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Laundry Knight

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Everything posted by Laundry Knight

  1. Re: Boot Blade? I could take only phase if it was attached to one's bunny slippers or flip-flops or something, but I can't imagine them slipping off so quickly with any shoe that someone would actually take into battle.
  2. Re: Golden Age Characters by Darren I also would like to see more GA write-up.
  3. I am thinking of buying 2 or 3 more supplements with my income tax. I am in the process of designing my own supers world but using material from Champions, DC, and Marvel to flesh out the edges. I already have the two core books, Champions and the Martial Arts book. I have already decided I want the equipment book. What are the one or two best choices to include next on my list?
  4. Re: Weirdness Magnet I recognize that neither real nor fictional characters do not cross media well and that it is impossible to make roleplaying character perfectly resemble one from another medium. My exercise is just to see how well I can create characters using Hero, and I am not trying to make RPG and literary versions of my characters be perfect clones of one another. Although, attempts to make some of my characters in Hero has given me ideas on closing story holes that have been troubling me; so, there has been crossover both ways and.
  5. Re: Silver Age/1950s Style Villains Early science fiction and fantasy was the source material for much of early comic books. You might consider going to a used book store and find some old sci-fi and fantasy short story collections. Maybe, you can find some fictional alien world with the kind of social history you want and replace it with Earth oriented place names and personal names.
  6. Re: Weirdness Magnet Thanks for the advice, guys. I am still trying to get hang of character creation, and I am starting by converting characters from a collection of short stories I've written and am hoping to novelize and publish someday. I don't know if I will ever get a chance to actually play the characters, but character creation tends to be fun in its own right.
  7. Re: Weirdness Magnet I intend it primarily for a comedic effect that will sometimes causes an extra obstacle or two. I think the Social Complication or the Physical Complication matches my concept the best.
  8. Re: Weirdness Magnet I think the Batmobile example is closer to what I am looking for.
  9. I have a character that I am defining as an Everyman and Weirdness Magnet. I know that the Everyman concept is in how I portray him, but how would I make him a Weirdness Magnet. By Weirdness Magnet, I mean that things tend to wrong to and around him in annoying and silly but non-hazardous ways.
  10. Re: Silver Age/1950s Style Villains As an armchair philosopher and historian, I am trying to figure out a logical end to a world without the World Wars as there seemed to an inevitable collision course between the various powers involved that had been brewing for a century or three. Of course as a creative writer, if you are saying those things are true by fiat for the sake of the feel of the story, then I understand, but a world without the events of the early twentieth century would be as alien as Mars, Vulcan, or Tatooine. Without the world wars, you would not get the Cold War. Without the Cold War, you would not have the national interstate system, the race to the Moon, or much of our technological advancement, both good and bad. Much of the fifties culture would not even exist without the fear of The Bomb or The Red Scare. We would even have The Bomb without the WWs.
  11. Re: Let's Discuss: The Modern Wandering Adventurer I actually have spoken with a self-proclaimed hobo. To add to Amadan's suggestions, PS: Hitchhiking, PS: Dumpster Diving, Persuasion, additional survival skills, any camping skills, KS: Homeless Shelters, AK: Highway System, other AKs, and PS: Cooking (homeless shelters are always looking for people with construction and cooking skills). They would remain as clean and presentable and speak politely.
  12. Re: Magic pistols On the issue of technical fire, mutant fire, or magical fire, as long as you are consistent on how effects work in your campaign, there should be no reason that magical fire cannot be treated as both magical for situations that affect magic and fire for situations that affect fire, and the same being true of the other categories. As for the cosmic energy issue in Champions, that is simply a question of feel that seems to be true in early cosmically based supers in comics. The assumption is that cosmic energy is the source of all other energies and therefore operates according to rules that is different from the other energies even though it can emulate those other energies. If in your campaign, magical energy takes the place of cosmic energy then you may want to apply the same rules for the sake of feel.
