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Everything posted by AmadanNaBriona

  1. Re: Mortal Wounds Nice system. I'd probably do mods to the surgery roll based on the would and step on the time chart, but that's just a style thing. I'd Rep ya, but I've gotta spread it around.
  2. Re: Mortal Wounds Yeah, even with full optional rules being used, HERO doesn't really address secondary wound effects much. If I wanted that level of grit, I'd certainly tie it to the Impairing & Disabling rules (as I've done in the past when adding Shock rules). I've actually been pondering the best way to handle wound infections recently, so this thread is of particular interest at the moment.
  3. Re: Zeppelins I had me a wacky idea whist nodding off. I imagine you could make an active camouflage system for a steam powered dirigible by channeling your steam vents to create a "cloud" around your airship. Cut engines, heave to drift, vent your steam and *poof* You're a cloud
  4. Re: Where are the great shooters with lower dex? Good on ya. Way to man up. I'm fond of the skill level approach, but my games have always been saturated with higher point levels than would seem obvious by the caps, thus freeing us from slavish devotion to point efficiency. I prefer broader more realistic write ups myself. That said, I have no problem with super agents being at or above spec ops levels.... these guys train to fight freaking superheros
  5. Re: Using Unlimited Mana with HERO I could see building this as an Aid/Succor construct. (Still in 5th here, BTW) say a 2-4d6 Aid with a much increased maximum threshold , so it can be used repeatedly to boost another spells power level. Add side effects to the aid (& maybe a cumulative skill penalty) based on the total AP of the spell being boosted. Limit the Aid so it burns Long Term Endurance. I like Unluck for the SE, but you can do lots of tricksty things with Cumulative Transform Side Effects
  6. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Love Their Country by Me First and the Gimme Gimme's. Currently on Ghost Riders in the Sky Punk covers of classic country songs... I'm in heaven
  7. Re: Weapon that does knockback with no damage? I've always favored the Touch Flash approach, m'self (Does KB, x2 KB etc.)
  8. Re: How to Build: Flamethrower I totally missed the non-rec charges in the build above your OP. Yeah, Non Rec would only be appropriate to something like the HAFLA 35-L disposable incendiary
  9. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? I freaking love Red vs Blue. For my part, Netflix has been facillitating my desire to fill my evenings with post apoc goodness. Rewatched A Boy and His Dog, finally caught The Book of Eli (which I really dug) and The Road, watched the first two seasons of the new reboot of the BBC series Surviors, and started rewatching Jericho because my lassie hadn't heard of it.
  10. Re: 5E martial arts questions Numbing rules, IIRC
  11. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Been catching up on some of the series I"ve missed. Up to season 3 of Dexter, 7 episodes into Jeremiah (Which I'm loving... it's a very solid show), watched all five episodes of Hung (I've decided I like Thomas Jane)
  12. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? The latest batch from Netflix consisted of Barbarella, Everything is Illuminated, and Drag Me to Hell
  13. Re: Campaign Building Blocks: General Musings Pretty similar to how I usually set up for a campaign, and I find it works pretty well. It's a good compromise between free form and preplotted, and the cell structure lets you play around with the cells flowchart style, which can be an especially large aid when your players do something unexpected and throw you for a loop.
  14. Re: FUZION Kill Damage in Hero I'm with NuSord on this one. Back when we were setting up our old SH campaign, we spent a fair bit of time playing with ideas like this to help scale the weapons, and in the end came to the conclusion that building them withing the existing system simply worked the best. I like the Damage Negation option now that it's been introduced. Another good power for this sort of thing is Resistant Piercing. Perhaps limited to "Only versus defenses with the 'Real Armor' limitation"
  15. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Saw it last night too, to "celebrate" my GF quitting her job (thus giving us a Saturday night together, woot), and I second you. Nothing in that movie I didn't like.
  16. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Just finished watching through the first 2 seasons of True Blood. As far as Urban Fantasy/ Necroporn goes, pretty good. Lots of good actors giving good character performances, and I haven't hit any major WTF stumbling blocks. I called the nature of the season 2 big bad right off the bat, but then again... I'm a geek. Lafayette is possibly one of my favorite characters I've ever seen on TV... he reminds me of several people I've met. There is a definite "This is a study of the American Redneck, for Good and for Ill" vibe to the overall show that occasionally amuses me. Oh, and I find myself watching Eric Northman and nodding, thinking "Honestly, that's probably how I'd act if I was a vampire."
