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Everything posted by Solomon

  1. Re: Creepy Pics. Creepy dollmakers... and some of their dolls: Creepy doll #1 Creepy doll #2 Creepy doll #3 Creepy doll #4 Creepy doll #5 Creepy doll #6
  2. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I dreamt I was in an airport last night. I knew it was an airport - despite the fact that id didn't look like one and I didn't see any plane - the way you know things in dreams. The main building was tall, maybe seven stories, and looked like an unholy cross between Functionalist architecture and Victorian interior decor. It had large, blockish concrete stairs leading to a mezzanine, dark red carpet floor covering everywhere, and several slow elevators. The walls were thick and wood-paneled. There was cheap, peeling furniture in the most unlikely places. I was running up and down the various floors, frantically searching for my passport. It was years since the last time I could remember a dream so clearly. It was unusually life-like.
  3. Re: The cranky thread You two need to develop better teamwork!
  4. Re: Grabbing Hand You can rule that the hand doesn't cause any damage at all. It makes perfect sense, as the device is meant to retrieve items, not damage them. You might consider applying the "affects whole objects (-1/4)" limitation from Telekinesis. I'd make it "one charge, recoverable". This means Bliejay won't be able to use the hand again until she has rewinched the rope. Rewinching could be based on weight of the object held and distance - each phase, Bluejay gets to move the object a given distance as per throwing rules.
  5. Re: The cranky thread Sorry to hear that, MD. I hope Old Man is right. Hang on, MD.
  6. Re: ... and pass me the ammunition. Thank you all for the feedback.
  7. Re: The cranky thread "We're for peace, so let's shatter a few windows to make our point!" Morons. Can't they find some other issue to "crusade" for? Something I can disagree on, possibly.
  8. Re: Jedi Ghosts and fade-to-deaths? Bad script. Or more to the point, George felt he could sell a character ascending to spiritual form to '70s moviegoers, but not to '90s moviegoers. Sorry, can't really think of a plausible in-story rationale.
  9. Herodom, I am in the process of statting a starhip carrier, and was wondering: how would you stat a carrier's ability to refuel and refill military ordnance on a starfighter? Assume that the fighter has some weapon with the Charges limitation. I am currently leaning towards simply ruling the carrier as a suitable location to restore charges, much the same way as a base. Anyone can come up with an alternative?
  10. Re: Sci-Fi Game or Porno Flick? Villain Hero is a thing of beuty! I hope Hero Games starts working on that right now.
  11. Re: Meters or yards or feet? In what context, vivsavage? Can you please refer to a page or chapter?
  12. Re: CHARs as Powers Notice, however, that a characteristic may be defined as having a superhuman or mutant origin even if it doesn't exceed the deafult human maxima. You could have, for instance, a mutant demi-brick with STR 30 (within Champions Universe human maxima) and define that, say, 15 points of STR originate from his mutant powers.
  13. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Anyone who thinks Al Gore went "over the top" should check this thread at RPG.net: Al Gore - Photoshop Attack! Do your worst! Caveat: Not every pic is work-safe. Especially not the "Al Gore & David Hasselhoff" one... Edit: And lots of F-words too.
  14. Scary Bit of the Day I was dining with some older friends of mine tonight. Rosario, one of them, had just received an invitation for a get-together with his old high school class - people he hadn't seen for almost 30 years. He was quite excited about it; besides, the "girl" (48 woman, actually, but Rosario still calls her a girl) who had organized the get-together had gone through quite a bit of work to track down over 30 persons he hadn't seen in 30 years. As Rosario is showing me some photos from his high-school years (and did he look funny when he still had all his hair), I ask him, "So, do you think they'll all make it or will someone miss the event?" Rosario shrugs and says, "Not all of them. One of the girls died five years ago". I look at the photos and, without thinking, point my finger at one of the girls and ask "Her?". Rosario looks at me in amazement and mutters "Yes, why... how did you know?". Fact is, I do not know how did I know. I've been trying to rationalize that, to no avail. There was no visual clue from Rosario - he was looking at his meal, not at me or the photos. There were some twenty girls in that photo, but it seemed to me glaringly obvious that she had to be the one that died. I just had the sharp feeling, by looking at that picture, that she was somehow destined to die before the rest of the class.
  15. Funny Bit of the Day "Hallo? No, Mr. Rossi is not in his office presently. Yes, I can handle that myself. Just let me have a look at your file. What's your name please? Ok wait. (seconds later) Ok I'm looking at your file right now. No, no. No, I'm sorry, there's nothing like that. Yes I'm sure. I told you I'm reading your file right now." I overheard the above today in my cafeteria, from a guy with a cellphone who was, of course, not reading a file at all (he wasn't even in his office), but was helping himself to a pastry and cappuccino. Cellphones work wonders.
  16. Re: Fantasy RENAISSANCE hero? Somebody called for me?
  17. Re: Overpowered Elemental control? I assume you meant page 203 of the rulebook, not 2003. The cost of a slot can be reduced below the bease cost of the Elemental Control, by applying limitations. That's what happens in the example on page 203; the cost of the slot is 30, but a -1/2 limitation reduces the cost to 20 points. You can have a 100 points base Elemental Control with a slot whose real cost is 5 points - just make it a 100 points slot, then apply limitations for a grand total of -19.
  18. Re: Legendary Armor Damage Reduction is applied after defenses, so it woudn't exactly simulate imposing a Reduced Penetration disadvantage.
  19. Re: Legendary Armor Functionally, you want your armor to have double effect against BODY damage. Buy again the Def of the Armor, but apply an "Only to Protect Against BODY Damage" Limitation on that. The value of that limitation would depend on how common is for attacks to inflict BODY damage.
  20. Re: Speed in FH I'm all with the Doc on this one. Plus, if you allow characters to act twice as often, you're subtracting granularity from the game and making SPD even more cost-efficient. Make them pay more END, or allow them to buy an higher SPD.
  21. Re: A Thread for Random Musings "I won a power armor on eBay" is the worst superhero concept ever.
  22. Re: A Thread for Random Musings What's up with country music and inordinate amounts of babes? Why does line dance drive chicks crazy? Why doesn't Roleplaying attract flocks of gorgeous girls, and nu-country does?
  23. Re: 4 Arms and punching alot. What do you like? Actually, during and Autofire attack you must pay END separately for each "shot", that is, you'd end up paying 6+6+6=18 END per attack. Unless I am missing something. I'd allow it in my campaign, but consider that it would count as a 75 AP main attack, for campaign limits' purposes.
  24. Re: Why does Nighthawk always get depicted getting the crap kicked out of him? If you google for "Champions Nighthawk" and "Champions Seeker" that's what you get: Nighthawk http://home.att.net/~the-nighthawk/NWA-Flair.JPG Seeker http://hometown.aol.com/thadove/seeker.jpg Nighthawk wins.
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