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Everything posted by Steve

  1. Re: Heist Hero A Mission: Impossible-style game would also have this element, I think.
  2. Re: Social Effects of the Undead in the Empire
  3. Re: Social Effects of the Undead in the Empire Actually, another way to look at vampirism could be like how ninja were viewed by samurai in feudal Japan. They were weapons used by nobles against each other, useful but hidden until needed. If the Empire is ruled by undead lich lords, their society could have codes of honor and tradition that are just as binding as feudal Japan had. Come to think of it, ninja vampires are just a cool idea in general. Can you imagine clans of assassins and spies spread around the countryside with vampiric abilities and ninja-like training? The various lich lords could employ them against their rivals and enemies.
  4. Re: ONE power: what do you do with it? One power, eh? Here's some thoughts. Not necessarily in order: 1) Extra-dimensional travel, to anywhere and anywhen. With infninite worlds available, I find the right one, and then I can acquire other abilities, like Immortality. Then the possibilities for exploration and adventure are limitelss. Of course, I'd need to have the ability to take others with me, or it will get mighty lonely. 2) Total Life Support. Who wouldn't want to be ageless and immune to poisons and diseases? 3) Regeneration, including Resurrection. Okay, I can be hurt, but I'll get better. 4) Shape Shift. This would be fun. I could go to the best parties. Or I could acquire money. Or learn secrets. Seduce beautiful women maybe? 5) Summon. Have friends anytime I want them. 6) Armor. With 80 Active Points of this Power, I'd be damned hard to hurt with any conventional weapons. I could be a hostage negotiator or something. 7) Telepathy. Yeah, Menton-class Telepathy might be interesting.
  5. Re: Social Effects of the Undead in the Empire Vampirism could be like it is shown in some source materials, as a form of supernatural disease. Since it is relatively easy to pass on undead immortality this way, I can see how the lich rulers could treat vampires as a form of outlaws. Useful sometimes, but generally a criminal underclass. Imagine a version of Robin Hood as a vampire, tirelessly fighting against the tyrannical Lich Lords and aiding the common folk, a phantom in the night.
  6. Re: When you hear Urban Fantasy... Then I shall. Actually, I'm more curious as to why you don't have an avatar showing up anymore.
  7. Re: Social Effects of the Undead in the Empire One thing to consider is if there are multiple "strains" of intelligent undead around. Do vampires exist? Would they be some sort of second-class undead citizens or lower nobility, since they exist as parasites upon the living? Perhaps vampirism is the result of a lich creation gone wrong, but with certain benefits that liches don't have (since vampires can look like breathing folk). Vampire knights would make for a scary battle force. What about ghouls? They could be warped zombies, preying on zombie flesh like vampires prey upon the living. Would ghosts exist? You could have an entire undead "necrology" going on, complete with a sort of pecking order among the intelligent breeds.
  8. Re: Tuala Morn Discussion Do Tuala Morn character building guidelines follow the premise of starting at 8 for primary characteristics, like was done in Valdorian Age? Since it's a Low Fantasy setting, would that also mean lower characteristics?
  9. Re: Inherent I find myself in disagreement with your disagreement. By taking Inherent, that scaly skin is now impervious to Dispels that are meant to destroy Armor, like a spray of acid or something. Scaly skin that can't be hurt or damaged strikes me as illogical, unless we are talking about a powerful magical being like a dragon or something.
  10. Re: Rebuilding yourself Actually, another thing that would be good for me to add would be Contact (skilled group of Hero RPG players) 18- But should I go to the expense of buying up the gaming group's loyalty to me?
  11. Re: Traveller-era guns Well, luckily keeping gun damage down to a low roar is fairly easy in Traveller. I think what I'll likely end up doing is looking through the gun lists in Dark Champions and modifying some of them to represent versions at different tech levels.
  12. Re: Marvel Femal Martial Artists Several of them. Black Widow and Moondragon are the first that come to my mind.
  13. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... From my short-lived Alien Wars campaign: GM (Me): "You're sending Private Jones ahead of you into the Xenovore's bunker?" Player One: "That's right. I'm a Lieutenant, and I know what I'm doing." Player Two: "A wise general once said that you should always protect your privates." Player One: "...." Player One: "Hey, what are we fighting again?" GM (Me): "Asian goblins." Shows picture with "Bakemono" written at bottom. Later on, more are encountered by group. Player One: "Hey, it's more of these baked mono guys!" GM (Me): "Baked monos?" Player Two: "...." Player Three: "Are you sure they aren't half-baked?"
  14. Re: When you hear Urban Fantasy... Actually, I suppose Urban Fantasy could cover more than just the modern day. For example, I could see Victorian London as a site for such stories as well. Urban Fantasy has always seemed to me to be magical elements existing in Industrial Age city settings.
  15. Re: Tuala Morn in Online Store Is that like how the notion that "only a ninja can kill a ninja" works? I suddenly have this image of Mortal Kombat style lawyer moves.
  16. Re: Character: Socially Conscious Man! So who would SCM's arch-nemesis be? Who is his total opposite?
  17. Steve


    Re: Bewitched Really? I hadn't known that. I suspected something like that had happened, with the sheer number of magical girlfriend shows out, decades after TV shows like I Dream of Jeanie and Bewitched aired.
  18. Re: Character: Socially Conscious Man!
  19. Re: Blurred Reflection/Photographic Image Hmmm.... that's another option.
  20. How would you describe in Hero terms the ability to appear in reflecting surfaces or in photgraphs/video images only as a blurred image? Sight Image with a Set Effect (Blurred Image) is the power that I believe I should use, but the sticking point I'm running into is the PER modifier. Should I bother with upping it, or just go with a base effect? The character is not invisible, and they can be seen clearly to the naked eye. But when someone sees them in a mirror or in a photograph, their image is blurred. Would a successful PER roll then de-blur their appearance? Alternately, I'm open for ideas on how just the face could be blurred.
  21. Re: Rebuilding yourself Repped! And I may even steal that for a sigline.
  22. I just noticed it was now available, and I've already ordered a copy.
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