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Everything posted by eepjr24

  1. And you are then into GM Fiat or House rules. Like I said, It scales upward fine, downward to a certain point well and less so after. I know from other topics you don't agree here and that is fine. I don't need for use to agree. Just for others to realize that there are a variety of opinions on the issue. FYI, Borribles exist in the human world and interact with them in various ways, so you can't just switch to 10 body for Borribles without significant shift upward in human and other objects bodies. The impacts are wide ranging, not a simple hand wave if you want to have mechanics that work broadly and well the way they do in Hero System normally. Can it be done? Yes. Is it trivial or even easy? No. - E
  2. Yes, really. Try running something like The Borribles where you have creatures that have "body" that is at a much lower scale than humans (ratio is more like 10 body for a Borrible = <1 body for a human). You either have to completely change the scale of things (scale up body for humans) or home brew how the lower level damages work between Borribles and other creatures on the same scale. - E
  3. I still don't get why people don't just buy the PDF and have a copy printed and bound however they like locally? DOJ is clearly fine with that model. Who cares if it is "in print" (an outdated concept at this point, since it used to define the actual availability of the content and that is no longer true) or not as long as you can get a hard copy whenever you want? Even better, you can customize it to only print the bits you want (like the powers sections) and leave the rest electronic for when you need to reference it. - E
  4. To a certain point. I think once you get down to gritty heroic settings it can get stretched thin because it scales less well downward than upward. You can balance it around a lower baseline but at that point you are definitely into home brew or GM fiat, which works fine in Hero but also works well in many systems.
  5. 6e1, pg 50 I would probably go with exactly that, as long as it was not something that had very frequent impact. Items that raise stats above some cap (probably 30ish) would end up paying double, but it seldom matters since the items in question would be GM created. Edit: To the skill question. 6e Skill, pg 7 - E
  6. One minor quibble, #3 is actually an optional rule. Very commonly used in FH, but optional. So make sure to talk to your GM. - E
  7. Just use the Skill roll based on alternate characteristics on 6e1, 55?
  8. For just having binoculars I think what you gave was about right. With training, laser range finder, wind gauge, etc I would give more range modification PSL's. More info: https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/1r4irz/eli5why_does_a_sniper_need_a_spotter_when_both_of/
  9. You can be quite generic with a single summon power if you need to. Just something like: Summon 200 point demon (or Class 1 / Category X / Type Z), with the Arrives Under Own Power (-1/2) to simulate that they must be in the area already. Once they are there, transform or Demon Binding or whatever other method you choose can be used. - E
  10. When you agree with someone who is wrong, that just makes you wrong as well. 6e is the latest version of the rules. CC is a subset of those rules.
  11. I don't know the referenced characters, so is autofire on STR at the 2-3 level excessive? Maybe just some +HA to simulate it? Levels with block / deflection? Images at 2 frames per second? Flash defense (sight) on an activation roll? Mental Defense, mind is always spinning?
  12. And suppress IS drain in the 6e rules, so that might be different now. - E
  13. That sounds quite nifty. I would probably go with just 16 boostable charges (+1/4) on the MP and then No Boosting (-1/4) and 10 Charges (-1/4) on the first slot. Then you always have at least a 12d6 explosion with the belt, more if there are unused Gauntlet blast charges. - E
  14. Not my understanding at all of the effect of IPE. Just instead of having some obvious method of gliding from point A to point B the IPE would not be obviously power driven, would not be perceivable (the POWER, not the character) in 2 or more sense groups as per normal, would not have an obvious SFX, and could not tell the "intensity" of the power. All of these are normally perceivable about a power without IPE. Here is a snippet from 6e 125, I am sure there is an equivalent in the 5e books.
  15. And you can also add Physical Manifestation to make it possible for others to interfere with the demon as it tries to carry out it's tasks. - E
  16. I think he means the optional and standard maneuvers (haymakers are actually easier to land for lower dex characters, brace is easier if everyone else has already attacked, etc) plus the option to hold a phase, lightning reflexes (which is both cheap and granular and can be cheaper with additional limitations), surprise, aborts, etc.
  17. It won't. =) If you post the powers here I (or other herophiles) can help out with the specifics. - E
  18. It will work fine in combat if you can get a GM to approve it. You are 2 levels into "GM Approval required", with Suppress and 0 End to Maintain. With the 0 end to maintain you have to set a common way for someone to recover from the suppress, which turns it off instantly. So for instance if it is flames, they can douse themselves in water, spend a round rolling on the ground, etc. It would still cost END every phase, just not to maintain on every target. Continuous is no more in 6e, it is called Constant. I think you should do a good bit of reading on page 197, 6e1.
  19. I agree. You can "dumb down" Hero SPD / Initiative to be very D&D like in many aspects by simply having a set SPD chart and then use how much you make a DEX roll by as your initiative to add randomness. You can reset that every phase or turn as you desire. But unmodified SPD with the other tools mentioned elsewhere (holding phases, delayed phases, extra segment / phase, lightning reflexes, haymakers, etc) the Hero system is much more versatile and variable than D&D. - E
  20. 6e1, 383. You can link a larger to a smaller with GM permission for -1/4 less limitation. Or you can jointly link them for no additional modification (always must be used together), rules reference on same page. - E
  21. Uncontrolled means it keeps working even if you fall unconscious, get stunned, etc. It also requires you to feed it endurance when you turn it on and runs until that END is used up. Not sure that is the effect you want. Not sure how you are getting 10 AP for that? 5*3.5 = 17.5 or 17 AP. You cannot take "Others Only" on an Damage Shield attack, it is intrinsically part of the power. If you drop uncontrolled, it goes down to 15 AP. Just FYI, it would cost you 2 END per phase to keep this shield up. And then an additional 2 END per person hit. So lets say 6 villains agents hit you. That phase, you will spend 14 END on the damage shield. - E
  22. Women of High Intellect Seeking Patriarchy Exposure and Removal
  23. In the end, reasoning from SFX tends to be the way that I figure out how to model a power. What are the demons, actually? Are they generally just a set of powers? When you say they can break out, how often does that realistically happen? Enough to make it an actual roll when you ask them to do something? Or when you ask them to do something they are opposed to? What are the limitations on how many demons you can bind? As to the point of acquiring new demons needing the character to have a pool of points available, yes, that seems reasonable. Unless you decide to construct the demons as something that you bind and then gradually have to learn how to control or employ correctly. If demons come and go easily, I would go with something like a Perk: Demon Binder. If they are likely something a player keeps either forever or usually for a very long time then they need to build it as a follower or as a set of powers with the Physical Manifestation limitation. If it is somewhere in the middle, I would go with a combination of the perk, plus a transform, possibly with another perk per demon like Perk: Bound Demon. You will need to get some campaign limitations and rules in place for those perks, how they are acquired, how much they cost, how many demons can be controlled, what the methods are for escaping or breaking the transform. Then you have to think about people "curing" the transform, how that works, what the demons will want when freed, etc. - E
  24. I know we have a number of veterans of various stripes on here. I just wanted to a take a moment out of our regular forum posts to say thanks to the women and men who have served and those who have lost someone in service. You are not forgotten. - E
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