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Everything posted by Christopher

  1. 1) I would like to see your Formula for that 5 point sense pwoer. Because it seems way to cheap for altertnate targetting or might have absuseable weakpoints. 2) This is what the Writeup for Combat Sense is: " Combat Sense: Detect Target In HTH Combat, Targeting (Passive). Total cost: 15 points." So it is the sense power you should be looking for.
  2. Mind Control might go overboard. Simple extra Presence might work. Striking appereance can be rebranded to anything included "scary guy" or "everyone thinks I am their friend". Maybe Mental Illusion "See me as your friend" could work as a middle thing?
  3. If you want to go into Power Builds, stuff like Telepathy could do it. Telepathy that only tells if you something he jsut said was a lie might be a suiteable limitation. And a sutieable implementation of stuff like "Wonder Womans lasso of truth".
  4. And do not forget "mind control someone". That is what services are, after all.
  5. If there is one Character where I would say "Now that is a Paladin.", it has to be Captain Dylan Hunt from Andromeda. He was literall out to recreate the Galactic Government (can not get more Lawfull then that). But he was never willing to sacrifice the good part to do so. Ocassionally he skirted the local laws a bit, but it was never carelessly or without a really good cause.
  6. That is pretty wierd. I may be thinking to historically, but normally getting Priest/Paladinhood implies forsaking his Right of Inheritance. So at tops he should be able to be a Regent, not a King. But I guess the GM just really wants to get rid of the Paladin for future stories there.
  7. So people Critize the Superman and Batman movies. But love the Wonder Woman and Aquaman ones? And I just like the whoel DCEU. I understand that the darker tones - particular in BvS - were nessesary to make the heroism of the Justice League and solo adventures more pronounced.
  8. Cue people calling Sesame Street being full of SJW in -4, -5. Not realizing that the show fullfileld that role for literally decades now. I first get a selection if I want the US or German Pages. And hten the menu, rather then what you tried to link too.
  9. Both would be valid interpretations. You could see it as bad that people are forced to fight. You could see it as unlawfull that people are dodging the draft. And even somewhat bad that they would abbandon their society to a designated evil enemy (that is what Ork Hordes are in D&D, designated evil). They are not owned and forced to work as property. They are forced to work by the laws of nature to live. The only good you can do for those people is improove their local Social Structure. Or help them move to greener pastures if they ask. A common theme of slaves is that they would prefer being anywhere else - even dead - rather then in their current position. If that condition is not given, there is nothing to free them from. That make them overlap with general purpose refugees. Just the thing they are fleeing from is differnt. They were city children. Those rarely got the option to work for a living. But considering they were literally the adventure hook, there was obviously an option to help them. The punishment for stealing was just movie medieval soceity level for orphanned children. You yourself admitted the situation was damn clear. "Good trumps law". Are you saying it was not a rare case when greek slaves ran the government? How many government positions were there to fill? How can you be a slave if you and people like you literally run the government? How was it in anyway helpfull to enslave the government workers, rather then say - pay them instead? Slavery vs free workers is a economic tradeoff. The difficulty of managing the slaves vs the Cost of just paying them properly. And enslaved government workers could do a lot of damage to your nations economy, if they ever wanted too. Wich you have to add on the "difficulty of managing the slaves" side. Unless they were just menial clerks. You know, people hauling paper rather then ore or wood.
  10. Fun fact: Iceland was properly setelled by scandinavians. And later on they really loved writing, giving us hte bulk of written acounts of their myths. This guy is from European folklore, particulary the Alpine Region. As such he crosses European cultures to a large degree, but only in the mountains. In Germany at large we have a similar figure with Knecht Ruprecht.
  11. "You have a king, unless I die or you find someone better." Why not simply introduce a friendly NPC that will take over for the Paladin? Ideally some old mentor/rolemodel figure. "You got a lot of good you still can do out there. Leave the court, strategy and politics to us old geezers who could not even fight a dire rate without breaking a leg anymore."
  12. The only thing to add really is that Teleport, Gate and UBO are the "odd pieces out" in that regard. Only those powers/builds operate under a mass limit.
  13. A random paladin has no right to conscript people. The lord of the land does. The lord of the land is also responsible for enforcing a conscription. He runs the Military police that rounds up draft/conscription dodgers. Now the Paladin can volunteer to take over such a duty. And he has to decide before he takes the job. And how many thousands of slaves were toiling on the fields or in the mines the exact same moment? Please do not bring up those "once in 10k" cases as if they are in any way representative. We are talking about the "forced to work the fields and mines" slaves, not the "got to run the country" cases. Those might still be de-jure slaves, but de-facto they were not.
