campaign limits, it should be fine. If they do, DI has to be reduced or dropped. It is supposed to be a cheaper way to get to Campaign limits, not to consistent exceed them. Supresss is a constant power. If you are stunned or knocked out, 100% of the effect is lost. Drain is a instant power. Hit them once, and the effect has to decay over time. A number of cases of "red sunlight weakens Supermans Kryptonian Powers" might be better done with Drain then Supress. Leaping vs Running: Running is actually just the baseline power. It was deemed that on average, Leaping is a whole lot less usefull the running. The limitations are pretty steep as it is flying with very limited control. However the pricing of movement powers is highly succeptible to the campaign. In a underwater campaign for example, the prices for flight and swimming should propably be flipped: Swimming is de-facto flight underwater. And you will get as rarely to fly in the air as you swim in the normal campaings. If leaping becomes too usefull due to special things in teh world, the price can be increased closer to running easily. Summon: I will have to copy the 6E text here as my 5E PDF does not support copy & paste. But this part of the rules seems to have been unchanged to a letter. speicific beign is potentialyl dangerous, wich is why in 6E it is marked with a STOP sign. Effectively it is a form of unbreakable Mind Control. " Summon normally allows a character to Summon a specifc type of creature — a wolf, for example, but not a dog, fox, or lion. Te Summoner may pay extra Character Points to Summon creatures from broader groups (see Expanded Class, below). Characters should not use Summon as a cheap form of Teleportation, nor as a way to Summon an individual so the Summoner can kill him. A character should only use Summon to Summon a type or class of being, not a specifc being (unless the GM gives permission and the character pays for the appropriate Advantage; see below)." " A Summon power with this Advantage can Summon a specifc individual, whether that individual is defned generically (the King of Valdoria) or by name (King Arkon of Valdoria). In general, the GM should only allow this Advantage when the Summoned being is deceased (Summoning his spirit through necromantic powers) or has been precisely located with some other power. A Summoned specifc being appears in his current condition at the time of Summoning. If he’s injured, he’ll be injured; if he’s sleeping or Knocked Out, he’s asleep or unconscious; and so forth. If the specifc being is killed, the character permanently loses the Character Points spent for the ability to Summon him (though the GM may allow the character to convert the power into the ability to Summon the specifc being’s ghost, spirit, or the like)." 'My guardian angel' should fall into GM allow territory. It still allows potentially gathering information by sending the summoned being on suicide scouting (Naruto Shadowclone Style). Telekinesis: Telekinesis is somewhat dangerous for game balance. It is effectively "STR, on Range, Does not suffer Damage Shields". The last thing you need is letting a character also excert the same STR as a Brick (unless of course he was build on more points then said brick). Stretching allows you to use your strenght on range, but it does subject you to damage shields and coutner attacks. And possibly attacks along the way. Grab and Knockback: For that I would have to dig. STUN Only: You are in a power framework. So just buy an extra variant of STR, STUN Only (-0), can not be used with other STR Powers (-?) in paralell. Elemental control always had such issues, wich is why in 6E it got removed. Multipower and VPP and a "affect by drain as a group" limitation is all that is left.
  21. I too have been on medication for years and I am actually starting to worrry about longterm effects. I even see signs of a psychological need now. I will have my blood and liver values checked in January, just to be sure.
  22. Without trying to evaluate whatever food/snack/other you are talking about: "One mans trash is another mans treasure" might apply. In one country, a populist won. In the the other country, a populist lsot and tried to poision the political climate as much as possible beforehand. Classical autocratic tactic: Cause the problems only you yourself can later "fix" (by not causing them anymore). We had that pattern in germany. NSDAP, Kommunist and SPD party militias were doing open civil war in the streets. Hitler was elected and suddenly the NSDAP actions stopped. And then everything else went silent.
  23. There is a difference between sole and primary. Also don't you mean "compromise Law for Good"? The way you wrote it, sounds like Lawfull Neutral Territory. "I am sorry I can not free those slaves, it would be against local law to do so" does not sound remotely Paladin like. The stuff you linked makes it clear that as the intention. Nr. 3 is "act with Honor" And Nr. 4 "Follow the local authorities, unless soemthing else overrules it". Really, he was just trying to be a power gamer. There is no need to defend my brother. There was no room for his misinterpretation anywhere at the table.
  24. You asume the GM was consitent/not faking the rolls, not using a 600 Point villain, this was not a "I need to challenge the Team" buffed brick and a lot of other stuff. Classical Problems when measuring yourself against the Competition. The real comparision you should go for is the other Teammates. This looks more like a strong Martial Artist now.
  25. Yes and no. The limit actually can go up to 80. But 60 is mostly still used, because Strenght "Ranged and does not suffer Damage Shields" is one heck of a usefull power. The last thing that power needs is having a full 60 STR too. 40 STR is quite enough to lock down most non-bricks at range. If this is about doing 12 DC damage, just buy a "Telekinetic Blast" in the same Multipower.
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