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Everything posted by Wormhole

  1. Re: WWYCD?: More shooting stars... Ask and you shall recieve: First Shooting Star (Green) Second Shooting Star (Red) And to check out many, many more of the great WWYCD threads of the past, visit the Index
  2. It's been over a year since you and your teammates encountered the green and red stooting star aliens (see previous WWYCD threads for details). The green one has left the planet since then, having retrieved some mysterious green crystal artifact from Central America, and disintegrated an entire band of Hondoran(sp?) rebels who made the fatal mistake of accosting him in the jungle. The red female was eventually captured by a special UNTIL task force and is currently in custody aboard the Gateway space station. Late at night, while doing alittle amateur stargazing, you are shocked to see more of these shooting stars coming down-- and not one or two of them, you count anywhere from twenty four to thirty of them in just the first wave and there still more coming! Thus far, about one third are green, another third are red, and the rest seem to be an assortment of blue, yellow, orange, and purple ones (which you have not previously encountered). A large concentration of green and red ones land in and around New Mexico and Arizona, a handful of blue ones touch down in Northern Canada, and the rest seem to be hitting the ground in random locations across the globe. Why these aliens are coming to earth in such numbers is unknown. WWYCD?
  3. Re: WWYCD: The Gentleman Bandit Vs Doctor Sleazoid (LONG) Bump!
  4. (Note: this is the last WWYCD thread I'll post for awhile. It's a revamp of an early installment in the series that, in retrospect, I feel I could have done better. In the meantime, I'll be hauling ol' Q.U.A.R.K. out of storage and recharging him for the next round of Super Scum Magazine's Supervillain Advice Column. Stay Tuned... ) Two high profile villains in the campaign city, the Gentleman Bandit and Doc Sleazoid, have had a less than friendly rivalry for as far back as you can remember. Practically everytime the two meet, each tries to take the other out if such can be done without being caught. Personality-wise, GB is a "shade of gray" villain whose more of a thief than a world-threatening menace. You and your teammates/associates have had occasions in the past where you've temperarily team up with him to thwart a mutual enemy/city-smashing threat and have a more developed sense of honor than most of the villains you usually encounter. You also know he has a girlfriend named Gina from a cellphone conversation you overheard during a run-in with him. DS, by contrast, is a heel's heel; rotten to the core. No underhanded tactic is too low for him. DS is the kind of villain alot of superheroes would be sorely tempted to off if it weren't for that pesky Code Vs Killing thing. This bitter rivalry comes to a head as DS abucts Gina and publically challenges GB to a final duel atop the tallest building in the city. Fearing things could escalate out of control, you and your team rush to the scene to put the kabash on the whole thing, only to find DS was well prepared to hold you at bay until the showdown was over. DS has Gina in a cage dangling from a crane over the side of the building, with a henchperson at the controls waiting to drop her to her death if you attempt to interfere or her boyfriend fails to show. He also has plenty of armed thugs and other "insurance policies" (choose something appropriate to your group) to keep you occupied during the fight with GB. GB shows up, looking understandably pissed off, and demands that DS release Gina and face him like a man. Trash talk ensues, ending with DS making a crude reamark along the lines of "...and when I'm finished destroying you, I'm going to have some fun with your little precious." and GB replying "We'll see who destroys who, you son of a [exploitive deleted]." A fierce battle begins in earnst (choose one or all of the results of the fight below in your reply). Fight Ending #1: GB totally creams DS despite the later using every dirty trick in the book (and then some) to win. Seeing their boss down and out, DS's henchers flee in cowardice as GB turns his attention to getting Gina down safely from the crane. After Gina is back on solid ground and GB breaks the lock on the cage, cue obgatory embrace and kiss scene. Fight Ending #2: GB puts up a valiant fight, but DS overcomes him through dishonorable tactics. As DS gloats over the mortally wounded GB sprawled at his feet, Gina looks on in tearfull despair. Fight Ending #3: As per #1 except in the midst of the heartwarming smooch fest, DS musters up enough strength to attempt a final shot a GB's back just for spite's sake... Once free to act, WWYCD?
  5. Wormhole


    Re: Taunt I've been considering offering Taunt as an Interaction Skill. It should also be an Everyman Skill on 8- (taunting most people is easy and taunting an animal or a moron is trivialy easy, you mainly need a higher roll for smarter or stronger-willed targets). I'm also thinking it might be logical to assign the following modifiers: +1 to the roll for every 2 INT the target has under 10. -1 to the roll for every 2 INT the target has over 10.
  6. Re: Viperia/Champions matchup: Define Witchcraft's VPP Her best bet to survive this encounter at all is to avoid getting hit. So, I suggest the following: Illusionary Decoys: +6 DCV. 30-points As an added bonus, Viperia wastes attack actions on the decoys, leaving herself open for a surprise pushed Haymaker from Ironclad (if you're using Hit Locations, have him go for a head shot).
