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Everything posted by eepjr24

  1. I am guessing you have not played D&D 5e, where sleeping overnight restores all your HP? - E
  2. On the enhance disease if modeled as a KA I would probably go with AVAD vs Power Defense. To my mind it fits the SFX better. Without it, to me, it would seem more like a spray of caustic infectious liquid that could be stopped by armor or the like. - E
  3. I like what dsatow said, just as long as you allow a variety of ways to solve a problem. Or if Peter Parker decided to set up monitors on his hidden cameras to detect the frequency range, etc of the mental waves being used. And then modified his mask to interfere with them: MD, self. Or if Peter Parker decided to set up monitors on his hidden cameras to detect the frequency range, etc of the mental waves being used. And then modified his web to interfere with them: MD, UBO or self (wrap web around head) plus possibly suppress mental powers (wrap web around the mentalists head). etc. - E
  4. This one is obviously down to personal taste. For me, if a player can come up with a reasonable explanation for how they are developing said power, I generally don't have big problems with it. But if they guidelines in 4e worked for you.... USE THEM! You are the GM and you need to plan your campaign around rules that work for you. Flip side, make sure that there is enough flexibility in your rules for both you and the players to have fun. - E
  5. Yeah, I had to reread it as well. 5e was never my primary edition for a game, so... 5e 248
  6. Needs UBO. And I am not sure what other GM's use when granting skills to others, but I use the same limitations as if it was in a focus, so it starts at a 9- roll. Other than that, though, I like your construct, I am going to look at modifying it a skosh to base the "Perception" roll on Ego instead, to fit the spell concept. Something like: Sanctuary: Concealment 15-, Subject to Perception vs. Concealment rolls (+0), Uses EGO for Perception base roll (+1/4), UBO (+1/4) (29 Active Points) OIF: Holy Symbol (-1/2), Ends if target attacks or casts a spell (-1), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Time Limit: 1 Minute (-2), Limited Range: 10m (-1/4) 5 Real Points Except that allows the caster to cast a spell 10 times, not give out berries that can be used out of his sight / range. Had a good bit of discussion on this one and I am still not happy with the constructs I have seen. But I can admittedly be rather picky about things. - E
  7. You state your opinion clearly, but are not correct on the rules. I use 6e, so here you go: It goes on to state that you can use Dive for Cover to avoid it. That is true in 5e as well. The two versions do differ in that 5e allows you to dodge accurate attacks, 6e does not. - E
  8. XDM? I'd have to see exactly what you were trying to do to guess more than that. Strikes me as rather like Astral combat. - E
  9. 6d6 would get you 21 Ego on average, just enough to make major changes to the setting. But that's without throwing in the AOE needed to make it affect a large enough area. If I was going to go that route I would probably use images instead, versus sight and sounds maybe, area of effect hex, -3 or 4 to PER checks is probably about what you could get. EDIT: Corrected, thanks Marcus. - E
  10. I would probably let that work without a problem as is. They are spending their personal "mana" to recharge the staff's "mana". I would not use it as the only method unless that was part of the build of a magic system. And in that case I would expect people to buy lots of END and as much as they could down to 1/2 or 0 END for personal powers. - E
  11. FYI, G3taso, I think you are still playing with 5e, the "all Non-combat Skills" levels there cost 8 not 10.
  12. Agreed. If that happens for whatever reason I generally let the player reuse the points somehow.
  13. It's fine to add Complications later if that fits the game flow or character concept. You just don't get additional points for them. - E
  14. Generally I would let the player work to right whatever made them lose the wealth as a first option. After all, it was introduced as a plot point, let it play out. Maybe they end up deciding that what it takes to get the wealth back is not worth it. Or maybe they come up with a clever scheme to trick it back into their hands. Either way, the plot thickens. If they don't manage to get it back within a couple sessions I would talk with the player to see how they feel about it, if it needs to be some stroke of luck or other event out of the blue that restores it or if they would rather role play "fighting back" to their station in life. - E
  15. If I want to construct armor that is easily penetrated by part of an attack, even if the dice do not exceed the defense, would that just be a custom limitation? I am looking for basically the opposite of Penetrating, it grants attacks against this armor that advantage. My personal leaning would be toward a -1/4 limitation if it affected any attacks, but I sometimes have a tendency to undervalue limitations and wanted to get your take. Examples: Leaky Armor 10 Resistant Protection: 6 PD, 6 ED (18 Active Points), OIF (-1/2), Easily Penetrated (-1/4) Poorly Insulated Armor 11 Resistant Protection: 6 PD, 6 ED (18 Active Points), OIF (-1/2), [Easily Penetrated (-1/4) (-3.6 Active Points) Only versus Cold and Electrical Attacks (-1 1/2)] - E
  16. For next steps on the armor you could probably switch the leaping charges to boostable fuel charges. Flares are another possibility. Maybe a night vision visor? - E
  17. I second having cultural or background packages as a requirement. I try to keep them around 15 points and give suggestions for some complications that fit that background (generally not required, one or two may have a required). The current set I am using is from D&D 5e, but they are not system specific and can give you some ideas. These are done in Hero 6e, but again, should be trivial to convert if you need them in 4e or 5e. http://www.killershrike.com/FantasyHERO/Contributions/eepjr24/Templates/Background/
  18. DNPC is much broader than just a kidnap victim, though. They cause trouble for the PC's identity, call attention to things that the PC would prefer remained quiet, give a bargaining chip to anyone in the know, etc. This is a focus complication that contributes to their role, I would allow it. Up to the GM of course. - E
  19. 15 Hunted: Kidnapper Du Jour (More Powerful, Frequently, Mildly Punish: Kidnap)
  20. /agree And you are doing nothing more than is recommended on 6e2, pg 47 and removing characteristics that you don't want to use in the case of PD and ED. And then set the campaign limit on DN, DR, Resistant Defenses, etc appropriately (perhaps to 0, perhaps only for certain effects). - E
  21. By itself? No great in game value. With some KS's added and possible a PS: Molecular Science you could probably use it to figure out things that would and would not work on an opponent, assuming that the molecules were terrestrial and/or known. You could also use it with Forensics to do things like read the body oils on a surface to "see" fingerprints, see and identify residues, pollens, and other minutae that could provide clues. - E
  22. You would need about 14-15 levels of magnification to see down to average electron radius: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classical_electron_radius Probably want Partially Penetrative on it as well? - E
  23. Hrm. I may go back and look at your second method. This particular case is not a matter of how magic works, this is a curse by a god or other powerful entity on a person or bloodline. To make it available you choose a particular background, so it would really need to be part of your character concept. I ended up with a Susceptibility to Healing, 2d6, only up to amount healed. But I think I'll do the math and see if it is close on a negative power. - E
  24. Unfortunately, elementary school mathematics is not as common as it should be. Even when I was in high school it was lacking. I worked in a fast food place and we had register problems, the software would not allow them to boot up. When that happened there were only 2 people in the store (me and the manager) who could count change fast enough to run a register. Just sad. - E
  25. Ah. Then I will just second this bit from Wardsmen: I draw from the sources that inspire me, which tends to be books I enjoy rereading. The Deed of Paksennation, The Dresden Files, Terry Pratchett novels, Edgar Allen Poe, etc. - E
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