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Lord Liaden

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Everything posted by Lord Liaden

  1. Nope, no write-up for Firefist in any of the NM books, I'm afraid.
  2. Just to clarify, I did assume Steve was asking about Hero System material because he wrote that he wanted "to get a sense of public opinion from my fellow Hero fans." I didn't assume only using Champions as a base, though. The complaint of a lack of adventures in Hero crosses genres, with DnD and Pathfinder being the most common example of game systems thoroughly supported with a stream of published adventures. Back in the day Steve Long used to say that adventure modules didn't sell as well as other types of books in Hero -- maybe because Hero fans tend to be self-builders -- but various parties here keep expressing their opinion that general public gaming expectations and habits have changed; as well as pointing out that with growing life responsibilities they just don't have the time to design their own adventures any more.
  3. While my personal preference is setting books because I love worlds, I chose adventures because that's what I read nearly everyone on this forum clamoring for.
  4. The issue with official Champions characters for many sports is, their abilities are already quantified. We know exactly how much they can lift, how fast they can run, how far they can jump. In some cases there's a person commonly accepted as the strongest/fastest/etc. There might be some question where people rank within the "reality" of the Champions Universe, but in our reality there isn't.
  5. Note that the Dark Sider is the only one not sporting shades.
  6. It does look as though Scrooge McDuck should replace Mickey Mouse as the Disney mascot.
  7. For my own medieval fantasy game settings, I normally set the cutoff for what the inhabitants would call a "city," as distinct from a "town," at around 10,000. Some scholars have estimated a very few pre-industrial cities throughout history as having populations of one million or more -- Rome, Baghdad, Chang'an, Angkor come to mind. These are almost always the capitals of major kingdoms or empires, so food would definitely be imported to support all the government officials and middle class drawn there. However, those estimates vary widely between individual scholars based on their interpretations of available sources, and over time as research uncovers new data.
  8. Another factor would be access to a large body of water, the sea or a major lake. Fish would undoubtedly form a significant part of the inhabitants' diet. A city in the population range suggested in the OP, with a good port, may also import some of its food from elsewhere.
  9. I'm seriously tempted to cross-post this to the "What does it mean to be Utterly Evil?" thread. (No, Dan, I'm not going to.)
  10. Nobody should have to be told to feel common human compassion, especially toward their own children. But it seems that's where we are.
  11. Looks like his aspirations to mooch from the dinner table hit the glass ceiling.
  12. It may not be a capital crime, but it often brings capital punishment.
  13. The thing about the Abrahamic demons, as defined in the Hero Universe, is that they are spawned out of the imagination of sentient beings as the embodiment of evil. As Opal points out, real people don't think of themselves as evil, but demons think evil, do evil, live evil, because they were made to be evil. For role-playing purposes it may help to remember famous fictional characters who revel in the physical and mental suffering they cause: Hannibal Lecter, Emperor Palpatine, The Joker, Maleficent (animated version, not live action). These characters feel satisfaction, joy, fulfillment, from spreading evil. They aren't really people, they're archetypes.
  14. So, these features were named by a rapper?
  15. Well, this is embarrassing. 😔 Pariah got me thinking about maybe changing my own avatar, but in playing with it I seem to have deleted it, and now I can't figure out how to load it in this forum configuration. Anyone care to help a Luddite out?
  16. I found it on a personal website with a bunch of other colorized versions of older Champs artwork, at least fifteen years ago. I wish I could attribute it, but it's been so long I can't remember who hosted it. I can't find the website any more, either. All things considered, I can't believe anyone would object to your using it as an avatar here, if you'd like to. I mean, look who they let me get away with.
  17. I remember when the prototype of the space shuttle (non-functional) was being taken on a combination test flight/goodwill tour of North America. I saw it in the air over Montreal, mounted on the back of a 747. A lot like that scene from the movie, Superman Returns.
  18. Here's an alternative coloration of Crusader, just so you have a choice of what you like better.
  19. Strength shouldn't be measured by force alone. Sneakiness is a definite survival advantage.
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