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Everything posted by Steve

  1. Re: Armageddon 1946 Well, tales of the Vril Society associate it with the Nazis as a secret organization, one that included Adolf Hitler as a member, but it's a Pulp fiction invention. The link talks about some of the stories of Vril and the Nazis.
  2. Re: Armageddon 1946 Perhaps in addition to Atlantis, you might introduce the Vril-ya and their mastery of the vril energies.
  3. Re: A Thread for Random Videos The , now with words. The same guy also does the theme with words.
  4. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... From last night's first session of Traveller Hero, the PCs have landed to refuel and pick up cargo on a rimworld in the Spinward Marches. Using Streetwise, they find the local hangout where freighter crews hang out and get jobs (I named it The Last Chance). In my description of it, I used the term "seedy dive" and that began this exchange. PC 1 (OOC): The Seedy Dive? Sounds like part of a franchise operation. GM (Me): Yeah, it does, doesn't it? PC 1 (OOC): Every port town should have one. PC 2 (OOC): I vote to call it the Seedy Dive from now on. So now every port will likely have a local "Seedy Dive" available. In listening to the exchange, I was reminded of an older quote on this thread about a restaurant called (I think) The Obvious Trap.
  5. Re: Beowulf-class Type-A Free Trader Deckplans The 1 Charge that recovers each week looks like it is meant to cover that.
  6. Re: Beowulf-class Type-A Free Trader Deckplans I really think it would greatly simplify tying to Traveller scale by just making each inch of Teleportation megascaled as 1" = 1 parsec (+3 3/4)
  7. Re: Beowulf-class Type-A Free Trader Deckplans It's this sort of effort on the part of my players that really makes me appreciate my current gaming group. Yes, I let them have the ship.
  8. Re: Stephen Hawking working on Supers/SciFi campaign... He could rebalance the entire system and likely provide a detailed mathematical proof as to why his costing methodology is superior.
  9. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... He's got something against the brothers?
  10. Re: Stephen Hawking working on Supers/SciFi campaign... Imagine Hawking's mathematical brilliance being introduced to the Hero System.
  11. This is an open question, but I was wondering how "pleasure-based" effects can be done in Hero. I can picture an Ego-based Entangle and various Drains/Suppresses that could be built with a pleasure-based special effect. What other abilities could be designed? Could you design them to work with different Sense groups? I know that a work of art could captivate the mind upon seeing it, just as smells can cause enjoyment. Would enjoyment of something and actual pleasure be different effects or just points on a scale?
  12. Re: Champions Multiverse Numbering is the usual way to do it, and even Marvel is doing it, although their numbers are bigger (something like a four-digit number for the current Marvel-verse, I believe). It looks like all you'd need to do would be to swap Earths 1 and 3 on your list, and you'd be good to go. The original Champions Universe (with Marksman, Icestar, etc) seemed to have a smaller number of superhumans than the current Champions Universe.
  13. One of the players in my Traveller campaign wants to be really good at jury-rigging repairs under difficult circumstances, sort of the "Scotty Effect." The idea I can come up with to simulate that using a skill-basis is to use Penalty Skill Levels combined with skills like Mechanics and Electronics. Here are some examples I thought of. "You've got five minutes to get that jump drive running, not an hour" = PSLs vs. Taking Less Time Than Required "We don't have the parts" = PSLs vs Lack of Parts/Technical Gear I'm not sure how deep to take this. Are there other methods that anyone can suggest? I'm trying to keep things on a Skill/Super-Skill/Talent level.
  14. Re: Traveller Hero Launches! You guys rock! A large reason for me buying them is the maps, so this is a big help. Thank you for responding to this request.
  15. Re: Traveller Hero Launches! The scale isn't really what bothers me, but trying to do facing with squares as opposed to hexes is annoying. Assuming these are new pictures of ships, what is the difficulty with overlaying a hex map instead of squares? They can be 1.5 meter hexes if they must, but I like hexes over squares.
  16. Re: Nightwind: A Proper Fit for the Champions? His unarmed attacks are pretty lethal to normals, but his write-up doesn't make me think he's the killing type even without a CvK. Since he's part of a four-color team, his lack of a CvK doesn't preclude having a 0-point "Reluctant to Kill" default psych. I don't think he's a bad fit, and every team can use someone who is more edgy than the rest.
  17. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...
  18. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... I'm trying to imagine what a 150-point housewife would be like. The mind boggles a bit.
  19. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... I think my wife would be freaked by that too.
  20. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Gollum & Smeagol Sing Barry White
  21. Re: A Thread for Random Videos This one might have been posted already: Fast Times at Hero High.
  22. Re: Raven: Swordmistress of Chaos I've read the books (and still own them in my collection of paperbacks). I don't think I've ever seen a write-up of her (nor have I ever attempted one). I don't imagine she'd be very tough to write up. One thing I found amusing about the character is that she was blonde, despite being named Raven.
  23. Re: Traveller Hero Launches! Somehow I don't feel myself being unreasonable in expecting Hero hex maps in a product advertised as being for the Hero system.
  24. Re: Traveller Hero Launches! A booklet advertised as a Hero-based supplement that doesn't provide maps using Hero's hex-based structure is a really bad idea. I guess I won't be buying as many of the supplements as I originally thought I would.
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