  7. Re: WWYCD:One Issue Super Cross over event! After witnessing the horrific deaths of two of his other-earth counterparts, Wormhole temperarily allies himself with Stargaurd and company to thwart a world-eating extradimensional monster. But is the combined might of the Sentinels and the Interdimensional Juvenile Delinquent enough to stop this Lovecraftian horror froming having Earth for breakfast? Pray that it is...
  8. Re: WWYCD: Toy Recall! Air Raider and Hardware would both need help on this one, though Hardware would have little difficulty removing the weapons and replacing them with harmless LEDs once they've been rounded up. Tiger Shark would call in the spooks (i.e. naval intellegence) to help. Wormhole would use his Gatemaster belt's time travel function to nip this one in the bud. Though Wormhole is a villain himself (albeit more of a prankster/thief type than a world-threatening menace/killer), he'd be righteously pissed off at BH for doing something this low to a bunch of kids. In the end, he'd probably toss the little psycho to Nebula so she can send him on his merry way to Durras.
  9. You awaken one morning to find the campaign city is unusually quite...too quite, infact. You soon discover that, except for you, everyone in the area- good, evil, or indifferent- has been transformed into a bobblehead doll. Even your teammates have been "bobble-ized." After an hour of searching the city streets for whoever or whatever is responsible, you encounter a guy wielding a strange looking ray device, wearing a helmet that resembles a giant bobblehead. Upon seeing you, he cackles and says, "Time to complete my collection..." Then he takes a shot at you with the ray device. WWYCD?
  10. Wormhole


    Re: Party! Air Raider: Skydiving and boxing Tiger Shark: Surfing and deep sea fishing. Hardware: Tinkering with any piece of technology he can get his hands on. Unfortunately, he has his "Tim Taylor Moments," such as the time he enhanced an electric leafblower with a Kalverite power pack (his neighbors thought they were being hit by a tornado). Wormhole: Wild parties, listening to heavy metal from alternate Earths, playing pranks on the multiverse at large, beer, snowboarding, and checking out the chicks in the latest issue of Maxim.
  11. You are in the area near Harold's Pawn and Gold (insert character appropriate reason here) when you see the flying vigilante, Air Raider, land in the pawnshop's parking lot. In his left hand is the reciever unit for some kind of tracking device.* From his menacing posture as he approaches the front doors, you know right away that some one in that store is about to be in a world trouble. He approaches the counter, grabs the pawnbroker by the collar of his shirt, and pulls him up face to faceplate. "The diamond earings, who did you buy them from?" Raider demanded, gesturing to the pair of earings in the display. "I-I don't remember. Really, I don't-" Harold said, perspiring and trimbling.** "Don't screw with me, Harry." The vigilante replied, drawing one of his guns. "I've known about the little fense operation you've been running in here for sometime. I've let you slide because, but up until now, I've had bigger fish to fry. So, you can either cut the crap and tell me what I want to know, or I may just move you to the front of the line- right here, right now." Out of the corner of your eye, you spot a fellow slowly slinking toward the shop's fire exit. WWYCD? Highlight Below: *For those with the appropriate senses, a pair of ladies earrings in a display counter are emmitting a tracking signal. **For those with Telepathy or other appropriate power, he's lying. He just bought the earings from a man who is still in the store right now, standing near the store's fire exit. If you read Air Raider's mind, you sense that he was by his girlfriend's apartment in Secret ID earlier this evening. Bridget was missing and the place was in shambles, so he suited up to go out searching for her.
  12. PRIMUS is holding its annual seized property auction to benefit the spouses and children of agents killed in the line duty. Since the agency recently raided a major VIPER nest in the area, there's a huge assortment choice stuff up for bids (no weapons or supergadgets since the auction is open to the general public). Anyone may bid on items by showing up in person, sending a proxy, or bidding online at the agency's website. Items available include: Tons of furnature (couches, chairs, desks, tables, file cabinets, book shelves, lockers, bunkbeds from the barracks, the executive desk toys from the nestleaders office, etc.) All the kitchenwares from the nest's canteen Dozens of laptops and PCs(all the data that was on them has been downloaded and the hard drives erased) Five Italian sports cars (formerly the property of the nestleader) Several industial washing machines and dryers from the nest's laundry room The nestleader's stereo system and personal library of classical music CDs Pinball machines, arcade games, billard tables, and vending machines from the nest's recreation room. An assortment of rare vintages from the nestleader's private stocks Would your character show up to bid? Send a proxy to bid for them? Bid online? Be there incase any villains show up to cause trouble? Take no interest at all? WWYCD?
  13. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Who killed the mayor? A: "You tell that slimy, worm-ridden piece of filth he'll get no such pleasure from us."
  14. You find a mysterious black aircraft has been left parked outside your base (if your group doesn't currently have a base, assume it was left at a location you frequently visit). An envelope bearing your name, or the name of one of your collegues, is taped to one of the landing gears. Inside, you find a typed note that reads: The instruction manual is in the cockpit. Familiarize yourself with this craft and its systems, you will need them very soon. –A Friend Assuming you go inside for a look, there is indeed a seven-inch-thick black book sitting in the pilot's chair. Quickly leafing through the manual, there are sections in it for Flight Controls, Communication Systems and Sensors, Stealth Device, Weapon Systems, etc. If taken for a test flight, the plane's systems all seem to work as detailed in the manual, but you still have no clue who left it for you, or why. Do you look the gift horse in the mouth? WWYCD?
