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Everything posted by Eosin

  1. Re: Hero Needs Reviewers!! It never hurts to ask - I am cross posting this from the Meta Forum on ENworld [Specific Thread]:
  2. Re: Dark Champions Campaigns I think KS is already aware of the last DC game I was in I am looking forward to the new game and even have my character built for it but I will let Eddie toot his own horn when it comes to describing the setting and game.
  3. Re: Sell me the FH line I think that many have already hit the nail but to echo those thoughts: 1. I don't use the TA but I do steal some ideas from it now and again. 2. I generally have mannish opponents so I don't have a boatload of monsters populating my world but when I need them, MM&M and the Bestiary really come in handy. 3. The Grimoere is a godsend. I buff the snot out of my magic system with it. 4. Battlegrounds is well written and can help you "settle the scale" if you know what I mean. After running champs you may not think anything of a 23 DEX 5 SPD character but that is the level of Lancelot or Aragorn - having FHBg really helps you find the right scale (for heroic level play....if you are in one of theose 250 + 100 games then it does not do much except provide a good read and some very useful maps.
  4. Re: My first Turakian Age character As I mentioned in each post - each game group will have different stat ranges and those need to be taken into consideration. I have not seen a PC in my group (5-7) start a character out with a 3 SPD in 8-10 years and that character IMMED bought his SPD up to a 4 with the first 10 XP. SPD 2 by the EXAMPLES provided in the Heroic level book are the scubs...peasant levy, farmers, cripples, and the geriatric. SPD 3 is the first level combat ability in accordance to the write-ups in the various books. SPD 5 is speedster/martial artists SPD in our Heroic level 150 point games. I have only seen it in a PC on 2 occasions in the 13 or so years that we have been playing. The main thing for Kilsco is not what you or I tell him is "right" or "wrong" but what balances best with the group he is going to be in. Here are some of the quick values I judge by: Average Golem DEX 15 SPD 3 Average Troll DEX 14 SPD 3 Average Zombie DEX 10 SPD 2 Here is a hand out that my players have when it comes to character creation. Hero Characteristics All players will have a NCM but the GM does not want to discourage players from buying stats beyond that. The purchase of additional characteristics should be within the theme of your character. I have included a benchmark that indicates the relative value that I have mapped out for some popular characters. Fantasy Hero Benchmarks Speed 2 Farmers, Levy. 3 Soldiers, Guardsmen, Mercs. 4 Elite Guards, Maximus (Gladiator), Gimli, W. Wallace (Braveheart) 5 Conan, Arthur, Aragorn, Beowulf, Hercules (Sorbo), Lancelot, Lan (WOT). 6 Manslayer (Birthright), (movie) Leagolas, Xena. 7 Captian America Dex 14 Soldiers, Guardsmen, Mercs 15 Elite Guards, Knights, Gandolf 17 Personal Guards, Gimli, Average Elf 18 Gorgon, W. Wallace 20 Boromir, Authur, Maximus 21 Hercules (Sorbo) 23 Conan, Aragorn, Lan (WOT) 25 Galad (WOT), Lancelot, 26 Xena 28 Legolas (movie) Strength 15 Soldiers, Guardsmen, Mercs, Elite Guards, Knights, Arthur, Leagolas 18 Aragorn, Rand (WOT), W. Wallace 20 Boromir 23 Perrin (WOT) 25 Conan, Bullwief (13th Warrior) 28 Beowulf 30 Orge 35 Troll 40 Hercules 50 Balrog That may not be the way your DM envisions things but if he or she does something similar for you then it will help your expectations of the game and tell you if your stats are low, high, or just right.
  5. Re: My first Turakian Age character "Perhaps it is a mistake..." It depends both on your group and your personal choices for game play. Some degree of "min max" is not just ok with Hero games it is required. Everybody will have differing values for what is "OK" and what crosses into the power-mongering game HO category. I think you should look at MMM, The Bestiary, FH Battlegrounds, & the TA .... you will find that the stats you have are fairly impoverished in compairison. In FH Battleground the first adventure has a "magic opponent" who is built on roughly 25 points with 50 points in disads (half your points) and he has better stats than you do. But if you game is built on a low stat premise than what you have works. I would not sell my speed down to 2 no matter what.
