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About Dayson

  • Birthday 04/18/1961

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  • Location
    Exeter, New Hampshire

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  1. This community has always been very kind and helpful.
  2. Thank you for the very quick and detailed instructions. I will give it a go this weekend.
  3. Does HD6 work in Linux? If so, how would I install it? I understand that distros are just flavors of Linx. Has anyone installed it in MX Linux? If so, what were your results?
  4. Has anyone made this character in Fred?
  5. Is there anyone else in the area that would be interested?
  6. I am really enjoying mentoring a player, who is new to the Hero system, take his first steps into a larger world.
  7. It's just about to make positive contact with the rotary oscillator.
  8. Just a quick update: I am receiving positive feedback from the players so far. They say they are enjoying the game and want to continue. I am having a blast. It had been a long time since I have been excited about the hobby. Hero system rocks!
  9. It is not a death trap. I designed it to be more of an exercise in teamwork. They have to work together to escape their current predicament. However, there is a time element to it. Whomever is holding them will eventually be coming back. There is also a risk vs. reward element. Do they stay and fight or sneak away and escape? That is up to them. "Stay tuned citizens, same Bat time, same Bat channel!"
  10. I have both my players trapped in the basement of the Egyptian pavilion during the 1939 World's Fair in Queens NY. They still have to work out how to escape. Let the fun begin.
  11. After some wrangling, I was able to get everyone together. Our PBeM Golden Age game started today. I am using most of the excellent suggestions from the above posts.
  12. Sadly no, there is not. We all have very different schedules.
  13. My buddy from work found out about this and wants me to run a game for him also. "When it rains it pours." I went from 0 games to 3 in a months time. This one is going to have to be a PBEM game. WHEW!
  14. Wow! I am overwhelmed by all the help and good will. Thank you all. This community is awesome and one of the reasons that I chose Hero as my system.
  15. I don’t have access to those. However, I am using the posts above for inspiration, at least for act one. Thank you for your wonderful ideas.
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