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Everything posted by casualplayer

  1. Re: 6th Edition thoughts Blanking on the book he appeared in, want to say Challenges for Champions but I'm not sure. He was a sorta-superhero who made his decisions according to focus testing (costume was jeans and t-shirt, no mask because polls said people mistrusted masked men, etc.) He could fire away w/ a separate EB from each hand at separate targets, but he paid points for it rather than a handwaive power stunt saying he could. It cost a fortune in points but it should. With AE: Selective and Increased Range or Megascale, there is absolutely no need for MPA.
  2. Re: 6th Edition thoughts Doesn't anyone remember the Invictus write-up? I thought that pretty well addressed how the line editor of the time wanted to address being able to blast out of both hands at different targets. Cost a fortune, was insanely useful, shouldn't just be some crazy Battletech alpha strike option. MPA gives me a brainache and is way too biased toward the gunbunny or foci monkey archtype. There was a Linked debate? There is a world of difference between Can Only Use Power w/ Blah Power (-1/4) and Must Use Power w/ Blah Power i.e. Linked (-1/2.)
  3. Re: If YOU have been playing Hero since the 80's why do you still keep coming back? What, no Godlike or Providence? You'll have to work on that.
  4. Re: What's the big deal? Any of the crusty old gamers familiar with Superworld from Chaosium. They had a SIZE stat and Growth and Shrinking worked like a dream. Same Basic Role-Playing System as most other Chaosium games also, so it was a piece of cake to import in Chthulu nasties and even Runequest critters.
  5. Re: STUN, not END, for fuel I can't believe that none of you have ever been cursed with a Susceptability to your own powers. The mysterious ray that does nothing until you try to lift a bus or shoot flame is an old chestnut. Then you find out who's a true hero when saving the schoolbus literally may kill you. Basic Transform into guy with 25 pt disadvantage, try it, you'll like it. We're golden, Threnody. I was taken aback and responded poorly myself. Happy HEROing!
  6. Re: 1930s Superboy and the 21st Century LSH Maybe the reason Scooby can talk is that he was created by....Rex Reuther!
  7. Re: STUN, not END, for fuel Jigga-whah? There is an option for buying Susceptability to take effect Instantly, say if you were using an Instant power. Continuous powers work ideally. If you want gradation in the STUN burn, buy multiple Susc. First 20 AP of the power-1d6 STUN, second 20 AP-1d6 STUN, third 20 AP-1d6 STUN, etc. with the commonality determined by how often and intense you crank up the power. It will also make it a lot easier if you want to start buying down how much this power tears you up.
  8. Re: So I found this site I haven't seen before...many Champs write-ups! Great day in the morning! That was awesome.
  9. Re: STUN, not END, for fuel Couldn't you just buy the power to 0 END and give yourself a Susceptability to using the power?
  10. Re: Regeneration: And Other Examples Power That Violate The Rules Is there something wrong with a system when it is better to Transform someone into something with Regeneration than to Heal them? Maybe. Regeneration Usable By Others? Transfer the target's END into BODY?.
  11. Re: Leaping Limitations! Since gaining altitude is only at half the movement speed (a 12" superleap can only get you 6" of up) shouldn't that limitation be only -1/2, maybe -3/4? Anyway, every example of this SFX occuring in game that I can think of should probably be bought as Flight with 1 Recoverable Charge, No Turn Mode. Who thought up this goofy power example?
  12. Re: Older HERO rules in 5E games There's a whole lotta "You can have my BBB when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers" shining through on this thread. Music to my ears.
  13. Re: Streeeeeetch Someone has to say it. Ditch Stretching, allow Ranged to be bought for STR, no free lunch velocity damage unless you buy HAs, no free lunch sorta-Indirect unless you buy it, no inferred movement bonus unless you buy it. Of course then you have to look at the way Range is determined for powers and how it is completely screwy so I probably didn't help but may have given Sean something else to dissect. Or not.
  14. Re: New Advantage: Disorienting Shouldn't this be extra DCs Only for Determining Stunning? Or a CON Suppress?
  15. Re: 1930s Superboy and the 21st Century LSH Invisible Kid, Sun Boy, Colossal Boy (NOT Micro Lad) and Wildfire, if I remember correctly. There was that weird "I was actually born on Earth" thing about Cos too. This world would have Planetary Chance Machines. Sweet! I have to dust off my old Legion issues to have more to contribute.
  16. Re: 1930s Superboy and the 21st Century LSH In a 1000 years, unless great effort was expended, everyone on Earth would be Halle Berry brown with a slight epicanthal fold about the eyes.
