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Lord Liaden

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Everything posted by Lord Liaden

  1. Re: Looking for some "names" While I heartily endorse yamamura's suggestion, if that's not practical right now you could hit the online Encyclopedia Mythica and check the section on Japanese mythology.
  2. Re: I have 4th Ed, do I need 5th immediately? Monsters, Minions And Marauders does expand the range of HERO fantasy creatures and races quite a bit; but given that you say you already have the HERO System Bestiary, I would say that that should cover you nicely for some time to come.
  3. Re: Looking for some "names" Hmm... well, whenever anime and HERO come up in the same sentence, the first place I check is Michael "Susano" Surbrook's wonderful website, Surbrook's Stuff. What you're describing sounds a lot like Susano's adaptation of the Silent Mobius manga series, which he calls Silent Mobius Zeta. The main enemies of the setting are alien demonic entities known as "Lucifer Folk." Susano provides descriptions of the different types of Lucifer Folk, as well as a list of grimoire names for demons that would be appropriate for them, some of which you might like. Let me just link you to those specific resources: http://surbrook.devermore.net/smz/smzluciferfolk.html http://surbrook.devermore.net/smz/smzsamplelf.html http://surbrook.devermore.net/smz/smzlfnames.html Another possibility is from an article in the pre-Fifth Edition archives of Digital Hero by Bryan Salois, describing the Shou Zhan Chuan Temple. This is the base of an ancient order of mystically-powered warriors dedicated to combatting an evil very much like you describe, which they call "The Dark." You can find more specifics about the entities of The Dark in this followup article expanding on the Temple: http://www.herogames.com/FreeStuff/dharchives/shouzhan2.htm I hope there's something there you can use.
  4. Re: WWYCD: The Nebula Affair I should point out that Nebula is not entirely Focussed-based. Her "Thrombalic Energy Manipulation" Multipower is innate to her and fairly formidable, so she's still someone to be taken seriously even without her gadgetry. I do agree with you, though, as to the readily-available means to take her out, and her status as a plot hook. I think that Nebula has potential for intriguing interactions with certain other supervillains, though. For example, her Mental Defenses are not terribly large. Although it would take a lot of Mind Control to get her to stop sentencing "criminals" against her powerful Psych Lims, a competent mentalist could easily direct her to focus her efforts on targets that he wants banished to the Duress dimension. A capable gadgeteering villain who gets his hands on Nebula's Duress Gauntlets and can figure out how they work may be only a step away from master-villain status. Not only would he gain a powerful attack, but if he can reverse the direction of dimensional transport there's a potential army of alien "supervillains" in Duress that he could recruit. It could be interesting to have Nebula attempt to banish Tesseract (also from Conquerors, Killers And Crooks) to Duress. The interaction of a dimension-warping attack with a being whose entire powerset involves warping dimensions could justify all manner of pan-dimensional mayhem!
  5. Re: Help! I'm stuck in a disad rut! How about trying a few of these? http://www.globalguardians.com/masterlists/masterlistindex.php
  6. Re: No idea how to model this... Assuming that the character can become four separate beings, I'd go with the Duplication option myself. Moreover, if the the base character can't use his own elemental powers unless he's split into four, he could take the Limitation, "Not When Duplicated" (probably -1/2) on those Powers. If it's a change form one form at a time to another, I'd support Multiform.
  7. Re: HELP: Radiation Power Set??? As for a name, I suggest Corpse Candle, a synonym for the Will o' the wisp.
  8. Re: Plot Seed: Six Places to Nuke When You’re Serious Oops! No, I didn't realize that. In that case, wanna take a nostalgic trip to DC? You bring the accelerant, I'm packing the marshmallows and weenies. (Oh, and if the FBI or CSIS really is reading this thread, Just Kidding!)
  9. Re: Space Wizards: Bows & Firearms Okay, I got it now. I'm assuming you'll be including notes on how to modify the material in Space Wizards up to full superheroic level, as well as down to more gritty heroic level games.
  10. Re: HELP: Radiation Power Set??? If you have access to Conquerors, Killers And Crooks, Radium of the Ultimates villain team has exactly this kind of power set. He's built on 381 Character Points and would be easy to trim to 350, and otherwise fits well within your parameters. Another very appropriate candidate who'd be easy to adapt would be the Nuclear Cowgirl, from Digital Hero #4, and her character sheet is on the website as a free sample, here. I hope that helps.