  6. Eosin

    The BBEG

    Re: The BBEG The first part I disagree with - just as Elminster can exsist in a 1st level Forgotten Realms game or Conan can be hanging out in a 25+25 game does not make them unbalanced. They are inappropriate challenges for the respective parties, just like Bel Samedi is an inappropriate challenge for our group but he is appropriately built. If our party built 600 point FH characters - Bel Samedi would lose. I bet he would lose if the party built 450 point characters.
  7. Eosin

    The BBEG

    Re: The BBEG Big Bad Evil Guy ---- BIG Bad Evil God --- Big Busted Evangalical Girl....ummmm, forget that last one.
  8. Re: My first Turakian Age character A few comments: Disads: Oat of Fealthy & Subject to Orders are very close and basically represent the same thing unless they are to different groups (Which could cause some cool RP problems). Stats: Wow, those are abysmal stats for a 150 point game. If those are on par with the other players then disregaurd but typically in a 75/75 game a good rule of thumb to follow on creation is no more than a 20% difference between stats and skills (that is - don't spend more than 90 points in either the stats or the skills section ....and inversly do not spend less than 60 in either of those sections). Point effectiveness: If your CON increases to 13 it would cost you 4 points - BUT you spent 2 points on REC that is now free & you get some additional STUN & END plus you are more difficult to stun in battle. I would consider adding +1 BODY to give you a little more umph when it comes to getting impaired (5 BODY damage impairs a character with a BODY stat of 10 but it takes 6 BODY damage to impair an 11 STAT.) If you can squeeze out a few points to bump your DEX to 14-15 it pays you back in spades. (After CON this would be most important...some can successfully argure that it is more important). STIPULATION: These recommendations are based on the way my group plays Hero and it typically meshes with Heroic games but if your group runs in a stat poor game then ignore the second half of the post. PS -- Lightining should be cheaper with the 0.33 cost multiplier shouldn't it??
  9. Eosin

    The BBEG

    I thought that I would fill in the points for a BBEG's followers on a lark the other day but things just escalated and I ended up doing his whole sheet. I used Takofines as a yard stick.This guy is not really meant to be fought by the players -- or at least not until they have gathered 1-2 thousand XP (500 sessions from now ) He was fun building and his magical powers are pretty darn gross but not just out right stupid (no 10d6 RKA in a Heroic level game). Comments and crits appreciated.ThanksBel SamediPlayer: Val** Char*** Cost 45** STR 35 26** DEX 48 35** CON 50 21** BODY 22 30** INT 20 32** EGO 44 60** PRE 50 0** COM -5 * 18** PD 9 18** ED 11 6** SPD 24 60** REC 88 70** END 0 100** STUN 38 *9"**RUN65"**SWIM39"**LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 443Cost** Power END 583** Infernal Magic: VPP, 195 base + 388 control cost, Cosmic (+2), Affects Physical World (+2) (680 Active Points); Limited Class Of Powers Available Magic (-1/4)* 0** 1) Greater Light of Destruction: (Total: 261 Active Cost, 222 Real Cost) RKA 5d6, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Penetrating (+1/2) (131 Active Points); -1 Decreased STUN Multiplier (-1/4) (Real Cost: 105) plus Sight Group Flash 8d6 (Real Cost: 40) plus Dispel 10d6, Does Knockback (+1/4), Double Knockback (+3/4) (60 Active Points) (Real Cost: 60) plus Telekinesis (20 STR) (30 Active Points); Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (Only to lift 1" off ground.; -1/2), Affects Whole Object (-1/4) (Real Cost: 17) Real Cost: 222 [Notes: Greater Destruction simulates a ghostly bolt of nether energy reaching from Bel Samedi to the victim and lifting them into the air while hundreds of razor thin cuts appear on them. The light increases to a blinding intensity at near completion of the spell and then the victim is violently thrown as it concludes.]