  17. Re: Eating your lunch... Well, don't throw out the baby with the bathwater. For my own sake I have ran every genre including Toon, 7th Sea and Paranoia using HERO (4th Ed, but beside the point.) I eat, sleep and breathe HERO and find it difficult to not use HERO when role-playing is involved. But let's be honest here. Fantasy magic is clunky. Movement rules are lacking whenever pursuit or dogfighting is involved, which really hampers space or sea battles. Thankfully I have a toolkit to make my own rules in both cases. It does fantasy combat phenomenally well, until players get grouchy that there is no real game difference between a 13 and a 14 STR. Sorry to make your eyes itch. Maybe it's the dust. :
  18. Re: No ENDURANCE campaign Some powers become reeee-diculous without END to restrain them, and some like the aforementioned Armor-FF example become obsolete. END is far more intrinsic to the game than is apparent. However it is not heroic in any genre to be wheezing like a bellows after a turn. This should be addressed in character creation by figuring expected END usage for the turn and matching REC to or near that value. Most costly Continuous power x SPD + 1/2 SPD Full moves + 1/2 SPD Full attacks gets you close to the target number. I often buy Bricks casual STR to 0 END and a portion of Blasters EBs to 0 END also. For example, 15d6 EB, 10d6 at 0 END.
  19. Re: 1930s Superboy and the 21st Century LSH Speaking of Alan Moore's work, he did some great riffs on Superman and LSH with Supreme and the Legion of Infinity. They had members still active that had been killed by other members to protect the timeline! Good times.
  20. Re: Concepts you wish your players would play I would like players that don't shoot first and ask questions later. I would like ones that don't think Pushing after whaling ineffectually on the baddie at full strength counts as a new tactic. I would like players that bring me a beer and rub my feet in exchange for XPs.
  21. Re: An Experiment In Effectiveness The Rule of X, or whatever name you choose to call it, is just another level of bureaucracy. Do you want to contribute to the amount of bureaucracy in the world?! Do ya? Just waxing hyperbolic. One of the earliest HERO lessons is that a 50pt normal with Detective Work and a grudge can really ruin your day, so play nice. Munchkin characters get munchkin villains, so why not just not go there? My first major campaign had a ~345 pt Brick, a ~280 pt MA, a ~500 pt Multiform Mage, a ~200 pt Mentalist, a ~250 pt Telekinetic, and a ~300 Mystical Gadgeteer who should have been many, many more points but he was never meant to keep any of the stuff he started with. See, he had Black Paladin's armor and eventually Black Paladin came and got it back.
  22. Re: How things have changed! I don't like RPGs that assume too much, and by assume I mean force feed me particular abilities because I want my character to be able to track. I don't like RPGs that have win conditions. I don't like RPGs that require a shelf of books to play. I don't like RPGs that equate character growth with inflicting death. I don't like RPGs that are the paper equivalent of a high maintenance girlfriend. I don't like RPGs that hand you a block of marble and say "chip away everything that doesn't look like an elephant." However I love world books that do all of the above. I think we lost something ineffable when RPGs stopped coming in a box with a crayon.
  23. Re: Eating your lunch... Those are my cousins. Sometimes we get together and hang. Play Nintendo, you know how it is. Sticking with the movie analogy, anything d20 is an easy, fast pitch. "It's like D&D for [fill in the blank.]" Everyone has at least a passing familiarity with D&D. If they didn't play it, an immediate relative did. A store employee can sell it to a clueless grandma, and ring, ka-ching, money in the till. HERO is an arthouse flick, experimental, tempermental, and judgmental. It really only does the superhero genre well. It's not a good date movie; it's a commitment from the get-go, of time, energy and attention. It's well worth it if you can get past the barriers of entry, but it sure looks scary at a glance.
  24. Re: Creating the Silver Age Team I love the power level and design philosophy that you are working under. I think that the hole in your team that you are craving to be filled is the Batman/Captain America slot. You could also maybe use a Beast to lighten things up. Glamour seems out of character for the Silver Age, but still a good character for a 70's era game (The Disco Age? The Goldchains Age?)
  25. Re: Fixing Find Weakness Well, crud. Is there anywhere I can get this info without buying a whole book, or at least score a cheap edition? Much love for Mr. Long, but I've never been a fan of Dark Champions. These are real Piercing Points, right, not just the Piercing advantage (which is poop.) Don't get my hopes up, Amadan, to dash them on the rocks.
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