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Everything posted by Zephrosyne

  1. Re: Disappointment Going back to the original poster, I'm sorta iffy about the game. I have been playing mass multiplayers since 2000. I have played Ultima Online, Everquest (one month only), Star Wars Galaxies, Everquest 2, City of Heroes, World of Warcraft, and Champions Online. I have to say that while I am not disappointed in Champions Online (didn't really have expectations), it just doesn't "sing." I know when I started playing World of Warcraft and City of Heroes, I started and just didn't stop. I played Ultima Online relentlessly. Of course, I have no spouse and kids so I have that luxury. I started playing Champions Online in the late beta stages. I just got bored rather quickly. In all honesty, I'm not really sure if it is just tired of gaming in general or if it is Champions Online itself. I have only gotten to level 20. I just get bored after about half an hour. The game just doesn't seem to have the intangible quality that says "play me versus any of those other games." It is a fine game though I am not a fan of the graphics (prefer City of Heroes graphics). My best friend loves it to death. He calls me almost every night at work yapping about it. However, it just doesn't pull me in the way other games have.
  2. Re: Does this work in 6e? Ok, I don't get it. What the hell is this power supposed to do?
  3. Re: Well, we haven't talked about Killing Attacks in a while... Yeah, I've had a few in the "no lose ends" club in my time. I have never ran a "heroic" game using Hero System (only superheroic). However, in games that would have been heroic (in terms of power level) if I were using Hero System, the players have a tendency to be rather ruthless at times. It is funny how playing a "superhero" seems to trigger a mercy switch in them. It is really odd considering that I have never ran a campaign that I would consider remotely Four Color. Usually, in my games, the consequences of killing are based on the setting and the circumstances, not whether it is heroic or superheroic; yet, the players often behave differently (too many comic books?).
  4. Re: Well, we haven't talked about Killing Attacks in a while... Earlier in another thread, I did comment that there was nothing about 6th edition that I disliked. I have to take that back. I'm not really fond of the 1/2d6 Stun Multiplier. The few times I ran Hero System, I did use a flat times 3 multiplier (saves a little time as well) and will do so the next time. Yeah, it does make Killing Attacks a little more effective than Normal Attacks since the Killing Attacks match the Normal Attacks' Stun and do a bit more Body but that isn't a big deal to me. In all honesty, barring certain Advantages, most super powered beings weren't taking a lot of Body from Killing Attacks (in my games), partly because I am not particularly strict with a Normal Defenses vs Resistant Defenses ratio. I think the fact that you are less likely to kill someone with a Normal Damage attack does even it out. I feel that has to count for something. In a lot of games I run, killing someone does come with consequences, be it either the law or someone looking for vengeance.
  5. Re: The Ten Things I Love About 6e and the Ten Things I hate about 6e Not to hijack the original poster's thread but I am curious about something. Why was the Stun Multiplier for killing damage attacks changed to 1/2d6? Is there anyone who was in on the SETAC discussions willing to weigh in? Me personally, I always used a straight "times 3" just to avoid another die roll. Just wondering is all.
  6. Re: APG Cover Preview Well, that settles it! We are sending Dr. Destroyer in to light a fire under the printer's ass! Let's just hope he doesn't go all RKA Area Of Effect and kill all the staff...not to mention destroy our precious books!
  7. Re: APG Cover Preview Foxbat? To hell with that loser! We need the big guns! We're sending Dr. Destroyer!
  8. Re: APG Cover Preview Well, that's no fun at all!
  9. Re: APG Cover Preview What's the pdf policy? I don't order from here often so I really don't know the standards. Does the pdf come out much sooner than the book?
  10. Re: APG Cover Preview Nice cover, now only if we can get the pdf/preorder released
  11. Re: The SUPER Defense Power (6E) Well, when I first looked at Damage Negation, my knee jerk reaction was "whoa." After seeing the math, you guys have definitely sold me on the power being a balanced addition to the game. Thanks.
  12. Re: Who is your favourite Champions Character Background/History? 1. Menton/Mentalla (5ed) 2. Taurus (Zodiac 4ed), actually I like the supplement and the team although their stats kinda sucked. 3. Gravitar (5ed) something about a powerhouse rich girl kicking ass just because she can is kinda cool. I really like the Champions universe a lot; although, I have hated both incarnations of the Champions team (4ed and 5ed).