  17. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? I'm Going Slightly Mad -Queen seems to be appropriate. I seem to be developing a cult following
  18. Re: Musings on Random Musings I know that I, in theory, still have a few ties. Somewhere in my closet. A couple in different MacAoidh tartans (Modern and Weathered), A Black Watch one that predates getting my proper colors (Great Uncle Reggie served as a Piper in the 42nd Highlanders, so I've got a fond connection anyway) and a couple others. Haven't worn any of 'em in years. Just about ain't happening. 'Specially not for no job. Anyone who is prone to require me to wear a tie is someone who's not going to appreciate me for my marketable strengths anyway. I was self employed way too many years to ever run that race again. I can make good money on my own, I don't need a tie type job, thakyewverramuch. I agree about cravats (Have a repro of a Victorian Guide to the Cravat for Gentlemen hanging on my wall o'er yonder) and have even been seen in public in a jabot on more than on occasion (You really need the right outfit to pull them off. On my project list is making myself a leather Montrose doublet, which requires on of the bloody things. They're not quite as silly if you're totted up in the right kit to go with them, and I'll take Scots Black-tie over normal formal wear any day of the week. But I mostly had to chime in because I've not heard mention of my option of preference, which happened to come up in a conversation on the same topic last week. "Nahh, I don't wear ties. Don't like them and besides... Ties are a fashionable civilian devolution from what was originally a soldiers neck-cloth. I already wear the original, so why do I need to bother with it's useless bastard offspring just to please some self important idiot?" Neckerchiefs, bandannas, scarves.... I'm into practical neckwear. (and yes, Jabots are practical neckwear. If you can pull one off, the ladies like them)
  19. Re: Asteroid Impact Effect Generator Well, the Earth's orbital velocity averages at 29.8 Km per sec, so any kind of impact besides a tail chase (unlikely at best barring situations involving fun with gravity) is gonna still have a massive velocity component, even if the big hunk of rock is moving quite slow.... OUR big hunk of rock isn't
  20. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. While watching Flesh +Blood... "Y'know, I think performing surgery on yourself in the field is one of those things that makes a man, a Man." (and yes, I have)
  21. Re: Steampunk-like world setting needs hero/power ideas I've been working on a steampunk setting as well, and might have something you can borrow. It's primarily a post-apoc steampunk setting, but the weird science parts have their roots in traditional Victorian Steampunk. Really, Charlie Stross tied it all together for me. Magic is Lovecraftian... Higher order mathematics. Smart or lucky humans have been stumbling over bits of it for the span of our days. Sometimes they work miracles. Often they die. Most often they simply vanish. Tech that can make magic reliable, controllable, predicatable and flexible would be the holy grail, the Philosophers Stone, of the polygnostic and polytechnic sets alike. It my setting, it doesn't happen reliably till WW2. Turing beat the German's to the finish line for the first "magic computer" But that's not going to stop people like Charles Babbidge, Crawford Tillinghast or Erich Zahnn from trying. That being said, among all the cogs and gears don't forget the bio-tech. Could be considered a hold over from Victorian Fantastica, but hey, it's all in fun and games here. I stole Terry Prachett's Igor's, just for the fun of it. Originally grown in a lab, they have become their own subspecies (When the Doctor's Grandson reversed his elders decision about constructs breeding.) They are bred to be almost without the ability to feel pain, and have a form of Savantisim built in, to act as an external data storage device, sort of a living computer. This genetic modification will eventually be used in the early 21st century to complete a DARPA project to enhance human intelligence by crating an artificial dissociative personality state with higher order brain function at the cost of certain behavioral inhibitors. Thus creating Sparks in my setting, cause I wanted them too (This started as a GG homage setting after all). I've been tapping into Scalar Wave theory as my latest greatest crackpot science that explains EVERYTHING!!!!! Actually, it's proponents are all about replicating Tesla's work and stuff, so it's good mad science, and I've found it remarkably useful for generating good mad science explanations for the Way Things Work, of course when referring to things like gorgon's gaze weapons or Martian (Well, Great Old One Martian Support Base Personnel, anyway) Heat Rays. Just recall the words of Agatha Hetrodyne, "Any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science!" In a setting with both I'm not sure you CAN keep the two separate without straining credibility. Making it hard and VEEEEERRRRRRRRYYYYYY dangerous, on the other hand... That's just the incentive some need to try it...
  22. Re: "Ode to Tito" - songs to play Star Hero to.
  23. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. Saturday Night at Tulare County Ren Faire... While my lass went for a wander, I went a bit crazy with the whole "hospitality of my camp" thing and wound up somewhat dead drunk. "You alive?" "unngh?" "Well, it's a good thing I didn't bring a girl back with me. What do you think you could do?" "Be totally useless?"
  24. Re: Cloud cities of Venus: I am totally gonna use this idea! Ooooohhhhh, Pretty! Either coating is do-able for hard SF assuming realistic nanotech. I see Airships with self-sealing Fullerene pressure hulls with lead coatings to resist the acid as workhorse vehicles. Of course, it's possible I just like the idea of a setting with Lead Zeppelins.
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