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Lord Liaden

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Everything posted by Lord Liaden

  1. Re: El Santo Movie Poster El Santo eats liver?!
  2. Re: C25 Island of Dr. Destroyer: Official? I never had the first edition of Champions (I started with Second), but if Mechanon was indeed included in it that would mean that an incarnation of him (it?) has been in the core/genre book for every edition of Champs. To me that makes him the Champions arch villain, moreso than Dr. D.
  3. Re: C25 Island of Dr. Destroyer: Official?
  4. Re: Is this Indirect? The supervillain Holocaust from Conquerors, Killers And Crooks has an Indirect attack similar to this. It "arcs around to attack an enemy from behind, turns corners to hit someone trying to hide behind cover, and so forth." (CKC p. 160) This attack has Indirect at the +1/2 level. If it sounds similar to what your proposed gun could do, I'd buy it at that level. If your gun is significantly less flexible than that, though, +1/4 should be sufficient.
  5. Re: Champions universe created by magic? I suspect that before 14 more years have passed, we'll have the "official Champions Universe, Sixth Edition."
  6. Re: Champions universe created by magic?
  7. Re: Batman vs Midnighter This could be an opportunity to finally resolve those rumors that Batman is gay. Unless he just has a thing for boys.
  8. Re: Champions universe created by magic? As is shown in Galactic Champions, during the millennium in which magic in this galaxy was at a record low, such immortal superhumans as the Empyreans and Cateran remained unaging, but their other powers were virtually nonexistant. As far as "magic affecting superpowers/supertech," my gaming group demanded a rationalization that they could relate to. I came up with an analogy which seems to work for them, so maybe it would help some of you: Let's say you're in an unlit room. You can fumble around by touch and determine the overall size and shape of the room; learn and memorize the size, shape and location of objects in it; manipulate them in various ways; but your ability to appreciate your environment, to make changes in it, even to navigate around it quickly and easily is limited by your power of perception. Now introduce light into the room. Suddenly a whole new realm of possibilities has opened up to you. You can perceive all the colors and patterns that were in the room that were previously only shapes. You can readily see where everything is, so you can move around the room and manipulate objects in it without hesitation. You can accomplish tasks requiring precision that was beyond you before. Visual similarities and differences allow you to arrange things in patterns you never imagined. Ah, and if something written is in the room, it offers an entirely new medium for information and entertainment, and one that you can use to express yourself and share with others. Has the light changed anything in the room? Light is a very real force, but in this case it hasn't altered the other forces and laws at work in the room in any way. The addition of it has merely actualized potential that was always there, but impossible to utilize without light. Now take the light away. All that enhanced ability and facility is gone. You remember the way it used to be, but even going by memory you can't do things with the same ease you once could. Some of the things you remember are now meaningless - colors, patterns, writing - because to do anything with them, to create or modify or share them, you would need light. I acknowledge that this probably still won't work for some of you, and that's fair. Not everyone has the same kind of imagination, and makes the same kind of metaphorical leaps. It's not quite as difficult as explaining sight to someone born blind, but that's another analogy. (Or is it?)
  9. Re: C25 Island of Dr. Destroyer: Official?
  10. Re: "Monkey Ninjas...ATTACK !!!" BTW, don't you think monkey ninjas would make good agents for Mojo Jojo?
  11. Re: Assumptions within HERO There is an assumption that abilities usable in a combat situation, or at least where some type of conflict-resolving mechanic like an Attack Roll is involved, are more inherently useful within the game than abilities which are not. This is reflected in the relative point costs of these abilities: compare the cost for only a few dice of attack Powers vs. that to be a billionaire or a head of state, which in many ways confers far more practical power. Or to possess a broad array of Knowledge Skills or Sciences.
  12. Re: Teen superteam I'm going to Attach something to this post that may work for you. Aaron Alston wrote an adventure for GURPS Supers some time back, called School of Hard Knocks. It featured a group of superpowered teen runaways calling themselves the Forty Thieves. Aaron later distributed a free text file with conversions of the characters from that adventure to 4E HERO System. Most of those characters are close to the 250-point starting standard for Teen Champions games, and should be usable with a little revising to their character sheets. Scroll down the file nearly half way, to the writeup for "Flare." She's the slightly older and more powerful runaway who's leader of the Forty Thieves, and a natural to act as mentor to your group. The following half-dozen writeups are for the teens.
  13. Re: "Monkey Ninjas...ATTACK !!!" There's an issue of Digital Hero which writes up the martial-artist monkey warriors that John Wa the Monkey King (from Ninja HERO) can Summon. That might be a good place to start. I'll see if I can find them, assuming Susano doesn't pop in first with the data. EDIT: Ah, here we go, from DH #30. And whaddaya know, their writeup is a Free Sample: http://www.herogames.com/digitalHero/Samples/dh30monkies.jsp
  14. Re: Money Virtually identically to how it worked in 4th. If that doesn't help, PM me and I'll send you the details. (I don't want to spell out that much of Hero Games's IP on a public forum.)
  15. Re: Was there ever a name for this Guy
  16. Re: Help from those with stronger Search-Fu Could this be what you're looking for? http://herogame.dans.cust.servlets.net/forums/showthread.php?t=46131
  17. Re: Phantom Stranger Constantine seems to be near the top of the list of comics characters respected and feared not for what he can do, but for what (and maybe who) he knows.
  18. Re: Was there ever a name for this Guy Said 3rd ED GM screen is still available in the Online Store for a mere $1.95 US; note that it also includes the complete original Island of Dr. Destroyer adventure.
  19. Re: Was there ever a name for this Guy There was a slightly-different incarnation of the Marksman in the Champions: New Millennium setting. I used him (based on his official 4E HERO stats) in a past campaign, as a sort of Captain America-ish "elder statesman" NPC hero.
  20. Re: Was there ever a name for this Guy
  21. Re: Norse Beastiary - a little help The subject has in fact been treated seriously on these boards: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13121
  22. Re: Tall Ships, Tall Sails Plenty of details about sailing ship construction and handling in The Ultimate Vehicle, including a few prebuilt examples; but there are more writeups for different type of tall ships in the Vehicle Sourcebook. Unfortunately I don't have access to that book now, so I can't say for certain that the type of ship you're looking for is in there.
  23. Re: Future submarine warfare? I remember reading an article years ago on prospects for developing heavier-than-water submarines, using water foils similar to air foils to give them "lift" as they move through the water. The air-filled buoyant subs used today have the safety of dirigibles, but similarly limited speed and maneuverability. Heavier submarines might lead to small, highly hydrodynamic craft that could be launched form larger submarines like fighters, dogfighting each other and dodging torpedoes. I'm not certain how practical that would be, but dang if it isn't a cool image.
  24. Re: The Thane and Magic in Star Hero Firstly, the Thane are fully written up in the recent Star HERO supplement, Worlds Of Empire, along with their creepy homeworld. That book is set during the Terran Empire period, when magic is nearly nonexistant; but the Thane of that era still possess formidable psionic powers. I would say that psionics is the least problematic route to giving sci-fi-based characters abilities with the subtlety and mysteriousness of magic, without straining the underlying scientific assumptions of the setting too far.
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