* 18 0** 2) Circle of Destruction: Killing Attack - Ranged 4d6, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Area Of Effect (16" Radius; +1 1/4) (150 Active Points); Limited Range (-1/4) Real Cost: 120* 6 0** 3) Black Fires of Murgost: Energy Blast 12d6, Explosion (+1/2), Penetrating (+1/2) (120 Active Points) Real Cost: 120* 12 0** 4) Corruption of the Body: (Total: 150 Active Cost, 125 Real Cost) Drain STR 5d6, Ranged (+1/2) (75 Active Points) (Real Cost: 75) plus Drain CON 5d6, Ranged (+1/2) (75 Active Points); Linked (Drain; -1/2) (Real Cost: 50) Real Cost: 125* 14 0** 5) Corruption of Thought: (Total: 259 Active Cost, 142 Real Cost) Mind Control 15d6 (Real Cost: 75) plus Major Transform 7d6 (Psy Lim: Servant of Bel Samedi, Conversion to good), BOECV (Mental Defense applies; +1), Range Modifiers Apply (-1/4) (184 Active Points); All Or Nothing (-1/2), Eye Contact Required (-1/2), (Works vs EGO not BODY; -1/4), Incantations (-1/4) (Real Cost: 67) Real Cost: 142* 25 0** 6) The Burning Voice: (Total: 220 Active Cost, 147 Real Cost) Ego Attack 6d6, Area Of Effect (6" Radius; +1) (120 Active Points); (Does not work on the Deaf; -1/2) (Real Cost: 80) plus Drain INT 4d6, Ranged (+1/2), Area Of Effect (6" Radius; +1) (100 Active Points); (Does not work on the Deaf; -1/2) (Real Cost: 67) Real Cost: 147* 22 98** Arcane Reserves: Endurance Reserve (500 END, 60 REC) Reserve: (110 Active Points); REC: (60 Active Points); Based on Elan (-1/4)* 0 ** Powers of the Greater Ennwrathi* 130** 1) Formless: Desolidification (affected by Spiritual), Inherent (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2), Continuous (+1) (130 Active Points)* 0 248** 2) Ghostly Form: Telekinesis (45 STR), Fine Manipulation, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2), Affects Physical World (+2) (310 Active Points); Physical Manifestation (-1/4)* 0 185** 3) Coherent Form: (Total: 185 Active Cost, 185 Real Cost) Damage Resistance (14 PD/14 ED/7 Mental Def./7 Power Def.), Hardened (+1/4) (26 Active Points) (Real Cost: 26) plus Physical & Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 75% (Real Cost: 120) plus +19 Mental Defense (25 points total) (Real Cost: 19) plus Power Defense (20 points) (Real Cost: 20)* 0 50** 4) Undying Form: Life Support (Total) (Eating Character does not eat; Immunity All terrestrial poisons and chemical warfare agents; Immunity All terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents; Longevity Immortal; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum; Self-Contained Breathing; Sleeping Character does not sleep)* 0 15** 5) No Hit Locations: (15 Active Points)* 0 15** 6) Does Not Bleed: (15 Active Points)* 0 37** 7) The Corruption of the Ennwrathi: Major Transform 1d6+1 (Corrupted Being), Inherent (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2), Uncontrolled (+1/2), Explosion (-1 DC/2"; +3/4), NND (Arcane Power DEF; +1), Continuous (+1), Affects Physical World (+2) Heals Back Per Season (+1)(150 Active Points); No Conscious Control (-2), Always On (-1/2), No Range (-1/2)* 0 57** 8) Spell Of Awareness: Detect , Detect Living Souls and Detect Magic 15- (Unusual Group), Discriminatory, Analyze, Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees), Range, Sense, Targeting Sense, Telescopic (+10 versus Range Modifier)* 0 115** 9) Visions of the Damned: Clairsentience (Sight, Hearing And Mental Groups And Detect), x1,024 Range (829440"), Analyze, Discriminatory, Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees), Mobile Perception Point (can move up to 9" per Phase), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), MegaScale (1" = 1,000 km; +1), Can Be Scaled Down 1" = 1km (+1/4) (287 Active Points); Only to see what followers can see; (-1), Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (1/2 DCV; -1/2)* 13 40** 10) Prayers of the Faithful: Mind Link , Worshippers, Specific Group of Minds, Any distance, No LOS Needed, Number of Minds (x16), Psychic Bond (60 Active Points); (Mind Link initiated by Follower; -1/2)* 0 312** 11) Undead Command: Mind Control 25d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), MegaScale (1" = 1 km; +1/4), Can Be Scaled Down 1" = 1km (+1/4), Area Of Effect (50" Radius; +1), Affects Physical World (+2) (625 Active Points); Only Versus Undead (-1)* 0 244** 12) Find the Lost: Mind Scan 15d6 (Undead class of minds), MegaScale (1" = 100,000 km; +1/4), Can Be Scaled Down 1" = 1km (+1/4), Area Of Effect (88" Radius; +1 3/4) (244 Active Points)* 24 Powers Cost: 2129Cost** Skill 43** Arcana: All 35-* 7** Spell Research 17-* 19** Interrogation 29-* 11** Persuasion 25-* 31** Seduction 35-* ** * 3** Scholar* 5** 1) KS: Celestine (6 Active Points) 18-* 22** 2) KS: Elan (Magic) (23 Active Points) 35-* 8** 3) KS: Ennwrathi (9 Active Points) 21-* 7** 4) KS: History (8 Active Points) 20-* 5** 5) KS: Legends And