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Everything posted by casualplayer

  1. Re: Fixing Find Weakness I miss Piercing Points, from Champions III I believe. Basically standard effect damage only for defeating defenses. Scalable, cost effective at any level of play and not broken. I haven't allowed Armor Piercing or Find Weakness in any of my games since, which admittedly does make it awfully darn difficult to import or export any characters. C'est la vie, c'est la guerre!
  2. Re: An Avengers Campaign I've never met anyone who incorporated Salvage One into their campaign. I am aghast, yet I can't look away.
  3. Re: DC Suckverse? One thing is for sure about that Flash montage; none of them is Jay Garrick, darn it. I was all over a new Flash comic starring Jay Garrick.
  4. Re: Is it time for people to stop making new RPG systems? Someone wanna poke Keith (Curtis) and tell him to get to work, or is he primarily a cartographer?
  5. Re: M&M pees in HERO's cheerios... As dubious an honor it may be to take credit for the expression, I did copyright it. You all owe me $1.99 per use, so please keep this thread going.
  6. Re: I could watch him get slapped around all day Wasn't Jubivorine supposed to be satirical commentary on the Batman-Robin relationship? I mean, as close as Claremont ever got to satire, more like farce. Jubilee even wore Robin's colors, which was one of the only cool things about her. Jubilee was just another one of Claremont's bad riffs on Podkayne of Mars. Doesn't quite warrant a slapping around, but YMMV. Definitely a crap character though.
  7. Re: Entanglements Considering Gravitar has the gravity well power at 50 STR and can easily use other of her powers at the same time, how come she gets no respect? It's the long-talied mullet I tell you. A couple hours at a good day spa and she is Master Villain material and looking sassy. I second the suggestions that Entangle and Force Wall should have been seperated and retooled into something like Immobilize and Create DEF/BODY. After I kludge my Entangle into a Mental Entangle, can I still create barriers? That seems wrong, and indicative of the problem. I shouldn't have to file down my tools for them to be useful. Immobilize could go the Adder route and affect specific areas (arm, arms, leg, legs, head, any one limb, whole body) and have a definable-at-creation breakout method. Create could have an Adder for the equivalent of Fine Work, called Detailed or Intricate, or you could just make big chunks of ice, webbing, etc. The AE advantages already cover all the rules you would need for how much area could be covered at once. I would recommend that these powers try not to include too much under their scope. Any character with the ability to create, excuse me, Create highly intricate items like firearms or sentient life should have VPPs or MPs to represent their versatility. I'd have to playtest point costs for these, and I don't have a playtest group. Is there anything here worth pursuing?
  8. Re: Learning Curve? Hearing this story makes me weep with joy to know people like you still occur. Ah, to be reminded that we aren't gaming iconoclasts. Well, at least not entirely.
  9. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3 Maybe I should get into an Oscars poll this year, because that was the exact line-up I would have selected including having the bunny play the spider. Well, assemble already!
  10. Re: K. Hite: Legends of the Fall & Hero Games I think the industry is going to go the way of grocery stores, where you lease shelf space from the store owner and he takes a small percentage of MSRP but the publisher gets the brunt of it. Legal snarls galore, but the only future workable model I can see on the horizon.
  11. Re: Superheroes: The Five Essentials Big Jake, with John Wayne. One man getting the job done. The Incredibles. From the casual competence of Elastigirl and Mr. Incredible to the wonder and enthusiasm of Dash and Violet, this movie was perfect. It showed just how easily a thinking GM's NPCs can really mess you up if they have Syndrome-level resources. Tom Strong, from Alan Moore and Chris Sprouse. If you were smart enough to make a talking gorilla, wouldn't you? An engineer with noblesse oblige. The Matrix II, for the fight scenes so they have some idea of what super strength and speed mean. To Kill a Mockingbird, movie or book. There's a reason why it's Superman's favorite book. Atticus Finch is awesome. A young Gregory Peck would be the perfect movie Superman. Gladiator almost bumped one of these, but for its more medieval slant. Kingdom Come is ok if you want to see if they like the most iron-ic of Iron Age books. Make a legend, soil it.
