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Everything posted by MacBean

  1. Re: Greatest Post-Apoc Film of All Time One of may favorites was 'Le Dernier combat'. B&W, no dialogue at all. Quiet Earth is also pretty high on the list
  2. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Good for you Soul - Oingo Boingo
  3. Re: Play By e-Mail: Submissions for Millennium City Ohayo gozaimasu
  4. Re: Play By e-Mail: Submissions for Millennium City Iwashimizu is mine
  5. Are there any writeups in the books so far for modern versions of bows and arrows?
  6. Re: A Modern League of Extroardinary Gentlemen Kent Allard was the original name for The Shadow... I believe Lamont Cranston was just another identity he used.
  7. Re: Grimjack Tech levels I think he means he can't remember the name of the drunk... it was Manny Weiss, or Manwfye or other variations of that I think
  8. Re: Grimjack Tech levels I haven't bought comics in about 2 years. Then of course they come out with the reprints and the new series... I'm a happy camper.
  9. Re: Inspirational Reading whew. thats a relief. I was confusing Hostage with The Last Detective in which Ben gets kidnapped.
  10. Re: Inspirational Reading Bruce Willis? as Elvis Cole? maybe 10 years ago but I don't see it now. Aside from that the books are great. He doesn't have that many that aren't Cole and Pike but Demolition Angel is also pretty good.
  11. Re: Initiative... I had an initiative method I always wanted to try. Its pretty much the Shadowrun system. Roll 1d6 per point of speed. You get an action at your total, your total -10, your total -20, etc. so, 2 SPD would usually go once, occasionally twice 5 SPD (the most common in the games I've played) goes on the average twice I had also considered adding the average of DEX and INT to the roll. If that's done, the number to subtract should be higher, perhaps 15. [edit] adding examples to talk myself through it further. normal human, 10 dex, 10 int, 2 spd 10+2d6 averages 17, 2 actions 17 and 2 talented normal, 14 dex, 12 int, 3 spd 13+3d6 averages 23, 2 actions 23 and 8 Argent (agent character of mine) 23 dex, 15 int, 5 spd 19+5d6 averages 36, 3 actions 36, 21, and 6. speedster 30 dex, 13 int, 8 spd 21+8d6 averages 49, 4 actions 49, 34, 19, 4 I don't know, maybe 10 would work after all.
  12. Re: OIF for Powered Armor why? You reminded everyone of this in your very first post. I submit that there is a flipside to this... "A limitation or disad not enforced by the GM isn't worth any points" From what I've seen, OIF and OIHID cover PA more than adequately and IMO the introduction of a power framework is unnecessary.
  13. Re: OIF for Powered Armor why? I'm not sure how this is relevant. foci that are inobvious are more rare than foci that are not... I don't see any problem there. okay, can we get the detail on what you mean? So you're going for a more realistic game? What comic (if any) would be along the lines of the games you run? Like many of them have said, there are other concepts that don't include that. OIHID and no limitation at all are both valid concepts.. Why should I be pigeonholed just because I chose to make a PA character? as has been stated, Iron Man had mechanisms to prevent his armor from being removed (depending on the writer at the time). why can't a PA character in your game pay full price for their powers and do the same?
  14. Re: OIF for Powered Armor why? You are? that's a shame, those are good points...
  15. Re: OIF for Powered Armor why? Maybe that's where the disconnect is here, there are different types of 'comic book logic' and not all games use the same concepts. I'm sorry, but that seems awfully limiting to character concepts. Back on page 2 (post #30) there was an excellent example of how the different limitations could represent different styles of PA. Also, in Fuzion, all PA was not the same, just as in Hero, you could define your powers as PA and therefore not take any limitation on it at all. Doesn't that describe any focus?
  16. Re: Fantasy Hero PBEM I'm not sure if I applied or not. After I hit the button, it sat there for a long time. Now when I go to the campaign info page, there's no 'apply to' button. I'm assuming that means it was successful but...
  17. Re: A Thread for Random Mooings To err is human, to moo bovine
  18. Re: Professional Skills Thanks! That's exactly what I was looking for.
  19. Anyone know of a good listing of professional skills, specifically modern or futuristic? working on a character (with Jack of all trades) and looking for inspiration on what else to get.
  20. Re: Weird Coincidences
  21. MacBean


    Re: Firefly Not sure if thats a request or a comment but... http://www.fireflyfans.net http://www.fireflydvd.com <--- This site also has some shots from the set of the movie.
  22. I like the idea but I'm not sure this is what I'm looking for. Mainly, I'm hoping someone can tell me if, from a Japanese perspective, the names I listed above might be appropriate. And the tool I was using to get somewhere in the ballpark of what I wanted was: http://poets.notredame.ac.jp/cgi-bin/jedi-inon
  23. I'm working on an Aikido based Martial Artist and I need a name. I've come up with a few based on my oh so small understanding of Japanese. I'm looking for something water based to denote the flowing style of Aikido. If someone knows the language, could they help identify which of these might be good and which are bad for whatever reason. Iwashimizu (kind of a mouthful) (supposed to mean 'water trickling from the rocks) sakamaku (surging water) medaki (the smaller waterfall) mizukagami (reflecting water) mizukusai (many meanings, but includes both distant and watery) shinshoku (erosion) Any thoughts?
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