  11. Re: Space Wizards: Bows & Firearms First of all, Now that that's out of my system: "Qularr?" The guys who specialize in giant monsters? I'd be concerned that those would be a little high-powered for this setting as you describe it.
  12. Re: Black enchantress Nothing handy, I'm afraid, but as I recall BE wasn't a very complicated design. I'd say that only her Ego Draining attack would have to be substantially rebuilt for the current ruleset. I essentially just added the Enchantress's Powers to the superior Characteristics of her mother Ch'andarra. Gave her a significant boost while remaining within her concept. That version of the Black Enchantress turned up quite a bit during that old campaign.
  13. Re: Plot Seed: Six Places to Nuke When You’re Serious Geez, you burn down one foreign nation's lousy little presidential palace 'way back in 1812, and they never let you forget it. And it's not like you guys didn't start it.
  14. Re: Can anyone help? Hero Games management has said that a reprint of Fantasy HERO is on the way. However, having changed printers from the one who originally printed FH has made for complications which has delayed the reprint. OTOH they're taking advantage of the delay to correct errata and typos in the book. Steve Long and Darren Watts have promised to let us know when the reprint is going ahead. mr. northstar, if you'd prefer a direct answer from one of them, you could try posting your question in the "Company Questions" forum to be sure that they see it.
  15. Re: [storytime] Birth of RAVEN For people who are interested in using this concept, let me just suggest a few of the things I did with it to try to distinguish RAVEN from VIPER, DEMON and all those other capitalized villain groups. RAVEN operates by misdirection. Whatever chaos it causes, someone or something else is going to be set up to take the blame. In my games RAVEN had its tentacles into any number of radical political or fundamentalist groups, dictatorships, unscrupulous corporations and organized crime syndicates. Members of these groups had no idea that they were being controlled by some greater agency, though. RAVEN would direct them in activities that fomented corruption and fear, but with no apparent connection to RAVEN itself. The GM should not make it obvious that various enemies the PCs encounter are all working to a common goal, until the time is right for the heroes to start putting the pieces together. RAVEN wields enormous Noncombat Influence. Starting with the leadership I've suggested in my story, the group has money and connections out the wazoo. Any PCs who start to make nuisances of themselves will be dealt with first on that level: harassing lawsuits, censure by government agencies, hostile takeovers of their assets, negative coverage in RAVEN-controlled media, and so on. Only those heroes who persist in being obstructive, or who get too close to discovering the truth, will feel the full force that RAVEN can bring to bear. OTOH you wouldn't necessarily have to stop using any RAVEN villains, even the leadership, in more straight-up confrontational scenarios. The likes of Holocaust and Gravitar enjoy demonstrating their superiority by openly humiliating their opponents. As long as they aren't yet generally known to be associated with RAVEN, they could continue to do so. Their individual schemes may benefit RAVEN's long-term goals, or simply the villains' personal agendas. However, in no case would RAVEN sanction visible activities by its most prominent members that would reflect badly on the group when it finally goes public: no mass murders, large scale destruction etc. In fact some of the RAVEN supers would doubtless begin performing flashy "heroic" actions to garner public support for them - some of which may be legitimate, but others doubtless staged.
  16. Re: [storytime] Birth of RAVEN Thank you for the kind words, folks. Having been on his own for over ten years, it would make sense for Menton to have been plotting something grand. Since he doesn't favor flashy public actions, though, conspiracies like this feel more his speed. FWIW I used Menton, out from under Dr. Destroyer's shadow, as the Grand Imperator of my 4E "super-RAVEN" as well.
  17. Re: Anyone got Star Wars Hero converted? mr. northstar, if you click on the link in my signature, below, and scroll down to the STAR WARS listing, I think you will find more than enough material to start playing SW HERO. If there would be any delay involved, it would probably come from having to choose which of these fine interpretations of SW elements to use.
  18. Re: Random Generator It would be the latter. The Focus Limitation is not part of the random generation process, although it is noted as appropriate for several archetypes in the post-generation adjustment stage.