  14. As long as nobody calls him "Freaky Fish guy". That name is reserved for a YugiOh Abridged Character
  15. You got it right and the other poster might have overlooked the STR adding. Or maybe you wrote it up so STR does not add by accident? A 1D6 KA (Killing Damage Attack) has 3 DC A 3D6 Blast or HTH attack (normal damage attack) has 3 DC A 4D6 HTH Attack, Armor Piercing (+1/4) has 5 DC. The AP advantage is a "Advantage that affects DC calculation" 40 STR would add 8 DC to that (not to Blast, RKA and "No STR bonus" attacks of course). Wich is then reverted back into dice, depending on the advantages. Only simple way of looking at it is: You got 8 DC from STR. Melee Attacks add their DC and Advantages into the mix. 1D6 HKA and 40 STR would be 11 DC or a 3.5D6 HKA.
  16. If "more agressive play" is your goal, maybe you should have said so. I can not think of any translation of this mechanic that would work out like that in a RPG. "Playing defensively" in Hero is "aborting to a defensive action". The perhaps best deterent against Defensive Play is high defenses. Bricks have high defenses, STUN, CON and the like so they do not need to use their SPD 5 to abort phases for defense. They can be on the offensive more or less 5/12 Segments of a turn. Martial artists and speedsters in turn have to use some of their extra phases to abort to dodge. They lack the defenses to take many solid hits.
  17. Medieval serfs did not live in a world where people could actually heal by laying on hands. Magic alone throws any comparision to history out the window. And I am pretty sure being not subject to "cruel and unwaranted punishment" is a Lawfull thing. Isn't not getting conquered/enslaved usually the reason we form governments? And from another point of view it is a just, lawfull punishment. The good compared to the death penalty. How did a Paladin end up there? Why did he take this job for the King, since he is not one of his citizen (and is not supposed to take jobs that contractid his allignment anyway). "A lawful good character acts as a good person is expected or required to act. He combines a commitment to oppose evil with the discipline to fight relentlessly. He tells the truth, keeps his word, helps those in need, and speaks out against injustice. A lawful good character hates to see the guilty go unpunished. Lawful good is the best alignment you can be because it combines honor and compassion. Lawful good can be a dangerous alignment when it restricts freedom and criminalizes self-interest." So there you have it. The slippery slope towards Lawfull Neutral you are sliding on right now. Staying Lawfull Good goes into both directions, not just the one. At least something we can agree on.
  18. Everytime I read "war on christmas" I have to think of this comic: http://survivingtheworld.net/Lesson2283.html So maybe you could expand the villain team around Thanksviging and Halloween themed villains? Or the hero team perhaps?
  19. Of course. Icebreakers a pure physics
  20. Uh, NOPE. If you take a single point of damage past defenses (wich are based on Active Points and/or the defense powers), a single power is lost. Complete loss of all powers in one attack requires something like Defenses + Body damage in one attack. At least that is how it is in 6E and the 5E book I have.
  21. The GM in my Warhammer Fantasy just did something similar. Our Group has very mixed Warhammer experience. We have: me with a lot of wiki and computergame knowledge, a former Warhammer Fantasy GM and 2 people who maybe saw one of the computergames before. He added a island that moves through dimension we accidentally got stuck on. He had this new setting he wanted to look at - I keep forgetting the name - and this put all of us players on the same level knowledge wise for a while. Later - after the players agreed they wanted one more adventure in strange lands - we went to a world from a little known comic series he had lying around. I have issues finding it in English, however. Might have been a german french/german only comic. I at least thought about similar things a few times as GM hooks: - For a Star Wars D6 game, I thought about a way to add the Sword of the Stars game setting. In SotS every species/Faction has their own unique FTL method. There was only one know Hyperpsace route to enter the region. Hyperspace charting was poor and the exact routes often a secret of the newly formed Hyperspace guilds. The players would have had to often piggyback a ride on a carrier ship. As a result of this poor charting, the empire had no way to conquer anything but the entry point. And they prefered to leave it alone. - I like the setting of the RPG Nova (a little known german only thing), but I disliked the rules. So I at least pondered a way to have a Star Trek game go there. I could even tie it into the Nova Equivalent of the Roswell Legend. Unforunately I am lousy as GM, so those newer went past the idea and early draft stages.
  22. In particular this limitation is a replacement for the "Elemental Controls" wich were a 3rd Framework option in 5E and earlier. Stuff like "Kryptonian Powers, -1/4" with enemies building powers to "Drain Kryptonian Powers". Or even stuff like "Physical Complication: Red Sunlight causes drain on Kryptonian powers"
  23. I have only read and watched very little of it, so my advice might be highyl flawed. This is a good advice. This is a series more about a "normal with superpowers" more then "a superhero doing everyday stuff". I remember reading a Lara Croft/Witchblade crossover once and the Witchblade narrated herself as "I am the Mulder and Scully of this department", because she has to deal with Supernatural crime on top of her normal police work. She was a good detective to begin with. The witchblade gave her a boost in combat power to fight the stuff she ended up finding.
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