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Everything posted by Wormhole

  1. Re: WWYCD?: One Night At The Opera... True, this little senerio would fit nicely into the catagory of "Reasons You Shouldn't Go Around Mugging People (Especially In A World With Superhumans)," but you've got to admit what Blackthorn did here was overkill. As for my characters: Air Raider: Jason would be the one most likely to just shrug this one off unless he hears about Blackthorn killing an innocent person... Hardware: Go to the team with this one. Tiger Shark: As Hardware above.
  2. Re: Don't Buy Everything In a Good Story (Topic: Supers and the Law) If the cops can take you down without superpowered assistance, you have no business calling yourself a supervillain.
  3. Re: WWYCD?: One Night At The Opera... The wording seems to indicate to me that he wanted the thug to get splattered by the bus, though it seems more likely he used a HUGE Presense Attack as opposed to Mind Control. As for the red herring issue, even if this one incident wasn't deliberate (and that's a big if), that doesn't quite exponge his name from the "naughty list" so to speak.
  4. Re: VIPER vs UNTIL: Who has the best toys? Like Chuck said, it depends on whether you mean raw firepower or noncombat tech. By its very natural, VIPER is geared more towards the "breaking things and killing people" end of the spectrum where as UNTIL's bread and butter is more along the lines of investigations, rescue ops, and like.
  5. Re: solo play??? I think the others have aptly covered everything I might have suggested as far as solo play, so all I can offer at this point is to perhaps check out the Player Finder forum if you'd still like to find a regular play group. Lemming and a few others who post here are from Portland and, if you can get in contact with them, you could ask if any of them have openings for new players in their groups. Good luck.
  6. Re: Clever Future Weapons How about a weapon that throws a web of carbon nanotubes on the target?
  7. ...for those who still use MS Word for character sheets. I use this templete for all my character write-ups (I created it based on the Hero System Writer's Guidelines). Merry Christmas to all. :
  8. Re: Beacon I'd do something like this: Images to Mental Group, +5 to PER rolls, 1' radius, Usable As Attack (+1), Ranged (+1/2), Based On ECV (+1); Set Effect (psychic homing beacon; -1/2). Add other Mods to taste.
  9. A team of sports-themed villains is going around robbing sports arena box offices and stealing a small fortune in rare sports memorabilia from auction houses and private collections (including ultra-rare baseball cards, autographed football jerseys and balls, etc.). The team consists of Touchdown (Football-themed brick/team leader, constantly talking to someone he calls "Coach" over the radio headset built into his helmet), Fastball (superhuman throwing arm, uses an assortment of baseball-shaped grenades, a Questionite baseball bat, and other baseball-themed weapons/gadgets), Slamdunk (Basketball-themed Speedster who likes to humiliate oppenents in combat by using an array of Harlem Globetrotter-like schticks), and Stick Check (former Canadian hockey player, wears rocket-powered skates, weilds a Questionite hockey stick and an assortment of trick pucks, has less-than-friendly rivalry with Fastball). As mentioned above, the mastermind behind the team, "The Coach", relays instructions and tactical advice to Touchdown via radio headset during their capers (if the signal is traced, The Coach can be found in an unmarked van parked a couple of blocks away). WWYCD?
  10. Re: Opinion: EuroStar An interesting twist. And if Mentalla was somehow in on it from the start, that might account for why she didn't use her powers to put the kabosh on things when she could have (Gravitar doesn't even have a single point of Mental Defense, with a combination of Isabella's Mindbar and a liberal application of Mindwipe she could have told Erica to go jump in the lake--literally).
  11. In the aftermath of a recent superbattle, several animals escaped from the campaign city zoo and ran wild through town. Most of the animals have since been rounded up and put back where they belong without incident, except for one: a mountain lion. The big cat was last seen by a couple of joggers in city park, just before it disappeared into a wooded area adjacent to the park and a nearby suburban neighborhood. The search for the escaped mountain lion is now in its second day and, obviously, it's crucial that the animal be recaptured before someone gets hurt. Assuming this isn't something your character considers beneath him/her, WWYCD?
  12. Re: Champions Jargon D'oh!: Self explainatory for those who watch The Simpsons. "Give me that, you petty excuse for an officer!": From the movie Spaceballs. Said by players when having their character take a weapon/foci/piece of equipment from someone.
  13. Re: Champions Jargon "The Golf Bag": A Multipower with TONS of ultra slots that could easily have a power in it for practically any ocasion. Often built for characters in campaign where VPPs are disallowed or restricted for PCs. Characters with such frameworks are often referred to as Duffers or Caddies.
  14. Over the past few months in your campaign world, a new "fat burning drug" has been put on the market which promises to melt away unwanted flab while increase lean muscle mass by stimulating the production of HGH (Human Growth Hormone). The product more or less works as advertise with one (not so) small hitch: people who have taken the drug for a significant amount of time are growing up to x5 normal human height, about 24' to 30'. While few if any of these new giants are going on city-smashing rampages or committing crimes, most of them are a trifle clumsy and their new size is proving problematic in a number of other ways. For example, the amount of material necessary to cloth giant-size individuals is difficult at best to produce in so short a time and thus quite a few are parading around half-clad or in the buff all together (the female giants in particular are proving to be a dangerous distraction for motorists). Additionally, there are the obvious problems relative to the amount of food these giants need to comsume daily. WWYCD?
