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Lord Liaden

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Everything posted by Lord Liaden

  1. We weren't doing it "wrong," we've just discovered a better way to do it.
  2. MCU Thor has Stormbreaker now, he's moved on from Mjolnir. Chronologically the hammer was shattered by Hela, the one in Endgame was extracted from the past and presumably returned by Captain America. I think it most likely that Mjolnir will be repaired in Love and Thunder, I'm guessing by Dr. Strange using the Eye of Agamotto. Two weapons, two wielders. Undoes nothing about Thor's character, and adds to Jane's.
  3. That reminds me of the running gag from the 1990's Godzilla animated series.
  4. That letter suggests there's something to age impairing mental function after all. Ironically, it was fair for one of the signatories to claim, "We are facing threats greater than at any other time since our country was founded." He just doesn't recognize that the threat includes himself.
  5. Arnold has many flaws, but when he believes in something he acts.
  6. Natalie Portman wasn't enthused by the Jane Foster role in the first two Thor movies, essentially the girlfriend. Not much of a challenge, and little character growth over those movies. Obviously this Jane Foster is going to be very different. I'm sure the chance to work with Taika Waititi was another inducement. And while I can't speak to attitude problems from Portman generally from anything I've heard, the training she undertook for Black Swan left me impressed with her work ethic. As has her obvious pumping up for this more physical role.
  7. This lunar telescope could pull back the curtain on the cosmic dark ages.
  8. You could just have developed invulnerability. Try sticking your hand in a fire, or a wood-chipper.
  9. Virtually certain. Those photos came out back in February, labeled as from the set of T:LaT. GotG 3 hasn't started filming yet. Of course depending on how prominent the Guardians are, this could effectively be Guardians 2.5, like Civil War was Avengers 2.5.
  10. From leaked photos of the Love and Thunder set, it looks like Thor has made some lifestyle changes.
  11. MCU Red Skull is literally unavailable, being a damned soul on an alien planet. Zemo had a lot of knowledge about Hydra's super-soldier serum and program, as well as the world of international espionage, which is what Sam and Bucky needed. His history with Bucky made for an interesting character interaction. I don't know why it still surprises me how individuals can have such radically different reactions to the same entertainment.
  12. When you just can't get away from your whiny kid.
  13. Hmm... your idea of Eurostar gradually subverting the existing political structure while recruiting other nations into it, sounds like a reasonable plan for a group with the long-term goal of a larger, somewhat more radical European Union. Which is exactly what makes it sound very un-comic-book. Backroom maneuvering isn't the most rewarding framework for a genre built around good guys in colorful costumes punching or blasting equally colorful bad guys. Comic-book villain plans may sometimes take time to grow and ripen, but when they finally come to fruition they're big, spectacular, and designed to gain their objectives at a single stroke. Requiring heroes to rally to directly oppose them. That's what we play this genre for.
  14. It can get worse wherever there are people who aren't infected or vaccinated. But India seems particularly cursed right now.
  15. Except having gotten the vaccine. Which many people don't want to do.
  16. I agree with your overall sentiment, but remember that Russia is Europe, too. One veteran member of Eurostar is Russian. Absorbing Russia's assets into a united Europe would provide a huge boost to its threat level. I'm sure that Eurostar claims all of Eastern Europe, given that one of their biggest past schemes was an attempt to conquer Poland.
  17. If your folks don't want them could you send them north, please? We're kinda short. 🙏
  18. COVID-19 variants are the mutants. They're stronger, deadlier, and we're in a war to destroy them before they destroy us.
  19. I think the key would be to make them, not White supremacists, but European supremacists. I've met no few European snobs who tend to look down on America, Canada, Australia and the like as boorish Johnny-come-latelys without the "rich culture" and "mature civilization" of Europe. In fact I've often heard Europeans lamenting the detrimental effect that cultural "imperialism" by the United States through their mass-market media organizations has had on their native cultures. For such people, whether or not those countries are predominantly white isn't relevant, they're still provincial and parochial. Whiteness and Christianity may be elements of that perceived European superiority, but they're far from defining, and white people from outside the continent are not their brothers, they're barbarians. Take that attitude to an extreme, and you have a motivation for a group to reassert European global dominance.
  20. A lot of Shelley's old Champions material is still on her website, https://www.mactyre.net/archives/. Not all of the links on her site still work, but many do, including ones detailing her PBEM campaigns.
  21. Comic books were "woke" decades ago. Like the arts often are, they were ahead of the curve the majority of society was riding on. Their characters don't need to be changed to be relevant, there's more than enough diversity and representation to draw from already.
  22. And Russian, of course. Even Danar Nicole's native Denmark possessed overseas colonies. It was the fashionable thing to do for European nations until the mid-20th Century.
  23. Bolsonaro is quoted twice in the story, both quotations being callous, arrogant, misleading and stupid. TBH that's the tone of every remark I've read or heard from him regarding coronavirus. A great deal of the blame for allowing the virus to spread and the Brazilian public not taking it seriously can be laid directly at Bolsonaro's feet. And that's all I can say without usurping the political thread.
  24. Not fair. You have a whole continent to yourselves. USA shares with Canada and Mexico. But the USA is still the third-largest country in the world. Australia is sixth. Also, New South Wales has a little over eight million population, the most of all your states. Texas is over 29 million, more than all of Australia. When you want to brag about your size, it depends on what you measure. I was just thinking the other day that Walkabout would be a perfect character for whom to revive the name, "Seeker."
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