Lore (6 Active Points) 18-* 17** 6) KS: Necromancy (18 Active Points) 30-* 40** +4 Overall* Skills Cost: 218Cost** Perk 15** Money: Filthy Rich* 5** Whispered Lord of the ShadowsAnonymity* 50** Universal Contact Contact, Spirit or Physical Contact (x2) (50 Active Points) 11-* 85** Greater Ennwrathi 23 Corrupted Followers * 105** 66 Terrifying Creatures* 105** Greater & BLack Trollkin 1,500 Fearsome Followers* 110** Lesser Trollkin 60,000 Brutish Followers* 95** Umbral Host5,000 Undead Warriors* 85** The Bloodring 9,000 Fanatical Followers* Perks Cost: 655Cost** Talent 20** Divine Comprehension: Universal Translator 15-* 45** [Notes: Additional Arcana Each Additional School is 5 points. 9 Schools in total.]* Talents Cost: 65Val** Disadvantages 25** Distinctive Features: Aura Of Utter Evil Not Concealable, Extreme Reaction, Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses* 10** Distinctive Features: Mystic Aura Not Concealable, Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction, Detectable Only By Unusual Senses* 15** Physical Limitation: No Body (Frequently, Greatly Impairing)* 25** Psychological Limitation: Wishes To Kill Or Control Everyone On Earth Very Common, Total* 15** Hunted: Dheymos & Other Greater Ennwrathi 8- (As Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)* 10** Vulnerability: 2x STUN Player Attacks Uncommon* 10** Vulnerability: 2 x BODY Player Attacks (Uncommon)* 20** Susceptibility: Damage Reduction reduced versus Players. continious (Uncommon)* Disadvantage Points: 130Base Points: 200Experience Required: 3180Total Experience Available: 3180Experience Unspent: 0Total Character Cost: 3510 Height: 2.36 m Hair: Weight: 175.00 kg Eyes: Pools of Black Water Appearance: The Bonelord is pale divinity, fleshless but cloaked in a mantle of shadow that gives the impression of emaciation. His shadow form is furnished with immense, black wings that flutter but do not produce any wind. His eyes are pools of black water in whose depths saintly men have drowned.Personality: Bel Samedi is an emotional void; he neither feels joy nor disappointment. His plans are unfathomable but objectives within that plan are discernible. The Bonelord has concentrated a great deal of attention and effort into the subjugation Middea and has done so for several centuries. He is subtle in methodology and his touch is light – steering the elevation of one noble or plotting the downfall of another so that lineages die out. His servants and followers can be equally subtle as needed. Quote:Servants attend me!Background: Centuries before the founding of the Vintrian Empire Bel Samedi commanded the legions of the Umbral Host who warred against the Celestine and their golden empire. Centuries earlier, before the coming of The Great Black One, Bel Samedi had stood with Vanya and lifted man from the fallow mud of the world and taught them the magic of language. Once fallen to the corruption, he became a warlord for the Adversary. During the Great Wars Bel Samedi was an engine of destruction with his blade, but it was his frightening command of Élan & corrupted spirits of the fallen that made him feared above all save Dheymos. His command over the fallen troops of the Umbral Host lasted through both wars ending only when the host itself was shattered. For seven centuries the Bonelord, as he had come to be known, crushed all who came before him. Like the Umbral Host, Bel Samedi was broken at the Battle of Orebh ya’ar. One of the few surviving Ennwrathi of the ruinous battle, Bel Samedi needed time to regain the power he had lost and to formulate a new strategy with which to bring down the Celestine. During his centuries of torpor, the wounded god cultivated restraint and forethought. His plans stretched into years and generations of men who had proven decisive at the Battle of Orebh Ya’ar. The Bonelord allowed his form to pass from this world, unleashing his dark spirit from the frail shell that his form had become. While his body died, his spirit lived on, seducing those who sought power and those who were too foolish to know fear. As the years passed in the lands of men, his reach grew to extended far beyond his bitter tomb. Powers/Tactics: Campaign Use: Bel Samedi is the uber elder godling from whom a whole host of evil effluent issues. He is not meant to be a combatant nor should the heroes ever even understand who or what he might be. Bel Samedi is compairable to Sauron in scope and power.