  13. Re: I killed a PC. I killed a character intentionally in a superhero game a long time ago (Marvel Roleplaying Game). The character was an idiot and the player was an idiot and he suffered the fate that idiots deserve. That is the only time I can think of that a character died in a superhero game that I ran. Frankly, I am a little surprised that was the only one. I am glad it was, but still surprised because I prefer my superhero games gritty. I like reading comic books. I don't like gming them. When characters have died in my games (other genres), I have tried to make sure the deaths were meaningful. I usually don't let a good/lucky roll by some schmuck take a character out. I'll cheat on the player's behalf. However, I have absolutely no trouble letting the cards fall where they may if the player(s) is stupid or careless.
  14. Re: Wasteworld 6e? I actually had that game once, may still do somewhere on my shelf. Never had a chance to play it though.
  15. Re: Else Earth Pantheons of the ...Verse I just read this. This is good stuff! First rate all the way!
  16. Re: Multiple adjustment powers against same characteristic Well, I think the limitation is a good idea. Probably is a balance thing though. I'm not sure I'm a fan of them lowering the price from 10 pts to 6 pts.
  17. Re: Cage Barrier I'm inclined to agree with ghost-angel, especially since it seems like the ranged attacks will work both ways.
  18. Re: Sixth Edition Showcase #8: APG Goodies Honestly, it depends on the campaign and how magic functions in that campaign. I mean, if there are different types of magic, I may allow it for some types and not for others. It just really depends.
  19. Re: Reactions to 6e I haven't had a chance to read both books cover to cover as thoroughly as I would like. I have pretty much scanned them. However, I have to say that I really love everything that I have seen. I don't have a problem with any of the changes that I have seen at all. The books are a first rate effort! Still, I would have preferred less pictures and more content from some of the other books (e.g. the Ultimate series). Of course, I realize that I am the exception in that I could care less about art in a role playing game. Artwork is probably more likely to attract customers than a lot of extra rules that are not particularly essential.
  20. Re: 6th Edition Hero System gotta admire the enthusiam
  21. Re: equipment list The Hero System Equipment Guide has some additional equipment. This list of weapons (historical, modern, and futuristic), armor, shields, and ammunition is exhaustive. It also contains firearm accessories, explosives (even nukes), non-lethals weapons (e.g. pepper spray and tasers), bio-weapons, poisons, sensory equipment (detection and spying), security devices and a host of other things. I really do recommend it. Not only is it a lot of content but it is already statted out for you and includes things like weight and costs. You can use as is or tweak to your campaigns needs. Hope this helps.
  22. I know that those of you that just got the 6th Edition pdf haven't really had the opportunity to really dig in but I am hoping that you have gotten far enough to give me a little insight. I see that the two books combined are about 200 pages longer than 5th Edition Revised. I am just curious. Is there a lot more content or is there a lot more art work? Thanks.
  23. Re: 6th Edition Question: New Powers? You are right; in fact, it could be argued that I am being rather trivial (perhaps even silly). It's just that when explaining it to people, "Darkness versus hearing" sounds a bit odd. I once had to explain to a player "I understand the power is called 'Energy Blast' but it still applies to projectiles that are not energy." Blast on the other hand is a lot more generic with no real sfx implications, which is why I am glad that name change was made. I always wondered why Energy Blast wasn't simply called Normal Attack (Ranged), the normal damage version of Killing Attack (Ranged).
  24. Re: 6th Edition Question: New Powers? Thank you very much for taking the time to reply. I glad they removed the "Energy" from Energy Blast. However, I wish they changed the name of Darkness to something that is more generic. Darkness kinda implies sight-based. I kinda like the Mutants and Masterminds name for the same power: Obscure. I has a more sense-neutral ring to it.
  25. Re: 6th Edition Question: New Powers? For those who already have the pdf, I was wondering if you could indulge another question? Do the following powers: Energy Blast, Darkness, and Flash have the same name or have they been renamed? Thanks.
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