  19. Behind the story In the mid-1980s, Aaron Allston created his classic Super Agents supplement for Champions and Danger International, blending high-tech espionage with four-color superheroics. SA detailed several agencies both heroic and villainous. One of these, called RAVEN, was led by a group of old-world, old-money aristrocrats, who wanted to return the world to governance by those "born and trained to rule," i.e. blue-bloods like themselves. It was an intriguingly different motivation for a villainous group - well, to me at least, at the time. That incarnation of RAVEN was engaged in ongoing research into advanced super-weapons with which to blackmail the world, a classic comic-book plot. However, in other areas it seemed out of step with the world of the comics, especially in the '80s. Its troops used contemporary weapons instead of sci-fi blasters, and its method of operation was low-key rather than flamboyant. Although it was subsequently incorporated into the official Champions Universe of the time, RAVEN coexisted uneasily with its more four-color neighbors IMO. I suspect that the writers and editors of Hero Games felt similarly, since they eventually turned RAVEN into a mere cash-cow for VIPER. With the success of Hero's Dark Champions line of books focussing on street-level supers, Steve Long brought RAVEN into prominence with An Eye For An Eye. In that book the aristocrats of RAVEN (now just "Raven") became the preeminent world-threatening conspiracy, its covert approach much better suited to DC. I was very impressed by the richness of Steve's restructuring of the group: its hierarchy of "Mysteries" for its members, cool Latinate titles, much more thought given to recruitment and operations. Unfortunately, as a fan of four color comic action, I still didn't have much use for Raven, until it occurred to me how one might interpret "noble born" in the age of superhumans. Making the leaders of Raven superhuman brought a whole new level of threat to the group, and made its philosophy look a lot more relevant to the mainstream Champions Universe. Well, to me at least. I used the "super" RAVEN quite a bit in my Fourth Edition Champs games, adapting a number of CU villains who seemed to have the right background and attitude for membership. Recently I noticed that there were enough such villains in the official Fifth Edition CU to fill the ranks of RAVEN's leaders. So I let my imagination play with how such a group could be formed and inserted into an existing CU campaign, resulting in the story above. For people who are unfamiliar with the characters I used and would like to look up more about them: Menton, Gravitar and Holocaust are written up in Conquerors, Killers And Crooks; you'll find Teleios and Stingray in Champions Universe; the Lamplighter is from Arcane Adversaries; Invictus appears in Villainy Amok; and Molnya's writeup is in Champions Worldwide. I'd be happy to discuss why I chose these particular villains (and excluded others) if anyone is interested, but I really just wanted to offer this group as an alternative to some of the other published villain orgs, so of course you should use whatever characters you like that you think would fit. The structural elements I suggested for the group are borrowed from An Eye For An Eye, with thanks to Steve Long (and of course to Aaron Allston for starting the whole thing). I hope someone will find something in this concept that appeals to them.
  20. Time: the recent past. Menton paused outside the conference room door. Although he could hear no sounds from within, the mingled anger, suspicion and fear from the minds of those inside washed over his superhuman awareness. Menton smiled to himself. Forging a concensus among these huge egos will be an interesting challenge, he thought. As Menton opened the door, the heads of the men and women sitting around the stately conference table swivelled toward him. "Greetings, everyone, and thank you for coming," Menton began in a friendly tone. "I hope the facilities of this resort have proven satisfactory, and that the publicness of the setting has helped allay any concerns you might have had over potential unpleasantness occuring here. I believe introductions are in order, as although each of you is aware of who I am, several of you have never met each other before. For the sake of discretion I shall refer to you only by your noms du guerre for the time being." Menton nodded toward a man at the far end of the table: "Holocaust." The man scowled with barely-suppressed anger, his hand clenching reflexively. Menton turned to the woman beside him, lounging in her chair with the easy sensuality of a beautiful woman who knew it and knew how to use it: "Gravitar." She acknowledged him with a pleasant smile, but Menton could sense the anxiety beneath her studied nonchalance. "Teleios." The master geneticist made no response, merely watching Menton with cool appraisal. Even Menton was slightly unnerved by the detached dispassion he sensed behind those cold blue eyes. "Molnya." The Russian nodded, his hands steepled pensively in front of him. His expression was alert but composed, and Menton was impressed by the discipline of his thoughts. "Stingray." The Atlantean wore some kind of magical disguise to conceal her true non-human appearance, but her nervousness was harder to hide. She toyed restlessly with a drinking glass in her hand, as though the proximity of water comforted her. "Lamplighter." The old man's dark eyes danced with mocking laughter, but Menton could sense nothing more from him without