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Everything posted by casualplayer

  1. Re: Killing Epiphany We are already very used to the concept of Uncommon/Common/Very Common. Change AVLD to a tiered structure, +1 1/2, +1 and +1/2 advantage respectively, with resistant defenses being very common in most games, and eliminate that part about AVLDs not doing BODY except with GMs permission. Ditch killing damage entirely and just modify regular DCs.
  2. Re: New Player Hates All The Dice I would just get her a dice cup. Nab one from a backgammon or Yahtzee game, or there are ones for sale from most gambling or FLGSs. 10 bucks says she doesn't feel she gets a good, satisfying shake (because her hands are so small) and that she doesn't like the messy dice spray when they hit the table. I've known folks that didn't like Hero because it seemed like they were constantly creating messes that they had to immediately clean up everytime they rolled the dice. She could also split the difference and keep the cup loaded with her bolt damage of 13d6 and do smaller rolls by hand.
  3. Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character… Given a chance I would play Captain America. He can knit together a team just by being present, case in point-The New Avengers. He has the voice that could command a god, and does. He charges machine gun nests without blinking. His powers don't trample on anyone's schtick, but he is always useful in any situation. He brings out the best in the people around him (maybe even to the extent of an Aid or Overall Levels UBO.) I tend to favor the paladins. It's a curse.
  4. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3
  5. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3 Can I be Mole Girl?
  6. Re: Desol Move Through This thread is actually making wonder why characters don't have to buy APW on their movement when they are Desolid. Feet passing thru the ground aren't much good for running.
  7. Re: Power writeup: "I know everyone's number." Is this what you are trying to emulate? The Matrix-y ability to contact you by whatever phone happens to be nearby? That's much easier. Make an EC with Mind Scan (to find them,) Clairaudience (to hear them,) and Images (to speak to them.) Everything would be OIF: phone of opportunity. Just so you know, you can make a phone send and receive even if it hasn't been answered so you could make the phone shout at whoever you are trying to reach. This would require you or your GM to handwaive the No-targeting-Clairsentience-with-Mind Scan rule, which is a ridiculous rule anyway.
  8. Re: What bizarre rules issues have you encountered? Sounds like the basic Resisting Hostile Magic rules for cooperating characters. Unless the fetus didn't cooperate, in which case straight to bed no dessert! Ahh, POW and RuneQuest. Good times. The mother's MD protecting the fetus? WTF? Only if it was UBO or AE.
  9. Re: Power writeup: "I know everyone's number." High Range Radio Hearing to represent your cellphone and KS: Yellow Pages.
  10. Re: What bizarre rules issues have you encountered? What's so weird about a fetus getting the mother's defenses? Full Cover is Full Cover.
  11. Re: The things I've learned playing a Speedster... Player of mine. He bought END Aid peppy pills after that.
  12. Re: I can't wrap my head around a.... I have a tough time making a pure Blaster. They always start drifting towards the turbo-brick category a la Captain Mar-vell. 40-50 STR when I should have bought more MP slots.
  13. Re: The thing's I've learned playing a Brick... You're not destroying public property; you're keeping construction workers employed! If there are no cameramen around, blame it on the bad guy.
  14. Re: The things I've learned playing a Speedster... Without enough END, you're a sprinter not a marathoner. Running out of END while crossing the Atlantic is embarrassing.
  15. Re: The Things I've Learned Playing A Mentalist Costume means target; I'm wearing street clothes.
  16. Re: The things I've learned playing a Martial Artist Get knocked down 9 times, get up 10 is good. Not get knocked down at all is better.
  17. Re: What I learned playing a blaster! Don't fire til you see the whites of their eyes. Nothing sadder than premature energy projection.
  18. Re: Anywhere but your own country I've ran games set in England, Japan, Brazil and the US. I've used Devonshire, Tokyo, Sao Paulo, Sacramento, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, New Amsterdam (slight history tweak) and Washington DC as base cities. Research is time consuming but fun.
  19. Re: WWYCD if a supers-eating wave swept reality? Well, my characters with Contortionist would kiss their arses goodbye. The others would stop making mortgage payments. Some would probably beat up a precog for not keeping this depressing news to themselves.
  20. Re: Comics you loved...but apparently no one else did Nope, but Blue Devil and Rom both had respectable runs. Blue Devil is back in a new book, Shadowpact, by the way. Manhunter, by Ostrander and Rice, went 18 issues IIRC and deserved more.
  21. Posted also in NGD. This is mighty darn funny. Props to Aaron Williams' Nodwick site for the initial link.
  22. Re: Comics you loved...but apparently no one else did Doug Moench has written some of the best Batman stories, and co-created Moon Knight. When MK was the backup feature in Rampaging Hulk it was frickin' awesome.
  23. Re: Compensating for PC Abilities How about making every point of negative STUN effectively 1 point of MD? Tougher to read an unconscious foe. How about Hero Games gets off their duffs and makes Mental Defense a base stat? Everyone would get EGO/5, 1 cp for 1 pt. How about making Telepathy more time-consuming than Googling someone's head? Sure, given all day you can data-mine someone's whole noodle but heroes are usually on a timetable. How about Hero Games getting off their duffs and reinstating Mental Paralysis rather than the kludge Entangle? Champions III was the best book ever! How about VIPER giving their mooks suicide pills or, if too Iron-y, Lithium? try to find a coherent thought in that head.
  24. Re: Is "Its cheaper this way" enough for you? How does your blaster know that it's Tuesday? Smart gun. Teleport is one of those powers that gets insanely expensive to duplicate effects shown a gazillion times in the genre source material. Reduce the cost and no one will walk anywhere just Bamf Bamf Bamf all day. Generally the GM has to scrutinize the power build and handwave the AP restrictions.
  25. Re: Where would you go? Ohio? Who'ld want to go to Ohio for Spring Break?
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