  10. I am one of those crazy folks who thinks that I have what it takes to self publish [don't laugh]. Anyway, I am working on some of the aspects that don't get a bunch of attention [Laying out stuff, PDFing, Editing, blah, blah, blah]. So, rather than start out charging folks money while I find my way, I have set about writing a few universal pieces that apply to just about any RPG and release them for free. Here is the first one - called "It is Your Destiny" Comments and Critisisms welcome ***Disclaimer the headers got munched in the conversion - the next PDF should have bolder titles.
  11. Re: What is Evil? Evil is one of the core concepts in The Last Dominion setting (A work in progress). Here is a snippet from the guide I share with folks who are writing for the setting. The Themes of The Last Dominion. I don't have an easy answer for all of the Themes of The Last Dominion nor should there be an easy answer. The Last Dominion is a parable; it is about the nature of evil and the ability to face evil. It borrows heavily from Star Wars, Babylon 5, Arthurian Legends, and the visual aspects of Lord of the Rings. The setting itself is inspired by books such as The Silmarillion, Deryni Chronicles, A Song of Fire & Ice, and the Wheel of Time series. This is a brief summary of the themes that I see as being critical to the setting. War War defines humanity but it also reveals our darkest moments. It creates heroes and villains, legends and myths. Good men are always willing to go to war for what they believe but they never stop striving to find peace. Redemption One of the moral quandaries of our age and of others is redemption and forgiveness. What does it take to forgive a man who killed your friends and family? What if he was controlled by spirits - is forgiveness necessary? Is he still guilty? How will that person feel, regardless of societal acceptance? What makes men great? Why do some men rise to a challenge while others crumble? Why are some men or women elevated to greatness in the eyes of their fellows for actions and what does this do to ordinary people who find themselves in extraordinary circumstances? What happens when an ordinary person is hailed as a messianic figure or a king or a prophet of change? Conversely, what makes men evil? It is not enough to describe "evilly actions" villains become far more terrible when we understand their motivations. Magneto, Alanzo from Training Day [Denzel Washington], Roy Batty from Bladerunner, Mr. Mordin from Babylon 5, Bester from Babylon 5, Dr. Doom, Boromir from LotR, and Bram Stoker’s Dracula are all examples of villains in this vein. They are people who became villains because of the choices they made. None of these people started with the intent to become evil but that is just what happened. The second type of villain (one who needs to be used a little more sparingly) is the insane villain. The “evilly†evil character is evil for no discernible reason. This list includes folks like Mr. Blonde from Reservoir Dogs, Hannibal Lector from Silence of the Lambs, The Terminators, The Borg Queen, and Aemon Gothe from Schindler’s List [Rafe Finnes]. The Enemy What is the nature of the enemy? Mythological monsters are creatures rife with violations of social taboos --- take a look at a brief list: Animalistic behaviors (vampires, freaks [Lizard boy], werewolves, zombies, mummies), Artificial Creation (terminators, Frankenstein, vampires), Attempted Immortality (cyborgs, Frankenstein, vampires, mummies) Cannibalism (vampire, psycho, werewolves, zombies) Child Abuse (Frankenstein, Psycho, Freak), Destruction of Nature (Cyborgs, Godzilla, King Kong, swamp men), Family Strife (Frankenstein, freak, psycho, zombies), Intimacy with strangers (vampires, psycho, swamp men, werewolves, mummies), Isolation (Frankenstein, freak, psycho, swampmen) Violation of Gender Roles (Frankenstein, vampire, freak, psycho). The Nature of the Ennwrathi --Removed long babel but you can look up some of the topics I started here in FH within the last 6 months and get a good idea of what they are about---
  12. Re: Deadly Blow talent too powerful? I only allow heavily limited deadly blow - and - only per character. Favored enemy, only with sneak attack, etc...
