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teh bunneh

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Everything posted by teh bunneh

  1. Re: What book was the character "Brick" from? Which edition was the boxed set? Came out about 81 or so? I know he was in that one (I think in the Viper adventure that came in the box). Don't know which books he was featured in later, though.
  2. Re: Musings on Random Musings Really? Wargods of Aegyptus is nowhere near Warhammer levels, but it's still pretty popular. They have a huge booth and a ton of demos at every Gencon I've ever been to, and they even have a small presence at our local con. And the minis are very well regarded among folks who just paint/don't play (like me).
  3. Re: Doesn't this sound like a gadgeteer villain idea to take over the world? It's well worth a rental, IMFO.
  4. Re: Doesn't this sound like a gadgeteer villain idea to take over the world?
  5. Re: Musings on Random Musings I own a copy of the rulebook, but I've never played. My wife has played a few demo games at cons; I think that's where we picked up the rules. I mostly just like the figures.
  6. Re: How to present combat to new players When I run convention and demo games, I start by doing the basic math for them behind the scenes (23 DEX means a CV of 8. 8 + 11 = 19). When the game starts, I tell my players "Your OCV is 19. Roll 3d6 and tell me how much you make it by." So if my player rolls a 13, he says "I made it by 6!" (or in Hero terms, he hit DCV 6). I let him know if he hit or not. Pretty much no effort involved for the players.
  7. Re: Musings on Random Musings I just have one more skirmisher to finish; then hopefully my squad leader will be at the FLGS this week.
  8. Re: Query's Art & Stuff Thread And you got her finished just in time for the game to go on temporary hiatus!
  9. Hola amigos! As you may know, I'll be doing the layout and art direction work on the upcoming Lucha Libre Hero book! Right now, I'm looking for a few talented artists who want to see his or her name in a Hero book. So whether you are a rudo or técnico, please drop me a line -- I want to see your portfolio... ESPECIALLY if you can produce good work quickly (the whole layout process is going to take about a month, so there's not much time for fooling around!). Send me a PM if you are interested or know someone who is!
  10. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I'm working on some miniatures for the upcoming Genghis Con convention in Denver in February. Here's what I'm working on: A squad of Basti skirmishers (http://www.crocodilegames.com/secure/items/WGE-313.jpg -- WARNING: nekkit catgirl minis; NSFW). I've got four done, three more in process. I just need to buy a heroine/squad leader and a standard bearer. I'm also working on a diorama, with a Heru Harbinger (http://www.crocodilegames.com/secure/items/WGE-214.jpg) fighting a Khemru warrior (http://www.crocodilegames.com/secure/items/WGE-107.jpg). I've got the diorama put together; I just need to paint it now. I think it'll look pretty sweet. If I have time, I may put together a Reaper treant (ent, tree-man, whatever the heck they call it) model I got at Christmas (http://www.reapermini.com/store/customer/product.php?productid=5145&cat=118&page=9). I've got a few others I've done in the last year or so that might be competition-worthy. I modded a Reaper Chronoscape fig to look like she's leaping backwards off a cliff, blazing away with her guns (http://www.reapermini.com/store/customer/product.php?productid=5563&cat=140&page=1). I'll have to look around and see if I have anything else worth entering... I finished the minis I'm using for my Teen Titans Go! game a couple of weeks ago, so my game minis should all be done and I can concentrate on my competition minis. :
  11. Re: Bored of the (Lantern) Rings That's gonna be one messed up Lantern! He's got one ring powered by fear, another powered by courage; one powered by hate and one powered by love; one powered by greed and another powered by compassion! The dude's got to be a bundle of neuroses!
  12. Re: 6E art? I'm glad Frater started this thread. I'm going to be working as AD for Lucha Libre Hero (and with any luck, other books in the future as 6e is rolled out), so I'm happy to hear what people would like to see. So keep the ideas coming, please! One caveat: At Hero, the guiding layout philosophy is "Simple is better." They aren't looking to win any Innovation in Design awards. That said, there's no reason that Simple has to equal Boring (or worse, Ugly). I want the art to pop... without distracting from the text. Secondly, if anyone knows (or is!) a talented artist who wants to see his or her name in a Hero book, please drop me a line. I want to see their portfolio. ESPECIALLY if they can produce good work quickly. The whole layout process is going to take about a month, so there's not much time for fooling around.
  13. Re: A Thread for Random Musings It is really, really windy outside right now. We've been getting gusts of up to 85mph. The whole building is rattling.
  14. Re: Enhanced Senses = Flash Vulnerability 1.5x or 2x Effect from "Sensory Overload" Flash Attacks "Sensory Overload" being things like bright lights or loud noises, rather than... I dunno, a Flash defined as a bag over the head or something. I'd call it Very Common, myself, 'cause there's a lot of different Flash attacks out there... at least, in my campaigns.
