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Everything posted by Solomon

  1. Re: What is the average attack and defense in your super’s campaign? In my current 350-pts campaign: Main attacks average just shy of 60 active points. Normal defenses average 20 PD and 20 ED.
  2. Re: Why does Nighthawk always get depicted getting the crap kicked out of him?
  3. Re: Steve, you dirty boy!
  4. Re: Ninja Hero:Pai Mei
  5. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Raffaella, by far my best employee, is in waiting. I'm looking at a tough year without her; I had become very reliant on her skills. But, heck, I feel a bit like I'm going to become an uncle!
  6. Re: Looking for suggestions on building a power... I'd rather use TK as I'm not fond of UAA powers, but that's just me. Or you might build it as a Drain vs STR, only for lifting the baby/bundle. This would represent the baby only getting "heavier" relatively to the character's weight allowance.
  7. Re: Looking for suggestions on building a power... Mr. Surbrook's Demon Post n° 666! Ehm, sorry, lemme think about it...
  8. Re: New Villain Organization. Please comment.
  9. Re: Sheet of ICE You might try with Change Environment. Cost** Power END 43** Change Environment 4" radius (8" long and 4" wide Line; +1/2), -4 to Characteristic Roll or Skill Roll, Long-Lasting 20 Minutes* 4 Powers Cost: 43
  10. Re: Your Gaming Group's Jargon "Humans" = Many, numerous. This was taken from the Starcraft game, where humans usually outnumbered the alien races, a reversal of the usual "humans surrounded by aliens" topic. Examples: "... and suddenly thirty-two Viper agents swarm out." "They're like humans!" (meaning: "There's too many of them!"). Sometimes it gets used as a war-cry when the party is faced with a single, powerful opponent. "Humaaaans!" (meaning: "Let's win through superior numbers"). "Dune Buggy" = A large brawl. Taken from an old comedy movie, "Dune Buggy" was the tune of the ending scene, a large fistfight. Usually sung when the group is losing, but is having fun. "Fell from his horse" = Used when a character's player is absent. Taken from an old incident with a bad GM. The GM had to make up an exscuse for a PC not being there during a game session and he said the character "fell from his horse" while the group was travelling and nobody noticed... "Blown by a sandstorm" = Used when a character's player is absent. Same GM, even worse instance. The group was travelling through a desert when a magically powerful storm broke. The PCs tied themselves to a large rock to avoid being swept away by the storm. A character's player was absent and the GM ruled the character "had been blown away by the sandstorm" since "nobody remembered to tie him too".
  11. Re: Breaking Out of Entagles And Grabs Characters being able to act after breaking free of a very weak Grab or Entangle makes sense from both an in-game and an in-story point of view. From an in-story point of view, you can't keep Grond occupied just by throwing a common fishing net at him. He'd tear through it as if it was paper. The above is also an in-game rationale. A weak AoE Entagle would tie up whole teams of villains if they coudn't act after breaking free. As for Grabs being essentially harder to break free than Entagles, consider that a Grab is more of a resource-drain for the attacking character than an equivalent Entagle: you usually can't move away from the grabbed opponent, you need free limbs, you are at a CV penalty.
  12. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I resolved to learn Japanese, and to lose twenty pounds of weight. I'll learn Japanese first.
  13. Re: Origins Award Nomination Penguins unite!
  14. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Kill Bill vs Rachel... Kill Bill's end titles: Beatrix Kiddo: The Bride, Mommy, Black Mamba. Rachel's old title: Rachel: Wife, Mom, Nemesis. Coincidence?
  15. Re: What the heck is a Migdalar? 'Cause for posters on this board "Grond-shaped" is clearer than "four-armed"!
  16. Re: What the heck is a Migdalar? Doesn't acephalic just mean "headless"? Illythids OTOH are an "evil, four-tentacled, Cephalopod, psionically-powerful underground race"
  17. Re: Configurable Flash Another option might be to buy it as a Flash that affects all Sense Groups, then add a "Only one sense group at a time" limitation.
  18. Re: Once more in English, please? If I remember correctly, an ordinary is "cotised" when it runs between two diminutives of the second order. So, a red chevron cotised would be a large, thick inverted red V, running between two thin (a quarter of the thickness) inverted red Vs.
  19. Re: Ninja Hero:Pai Mei My memory-fu is weak. You're right, I stand corrected. Hmm, time to get a multiregion player. Thanks for the link, ShinHakkaider!
  20. Re: Ninja Hero:Pai Mei @ Plucky: Yes, Pai Mei is a recurring villain. Gordon Liu himself played the role of Pai Mei in at least two other movies besides Kill Bill, IIRC. @ ShinHakkaider: Ehm. Pai Mei blocks the Bride's kick and holds her foot thanks to his body control alone in Kill Bill too. But IIRC this ability is explained fully in Executioners of Shaolin, where Pai Mei (also played by Gordon Liu) is said to have the ability to retract his testicles inside his body, thanks to his powerful kung fu. I must track down that movie and see it again.
  21. Re: Ninja Hero:Pai Mei He probably needs a good Disarm. I'm completely at a loss on how to represent his "crotch hold" technique...
  22. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I am oh so glad I never swithced to Windows 2000.
  23. Re: Is this a legitimate disadvantage? I'd consider this a -0 limitation. It's just a special effect, and arguably it's going to have as many positive effects as negative effects. Consider that, if any adjustment power keyed to either mutant or technological powers can affect the character, he'll be more likely to be affected by Aid as well as Drain, Dispel and Suppress. Either way, this is unlikely to crop up very often.
  24. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER I thought that were the covers for "The Ultimate Rachel" and "The Ultimate Kara"...
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