  13. Re: turakian question I run a FH game based on 100 + 50 points in disads. Works well for me.
  14. Re: Omega Team Campaign Logs I could definately go for an Omega Team Restart but it is really unfair to the 3-4 new players who did not evolve into the rules and campaign. I think it would work better to start everyone on even footing and with equal shots at character concepts - that means that we start at a baseline (new characters - same point totals - etc) no matter how we kick off the new DC game. That is just my opinion though. I would gladly play Savant into the 300 point range
  15. Re: Star (WARS) Hero? Like I said most of it was quibble -- good write ups all around. Now on to some follow-ups. I think the range question is always going to be whonky. A superstar destroyer is about 25% of the size of a small moon (judging from the 2nd Death Star) so you could say Km or thousands or even tens of thousands of Km. Launching through a ML would solve that problem (I think). On the mind powers reference - I was referring to the Aids...Aid fades at a good clip. I would have to re-read the rules to see if you can maintain an aid. ?? Finally, on the Fear attack -- the problem with Mind Control is that ....Mind Control sucks as a power. You get an immediate break out roll, you get a break out roll on your turn and you can apply levels to it. It is rare to see someone get whammied and stay whammied. Most likely you will +10 then and then they will make their EGO roll and the net effect is as if you spent your action filling your toenails. If you can't +30 the average joe with a MC attack then it is best to leave the tough work to the real men. That is just my opinion but someone would be hard pressed to convince me that MC works differently (Unless 5th Changed something that I am as yet unaware). I run a FH game so some of the changes in the highspeed rules still have not recieved much play time in my game (like the Mind Control) Look forward to seeing the fruits of your long weekend.
  16. Re: Star (WARS) Hero? I have several of the books - notibly the Powers of the Darkside (A+++), Power of the Jedi, and the corebook.
  17. Re: Star (WARS) Hero? Quick Notes on the Prefabs: Jedi Alter Skills Force Grip needs the NND or AVLD advantage....I think you meant for it to be there. Jedi Alter Feats Force Whirlwind might be better if the linked EB was a damage shield with extra radius since that is what it seems to be to me .... but it works mechanically without it. Jedi Control Skills Battlemind gets a +1 per 3 over the skill level, typically it is 1 for 2 (in otherwords this is nitpicking). Sence Skills: The mind skills fade quickly - I would buy them with an extra turn or two built in before the fade starts (1 minute sounds right to me). The Fear power seemed a little weak to me. It might work better as increased PRE and then a wicked PRE attack. Nothing wrong with it just my own personal views. Thanks....consider them swiped
  18. Re: Star (WARS) Hero? Hey TB, I will take a look in the next day or so and give a little feedback. Randy
  19. Re: Mister Magnum for review +2 SPD "only for shooting guns" seems wonky to me. You cannot change speed during a given turn and if you move then you have altered your speed. Basiclly, if you choose to operate at a speed 6 then you cannot move or anything else for the full round. At least I think that is correct. Varible speed has always seemed like a huge headache for me. Hurts my brain
  20. Re: No Dominion - A FH Story Hour Part 6 Upon returning to Highvale we made plans to attend a circus. On the journey to Highvale we had heard several rumors about the circus which had a nefarious reputation in the towns of the valley. Unfortunately we encountered a brawl between two young lads over the affections of a young lady immediately upon entering the circus. The cheeky lass was fearful that the boys might hurt each other. Unable to stand the comely young lady’s distress - Nagus, Arron, & Leonidas taught the town what brawling really looks like. We all felt a bit uncomfortable as the one of the teens and both of the fathers were carried away on stretchers, the girl, of course was sobbing at the display of martial prowess. Looking for a place to hide from the stares of the crowd, we decided to check out the freak show. Within the tent of the freak show were several odd looking creatures, including a dog boy, midgets, bearded ladies, a giant man, and even a slug man. The last caught the attention of Arron who scrutinized the charred and melted form of the pitiful creature he had found. Convinced that there was something familiar about the mass of flesh he attempted to speak with it. I know that Arron was shaken to discover that the man was none other than Hiblus the Black – once the head master of the school of peers and a man who had abused Arron and Fyre in ways unmentionable when they were children. Arron Left the circus and re-joined several other members of the group who were promising a young lady that they would take her away from the circus that evening. Sometimes I wonder why I travel with men who are so blind to the ways of the fairer sex? At Arron’s demand we made plans to raid the circus that night – plans that