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Everything posted by Vondy

  1. Re: Hero System Sixth Edition Concise I think its a good starting baseline to work from. Key concepts like "reasoning from effect," "assume universal GM discretion," and "hero assumes a human arbiter for balance" can be covered in a concise way in an appendix or short intro.
  2. Re: CNC / RP Manufacturing? My first thought is that these would be a bonus to an engineering skill roll. Or, perhaps, levels to offset penalties for design complexity.
  3. Re: Why is Speed so unpopular? A smaller range of speed scores does not equate to everyone having the same speed. A speedster could still, in theory, have an extra point or two of speed. Another option would be for the GM to allow extra speed "for heroic emergencies only." As noted before, the drama rating based speed system I use is for heroic games.
  4. Re: Why is Speed so unpopular? This is true of Hero as a system. Very few things in it are broken. Almost everything in it requires... regulation.
  5. Re: A skill to estimate value? The skill description doesn't make the distinction between negotiation and appraisal. It simply says a successful roll gets you the bargain price. Nor does it say anything about negative modifiers without the requisite knowledge. Besides, its a catch-22: how do you get a good deal if you don't know what its worth? What's more, complimentary skills are supposed to give bonuses to existent skills, not function as prerequisites for their normative (non-penalized) use. You certainly can require associated background skills, but I think that's a question of design style rather than anything implied by the system itself.
  6. Re: A skill to estimate value? I generally use Trading as the base skill with relevant KS or PS as complimentary skills. Analyze (Value) might be another avenue. Just call it appraise.
  7. Re: What Can We Do To Serve HERO? Even if it were a free download?
  8. Re: Why is Speed so unpopular? I do... and it works.
  9. Re: Why is Speed so unpopular? Do? Why do we have to do anything about it? If they assume they don't like it, that's one thing. Then trying to persuade them to try it seems reasonable. If they have used it and don't like it - then they don't like it. If so, maybe we should just live and let live....
  10. Re: Why is Speed so unpopular? I see pros and cons to speed. The main con I see to speed is that big spreads can 1) be hard to manage, and 2) allows characters on the high end too much "face time." Its also a relatively expensive and limited way of modelling some "speedster" or "fast combatant" effects. There are other ways to model those things using powers, modifiers, etc. that don't automatically give the players of speedsters and their ilk more "face time" than other players. On the plus side, I'm used to the speed chart and like the way it deals with recoveries. I also think its an excellent way of giving leading characters an modest edge and more face time - insofar is the spread remains reasonable. My games - which are all heroic - tend to use set speeds based on drama ratings. Extras, Bit Parts, and Mooks are Speed 2 Recurring Cast and Henchmen are Speed 3 Protagonists (PCs), the Big Bad, and his "Dragons" (e.g., Vader to Palpatine) are Speed 4 For supers I would expand the range to include Speed 5 for "fast guys," but would tell players to model "speedster" FX using other mechanics.
  11. Re: Interesting discussio on the future of Hero System on rpg.net Word.
  12. Re: Are Overall Skill Levels overpowered? I find them well suited to solo heroes, or broadly competent characters (jack of trades, etc). They aren't all powerful because you have to move them around, which requires some thought/planning. They are also a bit pricey, but I find them worth the buy in for the aforementioned concepts. In a team situation, especially where characters have niches, it will often prove cheaper - and more appropriate - to specialize. Ergo, on the A-Team you have specialists with niches. They neither operate solo nor tread on one another's toes. McGuyver, he needs overall levels...
  13. Re: Need help building up skill list/set for horseback riding archer I think this is a question of style. Personally, I would allow a character use their riding skill to perform equestrian tricks or mitigate the damage from falling off a horse.
  14. Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You? My objection isn't my personal like or dislike for the dark vigilante archetype. I just feel that the "street level superhero" is a sub-genre of superheroes and NOT a separate genre. Mixing it in with the modern Action Hero genre dilutes - or subverts - that genre. Costumed vigilantes should be in a separate book from cops, detectives, soldiers, spies, etc. I think Danger International is a bit too espionage specific sound-wise. I'd go with ACTION HERO.
  15. Re: Interesting discussio on the future of Hero System on rpg.net You're the one who responded to my comments about granularity and implementation differences between 4th and 6th edition with an utterly irrelevant list of radical suggestions I never referred to. That you don't want to have an "edition war" doesn't preclude my advocating the approach of a previous edition with some good ideas from 5th and 6th back-ported into it.
  16. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore You do know that epicurian ethics and hedonism contradict one another, right?
  17. Re: How much change to a character do you consider it a new character.
  18. Re: Negative Powers? Destiny Calls 14-
  19. Re: Negative Powers? It sounds an awful lot like a plot device to me.
  20. Re: Interesting discussio on the future of Hero System on rpg.net
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