  13. Re: Metal Skin Regarding getting into the military and rank, that would probably depend on the world the character is created in and how it reacts to mutants. If the military does actively recruit mutants, they are probably going to offer more benefits like higher rank and such. If the military is adverse to having mutants, they may require waivers and limit the mutants that serve.
  14. Re: Plot Hook/Origin Story Source - Museum Robbery In Olympia Greece What if the objects stolen weren't the prize but clues to the prize? Think National Treasure and similar movies and stories. It could be used in almost any genre or time period. It could lead to the summoning of Cthonic monstrosities, unusual clockwork contraptions, items of myth, copies of works thought to be lost in the fire that destroyed Library of Alexandria which could include magical and scientific knowledge that could be a major boon to whoever possesses them, or it could just be a red herring for fun or other plot purposes. Or, it could just be a plain and simple robbery that needs investigated by the heroes.
  15. Re: Fear Itself: How do you handle it in your campaigns? It seems to me that if fearless is bought as a limitation then it should a limitation and would only come in affect when fear would be the right choice. Otherwise, the players is getting paid to be invincible to an affect. If he wants to be invincible affect, he should be doing the paying.
  16. Re: Using the covered Maneuver Maneuvers may be visible, but that doesn't mean that people have the presence of mind to recognize them when they see them assuming they see them at all. That is why I assume that some kind of roll would be in order.
  17. Re: Using the covered Maneuver I am only guessing, but it would make sense to have your detective make some kind of Ego roll to determine if he is self-aware enough to know that he blew it, and the villain make a Percept roll to detect that he isn't really covered, or you could have your detective to do some kind of Perception roll with some kind of penalty to bluff the villain.
  18. Re: What "Pulp" have you read lately ? I recently read the Martian books by Burroughs, and I am listening to an old radio mystery serial called Adventures by Morse.
  19. Re: The Sanity Stat First, you have to get everyone to agree everyone to agree with the terms regarding sanity. This is called the Sanity Clause, but if your players are to old to believe in Sanity Clause, you may have trouble.
  20. Re: Fairytale Hero A fairy tale campaign would make an interesting way of doing something different (usually when my former group wanted something different they'd always demand an evil game even though the usual games weren't that dedicated to good). Another good choice for a fairy tale game is the book version of The Wizard of Oz.
  21. Re: How (un)realistic are Street Samurai? I haven't bother to read every post; so, if I am repeating info, I apologize. As someone with some martial arts training, I would much prefer to face someone with knife than a sword and sword over gun assuming everything being equal. On the other hand, I would rather take on an unskilled shooter than a skilled knife fighter, and I would be more afraid of someone sneaking up on me with a knife or a pistol than a sword or a rifle. It's kind of hard to hide a long weapon than a short one.
  22. Re: Reason for creating team. You could do something a little different. Perhaps, the team gets started as a publicity stunt and the heroes are either getting paid or the funds are going to their favorite charities, and of course, once the team is together for one of their publicity shows something happens to make them act as a real super hero team.
  23. Hopefully, I am in the right forum, but I have a question as far improving skills acquired as Everyman skills. Let's say you create a character based on Wolfman Jack, the old disc jockey, and the campaign allows a character 2 CP towards a professional skill; so, you buy PS: Disc Jockey, but you want to tie it to his intellect for more points for 1 CP and buy 3 CP worth of skill improvements. I am not sure if the Everyman CP effects the overall amount that you would pay; so, I am not sure if the final cost would 4 CP or 6 CP.
  24. Re: Marvel Super Friends For the woman, since we don't have female Marvel icons, then we should go with the cool factor. Medusa and her hair would be cool. I remember Spiderwoman having her own cartoon in the seventies, but do we want two spider themed heroes, but we could replace Spidey with the Hulk.
  25. Re: Fictional cities Of course, any cultural information about a place through any travel books and such would probably have to change to account for the existence of super powered and super scientific beings walking about.
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