included taking the girl and Hiblus. We arrived shortly before sunset and met Eris, the young lady held against her will by the circus masters. She asked help in retrieving her mother’s wedding ring from her tent before leaving. Several of the group followed her to the carnie section of the circus, where they encountered Madame Zora a seer of some repute. Several of our party spoke with the Madame about issues that they have kept to themselves, however Torean was unable to get the answers that he sought and was instead invited to call upon the Madame in a weeks time in the town of Brayford (just down the valley and one of two ways to cross the Bray river). Leaving the tent we headed to the freak show, noting for the first time a separate tent housing a creature called the White Serpent. With a mixture of magic and stealth we rescued Hiblus without fanfare or combat. We secreted him away to the Academy where he was questioned by Arron. Apparently, Hiblus had been a cruel and vicious head master at the School of Peers but what had troubled Arron the most was his complete dispassion – he beat the children and worse but never took either joy or remorse in the beatings. It was just something that he did. Now, Hiblus was in the hands of those whom he had crushed but his legs had been amputated, most of the left side of his face charred beyond recognition – a charring so deep that his teeth protruded where his cheek should have been – and the rest of his body appeared to have been liquefied before gelling into its current form. Several of the students who had survived the School of Peers discussed what was known about Hiblus (In all there are less than two dozen survivors at the Academy). He was a master of the dark arts of Necromancy and once an Archon of the Vintrian Synod. While his necromantic prowess was unchallenged, he was also recognized as a powerful wizard even barring his powers over the Ennwrathi. He beat the children without mercy, joy, or regret – occasionally even using the powers of necromancy to inflict pain that went far beyond anything that the human body was meant to experience. There was no act so foul that he would balk, nor a sight so gruesome as to cause him to turn away. The questioning lasted several days and the once mighty Hiblus never resisted the questioning. The truth of the matter was almost beyond belief. Prince Rafn, master of the School of Peers and heir to the throne of Middea had committed to some act so black that even Hiblus rebelled against it. Believing himself to be more than a match for the prince he struck with all of the powers at his disposal. He lost. The prince made a lesson of the broken mage – fearing neither the knowledge nor the necromantic power of one of the mightiest mages in all of Middea. Hiblus was questioned repeatedly and even compelled to answer what it was that the prince had done but to no avail – the knowledge simply was not there. Whatever the prince had done would remain a secret for the time being.
  21. Re: No Dominion - A FH Story Hour Part 5 While collecting additional supplies we were surprised to be approached by a large Vindel youth. His scars and massive size deterred many who would have taken advantage of his youth but not the guardsmen of Jayme, who had been a quiet presence until now. Standing, the two giants nearly came to blows and the hate in the eyes of Sir Jayme’s guard foreshadowed problems to come. The Vindel youth, called Ivanic explained that he was recently rescued by the Bishop Haelfyrn and had seen their faithfulness to him. Honor demanded that he avenge his fallen fellows and those who had caused the death of the Bishop indirectly. He spoke at length with the party pointing out inconsistencies with the "Vindel Raids" and the way his people raid the lowlands. The Vindel do not take enough to force people off of land, they do not kill needlessly, they never leave slaughtered animals, and they do not burn villages. To do these things would cause the raiding lands to be abandoned or heavily garrisoned both of which could jeopardize future raiding. It was not the way of the Vindel to raid like this. Already understanding these things and aware that the raids were just a cover to seize Redgorge by Earl Riddick we agreed to help the Vindel find the raiders. Several weeks sifting through burned and abandoned villages revealed little other than the depths cruelty of the raiders. Eventually we discovered a recently raided farmstead, one with fresh tracks for me to follow. We trailed the raiders into the foothills, eventually realizing that the raiders were headed south using the Craghorns to hide their movements. Taking to the lowlands, where we could out pace the raiders we drove our horses like mad to get ahead of them and then intercept the killers. Once again, arrow fire proved to be the downfall of unarmored men, these friends of mine all have the making of fine woodsman. Searching the bodies we discovered that the raiders were headed to a base camp several days to the south. Scouting out the camp proved to be easy but taking the hollow it rested in would be another matter. Nearly a dozen raiding parties used the hollow as base camp with permanent sentries and a defensible