  12. Re: K. Hite: Legends of the Fall & Hero Games The three-tier system is all about trying to achieve economy of scale. Your average game store can not afford to employ someone to contact and place an order individually with every publisher that they carry; that would naturally lead to the store minimizing the lines carried to minimize the work involved in ordering, which is bad all around. The average publisher can not afford to employ specific people to answer the phone, answer the mail and check the internet for orders and ship those to individual customers; that person would be busier than a one-armed paper hanger some days and checking their navel for lint some others. The distributor is the go-between. Ideally the distributor orders often enough and in case quantities so the publisher can go to their inventory as a scheduled, reoccuring event and have a little shipping party. Then the distributor will receive the product and move it along to interested stores. The publisher gets the benefit of not having to employ an often idle shipping/warehouse person, and stores get the benefit of virtually one-stop shopping for their ordering. But then some MBA thought up just-in-time ordering. Just-in-time inventory means exactly that, just enough to fulfill desire and maintain a customer presense, no more. NO MORE, and if you're going to err err on not enough. This works great if you know what demand is going to be almost to the item (or have the cajones to define demand rather than respond to it) and capital is not tight. That might be the case in some industries but that has never been the case in the gaming industry. When have we ever known what demand is going to be? When has anyone ever been flush with capital except after cashing out after a streak of winning hands? I stayed away from specifics because I'm three years out of the industry, but the writing was on the wall even then. The internet makes distribution easier and easier, and distributors less and less necessary.
  13. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3 I'm awfully curious. Cinnibar sapped my will to live, as the idea I had was too similar, but this sounds like a mighty group. Not enough time to write character up means not enough time to play, but I can lurk.
  14. Re: CHAR: Batman Just in time for DC to get rid of Bruce Wayne, and the Bat Force for that matter (whoa, deja vu.) Pretty darn cool. I have to chuckle to myself that your Batman couldn't beat Chuckg's Batgirl.
  15. Re: CHAR: The Flash Just in time for DC to ditch Wally West, and the Speed Force for that matter.
  16. Re: DC's Best Martial Artist Actually she was one of the WWII Blackhawks. Got Zero Hour-ed into the present from the '40's.
  17. Re: DC's Best Martial Artist Mr. Miracle almost made my list, but I only included 10 names no ties.
  18. Re: What would Dr. Destroyer *really* do? Narcissistic Personality Disorder? As opposed to what, narcissistic carpal tunnel syndrome? Isn't that name a little redundant?
  19. Re: I need a team name Pacific Coast Heroes, or PCH for short. It's the nickname for the coastal highway HWY 1/101 that runs through Malibu.
  20. Re: Just Picked Up Champions Worldwide Bought it, read it, got my money's worth, would like to know how much more the book would have been to get better illustrations in general, would have paid that extra.
  21. Re: CHAR: The Flash Wanna see my Flash write-up? Wanna see it again?
  22. Re: [GM Advice] PC's Buying Defences vs. Adversaries Attacks I cut myself shaving every day and I still haven't got any resistant defense. What am I doing wrong? If you allow unrestrained modification to characters using XP, you're lucky all that's happening is Spot Defense. I've never heard a good justification for blanket Power Defense being added after character creation shy of a radiation accident or the like. Buying limited Power Def is very in genre if the sfx allow. Flash Defense gets overlooked often in character creation and can be fixed with a trip to a department store. PRE is ridiculously good. It often is a single command 0 END Mind Control that doesn't take a phase. Sometimes it only works as a SPD Drain or halves the target's DCV. Darn. Should be a Magnifying Glass power and definitely be ranked by DC (can't exceed the campaign's DC limits.)
  23. Re: [Fraggle Rock] Really Odd Question They released what? Awww, sweet. I've gotta get this for my kid (yeah, for my kid.) Doozers have it all over Fraggles.
  24. Re: Help in evaluating a character Did I miss the Extra Limbs for all the Gestures? Can you buy Extra Mouths? Entangle him, kill him, move on. This guy couldn't break out of handcuffs. We missed you, Champsguy.
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