  15. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I always find it amazing how when you boil it for long enough, the flesh literally just falls off the bone.
  16. Imagine Lina Inverse with a power ring... "Where monsters rampage: I'm there to take them down! Where treasure glitters: I'm there to claim it! Where an enemy rises to face me, VICTORY WILL BE MINE!!!!" Oh... and green lantern, evil's light, something something...
  17. Re: Complicate the Person Above In 1974, Narratio invented the holiday we now know of as "Christmas" from whole cloth. It was quite a bit of work, fabricating evidence back hundreds of years and altering peoples' memories to make them think we'd always had Christmas. But I think you'll agree that, in the end, it was a practical joke well-played.
  18. Re: The Classic Justice League starting members on 350 points I think Reddy should not be built using automaton rules. It's pretty much been established that he's a living being (despite being mechanical in origin). And he has a spirit (in some interpretations, he is a spirit!). For Firestorm, I have no idea... Maybe make Ronnie the base character, and have the Professor be some sort of mind link? IIRC, Ronnie really was Firestorm, and the Professor was just a voice in his head that "advised" him. I could be wrong about that though.
  19. Re: Where did it go? Glad to help.
  20. Re: A Thread for Random Videos It's Alice the Owl's theme song! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-9kJ2iizgs Warning: Bad singing. It's still pretty funny, though.
  21. Re: The Dragon Hunters (Steampunk) We're putting the steampunk campaign on hiatus for a month or so to give another person a chance to run something. Hopefully, The Dragon Hunters will be back sometime in February!
  22. Re: The Dragon Hunters (Steampunk) Dragon Hunters Recap for 12/20/2008 Del Giatto led the heroes down into the crypts beneath the former monastery and opened a locked and warded door. While the master was rooting around through the collection of artifacts, the heroes spotted the table where he had been cataloging the occult items recovered from Portland’s house. All of the neat little boxes were completely empty! “Pascal,” someone asked. “Did you, by any chance, have your clockwork man Wilkerson down here helping you with these things?” “Yes, he’s been very helpful,” Pascal admitted. “Well, it appears that he’s gone and nicked most of them…” -------------------- The Dragon Hunters searched the entire Black Friars building for the missing artifacts, but found no sign of them – the day’s coal delivery had already been made. “Well, I’ve got an appointment with my old friend Nickerson, so perhaps we should start there,” Thackery suggested. The heroes debated their next course of action. They decided that instead of boldly walking in the front door of the Garden of EDEN, they would check out the collier’s in the back. Perhaps the stolen artifacts were still there. They split into two groups. Alicia and Thackery would go in the front door and ask the proprietor if he had seen Aunt Millicent’s missing tea set. Meanwhile, Savannah, Morden, and ADEN would sneak around and try to get in through the back way. Thackery and Alicia walked in the front door. There was a stout manager-type and two bully-boys standing around. “Pardon me, good sir, but yesterday my dear old aunt lost a prized tea-set,” Thackery said. “Apparently her mechanical man accidentally dropped it into the coal bin, and we’re afraid your delivery-men may have inadvertently picked it up. Would you mind if I had a look around?” Thackery made for the door into the building and the two bully-boys jumped up to stop him. “Unhand me, you ruffians!” Thackery demanded. “Or you shall regret your ill manners!” They did not unhand him, so he used his patented Galvanic Walking Cane to zap one of them, dropping him to the floor. Alicia quickly reached out for the manager’s lines of fate, twisting them so he would lose his nerve completely. It worked. He screamed, broke, and ran for the back door. She followed him, but fear gave him wings and he ran through another door and bolted it behind him. Thackery was making short work of the two big fellows – they weren’t expecting this young man-about-town to pack quite such a whollop! When he was finished, he followed Alicia down the hall. Meanwhile, out back, Savannah found an unused service door. Morden rusted the lock out and the heroes snuck in. They found a large room with a full coal bin and a bunch of tools in it. There was nothing unusual there, so they moved on. They found themselves in a wagon-yard. It was empty, as the workers had already left to go on their rounds that day. It was about then that they heard shouting and fighting in the main building, and then the sound of someone running away. Once the sounds died down, they went through the door to see what was the matter. They caught up with Thackery and Alicia, who were examining some rather large shipping crates. It was their opinion that these were the crates the clockwork men had arrived in. “So there is definitely a connection between Nickerson’s automaton factory and this coal operation,” Thackery said. “Let’s go find my old friend and find out what he’s up to…” They went through the hallway that the manager had run down (Morden once again rusted out the lock so they could pass through the door), and soon found themselves in a Savant’s laboratory. A half-dozen mechanical men stood around them, menacing them