  15. Re: Completed Villain for review/playtest: Platoon [slaps forehead] Must have missed that episode.
  16. Re: Completed Villain for review/playtest: Platoon Do you mean Ted would have made the rank of Captain by his mid twenties, or is that a tv/movie/comic reference that slipped passed me?
  17. Re: Completed Villain for review/playtest: Platoon Thanks guys.
  18. First, let me say thank you again to Hermit for the help finishing out Platoon's flavor text. I recently added some details to complete his background story and put in some potential plot hooks and one plotseed for the character. Had to make some slight modifications to his sheet after I came across an important rule regarding Duplication and VPPs that I had previously overlooked, but otherwise he's about the same as when I posted him on the previous thread about a month ago. Anywho, let me know what you think, and if anyone has the time and inclination to take the character for a "test drive" I'd be very interested in hearing how it goes. Thanks in advance.
  19. Re: WWYCD: The Mirror, Mirror Trap Most of my characters would consider breaking the mirror as a last resort (of course, this raises the question of which would suck more, 7 years bad luck or being trapped in a magic mirror?) Assuming moral opposite also includes POV... Air Raider would have no problem smoking his Total Pacifist dopple. Hardware is such a boy scout he may be in trouble. Will probably shot the mirror with his blaster and hope for the best. Tigershark is a shade of grey, so it's a 50/50 shot. Since he isn't overly supertious, he may not have a problem with smashing the mirror unless he has a specific reason to believe something bad will happen as a result. Wormhole, being a villain, probably wouldn't have got himself in this mess in the first place. If he did, he'd shot the mirror if he couldn't best his dopple.
  20. Re: WWYCD: The Halloween Party From Hell... Most of my characters: Basicallly, what McCoy said. Knowing Freakshow though, the contents of that vial is definately nothing so innocuous as alcohol, so dealing with him takes immediate priory. After Freakshow and his spiked punch have been ejected from the party, watch Mr. Anderson and Khan like a hawk. If they do nothing all evening but dance with their paramours, just let it go. There would be no sense in starting a fight with those two in a room full of innocent bystanders if such can be avoided.
  21. Re: WWYCD: "There are those who believe..." Yes
  22. Re: WWYCD: "There are those who believe..." Wormhole: Will try to score with that hot Cylon chick. Hardware: Is probably down in the engine room when all this happens, but will nevertheless be intreged when he heards about Commander Adama and his crew's trek across the galaxy to Earth.
  23. In a distant part of the galaxy, two races of aliens had been at war with each other for many centuries until recently, when one race erraditated the other. But the vanquished race didn't die off without one final act of defiance: they unleashed a gender selective viral weapon on their enemies which killed 90% of their female population and rendered the surviving 10% sterile. Faced with joining their foes in extinction, the aliens sent scouts out across the galaxy to search for potential breeding stock. They eventually found a race of humaniods who's females were physiologically compatable and a 99.99% genetic match on the third planet from a G2 star in a backwater star system...Earth. Two distinct factions of this alien race have come to Earth, each persuing their procurement agenda in their own way. The first group is basically flying around the globe in their sausers abducting human females at will and blasting anyone who tries to interfere, while the second group (the more subtle/sneaky ones) is sending representives to meet with the governments of Earth's less honorable nations to broker secret breeding-stock-for-technology-deals. Which group would cause your characters more trouble? And of course, WWYCD?
  24. Re: WWYCD: Heroes on Strike Wormhole: Is a villain and will be chortling with glee as he cleans out the city and humiliates the cops. Hardware: Protecting innocent lives is too important to join in the strike and will be disappointed, to say the least, with any fellow superheroes who take part in it. Air Raider: Is a viglante, not a superhero. It's business as usual for him. Tigershark: They're pulling this bullsh_t again?
  25. Re: Wwycd: They Blew It!! Wormhole: Has a pocket dimension he can live in so the deportation is a non issue for him. Also, with the powers of his Gatemaster Belt, he can turn up anywhere in the States anytime he wants and there is little anyone can do about it. Hardware: Will join those trying to talk some sense into the govenment. Failing that, will consider moving to Canada or just abandoning his superhero career and try to live a normal life (as normal a life as you can have when your basically Tim Taylor of Home Improvement with a 80-point Gadget Pool). Air Raider: As a vigliante, he breaks all sorts of laws in the name of his brand of justice, so he probably would not care and just go on with business as usual. Sending someone to try and deport AR would more or less be a suicide mission without superpowered backup/support. Tigershark: As valued member of the U.S. Navy, it's hard to say if he would really be deported (more likely his continued service in the SEALs program would be kept more hush hush), but he would definately find it all disturbing enough to consider joining protests and/or take action like others above.
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