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Everything posted by eepjr24

  1. Print is rather out at the moment, honestly. I greatly prefer PDF because it is easily searchable (important when you have close to 1,000 pages of material to search), portable, less expensive and easy to quote pieces for reference. You are welcome to your view, everyone is. Mine is stated above. - E
  2. I can see going either way on this, depending on the campaign. To me it's kind of like knowing how to use a blast and then learning to add to it through a focus. 2 point KS just does not seem to cover it all. For example, if you know Jujutsu, learning to use it with a sword would involve using a sword with a sacrifice throw and a str+v/5 target falls, along with learning sword disarm techniques and sword blocks, at a minimum. That seems like a lot in a heroic setting. In a superhero setting? Totally possible. - E
  3. I prefer the current system of using 6e1 and 6e2, since in my mind they are the most complete rule set currently available for purchase for the Hero System. - E
  4. Real life example of something you could put in the guide: http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/environment/dead_man_s_fingers_found_in_sheringham_park_1_4541034
  5. I don't see the bit I quoted in your CC blurb? It excludes Mind Control, does it not? Which the cumulative bit overrides? In any case, I was speaking more generally, I should have been clearer. There have been several cases recently where the rule referenced was not in the more "concise" rules books but did exist in the 6e 1 or 2. I am more in favor of offering them through PoD or the like than shifting the answers to the less complete version. - E
  6. That would be difficult since the answers don't exist in the books that are available in hardcopy. - E
  7. And we have an answer: http://www.herogames.com/forums/topic/93422-would-cumulative-alert-the-target-of-a-mental-attack/ First tick, they become aware, unless IPE prevents it.
  8. Silambam, Escrima / Kali, Hanbo, Jukendo, Nguni. There are other arts, those are just the ones I have heard of. Also don't have HSEG handy, so I can't easily check the strikes on those arts. - E
  9. I generally don't do straight damage caps in heroic games (too arbitrary for my tastes). I do think that normal weapons are breakable and usually just use something like this: Base weapon damage + DC of (20 STR - STR min for weapon) = Nd6. N x 2 = normal weapon capacity for damage. So we'll use the staff that you listed, 4d6 + 2dc = 6d6. So 12 Body is the most a normal staff can handle. A Staff has 4 body. So anything above 12 body starts to damage the staff. When you have a single attack hit 16 body, the staff breaks or becomes otherwise no usable as an effective weapon. If you manage to get your hands on a magical staff then maybe you can dish some major damage, but opponents can have magical armor and weapons too.... - E
  10. "I thought that was where you would be standing" - Naked Indirect advantage bought for the max AP of one of your attacks, RSR: Deduction. Used to bounce your attacks from an unexpected angle due to predicting where someone would be standing and using the objects that are around them. "Oh, did you think I would be standing there?" - +N DCV (apply whatever other limitations you want), Must be able to perceive attack (-1/2), RSR: Deduction "Glass jaw, eh?" - Analyze Physical Complications (vulnerabilities, susceptibilities, etc). "I see you favor Twisted Monkey technique" - Analyze combat style (bonus to attacks and defense against target). You could also use Security Systems to set up traps in advance, use KS and AK of areas with tactics to gain further combat advantages or surprise. - E
  11. Honestly, I have no real preference between the two methods, but I will also not try to tell a player that his concept is invalid because it does not fit some notion (real world physics, my personal bias, or whatever else). If he wants to buid it with charges, it is completely legal and just fine with me. You can obviously do as you like in your games. =) I agree with you that CC is incomplete, so I won't be looking for arguments against your logic that it is flawed. - E
  12. I don't get why charges seem hokey to you here? The belt has 8 modules, each of which contain the "juice" for one blast. They don't recharge in the field, only in the lab where there is a "Juice Generator" . - E
  13. It's stretching the definition of Lockout, but I would allow it if that was what the character wanted to go with. Probably at a -1 value instead of -1/2. - E
  14. Actually, if you read the Dispel carefully, it can be used to dispel focused powers that are not in use. Essentially, you are "breaking" the focus in some way, exactly how that works can be defined by the SFX. 6e1, 195.
  15. I read 6e 14 and it did not answer my question directly, but maybe I am missing it. In the attached graphic, if actor B is inside a darkness to Mental group: 1. Can actor A target actor C with Mind Scan? 2. If I have Clairsentience with Actor A as my viewing point, can I see Actor B or C? Thanks! - E
  16. 25 Energy Blast 10d6 vs. ED (electricity). 10 Charges (-1/4), Limited Range (10", -1/4), OIF (gauntlet and belt, -1/2). Active 50, Real 25. 13 Energy Blast 8d6. Explosion (+1/2), Tine Delay (+1/4). 1 Charge (-2), OIF (belt power cell, -1/2), Side Effect: Always occurs when power is used, 20d6 Dispel vs above Electrical EB, Standard Effect (60 AP) (-2) 70 Active, 13 Real. - E
  17. Hrm. You both seem to have strong opinions on the issue (how surprising on the Hero boards!), but I think you are both interpreting things a little too literally. Rule of X or Campaign Guidelines can accomplish the same things and either can be restricting or allow a great amount of freedom. They can even be used together in some cases. It sounds like Ghost has seen lots of Rule of X where they were set up in a way to be very prescriptive and only allow for a limited variety of builds that were effective (ala a "class" system). And it sounds like Tholomyes is perhaps used to people always having the ability maxing to campaign limits if they desire, creating the "everyone is the same" effect. That is not always the case with well designed Campaign Guidelines either. You can set guidelines that you can only afford to max one or two things in. Anyway, I just thought I'd chime in and say maybe some examples of what you each consider "bad" would clear the air? - E
  18. Plus even if you don't get new ones I am betting there will be widespread panic at least on the first anniversary. Awesome time for those with ill intentions to be making mischief. - E
  19. Interesting opinion, but it's just that. I don't specifically use Rule of X, but I do use campaign guidelines. Do you have the same opinion of those? Because in combination with starting points they really work out to a complex rule of X that covers all possible stats and powers. - E
  20. Assuming the group mentalist has Mental Awareness, why would he simply not see the attacks? Or are the IPE? Also, I am assuming you let them buy the Dispel vs Mind Control even though it is specifically called out as not usable? 6e1, 127 and 152. - E
  21. Huh? First I don't get your math: 3 * 2.25 = 6.75 which is 7 AP, which means 4 AP if you already have the running, not 3. Second, I don't get your logic? I am guessing you are talking about Invisible Power Effects here? If so, Running is only visible to 2 groups to start with I believe? Not sure on the math for your limitations, it looks like 5e and I am using 6e. But in any case, making 3" of running IPE does nothing to disguise your features or make you unmemorable. Al it would do it make people not perceive your method of getting from one place to another place if you move slowly. It might even make them more curious about you, since that is a very odd happening. - E
  22. Also take a look at Wildcards. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wild_Cards
  23. Something like this? (6e build) CE: -4 to Sight Per Roll, 0 End (+1/2), AOE Radius: 16m (+3/4) (16 Active Points); Only perception checks against me (-1), Only to make features unmemorable (-1) 5 RP Basically, everyone sees your features as if they were viewed from about 100 feet away.
  24. A fence. Probably a money changer / jeweler / assayer. Most likely a stable. Possibly a butcher / slaughter yard. - E
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