  15. Re: What If . . . Superman A bouncer at a Metropolis nightclub. It might be a bit out of character though, unless he goes on another Red Kryptonite trip....
  16. Re: Wedding Bells Are Ringing! Hardware: Would send them a toaster he enhanced during one of his "Tim Taylor Moments." (just don't get careless with the heat settings )
  17. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What caused this mass destruction? A: Well, they don't go there for the chicken wings.
  18. Re: WWYCD #122 (or so): Strange Visitor
  19. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What movie wasn't quite up to the standard set by Bubba Ho-Tep? A: Dude, you are so screwed it isn't even funny. No, strike that, it is. Mah Ha Ha Ha!
  20. Re: Alternate Earth 26: It’s a Wonderful Life? Hardware: His daughter Lisa would never have been born either, the company he works for would've gone bankrupt and disappeared years ago without his innovations, and street level criminals and low-powered supervillains would've turned Tulsa into their playground. Air Raider: Vegas would become like Hudson City with casinos if Raider wasn't around to keep the underworld in check, Major Roger Briggman would've been killed by Iraqi soldiers during Operation: Desert Storm if Jason hadn't been there to watch his back, and a white slavery ring would've sold Bridget and a bunch of other young women to a sheik in the Middle East if they hadn't had a run-in with Sin City's Most Feared Viglante. Tiger Shark: The U.S. Navy would have to do without one of their greatest superhuman assets and Hawaii would be wholy controlled by the Yakuza and like groups.
  21. Re: WWYCD #122 (or so): Strange Visitor Re: Air Raider and lethal force... The rules on whether or not Air Raider kills a particular criminal are as follows: Rapists, murders, violent armed robbers, terrorists, and higher-ups in the mafia generally get shot on sight. Drug dealers, gang-bangers, and pimps get the crap beaten out of them and left duct-taped to the nearest police station on the first go around; and get shot the next time Raider catches them. Common thieves and other lesser criminals get a very stern warning for first offenses (20 PRE plus +3d6 for Reputation), a brutal beating on second offenses, and a bullet through the head on their "third strike." ...and anyone who messes with Bridget will automatically meet with a messy and extremely unpleasant demise.
  22. Re: WWYCD #122 (or so): Strange Visitor here's the info on some of my characters: Air Raider: A ruthless viglante operating mostly in Los Vegas, Nevada. Raider is equiped with a rocket pack, armored stealth suit, and an arsenel of lethal weaponry (basically, a dark and grim version of Rocketeer). He has a background as an ace fighter pilot in the USAF and has a contact within Air Force intellegence in the form of Major Roger Briggman (Briggman supplied him with the rocket, the stealth suit, and some of his weapons). Works as a civillian flight instructor in secret ID. Air Raider's first official viglante act was to hunt down a kill a wannabe gang banger that attack Bridget, his girlfriend. Bridget is the only thing in his life he cares about more than his crimefighting career and he goes to great lengths to safeguard her, even doing some questionable things in the process. Indeed, if any tragedy were to befall Bridget, her death would make him an even grimmer, scarier character than he already is. Hardware: A superintellect and gadgeteer who works for a high tech company by day and fights street-level crime by night. Hardware recently found out he was a mutant when he was attacked by IHA forces. In secret ID, he's an approachable fellow with a love for technology and is a single father of a teenager daughter named Lisa (who is also a latent mutant). Tiger Shark: Was part of a Navy SEAL team sent to raid one of Teleios' secret labs near Hawaii. They were capture, most of his friends died in experiments the evil scientist performed on them, and he was turned into a man-shark by a mutagenic concoction containing shark DNA. He eventually broke free of Teleios' control and rejoined the Navy, resolving to make him pay for killing his buddies. Tiger Shark is an aquatic brick with an arsenel pool (only change at HQ). One of his fondest wishes is to find a way to be restored to human form while retaining the ability to become the man-shark when needed.
  23. For info on the Toymaker, see this thread. You recieve word that the Toymaker's workshop was raided by ARGENT agents and a couple of hireling villains. The thugs beat up Toymaker and two of his assistants, trashed the shop, stole a large percentage of his merchandise, and even stole the newly retrofitted Slingshot VTOL Jet he had been working on for the Champions team. After recovering from his injuries, Toymaker offers to build one million dollars worth of gadgetry pro bono for whoever recovers his wares for him and makes life a living hell for ARGENT. WWYCD?
  24. Re: WWYCD? #113: What If God Was One Of Us? Hardware: Restore things to the way they should be then put the glove away where he won't have to worry about someone else "playing God." Tiger Shark: After giving himself the ability to asume his human form again, same as Hardware. "A few thousand feet below sea level should do the trick..." Air Raider: With the kind of upbringing Jason had, the entire universe now looks like a bad episode of The Andy Griffith Show or Ozzie and Harriet.
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