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  1. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Can two be as sad as one? A: 4 zeppelins, 2 mad hatters, and BLT minus the tomatoes.
  2. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... Finally got around to reading Bester's The Demolished Man. A good read, though I think I was too built up by the general review of it being one of the best.sci-fi novels.evar. and was let down a little. But I do understand why it is one of the classics of sci-fi. I also recently read Perdido Street Station and The Scar by China Mieville. Described as 'weird urban british fantasy', they are also good reads. Some good ideas worth stealing for games inside of them.
  3. Re: Anatomy of a diorama Cool stuff. I look forward to seeing the finnished work at GenCon. Though I do agree with an earlier poster, you need the bathroom doors in the dungeon somewhere. (or at least some other humourous piece in there somewhere.)
  4. Re: Your scenario style I have a long running superhero world with various campaigns that have taken place on it over the years. Mostly multi-session stories in a campaign with subplots that can span across stories. Sometimes there are also single session stories in a campaign. I've also had stories cross campaigns. Both multi-session and one shot. Sometimes one-shots with random characters from various campaigns doing odd ball things. Most of my campaigns are open-ended with no real end intended for them, they just eventually run out when they run out. I really tend to think of my world as a comic book company (Marvel or DC) and the comics as campaigns, and run my games much like those comic books, with multi-arc stories, crossovers and such. Though I haven't figured out how to do multiple covers yet... Though there have been other games/campaigns with variety in session length/ story length/ subplots , beginning/ending all that. In general I prefer the open-ended campaign, and that's mostly what I play in. Though the occasional one-shot or limited series is cool too.
  5. Re: 5d6 Hero ooo, nice. Thanks. I like the capacity for more variation, though I wonder at the hassle (or not) of rolling 5 dice instead of 3.
  6. Re: WWYD if you could recieve ONE super power What he said. But the life support would be more than the immortality. You could do deep sea diving with no equipment. Rescues, salvage, whatever. Fire rescues would be much easier too, no need for breathing and no problem with the heat, though you'd probably have to be careful with the actual fire.
  7. Re: Hero Boot as a Headquarters bwahaha
  8. Re: Song Parodies Liking the original song, "Hero in your soul", really made me chuckle.
  9. Re: Miami Vice Manhunter is a definately under-appreciated movie. I'm also in that club of people who weren't into the TV show, but at least this look a decent remake and I do want to see it.
  10. Re: Outside the HERO Box I can see the idea in making even more generic powers. But like Bloodstone goes into above, making packages from those even more 'generic ' powers would be the way to go. Except I'm already doing that with some of the the powers we've already got. Like many other people I've read about, I've split Regeneration back into its owen power rather than make it a construct off of Healing. So there comes a point where making these generic powers doesn't become worth it. You have to decide if your time is best spent creating more generic powers and all the headaches that go from there, or stick with what you have and grow from there, streamling as you see a more important need that is worth your time. On the original OP's subject, I think many people have different 'eye-opening' moments in HERO. I think my really big one was when I really grocked the concept of the whole superskill idea. You can have powers and just make them be super skills. I think I first did it when emulating David Bowie's character from 'Into the Night', when I bought a teleport to represent his super stealth, but I didn't really understood what I was doing until years later.
  11. Re: The Night of the 1001 Character Pics… Cool work. Are the zip file links somewhere and I'm just missing them or what?
  12. Re: What I learn playing a GM. Regardless of how smart your players are, they become stupid and paranoid once they start playing. Remember this... (as a player too! This also leads into, sometimes a clue is obvious to you as a GM, but the players just. don't. get. it. Throw the clue at them three times just to be sure. And it it's really important, just hit them on the head with it. If you _want_ the players to see something, don't have them make perception rolls, just have them see it.
  13. Re: The building blocks of the universe. There is a fantasy novel by Sharon Green called "The Far Side of Forever". In it the magicians did their thing by seeing things (atoms? this uberdna you refer to) and then describing them you can do magic (the alter you mention above). So sure, I once played a character based onthis concept. I had a vpp for enhanced senses only, and then a multipower with my various powers with that description as my special effects. Incantations were the descriptions and gestures were shorthand, thus the phrase " a gesture is worth a thousand words". There was also 'black' magic. Which wasn't inherently evil, just very dangerous and hard to explain from the book (it's been awhile since I've read it). It was when you were trying to describe things that didn't 'exist' or concepts. Like trying to describe the square root of -1 version in that language, (okay okay you can you geometric interpretation, but that's more difficult, so, see, more difficult.)
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