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Everything posted by Vondy

  1. Re: Fear Itself: How do you handle it in your campaigns? Fear is normally a function of Presence modified by circumstance and action. This is handled under the Presence Attack rules. Fear can be constructed as a power, like Mind Control, but such builds are usually restricted to cases where fear is the product of an "unusual" special effect like superpowers or spells. If I recall correctly, one may defend against a presence attack (or even interaction skill) using Ego or Presence - whichever is greater. I handle presence attacks as opposed characteristic rolls using the margin of success to determine level of effect rather than calculating it like an attack roll. I also allow people to purchase resistance [fear] to modify defensive Ego or Presence rolls vs. fear, if they wish.
  2. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Point of order... Employers who make threats that incur both civil and criminal liability should not do so in an email.
  3. Re: Istvatha V'han - why can't she conquer Earth? This is a meta-explanation. On that level, along with "its genre," its perfectly valid. However, most of the explanations herein are the in-universe explanation/conceit as to why she can't do it. They are two different things when all is said and done.
  4. Re: Bard villain/mastermind: how?
  5. Re: Bard villain/mastermind: how? If you de-emphasize music for lore, magic, and social acumen (presence skills, contacts, etc) a bard is an ideal master villain. One possible interpretation (if you add magic): René Emile Belloq.
  6. Re: A Thread for Random Musings The birthers are making me crazy. So are the anti-Birther 'McCain can't be either' loons. They are both off their rockers. Its not a question of whether Obama meets the requirments for me. Either he does or doesn't. The issue of the birth certificate is an evidentiary question, not a Constitutional one. I have not reveiwed the evidence or relevant case law. I am content to leave that for a competent judge to decide. Rather, my pique stems from the fact that the birthers (and McCain too-ers) don't seem to be able to read. We live in the Internet era. Research made easy if you use reputable sources. The Congressional Research Office has a clear summary of what 'natural born' means according to SCOTUS online. Getting that part wrong should be restricted to children or illiterates. Let's be clear. One is elligible to be President if one meets age and residency requirements AND... they are born 'in' the United States to anyone other than foreign diplomats or dignitaries, or they are born to 2 US citizens in a country where one or both of those parents hold dual citizenship, or they are born to 1 US citizen in a country where no dual citizenship questions attach. This message brought to you by the guy who had to approve talk-backs filled with utter nonsense. And, yes, I dropped a link to the Congressional Research Office pate into each and every one.
  7. Re: Destroy Your Geek Cred!! Its a trick - get an Ax! The novel The Postman was great. The movie was a Kevin Costner snore-fest.
  8. Re: Why I prefer HERO System over Pathfinder/OGL/D&D for fantasy This is an economic argument rather than a system argument. Also, the reality you describe is an economic catch-22. Modules are effectively a loss leader or break even product that keeps your consumer-base for the money makers alive. As Old Man says...
  9. Re: Why I prefer HERO System over Pathfinder/OGL/D&D for fantasy
  10. Re: Why I prefer HERO System over Pathfinder/OGL/D&D for fantasy
  11. Re: Second Best Game System ? I had the same experience. It wasn't the concepts, but the organization, that proved the be a bar to play.
  12. Re: Why I prefer HERO System over Pathfinder/OGL/D&D for fantasy
  13. Re: Fictional citys I usually use a real world city I'm familiar with and note any campaign specific history or differences. I have used Vibora Bay with some changes to the who's-who.
  14. Re: Ideas for a "snake-themed" half villainess Is she half-snake or half-villainess?
  15. Re: BOOK OF THE EMPRESS Kickstarter I am having kickstarter specific international banking problems. Will a .pdf be available via the online store at a later date? I want to support the company - and writers - as they transition if possible.
  16. Vondy

    6th edition

    Re: 6th edition Criticism doesn't equal hatred.
  17. Vondy

    6th edition

    Re: 6th edition 6e is the current version. It brought some very good things to the table. It also introduced a few problems of complexity that diminish the play experience. Decoupling characteristics is something I like. I think the cost of skill levels is a little high, but its a margin call. I also like the regen fix, barrier, and multiple attacks. I dislike the complexity the "clarified" damage calculation explanation has injected into the system. For instance, A damage class is no longer a straight forward thing, but has to be adjusted for certain advantages, which makes Damage Negation a total bear to deal with at play time. DN is a great idea, but unworkable because of the "clarified" assumptions. For me 6e as a system is essentially solid and workable, but some of the added complexity at play time is a very big turn off.
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