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Everything posted by Solomon

  1. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Gorizia 1947 I was but a small child. I remember the border, a sodier with his rifle, a pack of candies lying on the ground. And my father telling me: "Go, go and pick them up". I am exitant, but I think those candies must be so sweet. I muster some courage and I run. The soldier sees me, and turns the other way. I grab the pack and walk back. I see my grandma smiling. She had thrown me the candies, from the other side. But she had failed to throw them all the way to our side and I had to cross the border to pick them up." - Nadja Veluscek
  2. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Then I'm safe! I haven't ever posted on this thread!
  3. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Just got back from a weekend in the Rhine Valley. I hadn't taken a day off in months and I needed it. Three days of daily museum-prowling, nightly carousing and sleeping three hours per night, and now I feel completely recharged. Sometimes a small change of pace is all you need. I just wish Germans could make some decent coffee. OTOH, I also wish Italians could make some decent beer.
  4. Solomon

    Opinion poll

    Re: Opinion poll I can understand giving extra damage dice, but I still woudn't exceed DEF-BODY in damage dice. It makes no sense for the Thing or Hulk to just grab any object and attack with it. Their fists are already harder than most substances. The Thing woudn't normally use a stick or club to attack, just as I woudn't use a rolled newspaper; the object woudn't be able to transmit the full force of the blow.
  5. Re: Answers & Questions Q: So, what's left on the wish list for Selina Kyle and Bruce Wayne's wedding? A: Non-euclidean sex.
  6. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Sometimes you'd like to share a little piece of news, but it's just not the right time.
  7. Re: M&M: this is a Nightmare? To be fair, a lot of game systems were popping up and passing away unnoticed before D20 System. Arguably, there were far too many game systems a few years ago. I've seen too many good, well-written games with an original game engine fade into obscurity because the average player just isn't interested in learning yet another set of rules. Actually, I think D20 System is a good thing for small game companies. It allows them to draw on an existing pool of players.
  8. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I watched Gibson's "Passion" with a Japanese friend of mine. Throughout the second half, she was weeping all the time. Not for the reasons I would expect, though. As we left the cinema, she told me she was expecting an happy end and was upset they didn't find Jesus innocent and release him!
  9. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Things I learned today: - Most people can't tell a Nobel prize winner from the next guy. - Nobel prize winners don't leave tips.
  10. Re: Converting From Older Editions Excellent! I look forward to Archer's rewrite. May I suggest adding some notes on the "phylosophy" of character building through HERO editions? Archer duly notes that there were less skills to chose from back then, but I feel this section might be expanded upon. Looking at pre-fifth edition characters, especially Champions ones, I usually feel that: - Inordinate scores (30+) in DEX were not unheard of, and very high scores (25+) were somewhat more common than today. Combat skill levels were rarer. - BODY, EGO, INT and PRE tended to be lower. Most non-mentalists had EGO 10. - Defenses tended to be sligtly higher. - Movement powers tended to be rarer and extra noncombat multipliers were rare.
  11. Re: New Advantage: Varying Dimensions Another option might be to build it as a Variable Advantage with Limited Group (Area of Effect advantages).
  12. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What does the Red Skull look like under his clothes? A: Ok, Monica, now you can go.
  13. Re: Need Help With Teleport Power Applicability (can anyone else use the Focus?) and Accessibility (can the Focus be forcibly removed from the character?) are two different things. Talon's suggestion might be applicable, the teleporting ability might just be defined as a special effect of the Inaccessible Focus. Well, is that item a Focus anyway?
  14. Re: Can you suggest some powers for these images? No offense meant. I was asking with a straight face. --->
  15. Re: Can you suggest some powers for these images?
  16. Re: Can you suggest some powers for these images? Buoyancy powers for the three of them? #1) Upon seeing this picture, the first thing that comes to mind... forget it. The second thing is Flame Powers. She does look a lot like a Martial Artist character of mine, though. #2) She's a shoe-in for a bipolar energy control of some kind, like Darkness/Light, Heat/Cold or possibly Death/Life. #3) Power-armored combat expert, with either an Autofire attack or several different attacks. Packs a nasty punch in HTH combat as well, thanks to that Dragon-gauntlets. I think she's got Flight as well, given the exausts on her boots.
  17. Re: Building characters of different sizes Not necessarily. You need only the rulebook. If you want to see how the "size" issue has been tackled by Steve at al. at HERO Games you may want to check either one of Fantasy Hero, Bestiary or Star Hero. The rules are the same.
  18. Re: Building characters of different sizes Most published characters these days buy individual powers to represent larger/smaller size. For larger than human sizes, you could buy Knockback Resistance to simulate a greater mass and Stretching to simulate longer reach. High phisical characteristics (STR, BOD, PD, ED etc) should be appropriate. You might consider an higher PRE for Presence Attacks. Refer to the Growth power for an example of typical powers. Example: 3 KB Resistance and 1" Stretching for a character up to 4 metres tall. For smaller sizes, you could buy levels of DCV to simulate the fact that hitting a small character is harder. You could also buy levels in Stealth and Concealment (self only). Refer to the Shrinking power for an example of typical powers. Example: +2 DCV and +2 to stealthy skills for a character less than a metre tall. You could then give the character a Physical Limitation to represent the inconveniences their unusual size might cause. Look at the sidebar on page 218 of the rulebook for a couple of examples. It's no longer "canon", but a lot of players still use the tried-and-true system of buying Growth or Shrinking, 0 END, Persistant, Always On, Inherent.
  19. Re: What superhero character concepts are you tired of seeing? I've seen one too many "angsty loner" superhero types.
  20. Re: Things a wise super hero should NEVER say "Let's split the team!" "Infiltrating that VIPER nest will be a breeze" "Reinforcements are on the way" "I can fake a flawless German accent" "PRIMUS is going to help us" "This time, I think Professor Muerte is telling the truth"
  21. Re: A Thread for Random Musings A regular at my cafeteria committed suicide. She'd been going through depression, and being diagnosed with a terminal illness apparently caused her to snap. She hurled herself under a truck at the same spot her mother had been killed years ago. She was a kind, soft-spoken and sweet person. I'll miss her.
  22. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Condolences for the horrible killing in Fallujah. Words fail me. This should deserve a thread of its own, but I'm in no mood to start one.
  23. I'd rule that, for a human-shaped zombie, a bite must follow a Grab. The -2 OCV penalty imposed by a Grab should give your players some respite. Another option might be to apply a rule on weapon length. A character with an HTH weapon, even an improvised one, would be at a distinct advantage over an unarmed zombie. There are rules on this subject in Ultimate Martial Artist, pages 164-165. Other than that, there might be story-based solutions. Have them find a gun, but very limited ammo. This would be quite genre-approriate. Give your players a terrain advantage. Are your Zombies clumsy? Your players should be able to exploit this. Zombies might have difficulties jumping over an ostacle, or balancing on a narrow ledge. Or your players might slow their Zombie tormentors with improvised entangles - scavenged fishing nets, ropes, etc.
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