with weapons. Nickerson stood on the other side of the room. “When I told you to come by for a visit, I didn’t think you’d come armed for bear,” Nickers laughed. “Good thing we did, though,” Thackery answered. “So what’s this all about then, old chum?” While Thackery was talking, Alicia quietly, subtly reached out for Nickerson’s strings. She made him more likely to talk about his grand plans, in the hope that would give the heroes time to think of something. “What’s it all about?” Nickerson laughed. “Why, money of course! Do you know how hard it was going to school with all of those wealthy, spoiled, privileged brats? None of them with even half of my intelligence (present company excluded, of course)! And yet, they had everything and I had nothing! School there taught me one thing: That a man needs wealth if he ever wants to amount to anything. All my intelligence was worth nothing without the money to back it up. So here I am now, using my genius to take away their undeserved riches and bestow them on myself!” “But not all of your clients are wealthy,” Thackery protested. “What about all the middle-class people who aspire to more? You’re stealing from them as well.” “Regrettable, but necessary,” Nickerson shrugged. “If they aspire to be rich, they take the same chances (and face the same dangers) that those who were born rich do.” “I think I’ve heard about enough!” Savannah said, shouldering her weapon and firing at the nearest clockwork man. A huge gunfight broke out. Thackery blasted at the clockwork men surrounding him with his Galvanic Cane. Savannah fired her rifle until it was empty, then pulled out her twin, pearl-handled Colt .45s and blasted with them. Morden conjured a huge man made of stone from the earth, and commanded him to “disarm” the automatons (knowing that the literal-minded creature would most likely rip their mechanical limbs off!). ADEN wisely decided to stay out of the room while the rock-man was bashing automatons, so instead he slipped out around front in case Nickerson tried to make a run for it. Soon the automatons were falling to pieces. Nickerson ran over to a huge Babbage Calculating Machine in the corner and pulled a switch. Then he made a break towards a secret door in the back, but Thackery managed to blind him before he got to it. Unfortunately, he knew his own lab like the back of his hand and he still managed to slip out the door and shut it behind him. The attacking robots were all destroyed, so the heroes took a moment to look around. Thackery went to check out the Babbage Machine (he was quite impressed – most Savants don’t have the skills necessary to build one!). He saw that the last command programmed into it was an order for all automatons to go berserk and attack anything nearby! London’s citizenry was in danger from the hundreds of clockwork men that Nickerson had sold to them! Feverishly, Thackery worked to reset the machine. Finally, after a quick prayer, he reactivated the computer, with orders for all the automatons to shut down. Then the heroes went out front to see what had happened. The front room of the Garden of EDEN was ruined. The automatons they kept there in the showroom had run rampant, flipping over desks and menacing customers. Luckily, ADEN was nearby and managed to keep anyone from getting killed. However, Nickerson slipped past him and jumped in a cab, escaping (for now!). “I have the feeling that’s not the last we’ll see of ol’ Nickers,” Thackery said, feeling a little sad that his old school chum had gone so completely ‘round the twist. The heroes found out later that the same thing had happened all over the city. Robot servants went crazy for a few moments, and then completely shut down. It was a miracle that no one had been seriously hurt! Crisis averted, the heroes went back inside to check out Nickerson’s lab more completely. They found the stolen magical artifacts arrayed on his work table. It seems that he was in the process of analyzing them when the heroes interrupted his studies. They gathered them up and packed them in a secure box. They also found a room full of stolen items. Not knowing how they could possibly return all of these things to their proper owners, they simply left the door open, and then phoned the police. Let Scotland Yard sort out what belonged to whom! The Dragon Hunters returned the stolen artifacts back to Black Friars, to Pascal’s delight. “Excellent job, hunters!” he told them. “Now, your ship still leaves tomorrow, so I suggest you get packing!” TBC!
  23. Re: Jokes A guy is sitting in a bar with some friends when a belligerent drunk comes over and taps him on the shoulder. "Hey kid," the drunk says, "Your mom's a nice piece of tail, you know that?" The guy's friends think he's going to get up and kill the drunk, but instead he just ignores him. The drunk taps him on the shoulder again and says, "Hey buddy, I'm gonna go screw your mom!" Again, the guy just calmly sips at his drink and ignores the drunk. The drunk, not getting any reaction, staggers out of the bar -- but not before shouting one last time, "Hey kid, I'm off to sex up your mom!" The guy's friends are amazed at his composure! Half an hour later, the drunk staggers back in and goes over to the guy. "Hey kid, I just got done givin' it to your mom, and it was so good!" Now the guy's had just about enough. He stands up, turns around and says, "Dammit dad, must you embarrass me like this every time we go out?"
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