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Everything posted by AmadanNaBriona

  1. Re: Cloud cities of Venus: I am totally gonna use this idea! nahh we just need to coat 'em with either lead or glass
  2. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Been on a serious Scottish kick tonight. The two that have hit me the hardest in this session are King Farweel and A' the Blue Bonnets are O'er the Border a toast... Here's tae the King Sir, Ye ken wha I mean Sir. And tae every honest man that would dare it again. Here's tae the Chieftains of a' the Hieland Clans They Dare'd mair then once, and will dare it again! When ye hear the Pipes tae sound "Tootie tattie" tae the Drum. Then up your Sword and Doon your Gun, and tae the rouges again.
  3. Re: Shadowcats Vehicular Insanity Shop: Things to come Ornithopters?
  4. Re: A Thread for Random Videos After watching The 5000 Fingers of Doctor T, I now understand why all those green sci-fi babes lust after human men... The men of their species seem to have other things on their minds. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlxgZrT18ys
  5. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Watched The 5000 Fingers of Doctor T Fun, bizarre Dr. Seuss live action film from the 50's. intermittent acts of choreography, song, and random weirdness. I kept thinking I should write up the omni-competent plumber, Mr. Zabladowski
  6. Re: Off-world crops? At the risk of sounding like a hippy, hemp is an incredibly versatile crop plant. And, like, ya'know... there's a lot of accumulated experience with it being grown hydroponically...
  7. Re: A Thread for Random Musings It just hit me. Elves must view humans the way humans view cats.
  8. Re: Pseudo-elf race as monsters My FH cosmology goes thisaway, in short form... (This was largely influenced by several authors' work, but I'd have to say the root came from the second Corum series by Moorcock, with a heavy dose of Paul Zimmer's Dark Border series) The Sidhe are beings of Primal Order/Servants of the Light. Immortal and varying in power from Tolkien Elves all the way to Godlike beings. They are too "real" for normal things to interact with them well. The company of the Sidhe is perilous for mortals. Their semi mortal offspring... hybrids, creations, servitors, etc, are the Fae. This blanket term covers all generally "good" nonhumans. The Scailianna (Plural, Singular: Scail (Shadow) are their opposites, who embody Chaos, Darkness, and Entropy. They range, again, in power from "Dark Elf" to "Dark God". Their more mortal counterparts are the Formori. This covers all the campaigns "monsters" Pretty much everything is unique, tho there are common enough trends that there are "races" of Fae and Formor who share most common traits.
  9. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? my recently watched list has included: Six String Samurai: Been wanting to watch this one for a long time, finally got around to it. Absolutely loved it. Everything I could want from a Post Apocalyptic Rockabilly/Surf Martial Arts Road Trip Buddy flick. AvP Requiem: Not bad. I liked most of the visual additions to the Predator canon, enjoyed seeing a real veteran Predator Warrior at work, and already got all my ranting about "how Xenomorphs aren't supposed to have ever come into contact with humans before Alien" out with the first AvP movie. I thought the Predator-Alien was neat, and a nice addition to the examples that the Xeno's draw on their hosts genetics (which was intended the whole time... I recall it being mentioned in a Starlog interview with Dan O'Bannon back before Alien opened). re-watched Four Rooms. Brilliant movie. F*ing funny. The whole cast rocks it hard.
  10. Re: Has anyone converted the world of Fallout to Hero? one of the multitude of projects I've also considered. I really need to get m'self a copy of Hero Designer, darnit...
  11. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Sitting here drinking a Dark & Stormy and listening to
  12. Re: More Complications, Please I got accustomed to coming up with up to 300 points of Disads for a champions character, so I suspect I'll feel much the same when I transition to 6th
  13. Re: Heroic v. superheroic genres and the use of powers Appropos pf nothing in particular... While reading about Brian Boru's campaign against the Norse occupation of Ireland, I was struck by the fact that his men started training, in the fashion of the invaders themselves, to catch incoming javelins and return them to sender. I immediately made a bunch of padded tipped javelins and started practicing with my fighting troupe to learn this skill. It became a favorite lazy afternoon game. Missile Deflection and Reflection are Powers. Am I a Heroic or Superheroic character?
  14. Re: Predators vs. Military if we're looking at games & books as well as movies, then the Predators have been established to have separate Hunter and Warrior castes, and the various fancy hand weapons are mostly Hunter Caste toys.
  15. Re: "Rolling a Critical" Just to back up NuSoard here, yeah, what he said. Played in and run MANY games in a variety of genres using essentially the same suite of Optional Rules (Crits at Half, Disabling/ Impairing, Hit locations, Bleeding, Wounding, most of the UMA options, and a few of the faster recovery rules such as Minor wounds and improved healing) and it doesn't really change the given suite of possible character types. It does adjust the builds, however. It essentially resets the core assumptions to a new baseline, and running games and characters as if they were operating on the standard baseline system assumptions will result in a less than favorable result. There are a couple of nice things about using the almost-full suite of options... Combat is fairly realistic, and rewards realistic actions.... most of the system bias towards cinematic survivability is stripped away. Which in turn increases the visible value of character point driven plot defenses like Combat Luck The Stun Lotto becomes a non-issue because Normal attacks are rendered approximately as dangerous as killing attacks (increases the volatility of normal attacks by giving them a mechanisim to break away from the mean values found in bell curves generated by lots of dice)
  16. Re: "Alternate" Ideas for Freemasons? Found a link that might spark an idea or two. Been hooked on the "Pentagonal Forts as magical wards" long before Dan Brown got his grubby hands on the idea (For me, it started back in the 80's... during a Cthulhu campaign, in fact) The setting I've been investing most of my time in lately has the Masons as the (mostly benevolent) heirs to the Knights Templar, being largely responsible for binding away quite a few multi-angular eldritch horrors, which went a long way to ending the Dark Ages. Of course, various governments have since realized that these warded sites were in place before the Dresden Accords, and thus represent valuable Strategic Assets...
  17. Re: Norse Gods in Fantasy Hero There's an earlier bit that covers some of them. I'll see if I can dig up the verses later. right off the top of my head I'd say RSR (to draw/carve the rune), probably another (Magic skill), Concentration, Incantations, OAF (appropriate tool) and... and... Hmmm...... in integral part of the craft of the galdor vitki is "redding" the runes (traditionally with the casters blood). That could be done a couple of different ways, and I'm not sure of the best approach
  18. Re: Norse Gods in Fantasy Hero You know, there have been several times in the last year I've contemplated posting this exact question. Might be worth it's own thread, but, yeah, I've got some ideas. by the way, Freya Aswynn recorded this along with a bunch of other Rune chants in the CD that comes with her book "Northern Mysteries and Magic", called "Songs of Yggdrasil". It's fairly trippy but interesting to listen to, and might work well in some games as a soundtrack element, if you're inclined towards such.
  19. Re: Norse Gods in Fantasy Hero heh.. just like I mentioned in an old thread , that's exactly why I bought him a fairly large martial KA "Must follow Grab" I named "Rend". Too many Norse critters ignore blades...
  20. Re: Norse Gods in Fantasy Hero which made me very happy when I first saw it... I immediately busted out the sheet for my Epic Norse hero to see if he'd be up to pulling a Beowulf. Pretty sure Grimwald could take 'im
  21. Re: Norse Gods in Fantasy Hero or bounce the idea off the D3 games guys. a FH supplement focusing on how to do epic saga games could be, well, Epic
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