forcing his way into his mind. Although Menton had no intention of doing so at the moment, something unnatural at the core of the Lamplighter made him even more reluctant to. Of all those gathered here Menton was least certain of this one, but the Lamplighter's value to his scheme was undeniable. Menton turned to the last person at the table, a handsome man impeccably dressed: "Invictus." The man inclined his head in gracious acknowledgement, every gesture calculated for effect. Menton settled into the chair at the head of the table. "I'm grateful to all of you for agreeing to this meeting. I'm hopeful that it signals the beginning of a new era of greatness for all of us, as partners in a most ambitious venture." "You're grateful, are you?" Holocaust snapped. "I daresay you gave all of us little choice but to attend, threatening to reveal our secrets." Holocaust's eyes flared red, as though fires had been lit behind them. "Be warned that I do not take kindly to threats." "Attend, cher," Gravitar said soothingly, resting her hand on Holocaust's arm. "Our host has gone to great effort to gather us all here. I think we should at least hear him out." She smiled again at Menton, but only with her lips; her eyes were hard. "We can always crush him if we do not like what we hear." "I appreciate your patience, Gravitar, thank you," said Menton. "I believe that both of you will find my proposition to be well worth your time." "And if we do not?" Stingray asked. The stress of the moment caused her disguising enchantment to flicker, revealing a glimpse of green skin and hair. "Are we to believe that you will let us simply walk away, without more forceful attempts at 'persuasion?'" "I assure all of you," Lamplighter spoke up, his voice soft yet somehow ominous, "that I would know at once if our host attempted any such thing. Not even Menton could overcome me before I could warn you, and not even Menton would survive our combined wrath." Menton spread his hands placatingly. "I fully understand your concerns, but the Lamplighter has pointed out a very pertinent fact: if it was my intention to influence you psionically, surely I would not have placed myself in such a disadvantageous position. No, my hoped-for future colleagues, for what I have in mind to be fully effective it will require your active and willing participation. I have faith in the persuasiveness of my proposal, but any of you who are not convinced when I'm done are free to leave without interference." "Then this would be a good time to start convincing us," said Holocaust. He still sounded irritated, but Menton could sense that he was intrigued in spite of himself. Menton smiled and settled back in his chair. "Gentlemen. Ladies. There can be little doubt that we here represent the pinnacle of the human race. By our intellect, experience, and most of all our innate power we are clearly far superior to the vast majority of mediocrities who populate this planet. By rights we should be counted among the rulers of this world. In a bygone era when superior breeding was acknowledged and rewarded, we would have been rulers, our rights unquestioned. The world would be steered by those with the clarity of vision to see what must be done, and the will to do it. Instead the world wallows in the rampant corruption and chaos of 'democratic' rule by the mob, or of petty dictators no better than the rabble they seek to control." "What you say is self-evident," Teleios interjected. "Government by the inferior leads to inferior results. All of us here have attempted to take our rightful place at the head of world affairs, but the short-sighted opposition of governments and other organizations, and other misguided 'superbeings,' have presented obstacles. Eventually those obstacles will be overcome, however. It is a process as inevitable as natural selection." "You are of course correct," Menton agreed. "Eventually we will achieve our goals. Yet the opposition you rightly identify has greatly delayed the achievement of those goals, and is likely to continue to do so. Even when one or more of us ultimately succeeds, the burdens of rulership are likely to be onerous and taxing. All of this will be true, if we continue to act individually. Collectively, however... ah! Think of how much closer and more easily our triumph will come if we act together." "Menton," said Invictus, "are you proposing that we here should form some sort of 'supervillain team?'" He sounded mildly amused, but his scorn was plain in the sneer curling his lip. Menton chuckled. "Invictus, I would never suggest that such as we should dirty our hands openly brawling with the costumed baboons who call themselves superheroes. We are meant for far loftier pursuits, deciding the fates of billions. I have found that power is most effective when it is wielded subtly, behind the scenes. And we here are supremely qualified to wield it. All of us have belonged to the elite of society. We have the training, education and experience to use power as it was meant to be used. Because of that, as well as our powers, we are truly the nobility of the modern world. What I propose is the founding of an organization dedicated to a philosophy whose time has come again: rule by those born to rule! Past ages have recognized the divine right of kings, but the superior breeding of the nobility was not always immediately apparent to all who viewed them, and so their lessers could delude themselves into thinking that they were equals. In the age of the superbeing, however, our superiority is objectively, quantifiably demonstrable. It