approach protected by a wide stream. Formulating our strategy, we removed the northern sentry in the dark of night. Using the hole we had created we advanced on the sleeping camp hoping to bring death on the sleeping raiders. I had wondered about the possibility of other sentries and was not amused to be spotted by a distant guard as we began the dirty work. The camp was turned into an inferno of burning tents and dying men and women. Fyre and Jamye, for the first time unleashed the devastating power of Elan (magic) at their command. The raiders were panicked by the amount of raw magical power commanded by our party and with the disorganized defense they were cut down easily. Arron & Nagus had made their way to the command tent and just as Laggos the Skindancer was exiting. What ensued was a dramatic display of weapons work, perhaps some of the finest that I have witnessed, as Laggos transformed himself into some monstrosity with claws and fangs. As the surrounding battles dwindled the creature that had once been Laggos sensed the turning tides and chose to flee. His were-form was much to fast to follow. In the morning we finished collecting what valuables we could find and returned with several horses to Redgorge. The commander of Redgorge took note of our report and would return the goods to the growing number of homeless and needy in Redgorge. He would also see to it that the Duke was informed of his son’s findings. Satisfied that we could do no more, the journey to Highvale awaited us but not before we departed company with Ivanic the Vindel.
  22. Re: No Dominion - A FH Story Hour Part 4 Scouting in the rain proved fruitless. No trace of the assailants could be found. Jayme and Torean felt that perhaps a professional tracker might be needed if they were to catch the assassin (and by the shot that took the life of the Bishop he was an expert marksman). The two of them roused the Mayor, who was put off by the intrusion but quickly cooled when he discovered that he was speaking with one of the Lords of Wingate. The mayor directed the party to a woman come recently to these parts and who had just came to the mayor yesterday to offer her services as a tracker. That woman just so happens to be me (Isolade). Leaving their gear, the party raced head long in the muddy predawn to my makeshift home where I was waiting for them with my gear packed and ready for the long journey ahead. Arron and Freya were familiar to me as men who had spent time at the Academy where I occasionally taught woodland skills. Making quickly for town with a minimum of discussion the men watched me perform my assigned duties as if expecting that a woman might not be able to manage the task. Soon, the party packed their belongings and made to meet me on the outskirts of town. I noted rather quickly that we were headed into Gravewood county and the home of the infamous Earl Bailstone, a man known for his penchant towards violence and oppression. By nightfall we had arrived at Lichefield and I was fairly confident that our prey had also entered the small town. The bard Torean & Arron entered Lichfield where Torean plied his trade well at a dismal inn called the Good Rest. Before they had retired to the rooms for the night they had learned that a party of five warriors had arrived a few hours earlier under the command of one of the men know to enforce the will of Earl Bailstone. Sir Karse was known as a violent and rough man who took great pride in his bloody work. We had spilt the group in two, half camping in some near by woods and half in the town, several days passed before we were given a chance at the killer. For men who value honor and justice, the party I found myself traveling with had a knack for the fine art of the ambush. The sniper and his men never even drew weapons. Arrow fire, including my own, made short work of the unarmored men. Fearing to leave a trail and also desiring to send a message, the men left sign that Sir Karse and his men had been done in by a Vindel raid. Returning to Woodbridge nearly two weeks later we found Fyre was up and if not hale at least ready for the ride to Redgorge. I elected to continue my travels with the party at the command of my mother superior, and truthfully I had best not remain in one spot too long lest my past catch up with me. Spring was fading and summer well on its way as we entered Redgorge. It had been nearly two months since the men had joined company and nearly a month since I had joined them. Torean made several comments on how Redgorge had changed dramatically since their hasty departure, buildings had been burned, pleasant streets ruined, and the fortress had been sacked among other things. Fluttering above the fortress was the welcoming sight of the Draysen colors and below them the colors of Wingate. Soldiers moved briskly about their business in the streets and peace had come to the quiet little county.
  23. Re: Midnight Hero I haven't done anything Hero wise with it but it seems that it would be supereasy to convert. I don't even think there is that much too convert. MIDNIGHT is setting, setting, and setting. The d20 rules are only thrown into to give it a home.
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