is undeniable!" Stingray interrupted him: "Your 'philosophy' would be widely accepted in my homeland of Atlantis, where the wisdom of rule by the nobility is acknowledged. What makes you believe that you can convince the rest of the world to accede to governance by a minority, however gifted?" "The concept would not be without appeal, if presented correctly," said Molnya thoughtfully. "I have learned that the majority of people are eager for simple-sounding solutions to complex problems. The ineffectuality of most current governments has led to widespread disaffection with existing political systems. It would be a matter of tapping into that disaffection, channeling it in directions that suit our purposes." "And many societies already nearly worship the superhuman," Invictus said. "That's another trend that one could co-opt." "It would not be necessary to convince the whole world," Lamplighter added, idly toying with the silver skull atop his cane. "Merely enough of them to enforce your will upon the rest." "Exactly so," Menton nodded. "I have given much thought to the shape of this new organization, and have already begun to build its foundation. I have planted operatives around the world, in political parties, associations for the elite, institutes of higher learning, radical movements - wherever those dissatisfied with the status quo are likely to gather. The extensive contacts possessed by all of you would grant us inroads into even more such places. These operatives would screen their associates for beliefs compatible with our philosophy, and induct them into our true organization. With followers at all levels of society, and our vast combined resources, we would have the tools to affect world affairs on a global scale. We would act subtly at first, to destabilize governments, disrupt economies, foment conflicts between all the hostile factions of the world. Without ever being identified as the cause, we shall spark sufficient chaos and suffering that the masses will rise up against their own leadership for its seeming incompetence. When they cry out for any alternative, we shall stand up and rein in these ills, and be welcomed as saviors." Lamplighter laughed with relish. "A worthy objective, and an enjoyable path to achieving it." Menton repressed a shudder at the malevolence underlying his words. "The result is logical," said Molnya, "but getting to it will be the practical challenge. You must still present your philosophy in such a manner that significant numbers of normal humans will be drawn to it, despite the fact that they themselves will never achieve the heights of power." "Quite right," Menton agreed. "Since we will have need of a hierarchical system through which our lessers will implement our decrees, I propose that our organization be structured in tiers, with membership in each higher tier granting the member ever greater knowledge of our overall operations, and ever greater authority over those operations. Thus there would be plenty of room for normal humans of ability and ambition to advance and prosper. But make no mistake, the highest tier would be reserved for innate superhumans like ourselves. Membership in that, our global 'House of Lords,' would be reserved for and open to any such superbeing who shares our goals and philosophy." "'Innate superhumans?'" asked Stingray. "Beings with physical and mental powers that are the result of their own inborn abilty," said Menton. "Any buffoon can put on a suit of powered armor or have devices implanted in his body, but only those whose power is an inseparable part of themselves can truly be ranked among the superior." "All right," Invictus murmured, "I can see how that could appeal to both superhumans and the common folk." He seemed to stare into the distance. "We could give members of each tier special titles reflecting their status within the organization. Something drawn from imperial Rome or medieval Europe, to evoke the inspiration for our group. That would give the organization a romantic cachet and sense of elitism to add to its appeal, and set it apart from other would-be world conquerors. We superhumans would be the domini, the lords of the world." Menton smiled with pleasure. "Excellent suggestions, Invictus. This is an example of why I want your uncoerced participation, so that your creativity and initiative will be undiluted." Gravitar shook her head. "Subtlety is all well and good, but sooner or later your group would become public, either through discovery or when you feel ready to take over directly. At that time there will undoubtedly be opposition, and some of it will be forceful. You would have to be prepared to meet force with force. And if we're 'too good to dirty ourselves' by fighting, how do you propose to handle it?" "Perhaps we should take over VIPER first," Holocaust remarked half-jokingly. Menton laughed. "I have no wish to associate us with an army of costumed thugs with guns. That has proven to have limited popular appeal. Instead I would favor a small but highly trained and equipped fighting force to strike at our enemies quietly, surgically, before they become a direct threat." "I can provide the raw manpower for such a force easily enough," said Teleios. "I had you in mind," Menton replied. "But that would still not be sufficient," Teleios continued. "Any future opposition, before or after this organization stands revealed, would undoubtedly include superbeings. You would have to be ready to face them on an even footing, with a cadre of your own superhumans." "Then we can draw from other supers who join our ranks," said Holocaust. "Let's be frank, most superhumans aren't 'superior' in ways that make them competent to govern. We can organize the most combat-effective of them as our elite troops for when we have to deal with super opposition." "Our Praetorian Guard," Invictus said, grinning at Holocaust. "They would stand as a symbol to all our followers, and one day the world; a symbol of our superiority, our invincibility!" Inwardly Menton gloated. He could feel the excitement building among the others as his idea took hold, and knew that he had the momentum now. Gravitar leaned forward, staring intently at Menton. "We've discussed much about what this organization as a whole will do, and what other members of it will do. What you've avoided to this point is any details of what those of us in this room will do. Exactly what role do you envision for us, Menton? And for yourself?" Tension gripped the room as the implication of Gravitar's question sank in, and all eyes turned to Menton. Menton stood and gestured grandly. "My lady, in the truest sense of the philosophy I have articulated, all of us here are nobility. We were born to rule, trained to rule, and rule we shall. I propose that we divide the world into seven domains, each to be led by one of you. Each of you will be in charge of all of our activities within your domain, and when the world is in our hands your domain shall be under your governance. It shall be your personal fiefdom, to be held by you and your heirs, as with any proper lordship." "I notice that you haven't included a domain for yourself," Stingray snapped. "I suppose our 'fiefdoms' will be in fief to you?" Menton swept his gaze around the table, meeting the eyes of each of the others unwaveringly. "All false modesty aside, who else among you could have brought this gathering about? Who else has been able to conspire so freely around the globe, under the very noses of governments and power groups? Who else could assure you that any possible treachery within our ranks would be discovered, and dealt with?" Menton let the threat of that hang in the air a moment, then continued in a more relaxed manner: "But I seek only to set the overall direction of our group, and to settle any disputes that may arise between you. Direction of our organization, let alone governance of the world, would be too monumental a task for even I to conduct alone. I need to delegate authority to those whose competence I can trust." There was a few seconds of uncomfortable silence as the group digested this, then Lamplighter cleared his throat. "So, does this proposed organization of yours have a name yet?" Menton pressed a button beneath the table, and at the far end of the room a silken banner fluttered down over the wall. On a black field was a large white circle, within which was the black silhouette of a thin-beaked bird, wings uplifted. "Throughout history," Menton orated, "the raven has been a symbol of threatened doom, an omen to those who have offended the gods and the natural order. Yet the ravens of the Tower of London are considered good fortune, protectors of the destiny of the kingdom of England so long as they dwell there. For its twin virtues of threat and blessing, reflecting the bounty and the wrath that our group will bring, I have chosen the name RAVEN!" "And perhaps for its sentimental attachment?" Molnya asked mildly, his quiet voice startling after Menton's impassioned speech. "The raven is part of your family's coat of arms, da?" Menton glared at the Russian, startled and perturbed that he knew this much of his secret identity. Molnya met his glare calmly, merely cocking a quizzical eyebrow: "Surely you would agree that the trust between us must be mutual?" Menton relaxed and sheepishly shook his head. "Your reputation for intelligence gathering is not exaggerated, I see. Yes, you are quite right, sir. There must be trust and openness between us, at least as far as is practical. We should put all our cards on the table, so that we may truly become greater than the sum of our parts." With this concession Menton felt the reluctance of the others begin to evaporate. He looked in their eyes, and read his triumph there. "There are still a lot of details to be worked out," grumbled Holocaust, a token resistance. Menton sat down again. "Then by all means, let us begin."
  21. Re: Speedster advice Funksaw, if you think that construct is "hideously complex," you'd best avoid 5E's version of Regeneration. And probably any rules discussion thread longer than ten posts.
  22. Re: Is there a Gamemaster Screen for 5th? The character creation summary handbook in the Resource Kit is helpful for new players, too.
  23. Re: Speedster advice Just to clarify the rationale behind this build a bit further: You build the desired Power with the Always On Limitation, calculate how many Character Points you saved by taking Always On, add that number of points to your character's sheet (essentially "buying off" that Limitation), then apply any Lim to those points that reflect the conditions by which the character can shut off the Power - in this case, Focus. This is a venerable construct that's rules-legal under Fifth Edition.
  24. Re: dietary quirks / religious rules for a character Hey, why be satisfied with one good way to do something, when HERO lets you come up with half a dozen good ways? You might even like one of those better. And even if you don't, the debate almost always gives you the satisfaction of making someone feel ignored.
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